
540 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/api/datachannel.h"
#include "webrtc/api/dtmfsender.h"
#include "webrtc/api/mediacontroller.h"
#include "webrtc/api/mediastreamprovider.h"
#include "webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h"
#include "webrtc/api/statstypes.h"
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sslidentity.h"
#include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
#include "webrtc/media/base/mediachannel.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/candidate.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/transportcontroller.h"
#include "webrtc/pc/mediasession.h"
namespace cricket {
class ChannelManager;
class DataChannel;
class StatsReport;
class VideoChannel;
class VoiceChannel;
} // namespace cricket
namespace webrtc {
class IceRestartAnswerLatch;
class JsepIceCandidate;
class MediaStreamSignaling;
class WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory;
extern const char kBundleWithoutRtcpMux[];
extern const char kCreateChannelFailed[];
extern const char kInvalidCandidates[];
extern const char kInvalidSdp[];
extern const char kMlineMismatch[];
extern const char kPushDownTDFailed[];
extern const char kSdpWithoutDtlsFingerprint[];
extern const char kSdpWithoutSdesCrypto[];
extern const char kSdpWithoutIceUfragPwd[];
extern const char kSdpWithoutSdesAndDtlsDisabled[];
extern const char kSessionError[];
extern const char kSessionErrorDesc[];
extern const char kDtlsSetupFailureRtp[];
extern const char kDtlsSetupFailureRtcp[];
extern const char kEnableBundleFailed[];
// Maximum number of received video streams that will be processed by webrtc
// even if they are not signalled beforehand.
extern const int kMaxUnsignalledRecvStreams;
// ICE state callback interface.
class IceObserver {
IceObserver() {}
// Called any time the IceConnectionState changes
// TODO(honghaiz): Change the name to OnIceConnectionStateChange so as to
// conform to the w3c standard.
virtual void OnIceConnectionChange(
PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState new_state) {}
// Called any time the IceGatheringState changes
virtual void OnIceGatheringChange(
PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState new_state) {}
// New Ice candidate have been found.
virtual void OnIceCandidate(const IceCandidateInterface* candidate) = 0;
// Some local ICE candidates have been removed.
virtual void OnIceCandidatesRemoved(
const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates) = 0;
// Called whenever the state changes between receiving and not receiving.
virtual void OnIceConnectionReceivingChange(bool receiving) {}
~IceObserver() {}
// Statistics for all the transports of the session.
typedef std::map<std::string, cricket::TransportStats> TransportStatsMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ProxyTransportMap;
// TODO(pthatcher): Think of a better name for this. We already have
// a TransportStats in transport.h. Perhaps TransportsStats?
struct SessionStats {
ProxyTransportMap proxy_to_transport;
TransportStatsMap transport_stats;
// A WebRtcSession manages general session state. This includes negotiation
// of both the application-level and network-level protocols: the former
// defines what will be sent and the latter defines how it will be sent. Each
// network-level protocol is represented by a Transport object. Each Transport
// participates in the network-level negotiation. The individual streams of
// packets are represented by TransportChannels. The application-level protocol
// is represented by SessionDecription objects.
class WebRtcSession : public AudioProviderInterface,
public VideoProviderInterface,
public DtmfProviderInterface,
public DataChannelProviderInterface,
public sigslot::has_slots<> {
enum State {
STATE_SENTOFFER, // Sent offer, waiting for answer.
STATE_RECEIVEDOFFER, // Received an offer. Need to send answer.
STATE_SENTPRANSWER, // Sent provisional answer. Need to send answer.
STATE_RECEIVEDPRANSWER, // Received provisional answer, waiting for answer.
STATE_INPROGRESS, // Offer/answer exchange completed.
STATE_CLOSED, // Close() was called.
enum Error {
ERROR_NONE = 0, // no error
ERROR_CONTENT = 1, // channel errors in SetLocalContent/SetRemoteContent
ERROR_TRANSPORT = 2, // transport error of some kind
WebRtcSession(webrtc::MediaControllerInterface* media_controller,
rtc::Thread* network_thread,
rtc::Thread* worker_thread,
rtc::Thread* signaling_thread,
cricket::PortAllocator* port_allocator);
virtual ~WebRtcSession();
// These are const to allow them to be called from const methods.
rtc::Thread* worker_thread() const { return worker_thread_; }
rtc::Thread* signaling_thread() const { return signaling_thread_; }
// The ID of this session.
const std::string& id() const { return sid_; }
bool Initialize(
const PeerConnectionFactoryInterface::Options& options,
std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator,
const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& rtc_configuration);
// Deletes the voice, video and data channel and changes the session state
void Close();
// Returns true if we were the initial offerer.
bool initial_offerer() const { return initial_offerer_; }
// Returns the current state of the session. See the enum above for details.
