/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef WEBRTC_BASE_HTTPCOMMON_H__ #define WEBRTC_BASE_HTTPCOMMON_H__ #include #include #include #include #include "webrtc/base/basictypes.h" #include "webrtc/base/common.h" #include "webrtc/base/stringutils.h" #include "webrtc/base/stream.h" namespace rtc { class CryptString; class SocketAddress; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum HttpCode { HC_OK = 200, HC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE = 203, HC_NO_CONTENT = 204, HC_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206, HC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300, HC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301, HC_FOUND = 302, HC_SEE_OTHER = 303, HC_NOT_MODIFIED = 304, HC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 307, HC_BAD_REQUEST = 400, HC_UNAUTHORIZED = 401, HC_FORBIDDEN = 403, HC_NOT_FOUND = 404, HC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407, HC_GONE = 410, HC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500, HC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501, HC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503, }; enum HttpVersion { HVER_1_0, HVER_1_1, HVER_UNKNOWN, HVER_LAST = HVER_UNKNOWN }; enum HttpVerb { HV_GET, HV_POST, HV_PUT, HV_DELETE, HV_CONNECT, HV_HEAD, HV_LAST = HV_HEAD }; enum HttpError { HE_NONE, HE_PROTOCOL, // Received non-valid HTTP data HE_DISCONNECTED, // Connection closed unexpectedly HE_OVERFLOW, // Received too much data for internal buffers HE_CONNECT_FAILED, // The socket failed to connect. HE_SOCKET_ERROR, // An error occurred on a connected socket HE_SHUTDOWN, // Http object is being destroyed HE_OPERATION_CANCELLED, // Connection aborted locally HE_AUTH, // Proxy Authentication Required HE_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED, // During SSL negotiation HE_STREAM, // Problem reading or writing to the document HE_CACHE, // Problem reading from cache HE_DEFAULT }; enum HttpHeader { HH_AGE, HH_CACHE_CONTROL, HH_CONNECTION, HH_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, HH_CONTENT_LENGTH, HH_CONTENT_RANGE, HH_CONTENT_TYPE, HH_COOKIE, HH_DATE, HH_ETAG, HH_EXPIRES, HH_HOST, HH_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HH_IF_NONE_MATCH, HH_KEEP_ALIVE, HH_LAST_MODIFIED, HH_LOCATION, HH_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, HH_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, HH_PROXY_CONNECTION, HH_RANGE, HH_SET_COOKIE, HH_TE, HH_TRAILERS, HH_TRANSFER_ENCODING, HH_UPGRADE, HH_USER_AGENT, HH_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, HH_LAST = HH_WWW_AUTHENTICATE }; const uint16_t HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT = 80; const uint16_t HTTP_SECURE_PORT = 443; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline HttpError mkerr(HttpError err, HttpError def_err = HE_DEFAULT) { return (err != HE_NONE) ? err : def_err; } const char* ToString(HttpVersion version); bool FromString(HttpVersion& version, const std::string& str); const char* ToString(HttpVerb verb); bool FromString(HttpVerb& verb, const std::string& str); const char* ToString(HttpHeader header); bool FromString(HttpHeader& header, const std::string& str); inline bool HttpCodeIsInformational(uint32_t code) { return ((code / 100) == 1); } inline bool HttpCodeIsSuccessful(uint32_t code) { return ((code / 100) == 2); } inline bool HttpCodeIsRedirection(uint32_t code) { return ((code / 100) == 3); } inline bool HttpCodeIsClientError(uint32_t code) { return ((code / 100) == 4); } inline bool HttpCodeIsServerError(uint32_t code) { return ((code / 100) == 5); } bool HttpCodeHasBody(uint32_t code); bool HttpCodeIsCacheable(uint32_t code); bool HttpHeaderIsEndToEnd(HttpHeader header); bool HttpHeaderIsCollapsible(HttpHeader header); struct HttpData; bool HttpShouldKeepAlive(const HttpData& data); typedef std::pair HttpAttribute; typedef std::vector HttpAttributeList; void HttpComposeAttributes(const HttpAttributeList& attributes, char separator, std::string* composed); void HttpParseAttributes(const char * data, size_t len, HttpAttributeList& attributes); bool HttpHasAttribute(const HttpAttributeList& attributes, const std::string& name, std::string* value); bool HttpHasNthAttribute(HttpAttributeList& attributes, size_t