 *  Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.


#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "webrtc/p2p/base/port.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/portinterface.h"
#include "webrtc/base/helpers.h"
#include "webrtc/base/proxyinfo.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
#include "webrtc/base/thread.h"

namespace cricket {

// PortAllocator is responsible for allocating Port types for a given
// P2PSocket. It also handles port freeing.
// Clients can override this class to control port allocation, including
// what kinds of ports are allocated.

enum {
  // Disable local UDP ports. This doesn't impact how we connect to relay
  // servers.
  // Disable local TCP ports. This doesn't impact how we connect to relay
  // servers.
  // TODO(pthatcher): Remove this once it's no longer used in:
  // remoting/client/plugin/pepper_port_allocator.cc
  // remoting/protocol/chromium_port_allocator.cc
  // remoting/test/fake_port_allocator.cc
  // It's a no-op and is no longer needed.
  // When specified, we'll only allocate the STUN candidate for the public
  // interface as seen by regular http traffic and the HOST candidate associated
  // with the default local interface.
  // default local candidate mentioned above will not be allocated. Only the
  // STUN candidate will be.
  // Disallow use of UDP when connecting to a relay server. Since proxy servers
  // usually don't handle UDP, using UDP will leak the IP address.

  // When multiple networks exist, do not gather candidates on the ones with
  // high cost. So if both Wi-Fi and cellular networks exist, gather only on the
  // Wi-Fi network. If a network type is "unknown", it has a cost lower than
  // cellular but higher than Wi-Fi/Ethernet. So if an unknown network exists,
  // cellular networks will not be used to gather candidates and if a Wi-Fi
  // network is present, "unknown" networks will not be usd to gather
  // candidates. Doing so ensures that even if a cellular network type was not
  // detected initially, it would not be used if a Wi-Fi network is present.

const uint32_t kDefaultPortAllocatorFlags = 0;

const uint32_t kDefaultStepDelay = 1000;  // 1 sec step delay.
// As per RFC 5245 Appendix B.1, STUN transactions need to be paced at certain
// internal. Less than 20ms is not acceptable. We choose 50ms as our default.
const uint32_t kMinimumStepDelay = 50;

enum {
  CF_NONE = 0x0,
  CF_HOST = 0x1,
  CF_RELAY = 0x4,
  CF_ALL = 0x7,

// TODO(deadbeef): Rename to TurnCredentials (and username to ufrag).
struct RelayCredentials {
  RelayCredentials() {}
  RelayCredentials(const std::string& username, const std::string& password)
      : username(username), password(password) {}

  bool operator==(const RelayCredentials& o) const {
    return username == o.username && password == o.password;
  bool operator!=(const RelayCredentials& o) const { return !(*this == o); }

  std::string username;
  std::string password;

typedef std::vector<ProtocolAddress> PortList;
// TODO(deadbeef): Rename to TurnServerConfig.
struct RelayServerConfig {
  RelayServerConfig(RelayType type) : type(type) {}

  RelayServerConfig(const std::string& address,
                    int port,
                    const std::string& username,
                    const std::string& password,
                    ProtocolType proto,
                    bool secure)
      : type(RELAY_TURN), credentials(username, password) {
        ProtocolAddress(rtc::SocketAddress(address, port), proto, secure));

  bool operator==(const RelayServerConfig& o) const {
    return type == o.type && ports == o.ports && credentials == o.credentials &&
           priority == o.priority;
  bool operator!=(const RelayServerConfig& o) const { return !(*this == o); }

  RelayType type;
  PortList ports;
  RelayCredentials credentials;
  int priority = 0;

class PortAllocatorSession : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
  // Content name passed in mostly for logging and debugging.
  PortAllocatorSession(const std::string& content_name,
                       int component,
                       const std::string& ice_ufrag,
                       const std::string& ice_pwd,
                       uint32_t flags);

  // Subclasses should clean up any ports created.
  virtual ~PortAllocatorSession() {}

  uint32_t flags() const { return flags_; }
  void set_flags(uint32_t flags) { flags_ = flags; }
  std::string content_name() const { return content_name_; }
  int component() const { return component_; }
  const std::string& ice_ufrag() const { return ice_ufrag_; }
  const std::string& ice_pwd() const { return ice_pwd_; }
  bool pooled() const { return ice_ufrag_.empty(); }

  // Setting this filter should affect not only candidates gathered in the
  // future, but candidates already gathered and ports already "ready",
  // which would be returned by ReadyCandidates() and ReadyPorts().
  // Default filter should be CF_ALL.
  virtual void SetCandidateFilter(uint32_t filter) = 0;

  // Starts gathering STUN and Relay configurations.
  virtual void StartGettingPorts() = 0;
  virtual void StopGettingPorts() = 0;
  // Only stop the existing gathering process but may start new ones if needed.
  virtual void ClearGettingPorts() = 0;
  // Whether the process of getting ports has been stopped.
  virtual bool IsGettingPorts() = 0;

  // Another way of getting the information provided by the signals below.
  // Ports and candidates are not guaranteed to be in the same order as the
  // signals were emitted in.
  virtual std::vector<PortInterface*> ReadyPorts() const = 0;
  virtual std::vector<Candidate> ReadyCandidates() const = 0;
  virtual bool CandidatesAllocationDone() const = 0;

  sigslot::signal2<PortAllocatorSession*, PortInterface*> SignalPortReady;
                   const std::vector<Candidate>&> SignalCandidatesReady;
  sigslot::signal1<PortAllocatorSession*> SignalCandidatesAllocationDone;

  virtual uint32_t generation() { return generation_; }
  virtual void set_generation(uint32_t generation) { generation_ = generation; }
  sigslot::signal1<PortAllocatorSession*> SignalDestroyed;