// Each time the state changes, we will fire this signal.
State state() const { return state_; }
sigslot::signal2<WebRtcSession*, State> SignalState;
// Returns the last error in the session. See the enum above for details.
Error error() const { return error_; }
const std::string& error_desc() const { return error_desc_; }
void RegisterIceObserver(IceObserver* observer) {
ice_observer_ = observer;
virtual cricket::VoiceChannel* voice_channel() {
return voice_channel_.get();
virtual cricket::VideoChannel* video_channel() {
return video_channel_.get();
virtual cricket::DataChannel* data_channel() {
return data_channel_.get();
cricket::BaseChannel* GetChannel(const std::string& content_name);
void SetSdesPolicy(cricket::SecurePolicy secure_policy);
cricket::SecurePolicy SdesPolicy() const;
// Get current ssl role from transport.
bool GetSslRole(const std::string& transport_name, rtc::SSLRole* role);
// Get current SSL role for this channel's transport.
// If |transport| is null, returns false.
bool GetSslRole(const cricket::BaseChannel* channel, rtc::SSLRole* role);
void CreateOffer(
CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options,
const cricket::MediaSessionOptions& session_options);
void CreateAnswer(CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
const cricket::MediaSessionOptions& session_options);
// The ownership of |desc| will be transferred after this call.
bool SetLocalDescription(SessionDescriptionInterface* desc,
std::string* err_desc);
// The ownership of |desc| will be transferred after this call.
bool SetRemoteDescription(SessionDescriptionInterface* desc,
std::string* err_desc);
bool ProcessIceMessage(const IceCandidateInterface* ice_candidate);
bool RemoveRemoteIceCandidates(
const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates);
cricket::IceConfig ParseIceConfig(
const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& config) const;
void SetIceConfig(const cricket::IceConfig& ice_config);
// Start gathering candidates for any new transports, or transports doing an
// ICE restart.
void MaybeStartGathering();
const SessionDescriptionInterface* local_description() const {
return local_desc_.get();
const SessionDescriptionInterface* remote_description() const {
return remote_desc_.get();
// Get the id used as a media stream track's "id" field from ssrc.
virtual bool GetLocalTrackIdBySsrc(uint32_t ssrc, std::string* track_id);
virtual bool GetRemoteTrackIdBySsrc(uint32_t ssrc, std::string* track_id);
// AudioMediaProviderInterface implementation.
void SetAudioPlayout(uint32_t ssrc, bool enable) override;
void SetAudioSend(uint32_t ssrc,
bool enable,
const cricket::AudioOptions& options,
cricket::AudioSource* source) override;
void SetAudioPlayoutVolume(uint32_t ssrc, double volume) override;
void SetRawAudioSink(uint32_t ssrc,
std::unique_ptr<AudioSinkInterface> sink) override;
RtpParameters GetAudioRtpSendParameters(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
bool SetAudioRtpSendParameters(uint32_t ssrc,
const RtpParameters& parameters) override;
RtpParameters GetAudioRtpReceiveParameters(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
bool SetAudioRtpReceiveParameters(uint32_t ssrc,
const RtpParameters& parameters) override;
// Implements VideoMediaProviderInterface.
void SetVideoPlayout(
uint32_t ssrc,
bool enable,
rtc::VideoSinkInterface<cricket::VideoFrame>* sink) override;
void SetVideoSend(
uint32_t ssrc,
bool enable,
const cricket::VideoOptions* options,
rtc::VideoSourceInterface<cricket::VideoFrame>* source) override;
RtpParameters GetVideoRtpSendParameters(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
bool SetVideoRtpSendParameters(uint32_t ssrc,
const RtpParameters& parameters) override;
RtpParameters GetVideoRtpReceiveParameters(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
bool SetVideoRtpReceiveParameters(uint32_t ssrc,
const RtpParameters& parameters) override;
// Implements DtmfProviderInterface.
bool CanInsertDtmf(const std::string& track_id) override;
bool InsertDtmf(const std::string& track_id,
int code, int duration) override;
sigslot::signal0<>* GetOnDestroyedSignal() override;
// Implements DataChannelProviderInterface.
bool SendData(const cricket::SendDataParams& params,
const rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer& payload,
cricket::SendDataResult* result) override;
bool ConnectDataChannel(DataChannel* webrtc_data_channel) override;
void DisconnectDataChannel(DataChannel* webrtc_data_channel) override;
void AddSctpDataStream(int sid) override;
void RemoveSctpDataStream(int sid) override;
bool ReadyToSendData() const override;
// Returns stats for all channels of all transports.
