Implement WaveFileReader

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Wolf 2019-11-04 20:23:32 +01:00
parent a84c3a0146
commit 59845f9094
29 changed files with 868 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import java.lang.RuntimeException
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Path
* Creates an [AudioSource] representing the specified WAVE file.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the specified file does not exist.
* @throws InvalidWaveFileException if the specified file is not a valid WAVE file.
* @throws UnsupportedWaveFileException if the specified file cannot be read due to limitations in the reader.
suspend fun createWaveFileReader(path: Path): AutoCloseableAudioSource = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val file = RandomAccessFile(path.toString(), "r")
val waveFileInfo = getWaveFileInfo(LittleEndianReader(file))
return@withContext when (waveFileInfo.sampleFormat) {
SampleFormat.UInt8 -> UInt8WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
SampleFormat.Int16 -> Int16WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
SampleFormat.Int24 -> Int24WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
SampleFormat.Int32 -> Int32WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
SampleFormat.Float32 -> Float32WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
SampleFormat.Float64 -> Float64WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
/** Indicates that a file is not a valid WAVE file. */
class InvalidWaveFileException(details: String? = null)
: IOException("File is not a valid WAVE file.${details?.let { " $it" } ?: ""}")
/** Indicates that a WAVE file cannot be read due to limitations in the reader. */
class UnsupportedWaveFileException(details: String)
: IOException("WAVE file cannot be read. $details")
private abstract class AbstractWaveFileReader(
protected val waveFileInfo: WaveFileInfo,
private val file: RandomAccessFile
) : AutoCloseableAudioSource {
override val sampleRate: Int = waveFileInfo.frameRate
override val size: Int = waveFileInfo.frameCount
protected fun readByteBuffer(startFrameIndex: Int, endFrameIndex: Int): ByteBuffer {
if (startFrameIndex < 0 || startFrameIndex > endFrameIndex || endFrameIndex > waveFileInfo.frameCount) {
throw RuntimeException("Cannot read from frame $startFrameIndex to $endFrameIndex in ${waveFileInfo.frameCount}-frame file.")
val bufferSize = (endFrameIndex - startFrameIndex).toLong() * waveFileInfo.bytesPerFrame
if (bufferSize > Int.MAX_VALUE) {
throw RuntimeException("Cannot acquire $bufferSize-byte buffer.")
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize.toInt())
buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), waveFileInfo.dataOffset + startFrameIndex * waveFileInfo.bytesPerFrame)
return buffer
override fun close() {
private class UInt8WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo: WaveFileInfo, file: RandomAccessFile) :
AbstractWaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
override suspend fun getSamples(start: Int, end: Int): SampleArray = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val sampleBuffer = readByteBuffer(start, end)
val frameCount = end - start
val channelCount = waveFileInfo.channelCount
val result = SampleArray(frameCount)
val factor = 1.0f / 0x80 / channelCount
for (frameIndex in 0 until frameCount) {
var frameSum = 0.0f
repeat (channelCount) {
frameSum += sampleBuffer.getUByte().toInt() - 0x80
val frame = frameSum * factor
result[frameIndex] = frame
return@withContext result
private class Int16WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo: WaveFileInfo, file: RandomAccessFile) :
AbstractWaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
override suspend fun getSamples(start: Int, end: Int): SampleArray = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val sampleBuffer = readByteBuffer(start, end).asShortBuffer()
val frameCount = end - start
val channelCount = waveFileInfo.channelCount
val result = SampleArray(frameCount)
val factor = 1.0f / 0x8000 / channelCount
for (frameIndex in 0 until frameCount) {
var frameSum = 0.0f
repeat (channelCount) {
frameSum += sampleBuffer.get()
val frame = frameSum * factor
result[frameIndex] = frame
return@withContext result
