
513 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <algorithm>
#include "webrtc/base/atomicops.h"
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/base/common.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/base/messagequeue.h"
#include "webrtc/base/stringencode.h"
#include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
#include "webrtc/base/trace_event.h"
namespace rtc {
const int kMaxMsgLatency = 150; // 150 ms
const int kSlowDispatchLoggingThreshold = 50; // 50 ms
// MessageQueueManager
MessageQueueManager* MessageQueueManager::instance_ = NULL;
MessageQueueManager* MessageQueueManager::Instance() {
// Note: This is not thread safe, but it is first called before threads are
// spawned.
if (!instance_)
instance_ = new MessageQueueManager;
return instance_;
bool MessageQueueManager::IsInitialized() {
return instance_ != NULL;
MessageQueueManager::MessageQueueManager() {}
MessageQueueManager::~MessageQueueManager() {
void MessageQueueManager::Add(MessageQueue *message_queue) {
return Instance()->AddInternal(message_queue);
void MessageQueueManager::AddInternal(MessageQueue *message_queue) {
// MessageQueueManager methods should be non-reentrant, so we
// ASSERT that is the case. If any of these ASSERT, please
// contact bpm or jbeda.
#if CS_DEBUG_CHECKS // CurrentThreadIsOwner returns true by default.
CritScope cs(&crit_);
void MessageQueueManager::Remove(MessageQueue *message_queue) {
// If there isn't a message queue manager instance, then there isn't a queue
// to remove.
if (!instance_) return;
return Instance()->RemoveInternal(message_queue);
void MessageQueueManager::RemoveInternal(MessageQueue *message_queue) {
#if CS_DEBUG_CHECKS // CurrentThreadIsOwner returns true by default.
ASSERT(!crit_.CurrentThreadIsOwner()); // See note above.
// If this is the last MessageQueue, destroy the manager as well so that
// we don't leak this object at program shutdown. As mentioned above, this is
// not thread-safe, but this should only happen at program termination (when
// the ThreadManager is destroyed, and threads are no longer active).
bool destroy = false;
CritScope cs(&crit_);
std::vector<MessageQueue *>::iterator iter;
iter = std::find(message_queues_.begin(), message_queues_.end(),
if (iter != message_queues_.end()) {
destroy = message_queues_.empty();
if (destroy) {
instance_ = NULL;
delete this;
void MessageQueueManager::Clear(MessageHandler *handler) {
// If there isn't a message queue manager instance, then there aren't any
// queues to remove this handler from.
if (!instance_) return;
return Instance()->ClearInternal(handler);
void MessageQueueManager::ClearInternal(MessageHandler *handler) {
#if CS_DEBUG_CHECKS // CurrentThreadIsOwner returns true by default.
ASSERT(!crit_.CurrentThreadIsOwner()); // See note above.
CritScope cs(&crit_);
std::vector<MessageQueue *>::iterator iter;
for (iter = message_queues_.begin(); iter != message_queues_.end(); iter++)
void MessageQueueManager::ProcessAllMessageQueues() {
if (!instance_) {
return Instance()->ProcessAllMessageQueuesInternal();
void MessageQueueManager::ProcessAllMessageQueuesInternal() {
#if CS_DEBUG_CHECKS // CurrentThreadIsOwner returns true by default.
ASSERT(!crit_.CurrentThreadIsOwner()); // See note above.
// Post a delayed message at the current time and wait for it to be dispatched
// on all queues, which will ensure that all messages that came before it were
// also dispatched.
volatile int queues_not_done;
auto functor = [&queues_not_done] { AtomicOps::Decrement(&queues_not_done); };
FunctorMessageHandler<void, decltype(functor)> handler(functor);
CritScope cs(&crit_);
queues_not_done = static_cast<int>(message_queues_.size());
for (MessageQueue* queue : message_queues_) {
queue->PostDelayed(RTC_FROM_HERE, 0, &handler);
// Note: One of the message queues may have been on this thread, which is why
// we can't synchronously wait for queues_not_done to go to 0; we need to
// process messages as well.
while (AtomicOps::AcquireLoad(&queues_not_done) > 0) {
// MessageQueue
MessageQueue::MessageQueue(SocketServer* ss, bool init_queue)
: fStop_(false), fPeekKeep_(false),
dmsgq_next_num_(0), fInitialized_(false), fDestroyed_(false), ss_(ss) {
// Currently, MessageQueue holds a socket server, and is the base class for
// Thread. It seems like it makes more sense for Thread to hold the socket
// server, and provide it to the MessageQueue, since the Thread controls
// the I/O model, and MQ is agnostic to those details. Anyway, this causes
// messagequeue_unittest to depend on network libraries... yuck.