index, std::string* name, std::string* value); // Convert RFC1123 date (DoW, DD Mon YYYY HH:MM:SS TZ) to unix timestamp bool HttpDateToSeconds(const std::string& date, time_t* seconds); inline uint16_t HttpDefaultPort(bool secure) { return secure ? HTTP_SECURE_PORT : HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; } // Returns the http server notation for a given address std::string HttpAddress(const SocketAddress& address, bool secure); // functional for insensitive std::string compare struct iless { bool operator()(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs) const { return (::_stricmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str()) < 0); } }; // put quotes around a string and escape any quotes inside it std::string quote(const std::string& str); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Url ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template class Url { public: typedef typename Traits::string string; // TODO: Implement Encode/Decode static int Encode(const CTYPE* source, CTYPE* destination, size_t len); static int Encode(const string& source, string& destination); static int Decode(const CTYPE* source, CTYPE* destination, size_t len); static int Decode(const string& source, string& destination); Url(const string& url) { do_set_url(url.c_str(), url.size()); } Url(const string& path, const string& host, uint16_t port = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT) : host_(host), port_(port), secure_(HTTP_SECURE_PORT == port) { set_full_path(path); } bool valid() const { return !host_.empty(); } void clear() { host_.clear(); port_ = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; secure_ = false; path_.assign(1, static_cast('/')); query_.clear(); } void set_url(const string& val) { do_set_url(val.c_str(), val.size()); } string url() const { string val; do_get_url(&val); return val; } void set_address(const string& val) { do_set_address(val.c_str(), val.size()); } string address() const { string val; do_get_address(&val); return val; } void set_full_path(const string& val) { do_set_full_path(val.c_str(), val.size()); } string full_path() const { string val; do_get_full_path(&val); return val; } void set_host(const string& val) { host_ = val; } const string& host() const { return host_; } void set_port(uint16_t val) { port_ = val; } uint16_t port() const { return port_; } void set_secure(bool val) { secure_ = val; } bool secure() const { return secure_; } void set_path(const string& val) { if (val.empty()) { path_.assign(1, static_cast('/')); } else { ASSERT(val[0] == static_cast('/')); path_ = val; } } const string& path() const { return path_; } void set_query(const string& val) { ASSERT(val.empty() || (val[0] == static_cast('?'))); query_ = val; } const string& query() const { return query_; } bool get_attribute(const string& name, string* value) const; private: void do_set_url(const CTYPE* val, size_t len); void do_set_address(const CTYPE* val, size_t len); void do_set_full_path(const CTYPE* val, size_t len); void do_get_url(string* val) const; void do_get_address(string* val) const; void do_get_full_path(string* val) const; string host_, path_, query_; uint16_t port_; bool secure_; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HttpData ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct HttpData { typedef std::multimap HeaderMap; typedef HeaderMap::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef HeaderMap::iterator iterator; HttpVersion version; std::unique_ptr document; HttpData(); enum HeaderCombine { HC_YES, HC_NO, HC_AUTO, HC_REPLACE, HC_NEW }; void changeHeader(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, HeaderCombine combine); inline void addHeader(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, bool append = true) { changeHeader(name, value, append ? HC_AUTO : HC_NO); } inline void setHeader(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, bool overwrite = true) { changeHeader(name, value, overwrite ? HC_REPLACE : HC_NEW); } // Returns count of erased headers size_t clearHeader(const std::string& name); // Returns iterator to next header iterator clearHeader(iterator header); // keep in mind, this may not do what you want in the face of