private class Int24WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo: WaveFileInfo, file: RandomAccessFile) :
AbstractWaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
override suspend fun getSamples(start: Int, end: Int): SampleArray = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val sampleBuffer = readByteBuffer(start, end)
val frameCount = end - start
val channelCount = waveFileInfo.channelCount
val result = SampleArray(frameCount)
val factor = 1.0f / 0x800000 / channelCount
for (frameIndex in 0 until frameCount) {
var frameSum = 0.0f
repeat (channelCount) {
frameSum += sampleBuffer.getInt24()
val frame = frameSum * factor
result[frameIndex] = frame
return@withContext result
private class Int32WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo: WaveFileInfo, file: RandomAccessFile) :
AbstractWaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
override suspend fun getSamples(start: Int, end: Int): SampleArray = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val sampleBuffer = readByteBuffer(start, end).asIntBuffer()
val frameCount = end - start
val channelCount = waveFileInfo.channelCount
val result = SampleArray(frameCount)
val factor = 1.0f / 0x80000000 / channelCount
for (frameIndex in 0 until frameCount) {
var frameSum = 0.0f
repeat (channelCount) {
frameSum += sampleBuffer.get()
val frame = frameSum * factor
result[frameIndex] = frame
return@withContext result
private class Float32WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo: WaveFileInfo, file: RandomAccessFile) :
AbstractWaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
override suspend fun getSamples(start: Int, end: Int): SampleArray = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val sampleBuffer = readByteBuffer(start, end).asFloatBuffer()
val frameCount = end - start
val channelCount = waveFileInfo.channelCount
val result = SampleArray(frameCount)
val factor = 1.0f / channelCount
for (frameIndex in 0 until frameCount) {
var frameSum = 0.0f
repeat (channelCount) {
frameSum += sampleBuffer.get()
val frame = frameSum * factor
result[frameIndex] = frame
return@withContext result
private class Float64WaveFileReader(waveFileInfo: WaveFileInfo, file: RandomAccessFile) :
AbstractWaveFileReader(waveFileInfo, file)
override suspend fun getSamples(start: Int, end: Int): SampleArray = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val sampleBuffer = readByteBuffer(start, end).asDoubleBuffer()
val frameCount = end - start
val channelCount = waveFileInfo.channelCount
val result = SampleArray(frameCount)
val factor = 1.0 / channelCount
for (frameIndex in 0 until frameCount) {
var frameSum = 0.0
repeat (channelCount) {
frameSum += sampleBuffer.get()
val frame = frameSum * factor
result[frameIndex] = frame.toFloat()
return@withContext result
private enum class SampleFormat {
private data class WaveFileInfo(
val sampleFormat: SampleFormat,
val channelCount: Int,
// The number of frames per second, one frame consisting of one sample per channel
val frameRate: Int,
val frameCount: Int,
val bytesPerFrame: Int,
// The offset, in bytes, of the raw audio data within the file
val dataOffset: Long
private fun getWaveFileInfo(reader: LittleEndianReader): WaveFileInfo {
try {
val rootChunkId = reader.readFourCC()
if (rootChunkId != "RIFF") {
throw InvalidWaveFileException()
val rootChunkSize: Long = reader.readDWord()
val expectedFileSize: Long = reader.position + rootChunkSize
if (reader.size < expectedFileSize) {
throw InvalidWaveFileException("File is incomplete.")
val waveId = reader.readFourCC()
if (waveId != "WAVE") {
throw InvalidWaveFileException("File format is not WAVE, but $waveId.")
data class FormatInfo(val sampleFormat: SampleFormat, val channelCount: Int, val frameRate: Int, val bytesPerFrame: Int)
data class DataInfo(val dataOffset: Long, val dataByteCount: Long)
var formatInfo: FormatInfo? = null
var dataInfo: DataInfo? = null
while (reader.position < expectedFileSize && (formatInfo == null || dataInfo == null)) {
val chunkId = reader.readFourCC()
val chunkSize: Long = reader.readDWord()
val chunkEnd: Long = roundUpToEven(reader.position + chunkSize)
when (chunkId) {
"fmt " -> {
// Format chunk
var codec = Codec(reader.readWord())
val channelCount = reader.readWord().also {
// This is no technical limitation, just common sense.
