/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include "webrtc/base/natsocketfactory.h" #include "webrtc/base/natserver.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/socketadapters.h" namespace rtc { RouteCmp::RouteCmp(NAT* nat) : symmetric(nat->IsSymmetric()) { } size_t RouteCmp::operator()(const SocketAddressPair& r) const { size_t h = r.source().Hash(); if (symmetric) h ^= r.destination().Hash(); return h; } bool RouteCmp::operator()( const SocketAddressPair& r1, const SocketAddressPair& r2) const { if (r1.source() < r2.source()) return true; if (r2.source() < r1.source()) return false; if (symmetric && (r1.destination() < r2.destination())) return true; if (symmetric && (r2.destination() < r1.destination())) return false; return false; } AddrCmp::AddrCmp(NAT* nat) : use_ip(nat->FiltersIP()), use_port(nat->FiltersPort()) { } size_t AddrCmp::operator()(const SocketAddress& a) const { size_t h = 0; if (use_ip) h ^= HashIP(a.ipaddr()); if (use_port) h ^= a.port() | (a.port() << 16); return h; } bool AddrCmp::operator()( const SocketAddress& a1, const SocketAddress& a2) const { if (use_ip && (a1.ipaddr() < a2.ipaddr())) return true; if (use_ip && (a2.ipaddr() < a1.ipaddr())) return false; if (use_port && (a1.port() < a2.port())) return true; if (use_port && (a2.port() < a1.port())) return false; return false; } // Proxy socket that will capture the external destination address intended for // a TCP connection to the NAT server. class NATProxyServerSocket : public AsyncProxyServerSocket { public: NATProxyServerSocket(AsyncSocket* socket) : AsyncProxyServerSocket(socket, kNATEncodedIPv6AddressSize) { BufferInput(true); } void SendConnectResult(int err, const SocketAddress& addr) override { char code = err ? 1 : 0; BufferedReadAdapter::DirectSend(&code, sizeof(char)); } protected: void ProcessInput(char* data, size_t* len) override { if (*len < 2) { return; } int family = data[1]; ASSERT(family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6); if ((family == AF_INET && *len < kNATEncodedIPv4AddressSize) || (family == AF_INET6 && *len < kNATEncodedIPv6AddressSize)) { return; } SocketAddress dest_addr; size_t address_length = UnpackAddressFromNAT(data, *len, &dest_addr); *len -= address_length; if (*len > 0) { memmove(data, data + address_length, *len); } bool remainder = (*len > 0); BufferInput(false); SignalConnectRequest(this, dest_addr); if (remainder) { SignalReadEvent(this); } } }; class NATProxyServer : public ProxyServer { public: NATProxyServer(SocketFactory* int_factory, const SocketAddress& int_addr, SocketFactory* ext_factory, const SocketAddress& ext_ip) : ProxyServer(int_factory, int_addr, ext_factory, ext_ip) { } protected: AsyncProxyServerSocket* WrapSocket(AsyncSocket* socket) override { return new NATProxyServerSocket(socket); } }; NATServer::NATServer( NATType type, SocketFactory* internal, const SocketAddress& internal_udp_addr, const SocketAddress& internal_tcp_addr, SocketFactory* external, const SocketAddress& external_ip) : external_(external), external_ip_(external_ip.ipaddr(), 0) { nat_ = NAT::Create(type); udp_server_socket_ = AsyncUDPSocket::Create(internal, internal_udp_addr); udp_server_socket_->SignalReadPacket.connect(this, &NATServer::OnInternalUDPPacket); tcp_proxy_server_ = new NATProxyServer(internal, internal_tcp_addr, external, external_ip); int_map_ = new InternalMap(RouteCmp(nat_)); ext_map_ = new ExternalMap(); } NATServer::~NATServer() { for (InternalMap::iterator iter = int_map_->begin(); iter != int_map_->end(); iter++) delete iter->second; delete nat_; delete udp_server_socket_; delete tcp_proxy_server_; delete int_map_; delete ext_map_; } void NATServer::OnInternalUDPPacket( AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const char* buf, size_t size, const SocketAddress& addr, const PacketTime& packet_time) { // Read the intended destination from the wire. SocketAddress dest_addr; size_t length = UnpackAddressFromNAT(buf, size, &dest_addr); // Find the translation for these addresses (allocating one if necessary). SocketAddressPair route(addr, dest_addr); InternalMap::iterator iter = int_map_->find(route); if (iter == int_map_->end()) { Translate(route); iter = int_map_->find(route); } ASSERT(iter != int_map_->end()); // Allow the destination to send packets back to the source. iter->second->WhitelistInsert(dest_addr); // Send the packet to its intended destination. rtc::PacketOptions options; iter->second->socket->SendTo(buf + length, size - length, dest_addr, options); } void NATServer::OnExternalUDPPacket( AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const char* buf, size_t size, const SocketAddress& remote_addr, const PacketTime& packet_time) { SocketAddress local_addr = socket->GetLocalAddress(); // Find the translation for this addresses. ExternalMap::iterator iter = ext_map_->find(local_addr); ASSERT(iter != ext_map_->end()); // Allow the NAT to reject this packet. if (ShouldFilterOut(iter->second, remote_addr)) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Packet from " << remote_addr.ToSensitiveString() << " was filtered out by the NAT."; return; } // Forward this packet to the internal address. // First prepend the address in a quasi-STUN format. std::unique_ptr real_buf(new char[size + kNATEncodedIPv6AddressSize]); size_t addrlength = PackAddressForNAT(real_buf.get(), size + kNATEncodedIPv6AddressSize, remote_addr); // Copy the data part after the address. rtc::PacketOptions options; memcpy(real_buf.get() + addrlength, buf, size); udp_server_socket_->SendTo(real_buf.get(), size + addrlength, iter->second->route.source(), options); } void NATServer::Translate(const SocketAddressPair& route) { AsyncUDPSocket* socket = AsyncUDPSocket::Create(external_, external_ip_); if (!socket) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Couldn't find a free port!"; return; } TransEntry* entry = new TransEntry(route, socket, nat_); (*int_map_)[route] = entry; (*ext_map_)[socket->GetLocalAddress()] = entry; socket->SignalReadPacket.connect(this, &NATServer::OnExternalUDPPacket); } bool NATServer::ShouldFilterOut(TransEntry* entry, const SocketAddress& ext_addr) { return entry->WhitelistContains(ext_addr); } NATServer::TransEntry::TransEntry( const SocketAddressPair& r, AsyncUDPSocket* s, NAT* nat) : route(r), socket(s) { whitelist = new AddressSet(AddrCmp(nat)); } NATServer::TransEntry::~TransEntry() { delete whitelist; delete socket; } void NATServer::TransEntry::WhitelistInsert(const SocketAddress& addr) { CritScope cs(&crit_); whitelist->insert(addr); } bool NATServer::TransEntry::WhitelistContains(const SocketAddress& ext_addr) { CritScope cs(&crit_); return whitelist->find(ext_addr) == whitelist->end(); } } // namespace rtc