/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "webrtc/p2p/base/relayserver.h" #ifdef WEBRTC_POSIX #include #endif // WEBRTC_POSIX #include #include "webrtc/base/asynctcpsocket.h" #include "webrtc/base/helpers.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/socketadapters.h" namespace cricket { // By default, we require a ping every 90 seconds. const int MAX_LIFETIME = 15 * 60 * 1000; // The number of bytes in each of the usernames we use. const uint32_t USERNAME_LENGTH = 16; // Calls SendTo on the given socket and logs any bad results. void Send(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const char* bytes, size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddress& addr) { rtc::PacketOptions options; int result = socket->SendTo(bytes, size, addr, options); if (result < static_cast(size)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SendTo wrote only " << result << " of " << size << " bytes"; } else if (result < 0) { LOG_ERR(LS_ERROR) << "SendTo"; } } // Sends the given STUN message on the given socket. void SendStun(const StunMessage& msg, rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const rtc::SocketAddress& addr) { rtc::ByteBufferWriter buf; msg.Write(&buf); Send(socket, buf.Data(), buf.Length(), addr); } // Constructs a STUN error response and sends it on the given socket. void SendStunError(const StunMessage& msg, rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const rtc::SocketAddress& remote_addr, int error_code, const char* error_desc, const std::string& magic_cookie) { RelayMessage err_msg; err_msg.SetType(GetStunErrorResponseType(msg.type())); err_msg.SetTransactionID(msg.transaction_id()); StunByteStringAttribute* magic_cookie_attr = StunAttribute::CreateByteString(cricket::STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE); if (magic_cookie.size() == 0) { magic_cookie_attr->CopyBytes(cricket::TURN_MAGIC_COOKIE_VALUE, sizeof(cricket::TURN_MAGIC_COOKIE_VALUE)); } else { magic_cookie_attr->CopyBytes(magic_cookie.c_str(), magic_cookie.size()); } err_msg.AddAttribute(magic_cookie_attr); StunErrorCodeAttribute* err_code = StunAttribute::CreateErrorCode(); err_code->SetClass(error_code / 100); err_code->SetNumber(error_code % 100); err_code->SetReason(error_desc); err_msg.AddAttribute(err_code); SendStun(err_msg, socket, remote_addr); } RelayServer::RelayServer(rtc::Thread* thread) : thread_(thread), log_bindings_(true) { } RelayServer::~RelayServer() { // Deleting the binding will cause it to be removed from the map. while (!bindings_.empty()) delete bindings_.begin()->second; for (size_t i = 0; i < internal_sockets_.size(); ++i) delete internal_sockets_[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < external_sockets_.size(); ++i) delete external_sockets_[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < removed_sockets_.size(); ++i) delete removed_sockets_[i]; while (!server_sockets_.empty()) { rtc::AsyncSocket* socket = server_sockets_.begin()->first; server_sockets_.erase(server_sockets_.begin()->first); delete socket; } } void RelayServer::AddInternalSocket(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket) { ASSERT(internal_sockets_.end() == std::find(internal_sockets_.begin(), internal_sockets_.end(), socket)); internal_sockets_.push_back(socket); socket->SignalReadPacket.connect(this, &RelayServer::OnInternalPacket); } void RelayServer::RemoveInternalSocket(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket) { SocketList::iterator iter = std::find(internal_sockets_.begin(), internal_sockets_.end(), socket); ASSERT(iter != internal_sockets_.end()); internal_sockets_.erase(iter); removed_sockets_.push_back(socket); socket->SignalReadPacket.disconnect(this); } void RelayServer::AddExternalSocket(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket) { ASSERT(external_sockets_.end() == std::find(external_sockets_.begin(), external_sockets_.end(), socket)); external_sockets_.push_back(socket); socket->SignalReadPacket.connect(this, &RelayServer::OnExternalPacket); } void RelayServer::RemoveExternalSocket(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket) { SocketList::iterator iter = std::find(external_sockets_.begin(), external_sockets_.end(), socket); ASSERT(iter != external_sockets_.end()); external_sockets_.erase(iter); removed_sockets_.push_back(socket); socket->SignalReadPacket.disconnect(this); } void RelayServer::AddInternalServerSocket(rtc::AsyncSocket* socket, cricket::ProtocolType proto) { ASSERT(server_sockets_.end() == server_sockets_.find(socket)); server_sockets_[socket] = proto; socket->SignalReadEvent.connect(this, &RelayServer::OnReadEvent); } void RelayServer::RemoveInternalServerSocket( rtc::AsyncSocket* socket) { ServerSocketMap::iterator iter = server_sockets_.find(socket); ASSERT(iter != server_sockets_.end()); server_sockets_.erase(iter); socket->SignalReadEvent.disconnect(this); } int RelayServer::GetConnectionCount() const { return static_cast(connections_.size()); } rtc::SocketAddressPair RelayServer::GetConnection(int connection) const { int i = 0; for (ConnectionMap::const_iterator it = connections_.begin(); it != connections_.end(); ++it) { if (i == connection) { return it->second->addr_pair(); } ++i; } return rtc::SocketAddressPair(); } bool RelayServer::HasConnection(const rtc::SocketAddress& address) const { for (ConnectionMap::const_iterator it = connections_.begin(); it != connections_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->addr_pair().destination() == address) { return true; } } return false; } void RelayServer::OnReadEvent(rtc::AsyncSocket* socket) { ASSERT(server_sockets_.find(socket) != server_sockets_.end()); AcceptConnection(socket); } void RelayServer::OnInternalPacket( rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const char* bytes, size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddress& remote_addr, const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) { // Get the address of the connection we just received on. rtc::SocketAddressPair ap(remote_addr, socket->GetLocalAddress()); ASSERT(!ap.destination().IsNil()); // If this did not come from an existing connection, it should be a STUN // allocate request. ConnectionMap::iterator piter = connections_.find(ap); if (piter == connections_.end()) { HandleStunAllocate(bytes, size, ap, socket); return; } RelayServerConnection* int_conn = piter->second; // Handle STUN requests to the server itself. if (int_conn->binding()->HasMagicCookie(bytes, size)) { HandleStun(int_conn, bytes, size); return; } // Otherwise, this is a non-wrapped packet that we are to forward. Make sure // that this connection has been locked. (Otherwise, we would not know what // address to forward to.) if (!int_conn->locked()) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Dropping packet: connection not locked"; return; } // Forward this to the destination address into the connection. RelayServerConnection* ext_conn = int_conn->binding()->GetExternalConnection( int_conn->default_destination()); if (ext_conn && ext_conn->locked()) { // TODO: Check the HMAC. ext_conn->Send(bytes, size); } else { // This happens very often and is not an error. LOG(LS_INFO) << "Dropping packet: no external connection"; } } void RelayServer::OnExternalPacket( rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, const char* bytes, size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddress& remote_addr, const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) { // Get the address of the connection we just received on. rtc::SocketAddressPair ap(remote_addr, socket->GetLocalAddress()); ASSERT(!ap.destination().IsNil()); // If this connection already exists, then forward the traffic. ConnectionMap::iterator piter = connections_.find(ap); if (piter != connections_.end()) { // TODO: Check the HMAC. RelayServerConnection* ext_conn = piter->second; RelayServerConnection* int_conn = ext_conn->binding()->GetInternalConnection( ext_conn->addr_pair().source()); ASSERT(int_conn != NULL); int_conn->Send(bytes, size, ext_conn->addr_pair().source()); ext_conn->Lock(); // allow outgoing packets return; } // The first packet should always be a STUN / TURN packet. If it isn't, then // we should just ignore this packet. RelayMessage msg; rtc::ByteBufferReader buf(bytes, size); if (!msg.Read(&buf)) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Dropping packet: first packet not STUN"; return; } // The initial packet should have a username (which identifies the binding). const StunByteStringAttribute* username_attr = msg.GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); if (!username_attr) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Dropping packet: no username"; return; } uint32_t length = std::min(static_cast(username_attr->length()), USERNAME_LENGTH); std::string username(username_attr->bytes(), length); // TODO: Check the HMAC. // The binding should already be present. BindingMap::iterator biter = bindings_.find(username); if (biter == bindings_.end()) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Dropping packet: no binding with username"; return; } // Add this authenticted connection to the binding. RelayServerConnection* ext_conn = new RelayServerConnection(biter->second, ap, socket); ext_conn->binding()->AddExternalConnection(ext_conn); AddConnection(ext_conn); // We always know where external packets should be forwarded, so we can lock // them from the beginning. ext_conn->Lock(); // Send this message on the appropriate internal connection. RelayServerConnection* int_conn = ext_conn->binding()->GetInternalConnection( ext_conn->addr_pair().source()); ASSERT(int_conn != NULL); int_conn->Send(bytes, size, ext_conn->addr_pair().source()); } bool RelayServer::HandleStun( const char* bytes, size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddress& remote_addr, rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket, std::string* username, StunMessage* msg) { // Parse this into a stun message. Eat the message if this fails. rtc::ByteBufferReader buf(bytes, size); if (!msg->Read(&buf)) { return false; } // The initial packet should have a username (which identifies the binding). const StunByteStringAttribute* username_attr = msg->GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); if (!username_attr) { SendStunError(*msg, socket, remote_addr, 432, "Missing Username", ""); return false; } // Record the username if requested. if (username) username->append(username_attr->bytes(), username_attr->length()); // TODO: Check for unknown attributes (<= 0x7fff) return true; } void RelayServer::HandleStunAllocate( const char* bytes, size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddressPair& ap, rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket) { // Make sure this is a valid STUN request. RelayMessage request; std::string username; if (!HandleStun(bytes, size, ap.source(), socket, &username, &request)) return; // Make sure this is a an allocate request. if (request.type() != STUN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST) { SendStunError(request, socket, ap.source(), 600, "Operation Not Supported", ""); return; } // TODO: Check the HMAC. // Find or create the binding for this username. RelayServerBinding* binding; BindingMap::iterator biter = bindings_.find(username); if (biter != bindings_.end()) { binding = biter->second; } else { // NOTE: In the future, bindings will be created by the bot only. This // else-branch will then disappear. // Compute the appropriate lifetime for this binding. int lifetime = MAX_LIFETIME; const StunUInt32Attribute* lifetime_attr = request.GetUInt32(STUN_ATTR_LIFETIME); if (lifetime_attr) lifetime = std::min(lifetime, static_cast(lifetime_attr->value() * 1000)); binding = new RelayServerBinding(this, username, "0", lifetime); binding->SignalTimeout.connect(this, &RelayServer::OnTimeout); bindings_[username] = binding; if (log_bindings_) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Added new binding " << username << ", " << bindings_.size() << " total"; } } // Add this connection to the binding. It starts out unlocked. RelayServerConnection* int_conn = new RelayServerConnection(binding, ap, socket); binding->AddInternalConnection(int_conn); AddConnection(int_conn); // Now that we have a connection, this other method takes over. HandleStunAllocate(int_conn, request); } void RelayServer::HandleStun( RelayServerConnection* int_conn, const char* bytes, size_t size) { // Make sure this is a valid STUN request. RelayMessage request; std::string username; if (!HandleStun(bytes, size, int_conn->addr_pair().source(), int_conn->socket(), &username, &request)) return; // Make sure the username is the one were were expecting. if (username != int_conn->binding()->username()) { int_conn->SendStunError(request, 430, "Stale Credentials"); return; } // TODO: Check the HMAC. // Send this request to the appropriate handler. if (request.type() == STUN_SEND_REQUEST) HandleStunSend(int_conn, request); else if (request.type() == STUN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST) HandleStunAllocate(int_conn, request); else int_conn->SendStunError(request, 600, "Operation Not Supported"); } void RelayServer::HandleStunAllocate( RelayServerConnection* int_conn, const StunMessage& request) { // Create a response message that includes an address with which external // clients can communicate. RelayMessage response; response.SetType(STUN_ALLOCATE_RESPONSE); response.SetTransactionID(request.transaction_id()); StunByteStringAttribute* magic_cookie_attr = StunAttribute::CreateByteString(cricket::STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE); magic_cookie_attr->CopyBytes(int_conn->binding()->magic_cookie().c_str(), int_conn->binding()->magic_cookie().size()); response.AddAttribute(magic_cookie_attr); size_t index = rand() % external_sockets_.size(); rtc::SocketAddress ext_addr = external_sockets_[index]->GetLocalAddress(); StunAddressAttribute* addr_attr = StunAttribute::CreateAddress(STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS); addr_attr->SetIP(ext_addr.ipaddr()); addr_attr->SetPort(ext_addr.port()); response.AddAttribute(addr_attr); StunUInt32Attribute* res_lifetime_attr = StunAttribute::CreateUInt32(STUN_ATTR_LIFETIME); res_lifetime_attr->SetValue(int_conn->binding()->lifetime() / 1000); response.AddAttribute(res_lifetime_attr); // TODO: Support