val maxChannelCount = 6
if (it > maxChannelCount) {
throw UnsupportedWaveFileException("Channel count $it exceeds maximum value of $maxChannelCount.")
val frameRate = reader.readDWord().let { longFrameRate ->
// Technically, it would be enough to check that the frame rate doesn't
// exceed `Int.MAX_VALUE`.
val maxSupportedFrameRate = 192_000
if (longFrameRate > maxSupportedFrameRate) {
// Although it's technically the *frame* rate, use the more common term
// *sample* rate for error message.
throw UnsupportedWaveFileException("Sample rate $longFrameRate exceeds maximum of $maxSupportedFrameRate.")
return@let longFrameRate.toInt()
reader.skipBytes(4) // Skip bytes per second
val bytesPerFrame = reader.readWord()
val bitsPerSampleOnDisk = reader.readWord()
var bitsPerSample = bitsPerSampleOnDisk
if (chunkSize > 16) {
val extensionSize = reader.readWord()
if (extensionSize >= 22) {
// Read extension fields
bitsPerSample = reader.readWord()
reader.skipBytes(4) // Skip channel mask
val codecOverride = Codec(reader.readWord())
if (codec == Codec.Extensible) {
codec = codecOverride
val (sampleFormat, bytesPerSample) = when (codec) {
Codec.Pcm -> when (bitsPerSample) {
8 -> Pair(SampleFormat.UInt8, 1)
16 -> Pair(SampleFormat.Int16, 2)
24 -> Pair(SampleFormat.Int24, 3)
32 -> Pair(SampleFormat.Int32, 4)
else -> throw UnsupportedWaveFileException("Unsupported bit depth for $codec data: $bitsPerSample bits per sample.")
Codec.Float -> when (bitsPerSample) {
32 -> Pair(SampleFormat.Float32, 4)
64 -> Pair(SampleFormat.Float64, 8)
else -> throw UnsupportedWaveFileException("Unsupported bit depth for $codec data: $bitsPerSample bits per sample.")
else -> throw UnsupportedWaveFileException(
"Unsupported audio codec: $codec. Only the uncompressed codecs ${Codec.Pcm} and ${Codec.Float} are supported.")
if (bytesPerFrame != bytesPerSample * channelCount) {
throw UnsupportedWaveFileException("Unsupported sample structure.")
formatInfo = FormatInfo(sampleFormat, channelCount, frameRate, bytesPerFrame)
"data" -> {
// Data chunk
val dataOffset: Long = reader.position
val dataByteCount = chunkSize
dataInfo = DataInfo(dataOffset, dataByteCount)
reader.position = chunkEnd
if (formatInfo == null) throw InvalidWaveFileException("Missing format chunk.")
if (dataInfo == null) throw InvalidWaveFileException("Missing data chunk.")
val frameCount: Long = dataInfo.dataByteCount / formatInfo.bytesPerFrame
if (frameCount > Int.MAX_VALUE) {
throw UnsupportedWaveFileException("Cannot read audio file with more than ${Int.MAX_VALUE} samples per channel.")
return WaveFileInfo(
} catch (e: EOFException) {
throw InvalidWaveFileException("Unexpected end of file.")
