#!/bin/sh ########################################################################### ## ## ## Language Technologies Institute ## ## Carnegie Mellon University ## ## Copyright (c) 2002-2009 ## ## All Rights Reserved. ## ## ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use and distribute ## ## this software and its documentation without restriction, including ## ## without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ## ## distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this work, and to ## ## permit persons to whom this work is furnished to do so, subject to ## ## the following conditions: ## ## 1. The code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ## ## conditions and the following disclaimer. ## ## 2. Any modifications must be clearly marked as such. ## ## 3. Original authors' names are not deleted. ## ## 4. The authors' names are not used to endorse or promote products ## ## derived from this software without specific prior written ## ## permission. ## ## ## ## CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY AND THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS WORK ## ## DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ## ## ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT ## ## SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY NOR THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ## ## FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ## ## WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN ## ## AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ## ## ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF ## ## THIS SOFTWARE. ## ## ## ########################################################################### ## ## ## Build a flite voice from a festvox voice ## ## ## ## C files are built into flite/ ## ## ## ########################################################################### FIND_STS=$FLITEDIR/bin/find_sts FESTIVAL=$ESTDIR/../festival/bin/festival if [ "$PROMPTFILE" = "" ] then if [ $# = 2 ] then export PROMPTFILE=$2 else export PROMPTFILE=etc/txt.done.data fi fi HEAPSIZE=20000000 . ./etc/voice.defs if [ $# = 0 ] then if [ "$FV_TYPE" = "clunits" ] then $0 lpc $0 sts $0 mcep $0 clunits elif [ "$FV_TYPE" = "ldom" ] then $0 lpc $0 sts $0 mcep $0 clunits elif [ "$FV_TYPE" = "diphone" ] then $0 lpc $0 sts $0 diphone elif [ "$FV_TYPE" = "cg" ] then $0 cg else echo $0 unsupported voicetype $FV_TYPE fi exit 0 fi # Build lpc coefficients if [ "$1" = "lpc" ] then echo "Finding LPC coefficients" ./bin/make_lpc $PROMPTFILE echo "Finding LPC min, max and range" # make lpc.params file cat $PROMPTFILE | awk '{print $2}' | while read i do $ESTDIR/bin/ch_track -otype est_ascii lpc/$i.lpc | sed '1,/EST_Header_End/d' done | awk 'BEGIN {min=0; max=0;} {for (i=4; i<=NF; i++) { if ($i < min) min = $i; if ($i > max) max = $i; } } END {printf("LPC_MIN=%f\n",min); printf("LPC_MAX=%f\n",max); printf("LPC_RANGE=%f\n",max-min); }' >lpc/lpc.params exit 0 fi # build sts files if [ "$1" = "sts" ] then echo "Finding STS files" if [ ! -d sts ] then mkdir sts fi . ./lpc/lpc.params cat $PROMPTFILE | awk '{print $2}' | while read i do fname=$i echo $fname STS $FIND_STS $LPC_MIN $LPC_RANGE lpc/$fname.lpc wav/$fname.wav sts/$fname.sts done exit 0 fi # build mcep (params) if [ "$1" = "mcep" ] then echo "Finding MCEP min max and range" cat $PROMPTFILE | awk '{print $2}' | while read i do $ESTDIR/bin/ch_track -otype est_ascii mcep/$i.mcep | sed '1,/EST_Header_End/d' done | awk 'BEGIN {min=0; max=0;} {for (i=4; i<=NF; i++) { if ($i < min) min = $i; if ($i > max) max = $i; } } END {printf("(set! mcep_min %f)\n",min); printf("(set! mcep_max %f)\n",max); printf("(set! mcep_range %f)\n",max-min); }' >mcep/mcep.params.scm exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "cg" ] # clustergen then # For smaller (and quicker) voices you can build with a reduced order # this seems to be ok for values down to 13 RORDER=0 if [ $# = 2 ] then RORDER=$2 fi echo cg_convert: finding parameter ranges $ESTDIR/bin/ch_track -otype est_ascii festival/trees/${FV_VOICENAME}_mcep*.params | sed '1,/EST_Header_End/d' | awk 'BEGIN {nc=0;} {if (nc == 0) nc = NF; if (NF == nc ) { for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) { if ((NR == 1) || ($i < min[i])) min[i] = $i; if ((NR == 1) || ($i > max[i])) max[i] = $i; } nc = NF; } } END {for (i=3; i<=nc; i++) { printf("( %f %f )\n",min[i],max[i]-min[i]); } }' >festival/trees/${FV_VOICENAME}_min_range.scm cat etc/f0.params | sed 's/=/ /' | head -2 | awk '{printf("(set! %s %s)\n",$1,$2)}' >flite/f0_params.scm $FESTIVAL --heap $HEAPSIZE -b \ '(set! cg_reduced_order '$RORDER')' \ flite/f0_params.scm \ $FLITEDIR/tools/make_cg.scm \ $FLITEDIR/tools/make_cart.scm \ $FLITEDIR/tools/make_vallist.scm \ '(cg_convert "'$FV_VOICENAME'" "." "flite/")' echo "flite_build cg complete. You can compile the generated voice by" echo " cd flite; make" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "clunits" ] # clunits or ldom then echo "Building clunits/ldom index" sed '1,/EST_Header_End/d' festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.catalogue | awk 'BEGIN {p="CLUNIT_NONE";} {if ((NR > 1) && (t != "0_0")) { n = split(t,bits,"_"); unit_type = substr(t,1,length(t)-(length(bits[n])+1)); unit_occur = bits[n]; if ((t == "0_0") || (f != $2) || ($1 == "0_0")) printf("%s-%05d -- ( %s %s %s )\n",unit_type,unit_occur,line,p,"CLUNIT_NONE"); else printf("%s-%05d -- ( %s %s unit_%s )\n",unit_type,unit_occur, line,p,$1); } line = $0; if ((t == "0_0") || (f != $2)) p = "CLUNIT_NONE"; else p=sprintf("unit_%s",t); t=$1; f=$2; } END { if (t != "0_0") { n = split(t,bits,"_"); unit_type = substr(t,1,length(t)-(length(bits[n])+1)); unit_occur = bits[n]; printf("%s-%05d -- ( %s %s %s )\n", unit_type,unit_occur,line,p,"CLUNIT_NONE"); } }' | cat >festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.scm cat festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.scm | $FLITEDIR/bin/flite_sort | sed 's/^.* -- //' >festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.unitordered.scm cat festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.scm | sed 's/^.* -- //' >festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.fileordered.scm rm -f flite/$FV_VOICENAME"_lpc"* rm -f flite/$FV_VOICENAME"_mcep"* $FESTIVAL --heap $HEAPSIZE -b $FLITEDIR/tools/make_clunits.scm \ $FLITEDIR/tools/make_cart.scm \ $FLITEDIR/tools/make_vallist.scm \ mcep/mcep.params.scm \ '(clunits_convert "'$FV_VOICENAME'" "festival/clunits/'$FV_VOICENAME'.fileordered.scm" "festival/clunits/'$FV_VOICENAME'.unitordered.scm" "festival/trees/'$FV_VOICENAME'.tree" "." "flite/")' echo "flite_build complete. You can compile the generated voice by" echo " cd flite; make" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "diphone" ] then echo "Building diphone index" # Not a good way to do this, to take the most recent idxfile=`ls -t dic/*.est | head -1` echo "Using "$idxfile sed '1,/EST_Header_End/d' $idxfile | awk '{printf("%s ( %s )\n",$1,$0)}' | $FLITEDIR/bin/flite_sort | sed 's/^.* (/(/' >dic/diphidx.scm $FESTIVAL --heap $HEAPSIZE -b $FLITEDIR/tools/make_didb2.scm \ '(diphtoC "dic/diphidx.scm" "'$FV_VOICENAME'" "sts" "flite")' echo "flite_build complete. You can compile the generated voice by" echo " cd flite; make" exit 0 fi # build index file if [ "$1" = "idx" ] then HEAPSIZE=10000000 if [ "$FV_TYPE" != "diphone" ] # clunits or ldom then echo "Building clunits/ldom index" sed '1,/EST_Header_End/d' festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.catalogue | awk 'BEGIN {p="CLUNIT_NONE";} {if ((NR > 1) && (t != "0_0")) { n = split(t,bits,"_"); unit_type = substr(t,1,length(t)-(length(bits[n])+1)); unit_occur = bits[n]; if ((t == "0_0") || (f != $2) || ($1 == "0_0")) printf("%s_%05d -- ( %s %s %s )\n",unit_type,unit_occur,line,p,"CLUNIT_NONE"); else printf("%s_%05d -- ( %s %s unit_%s )\n",unit_type,unit_occur, line,p,$1); } line = $0; if ((t == "0_0") || (f != $2)) p = "CLUNIT_NONE"; else p=sprintf("unit_%s",t); t=$1; f=$2; } END { if (t != "0_0") { n = split(t,bits,"_"); unit_type = substr(t,1,length(t)-(length(bits[n])+1)); unit_occur = bits[n]; printf("%s_%05d -- ( %s %s %s )\n", unit_type,unit_occur,line,p,"CLUNIT_NONE"); } }' | cat >festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.scm cat festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.scm | $FLITEDIR/bin/flite_sort | sed 's/^.* -- //' >festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.unitordered.scm cat festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.scm | sed 's/^.* -- //' >festival/clunits/$FV_VOICENAME.fileordered.scm rm -f flite/$FV_VOICENAME"_lpc"* rm -f flite/$FV_VOICENAME"_mcep"* $FESTIVAL --heap $HEAPSIZE -b $FLITEDIR/tools/make_clunits.scm \ $FLITEDIR/tools/make_cart.scm \ $FLITEDIR/tools/make_vallist.scm \ mcep/mcep.params.scm \ '(clunits_convert "'$FV_VOICENAME'" "festival/clunits/'$FV_VOICENAME'.fileordered.scm" "festival/clunits/'$FV_VOICENAME'.unitordered.scm" "festival/trees/'$FV_VOICENAME'.tree" "." "flite/")' fi if [ "$FV_TYPE" = "diphone" ] then echo "Building diphone index" # Not a good way to do this, to take the most recent idxfile=`ls -t dic/*.est | head -1` echo "Using "$idxfile sed '1,/EST_Header_End/d' $idxfile | awk '{printf("%s ( %s )\n",$1,$0)}' | $FLITEDIR/bin/flite_sort | sed 's/^.* (/(/' >dic/diphidx.scm $FESTIVAL --heap $HEAPSIZE -b $FLITEDIR/tools/make_didb.scm \ '(diphtoC "dic/diphidx.scm" "'$FV_VOICENAME'" "sts" "flite")' fi echo "flite_build complete. You can compile the generated voice by" echo " cd flite; make" exit 0 fi echo build_flite unknown arguments $* exit 1