/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "webrtc/p2p/base/stunport.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/common.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/portallocator.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/stun.h" #include "webrtc/base/checks.h" #include "webrtc/base/common.h" #include "webrtc/base/helpers.h" #include "webrtc/base/ipaddress.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/nethelpers.h" namespace cricket { // TODO: Move these to a common place (used in relayport too) const int KEEPALIVE_DELAY = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds - sort timeouts const int RETRY_TIMEOUT = 50 * 1000; // 50 seconds // Handles a binding request sent to the STUN server. class StunBindingRequest : public StunRequest { public: StunBindingRequest(UDPPort* port, const rtc::SocketAddress& addr, int64_t start_time) : port_(port), server_addr_(addr), start_time_(start_time) {} virtual ~StunBindingRequest() { } const rtc::SocketAddress& server_addr() const { return server_addr_; } virtual void Prepare(StunMessage* request) override { request->SetType(STUN_BINDING_REQUEST); } virtual void OnResponse(StunMessage* response) override { const StunAddressAttribute* addr_attr = response->GetAddress(STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS); if (!addr_attr) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Binding response missing mapped address."; } else if (addr_attr->family() != STUN_ADDRESS_IPV4 && addr_attr->family() != STUN_ADDRESS_IPV6) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Binding address has bad family"; } else { rtc::SocketAddress addr(addr_attr->ipaddr(), addr_attr->port()); port_->OnStunBindingRequestSucceeded(server_addr_, addr); } // The keep-alive requests will be stopped after its lifetime has passed. if (WithinLifetime(rtc::TimeMillis())) { port_->requests_.SendDelayed( new StunBindingRequest(port_, server_addr_, start_time_), port_->stun_keepalive_delay()); } } virtual void OnErrorResponse(StunMessage* response) override { const StunErrorCodeAttribute* attr = response->GetErrorCode(); if (!attr) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Bad allocate response error code"; } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Binding error response:" << " class=" << attr->eclass() << " number=" << attr->number() << " reason='" << attr->reason() << "'"; } port_->OnStunBindingOrResolveRequestFailed(server_addr_); int64_t now = rtc::TimeMillis(); if (WithinLifetime(now) && rtc::TimeDiff(now, start_time_) < RETRY_TIMEOUT) { port_->requests_.SendDelayed( new StunBindingRequest(port_, server_addr_, start_time_), port_->stun_keepalive_delay()); } } virtual void OnTimeout() override { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Binding request timed out from " << port_->GetLocalAddress().ToSensitiveString() << " (" << port_->Network()->name() << ")"; port_->OnStunBindingOrResolveRequestFailed(server_addr_); } private: // Returns true if |now| is within the lifetime of the request (a negative // lifetime means infinite). bool WithinLifetime(int64_t now) const { int lifetime = port_->stun_keepalive_lifetime(); return lifetime < 0 || rtc::TimeDiff(now, start_time_) <= lifetime; } UDPPort* port_; const rtc::SocketAddress server_addr_; int64_t start_time_; }; UDPPort::AddressResolver::AddressResolver( rtc::PacketSocketFactory* factory) : socket_factory_(factory) {} UDPPort::AddressResolver::~AddressResolver() { for (ResolverMap::iterator it = resolvers_.begin(); it != resolvers_.end(); ++it) { // TODO(guoweis): Change to asynchronous DNS resolution to prevent the hang // when passing true to the Destroy() which is a safer way to avoid the code // unloaded before the thread exits. Please see webrtc bug 5139. it->second->Destroy(false); } } void UDPPort::AddressResolver::Resolve( const rtc::SocketAddress& address) { if (resolvers_.find(address) != resolvers_.end()) return; rtc::AsyncResolverInterface* resolver = socket_factory_->CreateAsyncResolver(); resolvers_.insert( std::pair( address, resolver)); resolver->SignalDone.connect(this, &UDPPort::AddressResolver::OnResolveResult); resolver->Start(address); } bool UDPPort::AddressResolver::GetResolvedAddress( const rtc::SocketAddress& input, int family, rtc::SocketAddress* output) const { ResolverMap::const_iterator it = resolvers_.find(input); if (it == resolvers_.end()) return false; return it->second->GetResolvedAddress(family, output); } void UDPPort::AddressResolver::OnResolveResult( rtc::AsyncResolverInterface* resolver) { for (ResolverMap::iterator it = resolvers_.begin(); it != resolvers_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second == resolver) { SignalDone(it->first, resolver->GetError()); return; } } } UDPPort::UDPPort(rtc::Thread* thread, rtc::PacketSocketFactory* factory, rtc::Network* network, rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const std::string& origin, bool