// This avoids exposing the internal structures used to track them.
virtual bool GetTransportStats(SessionStats* stats);
// Get stats for a specific channel
bool GetChannelTransportStats(cricket::BaseChannel* ch, SessionStats* stats);
// virtual so it can be mocked in unit tests
virtual bool GetLocalCertificate(
const std::string& transport_name,
rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>* certificate);
// Caller owns returned certificate
virtual std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificate> GetRemoteSSLCertificate(
const std::string& transport_name);
cricket::DataChannelType data_channel_type() const;
bool IceRestartPending(const std::string& content_name) const;
// Called when an RTCCertificate is generated or retrieved by
// WebRTCSessionDescriptionFactory. Should happen before setLocalDescription.
void OnCertificateReady(
const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate);
void OnDtlsSetupFailure(cricket::BaseChannel*, bool rtcp);
// Called when the channel received the first packet.
void OnChannelFirstPacketReceived(cricket::BaseChannel*);
// For unit test.
bool waiting_for_certificate_for_testing() const;
const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate_for_testing();
void set_metrics_observer(
webrtc::MetricsObserverInterface* metrics_observer) {
metrics_observer_ = metrics_observer;
// Called when voice_channel_, video_channel_ and data_channel_ are created
// and destroyed. As a result of, for example, setting a new description.
sigslot::signal0<> SignalVoiceChannelCreated;
sigslot::signal0<> SignalVoiceChannelDestroyed;
sigslot::signal0<> SignalVideoChannelCreated;
sigslot::signal0<> SignalVideoChannelDestroyed;
sigslot::signal0<> SignalDataChannelCreated;
sigslot::signal0<> SignalDataChannelDestroyed;
// Called when the whole session is destroyed.
sigslot::signal0<> SignalDestroyed;
// Called when a valid data channel OPEN message is received.
// std::string represents the data channel label.
sigslot::signal2<const std::string&, const InternalDataChannelInit&>
// Indicates the type of SessionDescription in a call to SetLocalDescription
// and SetRemoteDescription.
enum Action {
// Log session state.
void LogState(State old_state, State new_state);
// Updates the state, signaling if necessary.
virtual void SetState(State state);
// Updates the error state, signaling if necessary.
// TODO(ronghuawu): remove the SetError method that doesn't take |error_desc|.
virtual void SetError(Error error, const std::string& error_desc);
bool UpdateSessionState(Action action, cricket::ContentSource source,
std::string* err_desc);
static Action GetAction(const std::string& type);
// Push the media parts of the local or remote session description
// down to all of the channels.
bool PushdownMediaDescription(cricket::ContentAction action,
cricket::ContentSource source,
std::string* error_desc);
bool PushdownTransportDescription(cricket::ContentSource source,
cricket::ContentAction action,
std::string* error_desc);
// Helper methods to push local and remote transport descriptions.
bool PushdownLocalTransportDescription(
const cricket::SessionDescription* sdesc,
cricket::ContentAction action,
std::string* error_desc);
bool PushdownRemoteTransportDescription(
const cricket::SessionDescription* sdesc,
cricket::ContentAction action,
std::string* error_desc);
// Returns true and the TransportInfo of the given |content_name|
// from |description|. Returns false if it's not available.
static bool GetTransportDescription(
const cricket::SessionDescription* description,
const std::string& content_name,
cricket::TransportDescription* info);
// Returns the name of the transport channel when BUNDLE is enabled, or
// nullptr if the channel is not part of any bundle.
const std::string* GetBundleTransportName(
const cricket::ContentInfo* content,
const cricket::ContentGroup* bundle);
// Cause all the BaseChannels in the bundle group to have the same
// transport channel.
bool EnableBundle(const cricket::ContentGroup& bundle);
// Enables media channels to allow sending of media.
void EnableChannels();
// Returns the media index for a local ice candidate given the content name.
// Returns false if the local session description does not have a media
// content called |content_name|.
bool GetLocalCandidateMediaIndex(const std::string& content_name,
int* sdp_mline_index);
// Uses all remote candidates in |remote_desc| in this session.
bool UseCandidatesInSessionDescription(
const SessionDescriptionInterface* remote_desc);
// Uses |candidate| in this session.
bool UseCandidate(const IceCandidateInterface* candidate);
// Deletes the corresponding channel of contents that don't exist in |desc|.
// |desc| can be null. This means that all channels are deleted.
void RemoveUnusedChannels(const cricket::SessionDescription* desc);
// Allocates media channels based on the |desc|. If |desc| doesn't have
// the BUNDLE option, this method will disable BUNDLE in PortAllocator.
