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A GDExtension that adds to Godot4 support for encoding voice data using the Opus Codec. This can be useful for those who want to implement VOIP systems for Godot4 games.


This extension adds a new singleton to Godot: Opus with two methods: encode and decode.

These can be used to compress audio obtained AudioEffectCapture and then to decode it so it's usable in Godot again.

Quick and dirty example (full demo coming soon):

func _process_audio() -> void:
    if has_data() and active:
        call_deferred("rpc", "play_data", get_data())


func get_data() -> PackedFloat32Array:
    var data = effect.get_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)
    return Opus.encode(data)


@rpc("any_peer", "call_remote", "unreliable_ordered")
func play_data(data: PackedFloat32Array) -> void:
    var id = client.multiplayer.get_remote_sender_id()
    var decoded = Opus.decode(data)
    for b in range(0, BUFFER_SIZE):

Known limitations

  • This is more POC than a production-ready solution although it's not too far from achieving this status. I'm using this code successfully in a scenario similar to the one presented in this demo: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-demo-projects/tree/master/networking/webrtc_signaling
  • Buffer size must be == 480
  • Quality settings are currently hardcoded. Bitrate is 24000; bandwith is OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND.
  • At the moment this works only on Windows x64. I haven't tried other platforms. Pre-built version of libopus resides in 3rdparty directory.


This is MIT licensed. Project uses Opus Codec which is BSD-licensed.