emit_local_for_anyaddress) : Port(thread, factory, network, socket->GetLocalAddress().ipaddr(), username, password), requests_(thread), socket_(socket), error_(0), ready_(false), stun_keepalive_delay_(KEEPALIVE_DELAY), emit_local_for_anyaddress_(emit_local_for_anyaddress) { requests_.set_origin(origin); } UDPPort::UDPPort(rtc::Thread* thread, rtc::PacketSocketFactory* factory, rtc::Network* network, const rtc::IPAddress& ip, uint16_t min_port, uint16_t max_port, const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const std::string& origin, bool emit_local_for_anyaddress) : Port(thread, LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, factory, network, ip, min_port, max_port, username, password), requests_(thread), socket_(NULL), error_(0), ready_(false), stun_keepalive_delay_(KEEPALIVE_DELAY), emit_local_for_anyaddress_(emit_local_for_anyaddress) { requests_.set_origin(origin); } bool UDPPort::Init() { stun_keepalive_lifetime_ = GetStunKeepaliveLifetime(); if (!SharedSocket()) { ASSERT(socket_ == NULL); socket_ = socket_factory()->CreateUdpSocket( rtc::SocketAddress(ip(), 0), min_port(), max_port()); if (!socket_) { LOG_J(LS_WARNING, this) << "UDP socket creation failed"; return false; } socket_->SignalReadPacket.connect(this, &UDPPort::OnReadPacket); } socket_->SignalSentPacket.connect(this, &UDPPort::OnSentPacket); socket_->SignalReadyToSend.connect(this, &UDPPort::OnReadyToSend); socket_->SignalAddressReady.connect(this, &UDPPort::OnLocalAddressReady); requests_.SignalSendPacket.connect(this, &UDPPort::OnSendPacket); return true; } UDPPort::~UDPPort() { if (!SharedSocket()) delete socket_; } void UDPPort::PrepareAddress() { ASSERT(requests_.empty()); if (socket_->GetState() == rtc::AsyncPacketSocket::STATE_BOUND) { OnLocalAddressReady(socket_, socket_->GetLocalAddress()); } } void UDPPort::MaybePrepareStunCandidate() { // Sending binding request to the STUN server if address is available to // prepare STUN candidate. if (!server_addresses_.empty()) { SendStunBindingRequests(); } else { // Port is done allocating candidates. MaybeSetPortCompleteOrError(); } } Connection* UDPPort::CreateConnection(const Candidate& address, CandidateOrigin origin) { if (!SupportsProtocol(address.protocol())) { return NULL; } if (!IsCompatibleAddress(address.address())) { return NULL; } if (SharedSocket() && Candidates()[0].type() != LOCAL_PORT_TYPE) { ASSERT(false); return NULL; } Connection* conn = new ProxyConnection(this, 0, address); AddOrReplaceConnection(conn); return conn; } int UDPPort::SendTo(const void* data, size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddress& addr, const rtc::PacketOptions& options, bool payload) { int sent = socket_->SendTo(data, size, addr, options); if (sent < 0) { error_ = socket_->GetError(); LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "UDP send of " << size << " bytes failed with error " << error_; } return sent; } void UDPPort::UpdateNetworkCost() { Port::UpdateNetworkCost(); stun_keepalive_lifetime_ = GetStunKeepaliveLifetime(); } int UDPPort::SetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int value) { return socket_->SetOption(opt, value); } int UDPPort::GetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int* value) { return socket_->GetOption(opt, value); } int UDPPort::GetError() { return error_; } void UDPPort::OnLocalAddressReady(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const rtc::SocketAddress& address) { // When adapter enumeration is disabled and binding to the any address, the // default local address will be issued as a candidate instead if // |emit_local_for_anyaddress| is true. This is to allow connectivity for // applications which absolutely requires a HOST candidate. rtc::SocketAddress addr = address; // If MaybeSetDefaultLocalAddress fails, we keep the "any" IP so that at // least the port is listening. MaybeSetDefaultLocalAddress(&addr); AddAddress(addr, addr, rtc::SocketAddress(), UDP_PROTOCOL_NAME, "", "", LOCAL_PORT_TYPE, ICE_TYPE_PREFERENCE_HOST, 0, false); MaybePrepareStunCandidate(); } void UDPPort::OnReadPacket(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const char* data, size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddress& remote_addr, const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) { ASSERT(socket == socket_); ASSERT(!remote_addr.IsUnresolvedIP()); // Look for a response from the STUN server. // Even if the response doesn't match one of our outstanding requests, we // will eat it because it might be a response to a retransmitted packet, and // we already cleared the request when we got the first response. if (server_addresses_.find(remote_addr) != server_addresses_.end()) { requests_.CheckResponse(data, size); return; } if (Connection* conn = GetConnection(remote_addr)) { conn->OnReadPacket(data, size, packet_time); } else { Port::OnReadPacket(data, size, remote_addr, PROTO_UDP); } } void UDPPort::OnSentPacket(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet) { PortInterface::SignalSentPacket(sent_packet); } void UDPPort::OnReadyToSend(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket) { Port::OnReadyToSend(); } void