private fun roundUpToEven(i: Long) = (i + 1) and 1.inv()
class LittleEndianReader(private val file: RandomAccessFile) {
private fun readByte(): Int = file.readUnsignedByte()
/** Reads an unsigned 16-bit word and returns it as an Int. */
fun readWord(): Int = readByte() or (readByte() shl 8)
/** Reads an unsigned 32-bit double-word and returns it as a Long. */
fun readDWord(): Long =
(readByte() or (readByte() shl 8) or (readByte() shl 16) or (readByte() shl 24)).toUInt().toLong()
fun readFourCC(): String {
val bytes = ByteArray(4)
return String(bytes, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)
val size: Long = file.length()
var position: Long
get() = file.filePointer
set(value) =
fun skipBytes(byteCount: Int) = file.skipBytes(byteCount)
private fun ByteBuffer.getUByte() = this.get().toUByte()
private fun ByteBuffer.getInt24() =
((getUByte().toInt() shl 8) or (getUByte().toInt() shl 16) or (getUByte().toInt() shl 24)) shr 8
private inline class Codec(val value: Int) {
companion object {
val Pcm = Codec(0x0001)
val Float = Codec(0x0003)
val Extensible = Codec(0xfffe)
override fun toString() = when (value) {
0x0001 -> "PCM"
0x0002 -> "Microsoft ADPCM"
0x0003 -> "IEEE Float"
0x0004 -> "Compaq VSELP"
0x0005 -> "IBM CVSD"
0x0006 -> "Microsoft A-law"
0x0007 -> "Microsoft µ-law"
0x0008 -> "Microsoft DTS"
0x0009 -> "DRM"
0x000a -> "WMA 9 Speech"
0x000b -> "Microsoft Windows Media RT Voice"
0x0010 -> "OKI-ADPCM"
0x0011 -> "Intel IMA/DVI-ADPCM"
0x0012 -> "Videologic Mediaspace ADPCM"
0x0013 -> "Sierra ADPCM"
0x0014 -> "Antex G.723 ADPCM"
0x0015 -> "DSP Solutions DIGISTD"
0x0016 -> "DSP Solutions DIGIFIX"
0x0017 -> "Dialoic OKI ADPCM"
0x0018 -> "Media Vision ADPCM"
0x0019 -> "HP CU"
0x001a -> "HP Dynamic Voice"
0x0020 -> "Yamaha ADPCM"
0x0021 -> "SONARC Speech Compression"
0x0022 -> "DSP Group True Speech"
0x0023 -> "Echo Speech Corp."
0x0024 -> "Virtual Music Audiofile AF36"
0x0025 -> "Audio Processing Tech."
0x0026 -> "Virtual Music Audiofile AF10"
0x0027 -> "Aculab Prosody 1612"
0x0028 -> "Merging Tech. LRC"
0x0030 -> "Dolby AC2"
0x0031 -> "Microsoft GSM610"
0x0032 -> "MSN Audio"
0x0033 -> "Antex ADPCME"
0x0034 -> "Control Resources VQLPC"
0x0035 -> "DSP Solutions DIGIREAL"
0x0036 -> "DSP Solutions DIGIADPCM"
0x0037 -> "Control Resources CR10"
0x0038 -> "Natural MicroSystems VBX ADPCM"
0x0039 -> "Crystal Semiconductor IMA ADPCM"
0x003a -> "Echo Speech ECHOSC3"
0x003b -> "Rockwell ADPCM"
0x003c -> "Rockwell DIGITALK"
0x003d -> "Xebec Multimedia"
0x0040 -> "Antex G.721 ADPCM"
0x0041 -> "Antex G.728 CELP"
0x0042 -> "Microsoft MSG723"
0x0043 -> "IBM AVC ADPCM"
0x0045 -> "ITU-T G.726"
0x0050 -> "Microsoft MPEG"
0x0051 -> "RT23 or PAC"
0x0052 -> "InSoft RT24"
0x0053 -> "InSoft PAC"
0x0055 -> "MP3"
0x0059 -> "Cirrus"
0x0060 -> "Cirrus Logic"
0x0061 -> "ESS Tech. PCM"
0x0062 -> "Voxware Inc."
0x0063 -> "Canopus ATRAC"
0x0064 -> "APICOM G.726 ADPCM"
0x0065 -> "APICOM G.722 ADPCM"
0x0066 -> "Microsoft DSAT"
0x0067 -> "Micorsoft DSAT DISPLAY"
0x0069 -> "Voxware Byte Aligned"
0x0070 -> "Voxware AC8"
0x0071 -> "Voxware AC10"
0x0072 -> "Voxware AC16"
0x0073 -> "Voxware AC20"
0x0074 -> "Voxware MetaVoice"
0x0075 -> "Voxware MetaSound"
0x0076 -> "Voxware RT29HW"
0x0077 -> "Voxware VR12"
0x0078 -> "Voxware VR18"
0x0079 -> "Voxware TQ40"
0x007a -> "Voxware SC3"
0x007b -> "Voxware SC3"
0x0080 -> "Soundsoft"
0x0081 -> "Voxware TQ60"
0x0082 -> "Microsoft MSRT24"
0x0083 -> "AT&T G.729A"
0x0084 -> "Motion Pixels MVI MV12"
0x0085 -> "DataFusion G.726"
0x0086 -> "DataFusion GSM610"
0x0088 -> "Iterated Systems Audio"
0x0089 -> "Onlive"
0x008a -> "Multitude, Inc. FT SX20"
0x008b -> "Infocom ITS A/S G.721 ADPCM"
0x008c -> "Convedia G729"
0x008d -> "Not specified congruency, Inc."
