WIP: Sample rate conversion

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Wolf 2020-01-05 14:57:42 +01:00
parent 59845f9094
commit c4067b3891
3 changed files with 299 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
package com.rhubarb_lip_sync.audio
import java.io.InputStream
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.round
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
typealias CoeffArray = FloatArray
const val SRC_MAX_RATIO = 256
inline class FixedPoint constructor(private val value: Int) {
companion object {
private const val SHIFT_BITS = 12
private const val FP_ONE = (1 shl SHIFT_BITS).toDouble()
private const val INV_FP_ONE = 1.0 / FP_ONE
fun fromDouble(doubleValue: Double) = FixedPoint((doubleValue * FP_ONE).roundToInt())
fun fromInt(intValue: Int) = FixedPoint(intValue shl SHIFT_BITS)
val ZERO = fromInt(0)
fun toInt() = value shr SHIFT_BITS
fun toDouble() = getFractionPart() * INV_FP_ONE
private fun getFractionPart() = value and ((1 shl SHIFT_BITS) - 1)
operator fun plus(other: FixedPoint) = FixedPoint(value + other.value)
operator fun minus(other: FixedPoint) = FixedPoint(value - other.value)
operator fun div(other: FixedPoint) = value / other.value
operator fun times(other: Int) = FixedPoint(value * other)
operator fun compareTo(other: FixedPoint) = value.compareTo(other.value)
fun InputStream.readLittleEndianInt32() = read() or (read() shl 8) or (read() shl 16) or (read() shl 24)
class SincFilter(val inputSampleRate: Int, val outputSampleRate: Int) {
val ratio = outputSampleRate.toDouble() / inputSampleRate
init {
if (ratio < (1.0 / SRC_MAX_RATIO) || ratio > (1.0 * SRC_MAX_RATIO)) {
throw Error("SRC ratio outside [1/$SRC_MAX_RATIO, $SRC_MAX_RATIO] range.")
var last_position: Double = 0.0
var in_count: Int = 0
var in_used: Int = 0
var out_count: Int = 0
var out_gen: Int = 0
companion object {
// Load coefficients from resource
val index_inc: Int
val coeffs: CoeffArray
val coeff_half_len: Int
init {
// Load coefficient data from stream
val stream = ::SincFilter.javaClass.getResourceAsStream("coeffs.bin")
check(stream != null) { "Error loading coefficients." }
index_inc = stream.readLittleEndianInt32()
val floatBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(stream.readBytes())
.also { it.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) }
val coeffCount = floatBuffer.limit()
coeffs = CoeffArray(coeffCount).also { floatBuffer.get(it) }
coeff_half_len = coeffCount - 2
var b_current: Int = 0
var b_end: Int = 0
var b_real_end: Int = -1
val b_len: Int = run {
var length = 3 * ((coeff_half_len + 2.0) / index_inc * SRC_MAX_RATIO + 1).roundToInt()
length = max(length, 4096)
// There is a <= check against samples_in_hand requiring a buffer bigger than the calculation above
length += 1
return@run length
val buffer: SampleArray = SampleArray(b_len + 1 /* 1 channel */)
fun process(data: Data) {
in_count = data.data_in.size
out_count = data.data_out.size
in_used = 0
out_gen = 0
// Check the sample rate ratio wrt the buffer len.
var count: Double = (coeff_half_len + 2.0) / index_inc
if (ratio < 1.0) count /= ratio
/* Maximum coefficientson either side of center point. */
val half_filter_chan_len: Int = count.roundToInt() + 1
var input_index: Double = last_position
var rem: Double = fmod_one (input_index)
b_current = (b_current + (input_index - rem).roundToInt()) % b_len
input_index = rem
val terminate: Double = 1.0 / ratio + 1e-20
/* Main processing loop. */
while (out_gen < out_count) {
/* Need to reload buffer? */
var samples_in_hand: Int = (b_end - b_current + b_len) % b_len
if (samples_in_hand <= half_filter_chan_len) {
prepare_data(data, half_filter_chan_len)
samples_in_hand = (b_end - b_current + b_len) % b_len
if (samples_in_hand <= half_filter_chan_len) break
/* This is the termination condition. */
if (b_real_end >= 0) {
if (b_current + input_index + terminate > b_real_end) break
val float_increment: Double = index_inc * (if (ratio < 1.0) ratio else 1.0)
val increment: FixedPoint = FixedPoint.fromDouble(float_increment)
val start_filter_index: FixedPoint = FixedPoint.fromDouble(input_index * float_increment)
data.data_out[out_gen] = ((float_increment / index_inc) * calc_output_single (increment, start_filter_index)).toFloat()
/* Figure out the next index. */
input_index += 1.0 / ratio
rem = fmod_one(input_index)