UDPPort::SendStunBindingRequests() { // We will keep pinging the stun server to make sure our NAT pin-hole stays // open until the deadline (specified in SendStunBindingRequest). ASSERT(requests_.empty()); for (ServerAddresses::const_iterator it = server_addresses_.begin(); it != server_addresses_.end(); ++it) { SendStunBindingRequest(*it); } } void UDPPort::ResolveStunAddress(const rtc::SocketAddress& stun_addr) { if (!resolver_) { resolver_.reset(new AddressResolver(socket_factory())); resolver_->SignalDone.connect(this, &UDPPort::OnResolveResult); } LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Starting STUN host lookup for " << stun_addr.ToSensitiveString(); resolver_->Resolve(stun_addr); } void UDPPort::OnResolveResult(const rtc::SocketAddress& input, int error) { ASSERT(resolver_.get() != NULL); rtc::SocketAddress resolved; if (error != 0 || !resolver_->GetResolvedAddress(input, ip().family(), &resolved)) { LOG_J(LS_WARNING, this) << "StunPort: stun host lookup received error " << error; OnStunBindingOrResolveRequestFailed(input); return; } server_addresses_.erase(input); if (server_addresses_.find(resolved) == server_addresses_.end()) { server_addresses_.insert(resolved); SendStunBindingRequest(resolved); } } void UDPPort::SendStunBindingRequest(const rtc::SocketAddress& stun_addr) { if (stun_addr.IsUnresolvedIP()) { ResolveStunAddress(stun_addr); } else if (socket_->GetState() == rtc::AsyncPacketSocket::STATE_BOUND) { // Check if |server_addr_| is compatible with the port's ip. if (IsCompatibleAddress(stun_addr)) { requests_.Send( new StunBindingRequest(this, stun_addr, rtc::TimeMillis())); } else { // Since we can't send stun messages to the server, we should mark this // port ready. LOG(LS_WARNING) << "STUN server address is incompatible."; OnStunBindingOrResolveRequestFailed(stun_addr); } } } bool UDPPort::MaybeSetDefaultLocalAddress(rtc::SocketAddress* addr) const { if (!addr->IsAnyIP() || !emit_local_for_anyaddress_ || !Network()->default_local_address_provider()) { return true; } rtc::IPAddress default_address; bool result = Network()->default_local_address_provider()->GetDefaultLocalAddress( addr->family(), &default_address); if (!result || default_address.IsNil()) { return false; } addr->SetIP(default_address); return true; } void UDPPort::OnStunBindingRequestSucceeded( const rtc::SocketAddress& stun_server_addr, const rtc::SocketAddress& stun_reflected_addr) { if (bind_request_succeeded_servers_.find(stun_server_addr) != bind_request_succeeded_servers_.end()) { return; } bind_request_succeeded_servers_.insert(stun_server_addr); // If socket is shared and |stun_reflected_addr| is equal to local socket // address, or if the same address has been added by another STUN server, // then discarding the stun address. // For STUN, related address is the local socket address. if ((!SharedSocket() || stun_reflected_addr != socket_->GetLocalAddress()) && !HasCandidateWithAddress(stun_reflected_addr)) { rtc::SocketAddress related_address = socket_->GetLocalAddress(); // If we can't stamp the related address correctly, empty it to avoid leak. if (!MaybeSetDefaultLocalAddress(&related_address)) { related_address = rtc::EmptySocketAddressWithFamily( related_address.family()); } AddAddress(stun_reflected_addr, socket_->GetLocalAddress(), related_address, UDP_PROTOCOL_NAME, "", "", STUN_PORT_TYPE, ICE_TYPE_PREFERENCE_SRFLX, 0, false); } MaybeSetPortCompleteOrError(); } void UDPPort::OnStunBindingOrResolveRequestFailed( const rtc::SocketAddress& stun_server_addr) { if (bind_request_failed_servers_.find(stun_server_addr) != bind_request_failed_servers_.end()) { return; } bind_request_failed_servers_.insert(stun_server_addr); MaybeSetPortCompleteOrError(); } void UDPPort::MaybeSetPortCompleteOrError() { if (ready_) return; // Do not set port ready if we are still waiting for bind responses. const size_t servers_done_bind_request = bind_request_failed_servers_.size() + bind_request_succeeded_servers_.size(); if (server_addresses_.size() != servers_done_bind_request) { return; } // Setting ready status. ready_ = true; // The port is "completed" if there is no stun server provided, or the bind // request succeeded for any stun server, or the socket is shared. if (server_addresses_.empty() || bind_request_succeeded_servers_.size() > 0 || SharedSocket()) { SignalPortComplete(this); } else { SignalPortError(this); } } // TODO: merge this with SendTo above. void UDPPort::OnSendPacket(const void* data, size_t size, StunRequest* req) { StunBindingRequest* sreq = static_cast(req); rtc::PacketOptions options(DefaultDscpValue()); if (socket_->SendTo(data, size, sreq->server_addr(), options) < 0) PLOG(LERROR, socket_->GetError()) << "sendto"; } bool UDPPort::HasCandidateWithAddress(const rtc::SocketAddress& addr) const { const std::vector& existing_candidates = Candidates(); std::vector::const_iterator it = existing_candidates.begin(); for (; it != existing_candidates.end(); ++it) { if (it->address() == addr) return true; } return false; } } // namespace cricket