USAGE: ThisIsAVeryLongProgramNameDesignedToTestSpacePrintWhichUsedToHaveProblem sWithLongProgramNamesIThinkItIsNowL ongEnough [-l <int>] [-u <float lte 1>] [-b <float lte 1>] [-z <filename>] [-x <filename>] [-s <name string>] [-d] [-g <negative int>] [-f <negative int>] -n <homer |marge|bart|lisa|maggie> ... [--] [--version] [-h] <1|2|3> ... Where: -l <int>, --limit <int> Max number of alignments allowed -u <float lte 1>, --upperBound <float lte 1> upper percentage bound -b <float lte 1>, --lowerBound <float lte 1> lower percentage bound -z <filename>, --filename2 <filename> Sequence 2 filename (FASTA format) -x <filename>, --filename1 <filename> Sequence 1 filename (FASTA format) -s <name string>, --scoring--Matrix <name string> Scoring Matrix name -d, --isDna The input sequences are DNA -g <negative int>, --gap-Extend <negative int> The cost for each extension of a gap -f <negative int>, --gapCreate <negative int> The cost of creating a gap -n <homer|marge|bart|lisa|maggie>, --name <homer|marge|bart|lisa |maggie> (accepted multiple times) (required) Name to print. This is a long, nonsensical message to test line wrapping. Hopefully it works. --, --ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. --version Displays version information and exits. -h, --help Displays usage information and exits. <1|2|3> (accepted multiple times) Number of times to print Command description message. This is a long multi-line message meant to test line wrapping. This is more text that doesn't really do anything besides take up lots of space that otherwise might be used for something real. That should be enough, don't you think?