multiple headers bool hasHeader(const std::string& name, std::string* value) const; inline const_iterator begin() const { return headers_.begin(); } inline const_iterator end() const { return headers_.end(); } inline iterator begin() { return headers_.begin(); } inline iterator end() { return headers_.end(); } inline const_iterator begin(const std::string& name) const { return headers_.lower_bound(name); } inline const_iterator end(const std::string& name) const { return headers_.upper_bound(name); } inline iterator begin(const std::string& name) { return headers_.lower_bound(name); } inline iterator end(const std::string& name) { return headers_.upper_bound(name); } // Convenience methods using HttpHeader inline void changeHeader(HttpHeader header, const std::string& value, HeaderCombine combine) { changeHeader(ToString(header), value, combine); } inline void addHeader(HttpHeader header, const std::string& value, bool append = true) { addHeader(ToString(header), value, append); } inline void setHeader(HttpHeader header, const std::string& value, bool overwrite = true) { setHeader(ToString(header), value, overwrite); } inline void clearHeader(HttpHeader header) { clearHeader(ToString(header)); } inline bool hasHeader(HttpHeader header, std::string* value) const { return hasHeader(ToString(header), value); } inline const_iterator begin(HttpHeader header) const { return headers_.lower_bound(ToString(header)); } inline const_iterator end(HttpHeader header) const { return headers_.upper_bound(ToString(header)); } inline iterator begin(HttpHeader header) { return headers_.lower_bound(ToString(header)); } inline iterator end(HttpHeader header) { return headers_.upper_bound(ToString(header)); } void setContent(const std::string& content_type, StreamInterface* document); void setDocumentAndLength(StreamInterface* document); virtual size_t formatLeader(char* buffer, size_t size) const = 0; virtual HttpError parseLeader(const char* line, size_t len) = 0; protected: virtual ~HttpData(); void clear(bool release_document); void copy(const HttpData& src); private: HeaderMap headers_; }; struct HttpRequestData : public HttpData { HttpVerb verb; std::string path; HttpRequestData() : verb(HV_GET) { } void clear(bool release_document); void copy(const HttpRequestData& src); size_t formatLeader(char* buffer, size_t size) const override; HttpError parseLeader(const char* line, size_t len) override; bool getAbsoluteUri(std::string* uri) const; bool getRelativeUri(std::string* host, std::string* path) const; }; struct HttpResponseData : public HttpData { uint32_t scode; std::string message; HttpResponseData() : scode(HC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { } void clear(bool release_document); void copy(const HttpResponseData& src); // Convenience methods void set_success(uint32_t scode = HC_OK); void set_success(const std::string& content_type, StreamInterface* document, uint32_t scode = HC_OK); void set_redirect(const std::string& location, uint32_t scode = HC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY); void set_error(uint32_t scode); size_t formatLeader(char* buffer, size_t size) const override; HttpError parseLeader(const char* line, size_t len) override; }; struct HttpTransaction { HttpRequestData request; HttpResponseData response; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Http Authentication ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct HttpAuthContext { std::string auth_method; HttpAuthContext(const std::string& auth) : auth_method(auth) { } virtual ~HttpAuthContext() { } }; enum HttpAuthResult { HAR_RESPONSE, HAR_IGNORE, HAR_CREDENTIALS, HAR_ERROR }; // 'context' is used by this function to record information between calls. // Start by passing a null pointer, then pass the same pointer each additional // call. When the authentication attempt is finished, delete the context. HttpAuthResult HttpAuthenticate( const char * challenge, size_t len, const SocketAddress& server, const std::string& method, const std::string& uri, const std::string& username, const CryptString& password, HttpAuthContext *& context, std::string& response, std::string& auth_method); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace rtc #endif // WEBRTC_BASE_HTTPCOMMON_H__