if (init_queue) {
MessageQueue::MessageQueue(std::unique_ptr<SocketServer> ss, bool init_queue)
: MessageQueue(ss.get(), init_queue) {
own_ss_ = std::move(ss);
MessageQueue::~MessageQueue() {
void MessageQueue::DoInit() {
if (fInitialized_) {
fInitialized_ = true;
void MessageQueue::DoDestroy() {
if (fDestroyed_) {
fDestroyed_ = true;
// The signal is done from here to ensure
// that it always gets called when the queue
// is going away.
SharedScope ss(&ss_lock_);
if (ss_) {
SocketServer* MessageQueue::socketserver() {
SharedScope ss(&ss_lock_);
return ss_;
void MessageQueue::set_socketserver(SocketServer* ss) {
// Need to lock exclusively here to prevent simultaneous modifications from
// other threads. Can't be a shared lock to prevent races with other reading
// threads.
// Other places that only read "ss_" can use a shared lock as simultaneous
// read access is allowed.
ExclusiveScope es(&ss_lock_);
ss_ = ss ? ss : own_ss_.get();
void MessageQueue::WakeUpSocketServer() {
SharedScope ss(&ss_lock_);
void MessageQueue::Quit() {
fStop_ = true;
bool MessageQueue::IsQuitting() {
return fStop_;
void MessageQueue::Restart() {
fStop_ = false;
bool MessageQueue::Peek(Message *pmsg, int cmsWait) {
if (fPeekKeep_) {
*pmsg = msgPeek_;
return true;
if (!Get(pmsg, cmsWait))
return false;
msgPeek_ = *pmsg;
fPeekKeep_ = true;
return true;
bool MessageQueue::Get(Message *pmsg, int cmsWait, bool process_io) {
// Return and clear peek if present
// Always return the peek if it exists so there is Peek/Get symmetry
if (fPeekKeep_) {
*pmsg = msgPeek_;
fPeekKeep_ = false;
return true;
// Get w/wait + timer scan / dispatch + socket / event multiplexer dispatch
int64_t cmsTotal = cmsWait;
int64_t cmsElapsed = 0;
int64_t msStart = TimeMillis();
int64_t msCurrent = msStart;
while (true) {
// Check for sent messages
// Check for posted events
int64_t cmsDelayNext = kForever;
bool first_pass = true;
while (true) {
// All queue operations need to be locked, but nothing else in this loop
// (specifically handling disposed message) can happen inside the crit.
// Otherwise, disposed MessageHandlers will cause deadlocks.
CritScope cs(&crit_);
// On the first pass, check for delayed messages that have been
// triggered and calculate the next trigger time.
if (first_pass) {
first_pass = false;
while (!dmsgq_.empty()) {
if (msCurrent < dmsgq_.top().msTrigger_) {
cmsDelayNext = TimeDiff(dmsgq_.top().msTrigger_, msCurrent);
// Pull a message off the message queue, if available.
if (msgq_.empty()) {
} else {
*pmsg = msgq_.front();
} // crit_ is released here.
// Log a warning for time-sensitive messages that we're late to deliver.
if (pmsg->ts_sensitive) {
int64_t delay = TimeDiff(msCurrent, pmsg->ts_sensitive);
if (delay > 0) {
LOG_F(LS_WARNING) << "id: " << pmsg->message_id << " delay: "
<< (delay + kMaxMsgLatency) << "ms";
// If this was a dispose message, delete it and skip it.
if (MQID_DISPOSE == pmsg->message_id) {
ASSERT(NULL == pmsg->phandler);
delete pmsg->pdata;
*pmsg = Message();
return true;
if (fStop_)
// Which is shorter, the delay wait or the asked wait?