0x0091 -> "Siemens SBC24"
0x0092 -> "Sonic Foundry Dolby AC3 APDIF"
0x0093 -> "MediaSonic G.723"
0x0094 -> "Aculab Prosody 8kbps"
0x0097 -> "ZyXEL ADPCM"
0x0098 -> "Philips LPCBB"
0x0099 -> "Studer Professional Audio Packed"
0x00a0 -> "Malden PhonyTalk"
0x00a1 -> "Racal Recorder GSM"
0x00a2 -> "Racal Recorder G720.a"
0x00a3 -> "Racal G723.1"
0x00a4 -> "Racal Tetra ACELP"
0x00b0 -> "NEC AAC NEC Corporation"
0x00ff -> "AAC"
0x0100 -> "Rhetorex ADPCM"
0x0101 -> "IBM u-Law"
0x0102 -> "IBM a-Law"
0x0103 -> "IBM ADPCM"
0x0111 -> "Vivo G.723"
0x0112 -> "Vivo Siren"
0x0120 -> "Philips Speech Processing CELP"
0x0121 -> "Philips Speech Processing GRUNDIG"
0x0123 -> "Digital G.723"
0x0125 -> "Sanyo LD ADPCM"
0x0130 -> "Sipro Lab ACEPLNET"
0x0131 -> "Sipro Lab ACELP4800"
0x0132 -> "Sipro Lab ACELP8V3"
0x0133 -> "Sipro Lab G.729"
0x0134 -> "Sipro Lab G.729A"
0x0135 -> "Sipro Lab Kelvin"
0x0136 -> "VoiceAge AMR"
0x0140 -> "Dictaphone G.726 ADPCM"
0x0150 -> "Qualcomm PureVoice"
0x0151 -> "Qualcomm HalfRate"
0x0155 -> "Ring Zero Systems TUBGSM"
0x0160 -> "Microsoft Audio1"
0x0161 -> "Windows Media Audio V2 V7 V8 V9 / DivX audio (WMA) / Alex AC3 Audio"
0x0162 -> "Windows Media Audio Professional V9"
0x0163 -> "Windows Media Audio Lossless V9"
0x0164 -> "WMA Pro over S/PDIF"
0x0170 -> "UNISYS NAP ADPCM"
0x0171 -> "UNISYS NAP ULAW"
0x0172 -> "UNISYS NAP ALAW"
0x0173 -> "UNISYS NAP 16K"
0x0174 -> "MM SYCOM ACM SYC008 SyCom Technologies"
0x0175 -> "MM SYCOM ACM SYC701 G726L SyCom Technologies"
0x0176 -> "MM SYCOM ACM SYC701 CELP54 SyCom Technologies"
0x0177 -> "MM SYCOM ACM SYC701 CELP68 SyCom Technologies"
0x0178 -> "Knowledge Adventure ADPCM"
0x0180 -> "Fraunhofer IIS MPEG2AAC"
0x0190 -> "Digital Theater Systems DTS DS"
0x0200 -> "Creative Labs ADPCM"
0x0202 -> "Creative Labs FASTSPEECH8"
0x0203 -> "Creative Labs FASTSPEECH10"
0x0210 -> "UHER ADPCM"
0x0215 -> "Ulead DV ACM"
0x0216 -> "Ulead DV ACM"
0x0220 -> "Quarterdeck Corp."
