This file describes how to setup Eclipse and then the Python Charts project Setup Eclipse ------------- These instructions were tested on Linux, but are very similar for Windows and Mac. 1. Ensure you have Python 2.x installed 2. Download and install Google App Engine SDK for Python from 3. Note which location you put App Engine in, as this will be needed later on. 4. Download Eclipse from Any distribution will probably do, but if you're going to do mainly web development, you might pick Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Web Developers 5. Install the PyDev plugin using the Eclipse update site mentioned at 6. Install the Google Plugin for Eclipse: Setup the project ----------------- Generic instructions are available at but the following should be enough: 1. Launch Eclipse and create a workspace 2. Create a new PyDev Project 3. In the PyDev Project wizard, uncheck the "Use Default" checkbox for Project contents and browse to your tools/python_charts directory. 4. Enter a project name. We'll assume PythonCharts in the examples below. 5. In the radio button of the lower part of the window, select "Add project directory to the PYTHONPATH" 6. Click Finish 7. Select the Run > Run Configuration… menu item 8. Create a new "Python Run" configuration 9. Select your Python Charts project as project 10. As Main Module, enter the path to your, which is a part of your App Engine installation, e.g. /usr/local/google_appengine/ 11. At the Arguments tab, enter the location of your project root. Using Eclipse variables if your project name is PythonCharts: ${workspace_loc:PythonCharts} 12. Launch the development app server by clicking the Run button. 13. Launch a browser and go to http://localhost:8080