int64_t cmsNext;
if (cmsWait == kForever) {
cmsNext = cmsDelayNext;
} else {
cmsNext = std::max<int64_t>(0, cmsTotal - cmsElapsed);
if ((cmsDelayNext != kForever) && (cmsDelayNext < cmsNext))
cmsNext = cmsDelayNext;
// Wait and multiplex in the meantime
SharedScope ss(&ss_lock_);
if (!ss_->Wait(static_cast<int>(cmsNext), process_io))
return false;
// If the specified timeout expired, return
msCurrent = TimeMillis();
cmsElapsed = TimeDiff(msCurrent, msStart);
if (cmsWait != kForever) {
if (cmsElapsed >= cmsWait)
return false;
return false;
void MessageQueue::ReceiveSends() {
void MessageQueue::Post(const Location& posted_from,
MessageHandler* phandler,
uint32_t id,
MessageData* pdata,
bool time_sensitive) {
if (fStop_)
// Keep thread safe
// Add the message to the end of the queue
// Signal for the multiplexer to return
CritScope cs(&crit_);
Message msg;
msg.posted_from = posted_from;
msg.phandler = phandler;
msg.message_id = id;
msg.pdata = pdata;
if (time_sensitive) {
msg.ts_sensitive = TimeMillis() + kMaxMsgLatency;
void MessageQueue::PostDelayed(const Location& posted_from,
int cmsDelay,
MessageHandler* phandler,
uint32_t id,
MessageData* pdata) {
return DoDelayPost(posted_from, cmsDelay, TimeAfter(cmsDelay), phandler, id,
void MessageQueue::PostAt(const Location& posted_from,
uint32_t tstamp,
MessageHandler* phandler,
uint32_t id,
MessageData* pdata) {
// This should work even if it is used (unexpectedly).
int64_t delay = static_cast<uint32_t>(TimeMillis()) - tstamp;
return DoDelayPost(posted_from, delay, tstamp, phandler, id, pdata);
void MessageQueue::PostAt(const Location& posted_from,
int64_t tstamp,
MessageHandler* phandler,
uint32_t id,
MessageData* pdata) {
return DoDelayPost(posted_from, TimeUntil(tstamp), tstamp, phandler, id,
void MessageQueue::DoDelayPost(const Location& posted_from,
int64_t cmsDelay,
int64_t tstamp,
MessageHandler* phandler,
uint32_t id,
MessageData* pdata) {
if (fStop_) {
// Keep thread safe
// Add to the priority queue. Gets sorted soonest first.
// Signal for the multiplexer to return.
CritScope cs(&crit_);
Message msg;
msg.posted_from = posted_from;
msg.phandler = phandler;
msg.message_id = id;
msg.pdata = pdata;
DelayedMessage dmsg(cmsDelay, tstamp, dmsgq_next_num_, msg);
// If this message queue processes 1 message every millisecond for 50 days,
// we will wrap this number. Even then, only messages with identical times
// will be misordered, and then only briefly. This is probably ok.
VERIFY(0 != ++dmsgq_next_num_);
int MessageQueue::GetDelay() {
CritScope cs(&crit_);
if (!msgq_.empty())
return 0;
if (!dmsgq_.empty()) {
int delay = TimeUntil(dmsgq_.top().msTrigger_);
if (delay < 0)
delay = 0;
return delay;
return kForever;
void MessageQueue::Clear(MessageHandler* phandler,
uint32_t id,
MessageList* removed) {
CritScope cs(&crit_);
// Remove messages with phandler
if (fPeekKeep_ && msgPeek_.Match(phandler, id)) {
if (removed) {
} else {
delete msgPeek_.pdata;
fPeekKeep_ = false;
// Remove from ordered message queue
for (MessageList::iterator it = msgq_.begin(); it != msgq_.end();) {
if (it->Match(phandler, id)) {
if (removed) {
} else {
delete it->pdata;
it = msgq_.erase(it);
} else {
// Remove from priority queue. Not directly iterable, so use this approach
PriorityQueue::container_type::iterator new_end = dmsgq_.container().begin();
for (PriorityQueue::container_type::iterator it = new_end;
it != dmsgq_.container().end(); ++it) {
if (it->msg_.Match(phandler, id)) {
if (removed) {
} else {
delete it->msg_.pdata;
} else {
*new_end++ = *it;
dmsgq_.container().erase(new_end, dmsgq_.container().end());
void MessageQueue::Dispatch(Message *pmsg) {
TRACE_EVENT2("webrtc", "MessageQueue::Dispatch", "src_file_and_line",
pmsg->posted_from.file_and_line(), "src_func",
int64_t start_time = TimeMillis();
int64_t end_time = TimeMillis();
int64_t diff = TimeDiff(end_time, start_time);
if (diff >= kSlowDispatchLoggingThreshold) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Message took " << diff << "ms to dispatch. Posted from: "
<< pmsg->posted_from.ToString();
} // namespace rtc