0x0230 -> "I-Link VC"
0x0240 -> "Aureal Semiconductor Raw Sport"
0x0241 -> "ESST AC3"
0x0250 -> "Interactive Products HSX"
0x0251 -> "Interactive Products RPELP"
0x0260 -> "Consistent CS2"
0x0270 -> "Sony SCX"
0x0271 -> "Sony SCY"
0x0272 -> "Sony ATRAC3"
0x0273 -> "Sony SPC"
0x0280 -> "TELUM Telum Inc."
0x0281 -> "TELUMIA Telum Inc."
0x0285 -> "Norcom Voice Systems ADPCM"
0x0300 -> "Fujitsu FM TOWNS SND"
0x0301, 0x0302, 0x0303, 0x0304, 0x0305, 0x0306, 0x0307, 0x0308 -> "Fujitsu (not specified)"
0x0350 -> "Micronas Semiconductors, Inc. Development"
0x0351 -> "Micronas Semiconductors, Inc. CELP833"
0x0400 -> "Brooktree Digital"
0x0401 -> "Intel Music Coder (IMC)"
0x0402 -> "Ligos Indeo Audio"
0x0450 -> "QDesign Music"
0x0500 -> "On2 VP7 On2 Technologies"
0x0501 -> "On2 VP6 On2 Technologies"
0x0680 -> "AT&T VME VMPCM"
0x0681 -> "AT&T TCP"
0x0700 -> "YMPEG Alpha (dummy for MPEG-2 compressor)"
0x08ae -> "ClearJump LiteWave (lossless)"
0x1000 -> "Olivetti GSM"
0x1001 -> "Olivetti ADPCM"
0x1002 -> "Olivetti CELP"
0x1003 -> "Olivetti SBC"
0x1004 -> "Olivetti OPR"
0x1100 -> "Lernout & Hauspie"
0x1101 -> "Lernout & Hauspie CELP codec"
0x1102, 0x1103, 0x1104 -> "Lernout & Hauspie SBC codec"
0x1400 -> "Norris Comm. Inc."
0x1401 -> "ISIAudio"
0x1500 -> "AT&T Soundspace Music Compression"
0x181c -> "VoxWare RT24 speech codec"
0x181e -> "Lucent elemedia AX24000P Music codec"
0x1971 -> "Sonic Foundry LOSSLESS"
0x1979 -> "Innings Telecom Inc. ADPCM"
0x1c07 -> "Lucent SX8300P speech codec"
0x1c0c -> "Lucent SX5363S G.723 compliant codec"
0x1f03 -> "CUseeMe DigiTalk (ex-Rocwell)"
0x1fc4 -> "NCT Soft ALF2CD ACM"
0x2000 -> "FAST Multimedia DVM"
0x2001 -> "Dolby DTS (Digital Theater System)"
0x2002 -> "RealAudio 1 / 2 14.4"
0x2003 -> "RealAudio 1 / 2 28.8"
0x2004 -> "RealAudio G2 / 8 Cook (low bitrate)"
0x2005 -> "RealAudio 3 / 4 / 5 Music (DNET)"
0x2006 -> "RealAudio 10 AAC (RAAC)"
0x2007 -> "RealAudio 10 AAC+ (RACP)"
0x2500 -> "Reserved range to 0x2600 Microsoft"
0x3313 -> "makeAVIS (ffvfw fake AVI sound from AviSynth scripts)"
0x4143 -> "Divio MPEG-4 AAC audio"
0x4201 -> "Nokia adaptive multirate"
0x4243 -> "Divio G726 Divio, Inc."