transport-prefs (preallocate RTCP port). // TODO: Support bandwidth restrictions. // TODO: Add message integrity check. // Send a response to the caller. int_conn->SendStun(response); } void RelayServer::HandleStunSend( RelayServerConnection* int_conn, const StunMessage& request) { const StunAddressAttribute* addr_attr = request.GetAddress(STUN_ATTR_DESTINATION_ADDRESS); if (!addr_attr) { int_conn->SendStunError(request, 400, "Bad Request"); return; } const StunByteStringAttribute* data_attr = request.GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_DATA); if (!data_attr) { int_conn->SendStunError(request, 400, "Bad Request"); return; } rtc::SocketAddress ext_addr(addr_attr->ipaddr(), addr_attr->port()); RelayServerConnection* ext_conn = int_conn->binding()->GetExternalConnection(ext_addr); if (!ext_conn) { // Create a new connection to establish the relationship with this binding. ASSERT(external_sockets_.size() == 1); rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket = external_sockets_[0]; rtc::SocketAddressPair ap(ext_addr, socket->GetLocalAddress()); ext_conn = new RelayServerConnection(int_conn->binding(), ap, socket); ext_conn->binding()->AddExternalConnection(ext_conn); AddConnection(ext_conn); } // If this connection has pinged us, then allow outgoing traffic. if (ext_conn->locked()) ext_conn->Send(data_attr->bytes(), data_attr->length()); const StunUInt32Attribute* options_attr = request.GetUInt32(STUN_ATTR_OPTIONS); if (options_attr && (options_attr->value() & 0x01)) { int_conn->set_default_destination(ext_addr); int_conn->Lock(); RelayMessage response; response.SetType(STUN_SEND_RESPONSE); response.SetTransactionID(request.transaction_id()); StunByteStringAttribute* magic_cookie_attr = StunAttribute::CreateByteString(cricket::STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE); magic_cookie_attr->CopyBytes(int_conn->binding()->magic_cookie().c_str(), int_conn->binding()->magic_cookie().size()); response.AddAttribute(magic_cookie_attr); StunUInt32Attribute* options2_attr = StunAttribute::CreateUInt32(cricket::STUN_ATTR_OPTIONS); options2_attr->SetValue(0x01); response.AddAttribute(options2_attr); int_conn->SendStun(response); } } void RelayServer::AddConnection(RelayServerConnection* conn) { ASSERT(connections_.find(conn->addr_pair()) == connections_.end()); connections_[conn->addr_pair()] = conn; } void RelayServer::RemoveConnection(RelayServerConnection* conn) { ConnectionMap::iterator iter = connections_.find(conn->addr_pair()); ASSERT(iter != connections_.end()); connections_.erase(iter); } void RelayServer::RemoveBinding(RelayServerBinding* binding) { BindingMap::iterator iter = bindings_.find(binding->username()); ASSERT(iter != bindings_.end()); bindings_.erase(iter); if (log_bindings_) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Removed binding " << binding->username() << ", " << bindings_.size() << " remaining"; } } void RelayServer::OnMessage(rtc::Message *pmsg) { #if ENABLE_DEBUG static const uint32_t kMessageAcceptConnection = 1; ASSERT(pmsg->message_id == kMessageAcceptConnection); #endif rtc::MessageData* data = pmsg->pdata; rtc::AsyncSocket* socket = static_cast *> (data)->data(); AcceptConnection(socket); delete data; } void RelayServer::OnTimeout(RelayServerBinding* binding) { // This call will result in all of the necessary clean-up. We can't call // delete here, because you can't delete an object that is signaling you. thread_->Dispose(binding); } void RelayServer::AcceptConnection(rtc::AsyncSocket* server_socket) { // Check if someone is trying to connect to us. rtc::SocketAddress accept_addr; rtc::AsyncSocket* accepted_socket = server_socket->Accept(&accept_addr); if (accepted_socket != NULL) { // We had someone trying to connect, now check which protocol to // use and create a packet socket. ASSERT(server_sockets_[server_socket] == cricket::PROTO_TCP || server_sockets_[server_socket] == cricket::PROTO_SSLTCP); if (server_sockets_[server_socket] == cricket::PROTO_SSLTCP) { accepted_socket = new rtc::AsyncSSLServerSocket(accepted_socket); } rtc::AsyncTCPSocket* tcp_socket = new rtc::AsyncTCPSocket(accepted_socket, false); // Finally add the socket so it can start communicating with the client. AddInternalSocket(tcp_socket); } } RelayServerConnection::RelayServerConnection( RelayServerBinding* binding, const rtc::SocketAddressPair& addrs, rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket) : binding_(binding), addr_pair_(addrs), socket_(socket), locked_(false) { // The creation of a new connection constitutes a use of the binding. binding_->NoteUsed(); } RelayServerConnection::~RelayServerConnection() { // Remove this connection from the server's map (if it exists there). binding_->server()->RemoveConnection(this); } void RelayServerConnection::Send(const