b_current = (b_current + (input_index - rem).roundToInt()) % b_len
input_index = rem
last_position = input_index
data.input_frames_used = in_used
data.output_frames_gen = out_gen
private fun prepare_data (data: Data, half_filter_chan_len: Int) {
if (b_real_end >= 0) return
var len: Int = 0
if (b_current == 0) {
// Initial state.
// Set up zeros at the start of the buffer and then load new data after that.
len = b_len - 2 * half_filter_chan_len
b_current = half_filter_chan_len
b_end = half_filter_chan_len
} else if (b_end + half_filter_chan_len + 1 /* 1 channel */ < b_len) {
/* Load data at current end position. */
len = max(b_len - b_current - half_filter_chan_len, 0)
} else {
/* Move data at end of buffer back to the start of the buffer. */
len = b_end - b_current
System.arraycopy(buffer, b_current - half_filter_chan_len, buffer, 0, half_filter_chan_len + len)
b_current = half_filter_chan_len
b_end = b_current + len
/* Now load data at current end of buffer. */
len = max(b_len - b_current - half_filter_chan_len, 0)
len = min(in_count - in_used, len)
check(len >= 0 && b_end + len <= b_len) { "Internal error: Bad length in prepare_data()." }
System.arraycopy(data.data_in, in_used, buffer, b_end, len)
b_end += len
in_used += len
if (in_used == in_count && b_end - b_current < 2 * half_filter_chan_len && data.end_of_input) {
// Handle the case where all data in the current buffer has been consumed and this is
// the last buffer.
if (b_len - b_end < half_filter_chan_len + 5) {
/* If necessary, move data down to the start of the buffer. */
len = b_end - b_current
System.arraycopy(buffer, b_current - half_filter_chan_len, buffer, 0, half_filter_chan_len + len)
b_current = half_filter_chan_len
b_end = b_current + len
b_real_end = b_end
len = half_filter_chan_len + 5
if (len < 0 || b_end + len > b_len) {
len = b_len - b_end
buffer.fill(0.0f, b_end, len)
b_end += len
private fun calc_output_single(increment: FixedPoint, start_filter_index: FixedPoint): Double {
var fraction: Double
var icoeff: Double
var data_index: Int
var coeff_count: Int
var indx: Int
/* Convert input parameters into fixed point. */
val max_filter_index = FixedPoint.fromInt(coeff_half_len)
/* First apply the left half of the filter. */
var filter_index: FixedPoint = start_filter_index
coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment
filter_index += increment * coeff_count
data_index = b_current - coeff_count
var left = 0.0
do {
if (data_index >= 0) {
/* Avoid underflow access to buffer. */
fraction = filter_index.toDouble()
indx = filter_index.toInt()
icoeff = coeffs [indx] + fraction * (coeffs[indx + 1] - coeffs[indx])
left += icoeff * buffer[data_index]
filter_index -= increment
data_index += 1
} while (filter_index >= FixedPoint.ZERO)
/* Now apply the right half of the filter. */
filter_index = increment - start_filter_index
coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment
filter_index += increment * coeff_count
data_index = b_current + 1 + coeff_count
var right = 0.0
do {
fraction = filter_index.toDouble()
indx = filter_index.toInt()
icoeff = coeffs[indx] + fraction * (coeffs[indx + 1] - coeffs[indx])
right += icoeff * buffer[data_index]
filter_index -= increment
data_index -= 1
} while (filter_index > FixedPoint.ZERO)
return left + right
class Data(val data_in: SampleArray, val data_out: SampleArray, val end_of_input: Boolean) {
var input_frames_used: Int = 0
var output_frames_gen: Int = 0
fun fmod_one (x: Double): Double {
val res = x - round(x)
return if (res < 0.0) res + 1.0 else res

Binary file not shown.

scripts/generateCoeffs.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"""Generates coeffs.bin file from one of the three coefficient files that come with libsamplerate."""
from re import search, findall
import struct
from array import array
# 'fastest_coeffs.h', 'mid_qual_coeffs.h', or 'high_qual_coeffs.h'
input_file_name = 'mid_qual_coeffs.h'
coeffs = None
with open(input_file_name, 'r') as input_file:
content = input_file.read()
# Read increment
increment = int(search(r"=\s*\{\s*(\d+)", content).group(1))
# Read coefficients
coeffs = [float(coeffString) for coeffString in findall(r"-?\d+\.\d+e[-+]\d+", content)]
# ...add a final zero coefficient
with open('coeffs.bin', 'wb') as output_file:
output_file.write(struct.pack('i', increment))
array('f', coeffs).tofile(output_file)