
198 lines
6.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
2015-11-19 21:48:17 +00:00
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "phoneExtraction.h"
#include "audioInput/SampleRateConverter.h"
#include "audioInput/ChannelDownmixer.h"
#include "platformTools.h"
#include "tools.h"
2015-12-21 12:09:09 +00:00
extern "C" {
#include <pocketsphinx.h>
#include <sphinxbase/err.h>
using std::runtime_error;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::map;
using boost::filesystem::path;
2016-01-08 09:53:35 +00:00
using std::function;
unique_ptr<AudioStream> to16kHzMono(unique_ptr<AudioStream> stream) {
// Downmix, if required
if (stream->getChannelCount() != 1) {
stream.reset(new ChannelDownmixer(std::move(stream)));
// Downsample, if required
if (stream->getFrameRate() < 16000) {
throw runtime_error("Audio sample rate must not be below 16kHz.");
if (stream->getFrameRate() != 16000) {
stream.reset(new SampleRateConverter(std::move(stream), 16000));
return stream;
lambda_unique_ptr<cmd_ln_t> createConfig(path sphinxModelDirectory) {
lambda_unique_ptr<cmd_ln_t> config(
nullptr, ps_args(), true,
// Set acoustic model
"-hmm", (sphinxModelDirectory / "acoustic_model").string().c_str(),
// Set phonetic language model
"-allphone", (sphinxModelDirectory / "en-us-phone.lm.bin").string().c_str(),
"-allphone_ci", "yes",
// The following settings are taken from http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/phonemerecognition
// Set beam width applied to every frame in Viterbi search
"-beam", "1e-20",
// Set beam width applied to phone transitions
"-pbeam", "1e-20",
// Set language model probability weight
"-lw", "2.0",
[](cmd_ln_t* config) { cmd_ln_free_r(config); });
if (!config) throw runtime_error("Error creating configuration.");
return config;
lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> createPhoneRecognizer(cmd_ln_t& config) {
lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> recognizer(
[](ps_decoder_t* recognizer) { ps_free(recognizer); });
if (!recognizer) throw runtime_error("Error creating speech recognizer.");
return recognizer;
// Converts a float in the range -1..1 to a signed 16-bit int
int16_t floatSampleToInt16(float sample) {
sample = std::max(sample, -1.0f);
sample = std::min(sample, 1.0f);
return static_cast<int16_t>(((sample + 1) / 2) * (INT16_MAX - INT16_MIN) + INT16_MIN);
2016-01-08 09:53:35 +00:00
void processAudioStream(AudioStream& audioStream16kHzMono, ps_decoder_t& recognizer, function<void(double)> reportProgress) {
// Start recognition
int error = ps_start_utt(&recognizer);
if (error) throw runtime_error("Error starting utterance processing.");
// Process entire sound file
std::vector<int16_t> buffer;
const int capacity = 1600; // 0.1 second capacity
int sampleCount = 0;
2016-01-08 09:53:35 +00:00
do {
// Read to buffer
int16_t lastSample = INT16_MIN;
while (buffer.size() < capacity) {
// Read sample
float floatSample;
if (!audioStream16kHzMono.getNextSample(floatSample)) break;
int16_t sample = floatSampleToInt16(floatSample);
// Remove zero silence (see http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/faq#qwhy_my_accuracy_is_poor)
if (sample == lastSample) {
sample += (sample < INT16_MAX) ? 1 : -1;
lastSample = sample;
// Analyze buffer
int searchedFrameCount = ps_process_raw(&recognizer, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), false, false);
if (searchedFrameCount < 0) throw runtime_error("Error analyzing raw audio data.");
sampleCount += buffer.size();
2016-01-08 09:53:35 +00:00
reportProgress(static_cast<double>(sampleCount) / audioStream16kHzMono.getFrameCount());
} while (buffer.size());
error = ps_end_utt(&recognizer);
if (error) throw runtime_error("Error ending utterance processing.");
map<centiseconds, Phone> getPhones(ps_decoder_t& recognizer) {
map<centiseconds, Phone> result;
ps_seg_t *segmentationIter;
2015-11-25 21:00:24 +00:00
result[centiseconds(0)] = Phone::None;
int32 score;
int endFrame;
for (segmentationIter = ps_seg_iter(&recognizer, &score); segmentationIter; segmentationIter = ps_seg_next(segmentationIter)) {
// Get phone
char const *phone = ps_seg_word(segmentationIter);
// Get timing
int startFrame;
ps_seg_frames(segmentationIter, &startFrame, &endFrame);
result[centiseconds(startFrame)] = stringToPhone(phone);
2015-11-25 21:00:24 +00:00
result[centiseconds(endFrame + 1)] = Phone::None;
return result;
2015-11-19 21:48:17 +00:00
void sphinxErrorCallback(void* user_data, err_lvl_t errorLevel, const char* format, ...) {
if (errorLevel < ERR_WARN) return;
// Create varArgs list
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
2015-12-21 12:09:09 +00:00
auto _ = finally([&args]() { va_end(args); });
2015-11-19 21:48:17 +00:00
// Format message
const int initialSize = 256;
std::vector<char> chars(initialSize);
bool success = false;
while (!success) {
int charsWritten = vsnprintf(chars.data(), chars.size(), format, args);
if (charsWritten < 0) throw runtime_error("Error formatting Pocketsphinx log message.");
success = charsWritten < static_cast<int>(chars.size());
if (!success) chars.resize(chars.size() * 2);
string message(chars.data());
// Append message to error string
string* errorString = static_cast<string*>(user_data);
if (errorString->size() > 0) *errorString += "\n";
*errorString += message;
2016-01-08 09:53:35 +00:00
map<centiseconds, Phone> detectPhones(unique_ptr<AudioStream> audioStream, function<void(double)> reportProgress) {
2015-11-19 21:48:17 +00:00
// Discard Pocketsphinx output
// Collect all Pocketsphinx error messages in a string
string errorMessage;
err_set_callback(sphinxErrorCallback, &errorMessage);
try {
// Create PocketSphinx configuration
path sphinxModelDirectory(getBinDirectory().parent_path() / "res/sphinx");
auto config = createConfig(sphinxModelDirectory);
// Create phone recognizer
auto recognizer = createPhoneRecognizer(*config.get());
// Convert audio stream to the exact format PocketSphinx requires
audioStream = to16kHzMono(std::move(audioStream));
// Process data
2016-01-08 09:53:35 +00:00
processAudioStream(*audioStream.get(), *recognizer.get(), reportProgress);
// Collect results into map
return getPhones(*recognizer.get());
2015-12-21 12:09:09 +00:00
catch (...) {
2015-11-19 21:48:17 +00:00
std::throw_with_nested(runtime_error("Error detecting phones via Pocketsphinx. " + errorMessage));