char* data, size_t size) { // Note that the binding has been used again. binding_->NoteUsed(); cricket::Send(socket_, data, size, addr_pair_.source()); } void RelayServerConnection::Send( const char* data, size_t size, const rtc::SocketAddress& from_addr) { // If the from address is known to the client, we don't need to send it. if (locked() && (from_addr == default_dest_)) { Send(data, size); return; } // Wrap the given data in a data-indication packet. RelayMessage msg; msg.SetType(STUN_DATA_INDICATION); StunByteStringAttribute* magic_cookie_attr = StunAttribute::CreateByteString(cricket::STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE); magic_cookie_attr->CopyBytes(binding_->magic_cookie().c_str(), binding_->magic_cookie().size()); msg.AddAttribute(magic_cookie_attr); StunAddressAttribute* addr_attr = StunAttribute::CreateAddress(STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS2); addr_attr->SetIP(from_addr.ipaddr()); addr_attr->SetPort(from_addr.port()); msg.AddAttribute(addr_attr); StunByteStringAttribute* data_attr = StunAttribute::CreateByteString(STUN_ATTR_DATA); ASSERT(size <= 65536); data_attr->CopyBytes(data, uint16_t(size)); msg.AddAttribute(data_attr); SendStun(msg); } void RelayServerConnection::SendStun(const StunMessage& msg) { // Note that the binding has been used again. binding_->NoteUsed(); cricket::SendStun(msg, socket_, addr_pair_.source()); } void RelayServerConnection::SendStunError( const StunMessage& request, int error_code, const char* error_desc) { // An error does not indicate use. If no legitimate use off the binding // occurs, we want it to be cleaned up even if errors are still occuring. cricket::SendStunError( request, socket_, addr_pair_.source(), error_code, error_desc, binding_->magic_cookie()); } void RelayServerConnection::Lock() { locked_ = true; } void RelayServerConnection::Unlock() { locked_ = false; } // IDs used for posted messages: const uint32_t MSG_LIFETIME_TIMER = 1; RelayServerBinding::RelayServerBinding(RelayServer* server, const std::string& username, const std::string& password, int lifetime) : server_(server), username_(username), password_(password), lifetime_(lifetime) { // For now, every connection uses the standard magic cookie value. magic_cookie_.append( reinterpret_cast(TURN_MAGIC_COOKIE_VALUE), sizeof(TURN_MAGIC_COOKIE_VALUE)); // Initialize the last-used time to now. NoteUsed(); // Set the first timeout check. server_->thread()->PostDelayed(RTC_FROM_HERE, lifetime_, this, MSG_LIFETIME_TIMER); } RelayServerBinding::~RelayServerBinding() { // Clear the outstanding timeout check. server_->thread()->Clear(this); // Clean up all of the connections. for (size_t i = 0; i < internal_connections_.size(); ++i) delete internal_connections_[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < external_connections_.size(); ++i) delete external_connections_[i]; // Remove this binding from the server's map. server_->RemoveBinding(this); } void RelayServerBinding::AddInternalConnection(RelayServerConnection* conn) { internal_connections_.push_back(conn); } void RelayServerBinding::AddExternalConnection(RelayServerConnection* conn) { external_connections_.push_back(conn); } void RelayServerBinding::NoteUsed() { last_used_ = rtc::TimeMillis(); } bool RelayServerBinding::HasMagicCookie(const char* bytes, size_t size) const { if (size < 24 + magic_cookie_.size()) { return false; } else { return memcmp(bytes + 24, magic_cookie_.c_str(), magic_cookie_.size()) == 0; } } RelayServerConnection* RelayServerBinding::GetInternalConnection( const rtc::SocketAddress& ext_addr) { // Look for an internal connection that is locked to this address. for (size_t i = 0; i < internal_connections_.size(); ++i) { if (internal_connections_[i]->locked() && (ext_addr == internal_connections_[i]->default_destination())) return internal_connections_[i]; } // If one was not found, we send to the first connection. ASSERT(internal_connections_.size() > 0); return internal_connections_[0]; } RelayServerConnection* RelayServerBinding::GetExternalConnection( const rtc::SocketAddress& ext_addr) { for (size_t i = 0; i < external_connections_.size(); ++i) { if (ext_addr == external_connections_[i]->addr_pair().source()) return external_connections_[i]; } return 0; } void RelayServerBinding::OnMessage(rtc::Message *pmsg) { if (pmsg->message_id == MSG_LIFETIME_TIMER) { ASSERT(!pmsg->pdata); // If the lifetime timeout has been exceeded, then send a signal. // Otherwise, just keep waiting. if (rtc::TimeMillis() >= last_used_ + lifetime_) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Expiring binding " << username_; SignalTimeout(this); } else { server_->thread()->PostDelayed(RTC_FROM_HERE, lifetime_, this, MSG_LIFETIME_TIMER); } } else { ASSERT(false); } } } // namespace cricket