/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "webrtc/base/win32socketserver.h" #include #include // NOLINT #include "webrtc/base/byteorder.h" #include "webrtc/base/common.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/win32window.h" #include "webrtc/base/winping.h" namespace rtc { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Win32Socket /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: Move this to a common place where PhysicalSocketServer can // share it. // Standard MTUs static const uint16_t PACKET_MAXIMUMS[] = { 65535, // Theoretical maximum, Hyperchannel 32000, // Nothing 17914, // 16Mb IBM Token Ring 8166, // IEEE 802.4 // 4464 // IEEE 802.5 (4Mb max) 4352, // FDDI // 2048, // Wideband Network 2002, // IEEE 802.5 (4Mb recommended) // 1536, // Expermental Ethernet Networks // 1500, // Ethernet, Point-to-Point (default) 1492, // IEEE 802.3 1006, // SLIP, ARPANET // 576, // X.25 Networks // 544, // DEC IP Portal // 512, // NETBIOS 508, // IEEE 802/Source-Rt Bridge, ARCNET 296, // Point-to-Point (low delay) 68, // Official minimum 0, // End of list marker }; static const int IP_HEADER_SIZE = 20u; static const int ICMP_HEADER_SIZE = 8u; static const int ICMP_PING_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 10000u; // TODO: Enable for production builds also? Use FormatMessage? #if !defined(NDEBUG) LPCSTR WSAErrorToString(int error, LPCSTR *description_result) { LPCSTR string = "Unspecified"; LPCSTR description = "Unspecified description"; switch (error) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: string = "SUCCESS"; description = "Operation succeeded"; break; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: string = "WSAEWOULDBLOCK"; description = "Using a non-blocking socket, will notify later"; break; case WSAEACCES: string = "WSAEACCES"; description = "Access denied, or sharing violation"; break; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: string = "WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL"; description = "Address is not valid in this context"; break; case WSAENETDOWN: string = "WSAENETDOWN"; description = "Network is down"; break; case WSAENETUNREACH: string = "WSAENETUNREACH"; description = "Network is up, but unreachable"; break; case WSAENETRESET: string = "WSANETRESET"; description = "Connection has been reset due to keep-alive activity"; break; case WSAECONNABORTED: string = "WSAECONNABORTED"; description = "Aborted by host"; break; case WSAECONNRESET: string = "WSAECONNRESET"; description = "Connection reset by host"; break; case WSAETIMEDOUT: string = "WSAETIMEDOUT"; description = "Timed out, host failed to respond"; break; case WSAECONNREFUSED: string = "WSAECONNREFUSED"; description = "Host actively refused connection"; break; case WSAEHOSTDOWN: string = "WSAEHOSTDOWN"; description = "Host is down"; break; case WSAEHOSTUNREACH: string = "WSAEHOSTUNREACH"; description = "Host is unreachable"; break; case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: string = "WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND"; description = "No such host is known"; break; } if (description_result) { *description_result = description; } return string; } void ReportWSAError(LPCSTR context, int error, const SocketAddress& address) { LPCSTR description_string; LPCSTR error_string = WSAErrorToString(error, &description_string); LOG(LS_INFO) << context << " = " << error << " (" << error_string << ":" << description_string << ") [" << address.ToString() << "]"; } #else void ReportWSAError(LPCSTR context, int error, const SocketAddress& address) {} #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Win32Socket::EventSink ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define WM_SOCKETNOTIFY (WM_USER + 50) #define WM_DNSNOTIFY (WM_USER + 51) struct Win32Socket::DnsLookup { HANDLE handle; uint16_t port; char buffer[MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT]; }; class Win32Socket::EventSink : public