0x434c -> "LEAD Speech"
0x564c -> "LEAD Vorbis"
0x5756 -> "WavPack Audio"
0x674f -> "Ogg Vorbis (mode 1)"
0x6750 -> "Ogg Vorbis (mode 2)"
0x6751 -> "Ogg Vorbis (mode 3)"
0x676f -> "Ogg Vorbis (mode 1+)"
0x6770 -> "Ogg Vorbis (mode 2+)"
0x6771 -> "Ogg Vorbis (mode 3+)"
0x7000 -> "3COM NBX 3Com Corporation"
0x706d -> "FAAD AAC"
0x7a21 -> "GSM-AMR (CBR, no SID)"
0x7a22 -> "GSM-AMR (VBR, including SID)"
0xa100 -> "Comverse Infosys Ltd. G723 1"
0xa101 -> "Comverse Infosys Ltd. AVQSBC"
0xa102 -> "Comverse Infosys Ltd. OLDSBC"
0xa103 -> "Symbol Technologies G729A"
0xa104 -> "VoiceAge AMR WB VoiceAge Corporation"
0xa105 -> "Ingenient Technologies Inc. G726"
0xa106 -> "ISO/MPEG-4 advanced audio Coding"
0xa107 -> "Encore Software Ltd G726"
0xa109 -> "Speex ACM Codec"
0xdfac -> "DebugMode SonicFoundry Vegas FrameServer ACM Codec"
0xf1ac -> "Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAC"
0xfffe -> "Extensible"
0xffff -> "Development"
else -> "0x%04X".format(value)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatCode
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.within
import org.spekframework.spek2.Spek
import java.lang.Integer.max
import java.lang.RuntimeException
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.sin
object WaveFileReaderTest: Spek({
describe("createWaveFileReader") {
it("throws FileNotFoundException if the file does not exist") {
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(Paths.get("this file does not exist")) } }
it("throws InvalidWaveFileException if the file has zero bytes") {
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(getAudioFilePath("zero-bytes.wav")) } }
.hasMessage("File is not a valid WAVE file. Unexpected end of file.")
it("throws InvalidWaveFileException if the file is incomplete") {
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(getAudioFilePath("incomplete.wav")) } }
.hasMessage("File is not a valid WAVE file. File is incomplete.")
it("throws InvalidWaveFileException if the file format does not match") {
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(getAudioFilePath("sine-triangle.ogg")) } }
.hasMessage("File is not a valid WAVE file.")
it("throws UnsupportedWaveFileException if the encoding is not supported") {
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(getAudioFilePath("sine-triangle-flac-ffmpeg.wav")) } }
.hasMessage("WAVE file cannot be read. Unsupported audio codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAC. Only the uncompressed codecs PCM and IEEE Float are supported.")
it("throws UnsupportedWaveFileException if the codec is unknown") {
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(getAudioFilePath("sine-triangle-vorbis-ffmpeg.wav")) } }
.hasMessage("WAVE file cannot be read. Unsupported audio codec: 0x566F. Only the uncompressed codecs PCM and IEEE Float are supported.")
it("does not throw on valid file") {
assertThatCode {
runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(getAudioFilePath("sine-triangle-float32-ffmpeg.wav")) }
it("throws on invalid zero-length file") {
// Zero-length files created by Adobe Audition are missing their data chunk
assertThatThrownBy {
runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(getAudioFilePath("zero-frames-audition.wav")) }
}.hasMessage("File is not a valid WAVE file. Missing data chunk.")
it("does not throw on valid zero-length file") {
assertThatCode {
runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(getAudioFilePath("zero-frames-ffmpeg.wav")) }
).forEach { fileName ->
val path = getAudioFilePath(fileName)
describe("reader for $fileName") {
describe("sampleRate") {
it("is 48000 Hz") {
val reader = runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(path) }
val expectedSampleCount = 10 * 48000
describe("size") {
it("is $expectedSampleCount samples") {
val reader = runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(path) }
val epsilon = when {
"uint8" in fileName -> 1.0f / 0x80
"int16" in fileName -> 1.0f / 0x8000
"int24" in fileName -> 1.0f / 0x800000
"int32" in fileName -> 1.0f / 0x80000000
"float" in fileName -> 0.0f
else -> throw RuntimeException("File name $fileName does not contain sample format information.")
describe("getSamples") {
it("throws if arguments are out of bounds") {
val reader = runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(path) }
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { reader.getSamples(-1, 1) } }
.hasMessage("Cannot read from frame -1 to 1 in 480000-frame file.")