  // This method is called when a pooled session (which doesn't have these
  // properties initially) is returned by PortAllocator::TakePooledSession,
  // and the content name, component, and ICE ufrag/pwd are updated.
  // A subclass may need to override this method to perform additional actions,
  // such as applying the updated information to ports and candidates.
  virtual void UpdateIceParametersInternal() {}

  // TODO(deadbeef): Get rid of these when everyone switches to ice_ufrag and
  // ice_pwd.
  const std::string& username() const { return ice_ufrag_; }
  const std::string& password() const { return ice_pwd_; }

  void SetIceParameters(const std::string& content_name,
                        int component,
                        const std::string& ice_ufrag,
                        const std::string& ice_pwd) {
    content_name_ = content_name;
    component_ = component;
    ice_ufrag_ = ice_ufrag;
    ice_pwd_ = ice_pwd;

  uint32_t flags_;
  uint32_t generation_;
  std::string content_name_;
  int component_;
  std::string ice_ufrag_;
  std::string ice_pwd_;

  // SetIceParameters is an implementation detail which only PortAllocator
  // should be able to call.
  friend class PortAllocator;

// Note that this class should only be used on one thread.
// This includes calling the destructor.
class PortAllocator : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
  PortAllocator() :
      candidate_filter_(CF_ALL) {
    // This will allow us to have old behavior on non webrtc clients.
  virtual ~PortAllocator() {}

  // Set STUN and TURN servers to be used in future sessions, and set
  // candidate pool size, as described in JSEP.
  // If the servers are changing and the candidate pool size is nonzero,
  // existing pooled sessions will be destroyed and new ones created.
  // If the servers are not changing but the candidate pool size is,
  // pooled sessions will be either created or destroyed as necessary.
  void SetConfiguration(const ServerAddresses& stun_servers,
                        const std::vector<RelayServerConfig>& turn_servers,
                        int candidate_pool_size);

  const ServerAddresses& stun_servers() const { return stun_servers_; }

  const std::vector<RelayServerConfig>& turn_servers() const {
    return turn_servers_;

  int candidate_pool_size() const { return target_pooled_session_count_; }

  // Sets the network types to ignore.
  // Values are defined by the AdapterType enum.
  // For instance, calling this with
  // loopback interfaces.
  virtual void SetNetworkIgnoreMask(int network_ignore_mask) = 0;

  std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession> CreateSession(
      const std::string& sid,
      const std::string& content_name,
      int component,
      const std::string& ice_ufrag,
      const std::string& ice_pwd);

  // Get an available pooled session and set the transport information on it.
  // Caller takes ownership of the returned session.
  // If no pooled sessions are available, returns null.
  std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession> TakePooledSession(
      const std::string& content_name,
      int component,
      const std::string& ice_ufrag,
      const std::string& ice_pwd);

  // Returns the next session that would be returned by TakePooledSession.
  const PortAllocatorSession* GetPooledSession() const;

  uint32_t flags() const { return flags_; }
  void set_flags(uint32_t flags) { flags_ = flags; }

  const std::string& user_agent() const { return agent_; }
  const rtc::ProxyInfo& proxy() const { return proxy_; }
  void set_proxy(const std::string& agent, const rtc::ProxyInfo& proxy) {
    agent_ = agent;
    proxy_ = proxy;

  // Gets/Sets the port range to use when choosing client ports.
  int min_port() const { return min_port_; }
  int max_port() const { return max_port_; }
  bool SetPortRange(int min_port, int max_port) {
    if (min_port > max_port) {
      return false;

    min_port_ = min_port;
    max_port_ = max_port;
    return true;

  uint32_t step_delay() const { return step_delay_; }
  void set_step_delay(uint32_t delay) { step_delay_ = delay; }

  bool allow_tcp_listen() const { return allow_tcp_listen_; }
  void set_allow_tcp_listen(bool allow_tcp_listen) {
    allow_tcp_listen_ = allow_tcp_listen;

  uint32_t candidate_filter() { return candidate_filter_; }
  void set_candidate_filter(uint32_t filter) {
    candidate_filter_ = filter;

  // Gets/Sets the Origin value used for WebRTC STUN requests.
  const std::string& origin() const { return origin_; }
  void set_origin(const std::string& origin) { origin_ = origin; }

  virtual PortAllocatorSession* CreateSessionInternal(
      const std::string& content_name,
      int component,
      const std::string& ice_ufrag,
      const std::string& ice_pwd) = 0;

  uint32_t flags_;
  std::string agent_;
  rtc::ProxyInfo proxy_;
  int min_port_;
  int max_port_;
  uint32_t step_delay_;
  bool allow_tcp_listen_;
  uint32_t candidate_filter_;
  std::string origin_;

  ServerAddresses stun_servers_;
  std::vector<RelayServerConfig> turn_servers_;
  // The last size passed into SetConfiguration.
  int target_pooled_session_count_ = 0;
  // This variable represents the total number of pooled sessions
  // both owned by this class and taken by TakePooledSession.
  int allocated_pooled_session_count_ = 0;
  std::deque<std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession>> pooled_sessions_;

}  // namespace cricket