Win32Window { public: explicit EventSink(Win32Socket * parent) : parent_(parent) { } void Dispose(); virtual bool OnMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& result); virtual void OnNcDestroy(); private: bool OnSocketNotify(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& result); bool OnDnsNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& result); Win32Socket * parent_; }; void Win32Socket::EventSink::Dispose() { parent_ = NULL; if (::IsWindow(handle())) { ::DestroyWindow(handle()); } else { delete this; } } bool Win32Socket::EventSink::OnMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& result) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_SOCKETNOTIFY: case WM_TIMER: return OnSocketNotify(uMsg, wParam, lParam, result); case WM_DNSNOTIFY: return OnDnsNotify(wParam, lParam, result); } return false; } bool Win32Socket::EventSink::OnSocketNotify(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& result) { result = 0; int wsa_event = WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lParam); int wsa_error = WSAGETSELECTERROR(lParam); // Treat connect timeouts as close notifications if (uMsg == WM_TIMER) { wsa_event = FD_CLOSE; wsa_error = WSAETIMEDOUT; } if (parent_) parent_->OnSocketNotify(static_cast(wParam), wsa_event, wsa_error); return true; } bool Win32Socket::EventSink::OnDnsNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& result) { result = 0; int error = WSAGETASYNCERROR(lParam); if (parent_) parent_->OnDnsNotify(reinterpret_cast(wParam), error); return true; } void Win32Socket::EventSink::OnNcDestroy() { if (parent_) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "EventSink hwnd is being destroyed, but the event sink" " hasn't yet been disposed."; } else { delete this; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Win32Socket ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Win32Socket::Win32Socket() : socket_(INVALID_SOCKET), error_(0), state_(CS_CLOSED), connect_time_(0), closing_(false), close_error_(0), sink_(NULL), dns_(NULL) { } Win32Socket::~Win32Socket() { Close(); } bool Win32Socket::CreateT(int family, int type) { Close(); int proto = (SOCK_DGRAM == type) ? IPPROTO_UDP : IPPROTO_TCP; socket_ = ::WSASocket(family, type, proto, NULL, NULL, 0); if (socket_ == INVALID_SOCKET) { UpdateLastError(); return false; } if ((SOCK_DGRAM == type) && !SetAsync(FD_READ | FD_WRITE)) { return false; } return true; } int Win32Socket::Attach(SOCKET s) { ASSERT(socket_ == INVALID_SOCKET); if (socket_ != INVALID_SOCKET) return SOCKET_ERROR; ASSERT(s != INVALID_SOCKET); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) return SOCKET_ERROR; socket_ = s; state_ = CS_CONNECTED; if (!SetAsync(FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_CLOSE)) return SOCKET_ERROR; return 0; } void Win32Socket::SetTimeout(int ms) { if (sink_) ::SetTimer(sink_->handle(), 1, ms, 0); } SocketAddress Win32Socket::GetLocalAddress() const { sockaddr_storage addr = {0}; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); int result = ::getsockname(socket_, reinterpret_cast(&addr), &addrlen); SocketAddress address; if (result >= 0) { SocketAddressFromSockAddrStorage(addr, &address); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "GetLocalAddress: unable to get local addr, socket=" << socket_; } return address; } SocketAddress Win32Socket::GetRemoteAddress() const { sockaddr_storage addr = {0}; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); int result = ::getpeername(socket_, reinterpret_cast(&addr), &addrlen); SocketAddress address; if (result >= 0) { SocketAddressFromSockAddrStorage(addr, &address); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "GetRemoteAddress: unable to get remote addr, socket=" << socket_; } return address; } int Win32Socket::Bind(const SocketAddress& addr) { ASSERT(socket_ != INVALID_SOCKET); if (socket_ == INVALID_SOCKET) return SOCKET_ERROR; sockaddr_storage saddr; size_t len = addr.ToSockAddrStorage(&saddr); int