
235 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/base/criticalsection.h"
#include "webrtc/common_audio/resampler/include/push_resampler.h"
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/typing_detection.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/include/module_common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/utility/include/file_player.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/utility/include/file_recorder.h"
#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_base.h"
#include "webrtc/voice_engine/level_indicator.h"
#include "webrtc/voice_engine/monitor_module.h"
#include "webrtc/voice_engine/voice_engine_defines.h"
namespace webrtc {
class AudioProcessing;
class ProcessThread;
class VoEExternalMedia;
class VoEMediaProcess;
namespace voe {
class ChannelManager;
class MixedAudio;
class Statistics;
class TransmitMixer : public MonitorObserver,
public FileCallback {
static int32_t Create(TransmitMixer*& mixer, uint32_t instanceId);
static void Destroy(TransmitMixer*& mixer);
int32_t SetEngineInformation(ProcessThread& processThread,
Statistics& engineStatistics,
ChannelManager& channelManager);
int32_t SetAudioProcessingModule(
AudioProcessing* audioProcessingModule);
int32_t PrepareDemux(const void* audioSamples,
size_t nSamples,
size_t nChannels,
uint32_t samplesPerSec,
uint16_t totalDelayMS,
int32_t clockDrift,
uint16_t currentMicLevel,
bool keyPressed);
int32_t DemuxAndMix();
// Used by the Chrome to pass the recording data to the specific VoE
// channels for demux.
void DemuxAndMix(const int voe_channels[], size_t number_of_voe_channels);
int32_t EncodeAndSend();
// Used by the Chrome to pass the recording data to the specific VoE
// channels for encoding and sending to the network.
void EncodeAndSend(const int voe_channels[], size_t number_of_voe_channels);
// Must be called on the same thread as PrepareDemux().
uint32_t CaptureLevel() const;
int32_t StopSend();
// VoEExternalMedia
int RegisterExternalMediaProcessing(VoEMediaProcess* object,
ProcessingTypes type);
int DeRegisterExternalMediaProcessing(ProcessingTypes type);
int GetMixingFrequency();
// VoEVolumeControl
int SetMute(bool enable);
bool Mute() const;
int8_t AudioLevel() const;
int16_t AudioLevelFullRange() const;
bool IsRecordingCall();
bool IsRecordingMic();
int StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone(const char* fileName,
bool loop,
FileFormats format,
int startPosition,
float volumeScaling,
int stopPosition,
const CodecInst* codecInst);
int StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone(InStream* stream,
FileFormats format,
int startPosition,
float volumeScaling,
int stopPosition,
const CodecInst* codecInst);
int StopPlayingFileAsMicrophone();
int IsPlayingFileAsMicrophone() const;
int StartRecordingMicrophone(const char* fileName,
const CodecInst* codecInst);
int StartRecordingMicrophone(OutStream* stream,
const CodecInst* codecInst);
int StopRecordingMicrophone();
int StartRecordingCall(const char* fileName, const CodecInst* codecInst);
int StartRecordingCall(OutStream* stream, const CodecInst* codecInst);
int StopRecordingCall();
void SetMixWithMicStatus(bool mix);
int32_t RegisterVoiceEngineObserver(VoiceEngineObserver& observer);
virtual ~TransmitMixer();
// MonitorObserver
void OnPeriodicProcess();
// FileCallback
void PlayNotification(int32_t id,
uint32_t durationMs);
void RecordNotification(int32_t id,
uint32_t durationMs);
void PlayFileEnded(int32_t id);
void RecordFileEnded(int32_t id);
// Typing detection
int TimeSinceLastTyping(int &seconds);
int SetTypingDetectionParameters(int timeWindow,
int costPerTyping,
int reportingThreshold,
int penaltyDecay,
int typeEventDelay);
void EnableStereoChannelSwapping(bool enable);
bool IsStereoChannelSwappingEnabled();
TransmitMixer(uint32_t instanceId);
// Gets the maximum sample rate and number of channels over all currently
// sending codecs.
void GetSendCodecInfo(int* max_sample_rate, size_t* max_channels);
void GenerateAudioFrame(const int16_t audioSamples[],
size_t nSamples,
size_t nChannels,
int samplesPerSec);
int32_t RecordAudioToFile(uint32_t mixingFrequency);
int32_t MixOrReplaceAudioWithFile(
int mixingFrequency);
void ProcessAudio(int delay_ms, int clock_drift, int current_mic_level,
bool key_pressed);
void TypingDetection(bool keyPressed);
// uses
Statistics* _engineStatisticsPtr;
ChannelManager* _channelManagerPtr;
AudioProcessing* audioproc_;
VoiceEngineObserver* _voiceEngineObserverPtr;
ProcessThread* _processThreadPtr;
// owns
MonitorModule _monitorModule;
AudioFrame _audioFrame;
PushResampler<int16_t> resampler_; // ADM sample rate -> mixing rate
FilePlayer* _filePlayerPtr;
FileRecorder* _fileRecorderPtr;
FileRecorder* _fileCallRecorderPtr;
int _filePlayerId;
int _fileRecorderId;
int _fileCallRecorderId;
bool _filePlaying;
bool _fileRecording;
bool _fileCallRecording;
voe::AudioLevel _audioLevel;
// protect file instances and their variables in MixedParticipants()
rtc::CriticalSection _critSect;
rtc::CriticalSection _callbackCritSect;
webrtc::TypingDetection _typingDetection;
bool _typingNoiseWarningPending;
bool _typingNoiseDetected;
bool _saturationWarning;
int _instanceId;
bool _mixFileWithMicrophone;
uint32_t _captureLevel;
VoEMediaProcess* external_postproc_ptr_;
VoEMediaProcess* external_preproc_ptr_;
bool _mute;
bool stereo_codec_;
bool swap_stereo_channels_;
} // namespace voe
} // namespace webrtc