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { reader.getSamples(10, 9) } }
.hasMessage("Cannot read from frame 10 to 9 in 480000-frame file.")
assertThatThrownBy { runBlocking { reader.getSamples(reader.size - 1, reader.size + 1) } }
.hasMessage("Cannot read from frame 479999 to 480001 in 480000-frame file.")
it("correctly reads the entire file") {
runBlocking {
val reader = createWaveFileReader(path)
val samples = reader.getSamples(0, reader.size)
for (sampleIndex in samples.indices) {
.describedAs("sample $sampleIndex")
.isCloseTo(getSineTriangleSample(sampleIndex), within(epsilon))
it("correctly reads overlapping blocks in parallel") {
runBlocking {
val reader = createWaveFileReader(path)
val blockCount = 5
val overlap = 10
coroutineScope {
for (i in 0 until blockCount) {
launch {
val start = max(0, reader.size * i / blockCount - overlap)
val end = reader.size * (i + 1) / blockCount
val samples = reader.getSamples(start, end)
for (sampleIndex in start until end ) {
assertThat(samples[sampleIndex -start])
.describedAs("sample $sampleIndex")
.isCloseTo(getSineTriangleSample(sampleIndex), within(epsilon))
it("allows reading zero samples") {
val reader = runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(path) }
for (sampleIndex in listOf(0, 10, expectedSampleCount - 1, expectedSampleCount)) {
assertThat(runBlocking { reader.getSamples(sampleIndex, sampleIndex) })
describe("close") {
it("frees all file handles") {
// Open a temporary copy
val tempPath = createTempFile().toPath()
Files.copy(path, tempPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(tempPath) }.use {
// File cannot be deleted while open
assertThatThrownBy { Files.delete(tempPath) }.isInstanceOf(
// File can be deleted once closed
assertThatCode { Files.delete(tempPath) }.doesNotThrowAnyException()
it("does not throw if invoked repeatedly") {
val reader = runBlocking { createWaveFileReader(path) }
repeat(3) {
assertThatCode { reader.close() }.doesNotThrowAnyException()
fun getAudioFilePath(pathSuffix: String): Path {
val resource ="audio/WaveFileReader/$pathSuffix")
?: throw Exception("Could not locate resource $pathSuffix.")
return Paths.get(resource.toURI())
// Returns one downmixed sample of the test signal.
fun getSineTriangleSample(sampleIndex: Int): Float {
val (left, right) = getSineTriangleFrame(sampleIndex)
return (left + right) / 2.0f
// Returns the left and right sample of one frame of the test signal.
// The test signal consists of a 1 kHz sine wave (at 48 kHz sample rate) on the left channel and a
// 1 kHz triangle wave on the right channel.
fun getSineTriangleFrame(sampleIndex: Int): Pair<Float, Float> {
val period = 48 // Samples per period
val t: Float = sampleIndex.rem(period).toFloat() / period // [0, 1[
// The test signal contains a sine wave on one channel, a triangle wave on the other.
// Return the downmixed mono result.
val sine = sin(t * 2 * PI.toFloat())
val triangle = abs((t + 0.75f).rem(1f) * 4f - 2f) - 1f
return Pair(sine, triangle)
// Generates the raw test signal file from which all other files are derived.
// Output format is big-endian 32-bit IEEE floats, stereo, 48,000 Hz.
// FFmpeg command line: `ffmpeg -f f32be -ar 48000 -ac 2 -i sine-triangle.raw -acodec pcm_f32le sine-triangle-float32-ffmpeg.wav`
fun generateRawFile() {
RandomAccessFile("${System.getProperty("user.home")}/sine-triangle.raw", "rw").use { file ->
for (sampleIndex in 0 until 48 * 1000 * 10) {
val (left, right) = getSineTriangleFrame(sampleIndex)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
This directory contains test files for the WAVE file reader.
All files starting with _sine-rect_ contain the same 10-second stereo signal sampled at 48,000 Hz. The left channel contains a 1 kHz sine wave, the right channel contains a 1 kHz triangle wave. As those signals are strictly periodic, Git can compress these files very efficiently.