err = ::bind(socket_, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), static_cast(len)); UpdateLastError(); return err; } int Win32Socket::Connect(const SocketAddress& addr) { if (state_ != CS_CLOSED) { SetError(EALREADY); return SOCKET_ERROR; } if (!addr.IsUnresolvedIP()) { return DoConnect(addr); } LOG_F(LS_INFO) << "async dns lookup (" << addr.hostname() << ")"; DnsLookup * dns = new DnsLookup; if (!sink_) { // Explicitly create the sink ourselves here; we can't rely on SetAsync // because we don't have a socket_ yet. CreateSink(); } // TODO: Replace with IPv6 compatible lookup. dns->handle = WSAAsyncGetHostByName(sink_->handle(), WM_DNSNOTIFY, addr.hostname().c_str(), dns->buffer, sizeof(dns->buffer)); if (!dns->handle) { LOG_F(LS_ERROR) << "WSAAsyncGetHostByName error: " << WSAGetLastError(); delete dns; UpdateLastError(); Close(); return SOCKET_ERROR; } dns->port = addr.port(); dns_ = dns; state_ = CS_CONNECTING; return 0; } int Win32Socket::DoConnect(const SocketAddress& addr) { if ((socket_ == INVALID_SOCKET) && !CreateT(addr.family(), SOCK_STREAM)) { return SOCKET_ERROR; } if (!SetAsync(FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE)) { return SOCKET_ERROR; } sockaddr_storage saddr = {0}; size_t len = addr.ToSockAddrStorage(&saddr); connect_time_ = Time(); int result = connect(socket_, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), static_cast(len)); if (result != SOCKET_ERROR) { state_ = CS_CONNECTED; } else { int code = WSAGetLastError(); if (code == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { state_ = CS_CONNECTING; } else { ReportWSAError("WSAAsync:connect", code, addr); error_ = code; Close(); return SOCKET_ERROR; } } addr_ = addr; return 0; } int Win32Socket::GetError() const { return error_; } void Win32Socket::SetError(int error) { error_ = error; } Socket::ConnState Win32Socket::GetState() const { return state_; } int Win32Socket::GetOption(Option opt, int* value) { int slevel; int sopt; if (TranslateOption(opt, &slevel, &sopt) == -1) return -1; char* p = reinterpret_cast(value); int optlen = sizeof(value); return ::getsockopt(socket_, slevel, sopt, p, &optlen); } int Win32Socket::SetOption(Option opt, int value) { int slevel; int sopt; if (TranslateOption(opt, &slevel, &sopt) == -1) return -1; const char* p = reinterpret_cast(&value); return ::setsockopt(socket_, slevel, sopt, p, sizeof(value)); } int Win32Socket::Send(const void* buffer, size_t length) { int sent = ::send(socket_, reinterpret_cast(buffer), static_cast(length), 0); UpdateLastError(); return sent; } int Win32Socket::SendTo(const void* buffer, size_t length, const SocketAddress& addr) { sockaddr_storage saddr; size_t addr_len = addr.ToSockAddrStorage(&saddr); int sent = ::sendto(socket_, reinterpret_cast(buffer), static_cast(length), 0, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), static_cast(addr_len)); UpdateLastError(); return sent; } int Win32Socket::Recv(void* buffer, size_t length, int64_t* timestamp) { if (timestamp) { *timestamp = -1; } int received = ::recv(socket_, static_cast(buffer), static_cast(length), 0); UpdateLastError(); if (closing_ && received <= static_cast(length)) PostClosed(); return received; } int Win32Socket::RecvFrom(void* buffer, size_t length, SocketAddress* out_addr, int64_t* timestamp) { if (timestamp) { *timestamp = -1; } sockaddr_storage saddr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(saddr); int received = ::recvfrom(socket_, static_cast(buffer), static_cast(length), 0, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), &addr_len); UpdateLastError(); if (received != SOCKET_ERROR) SocketAddressFromSockAddrStorage(saddr, out_addr); if (closing_ && received <= static_cast(length)) PostClosed(); return received; } int Win32Socket::Listen(int backlog) { int err = ::listen(socket_, backlog); if (!SetAsync(FD_ACCEPT)) return SOCKET_ERROR; UpdateLastError(); if (err == 0) state_ = CS_CONNECTING; return