// This method will also delete any existing media channels before creating.
bool CreateChannels(const cricket::SessionDescription* desc);
// Helper methods to create media channels.
bool CreateVoiceChannel(const cricket::ContentInfo* content,
const std::string* bundle_transport);
bool CreateVideoChannel(const cricket::ContentInfo* content,
const std::string* bundle_transport);
bool CreateDataChannel(const cricket::ContentInfo* content,
const std::string* bundle_transport);
// Listens to SCTP CONTROL messages on unused SIDs and process them as OPEN
// messages.
void OnDataChannelMessageReceived(cricket::DataChannel* channel,
const cricket::ReceiveDataParams& params,
const rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer& payload);
std::string BadStateErrMsg(State state);
void SetIceConnectionState(PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState state);
void SetIceConnectionReceiving(bool receiving);
bool ValidateBundleSettings(const cricket::SessionDescription* desc);
bool HasRtcpMuxEnabled(const cricket::ContentInfo* content);
// Below methods are helper methods which verifies SDP.
bool ValidateSessionDescription(const SessionDescriptionInterface* sdesc,
cricket::ContentSource source,
std::string* err_desc);
// Check if a call to SetLocalDescription is acceptable with |action|.
bool ExpectSetLocalDescription(Action action);
// Check if a call to SetRemoteDescription is acceptable with |action|.
bool ExpectSetRemoteDescription(Action action);
// Verifies a=setup attribute as per RFC 5763.
bool ValidateDtlsSetupAttribute(const cricket::SessionDescription* desc,
Action action);
// Returns true if we are ready to push down the remote candidate.
// |remote_desc| is the new remote description, or NULL if the current remote
// description should be used. Output |valid| is true if the candidate media
// index is valid.
bool ReadyToUseRemoteCandidate(const IceCandidateInterface* candidate,
const SessionDescriptionInterface* remote_desc,
bool* valid);
void OnTransportControllerConnectionState(cricket::IceConnectionState state);
void OnTransportControllerReceiving(bool receiving);
void OnTransportControllerGatheringState(cricket::IceGatheringState state);
void OnTransportControllerCandidatesGathered(
const std::string& transport_name,
const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates);
void OnTransportControllerCandidatesRemoved(
const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates);
std::string GetSessionErrorMsg();
// Invoked when TransportController connection completion is signaled.
// Reports stats for all transports in use.
void ReportTransportStats();
// Gather the usage of IPv4/IPv6 as best connection.
void ReportBestConnectionState(const cricket::TransportStats& stats);
void ReportNegotiatedCiphers(const cricket::TransportStats& stats);
void OnSentPacket_w(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet);
rtc::Thread* const worker_thread_;
rtc::Thread* const signaling_thread_;
State state_ = STATE_INIT;
Error error_ = ERROR_NONE;
std::string error_desc_;
const std::string sid_;
bool initial_offerer_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<cricket::TransportController> transport_controller_;
MediaControllerInterface* media_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<cricket::VoiceChannel> voice_channel_;
std::unique_ptr<cricket::VideoChannel> video_channel_;
std::unique_ptr<cricket::DataChannel> data_channel_;
cricket::ChannelManager* channel_manager_;
IceObserver* ice_observer_;
PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState ice_connection_state_;
bool ice_connection_receiving_;
std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> local_desc_;
std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> remote_desc_;
// If the remote peer is using a older version of implementation.
bool older_version_remote_peer_;
bool dtls_enabled_;
// Specifies which kind of data channel is allowed. This is controlled
// by the chrome command-line flag and constraints:
// 1. If chrome command-line switch 'enable-sctp-data-channels' is enabled,
// constraint kEnableDtlsSrtp is true, and constaint kEnableRtpDataChannels is
// not set or false, SCTP is allowed (DCT_SCTP);
// 2. If constraint kEnableRtpDataChannels is true, RTP is allowed (DCT_RTP);
// 3. If both 1&2 are false, data channel is not allowed (DCT_NONE).
cricket::DataChannelType data_channel_type_;
// List of content names for which the remote side triggered an ICE restart.
std::set<std::string> pending_ice_restarts_;
std::unique_ptr<WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory> webrtc_session_desc_factory_;
// Member variables for caching global options.
cricket::AudioOptions audio_options_;
cricket::VideoOptions video_options_;
MetricsObserverInterface* metrics_observer_;
// Declares the bundle policy for the WebRTCSession.
PeerConnectionInterface::BundlePolicy bundle_policy_;
// Declares the RTCP mux policy for the WebRTCSession.
PeerConnectionInterface::RtcpMuxPolicy rtcp_mux_policy_;
bool received_first_video_packet_ = false;
bool received_first_audio_packet_ = false;
} // namespace webrtc