err; } Win32Socket* Win32Socket::Accept(SocketAddress* out_addr) { sockaddr_storage saddr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(saddr); SOCKET s = ::accept(socket_, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), &addr_len); UpdateLastError(); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) return NULL; if (out_addr) SocketAddressFromSockAddrStorage(saddr, out_addr); Win32Socket* socket = new Win32Socket; if (0 == socket->Attach(s)) return socket; delete socket; return NULL; } int Win32Socket::Close() { int err = 0; if (socket_ != INVALID_SOCKET) { err = ::closesocket(socket_); socket_ = INVALID_SOCKET; closing_ = false; close_error_ = 0; UpdateLastError(); } if (dns_) { WSACancelAsyncRequest(dns_->handle); delete dns_; dns_ = NULL; } if (sink_) { sink_->Dispose(); sink_ = NULL; } addr_.Clear(); state_ = CS_CLOSED; return err; } int Win32Socket::EstimateMTU(uint16_t* mtu) { SocketAddress addr = GetRemoteAddress(); if (addr.IsAnyIP()) { error_ = ENOTCONN; return -1; } WinPing ping; if (!ping.IsValid()) { error_ = EINVAL; // can't think of a better error ID return -1; } for (int level = 0; PACKET_MAXIMUMS[level + 1] > 0; ++level) { int32_t size = PACKET_MAXIMUMS[level] - IP_HEADER_SIZE - ICMP_HEADER_SIZE; WinPing::PingResult result = ping.Ping(addr.ipaddr(), size, ICMP_PING_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 1, false); if (result == WinPing::PING_FAIL) { error_ = EINVAL; // can't think of a better error ID return -1; } if (result != WinPing::PING_TOO_LARGE) { *mtu = PACKET_MAXIMUMS[level]; return 0; } } ASSERT(false); return 0; } void Win32Socket::CreateSink() { ASSERT(NULL == sink_); // Create window sink_ = new EventSink(this); sink_->Create(NULL, L"EventSink", 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10); } bool Win32Socket::SetAsync(int events) { if (NULL == sink_) { CreateSink(); ASSERT(NULL != sink_); } // start the async select if (WSAAsyncSelect(socket_, sink_->handle(), WM_SOCKETNOTIFY, events) == SOCKET_ERROR) { UpdateLastError(); Close(); return false; } return true; } bool Win32Socket::HandleClosed(int close_error) { // WM_CLOSE will be received before all data has been read, so we need to // hold on to it until the read buffer has been drained. char ch; closing_ = true; close_error_ = close_error; return (::recv(socket_, &ch, 1, MSG_PEEK) <= 0); } void Win32Socket::PostClosed() { // If we see that the buffer is indeed drained, then send the close. closing_ = false; ::PostMessage(sink_->handle(), WM_SOCKETNOTIFY, socket_, WSAMAKESELECTREPLY(FD_CLOSE, close_error_)); } void Win32Socket::UpdateLastError() { error_ = WSAGetLastError(); } int Win32Socket::TranslateOption(Option opt, int* slevel, int* sopt) { switch (opt) { case OPT_DONTFRAGMENT: *slevel = IPPROTO_IP; *sopt = IP_DONTFRAGMENT; break; case OPT_RCVBUF: *slevel = SOL_SOCKET; *sopt = SO_RCVBUF; break; case OPT_SNDBUF: *slevel = SOL_SOCKET; *sopt = SO_SNDBUF; break; case OPT_NODELAY: *slevel = IPPROTO_TCP; *sopt = TCP_NODELAY; break; case OPT_DSCP: LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Socket::OPT_DSCP not supported."; return -1; default: ASSERT(false); return -1; } return 0; } void Win32Socket::OnSocketNotify(SOCKET socket, int event, int error) { // Ignore events if we're already closed. if (socket != socket_) return; error_ = error; switch (event) { case FD_CONNECT: if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReportWSAError("WSAAsync:connect notify", error, addr_); #if !defined(NDEBUG) int64_t duration = TimeSince(connect_time_); LOG(LS_INFO) << "WSAAsync:connect error (" << duration << " ms), faking close"; #endif state_ = CS_CLOSED; // If you get an error connecting, close doesn't really do anything // and it certainly doesn't send back any close notification, but // we really only maintain a few states, so it is easiest to get // back into a known state by pretending that a close happened, even // though the connect event never did occur. SignalCloseEvent(this, error); } else { #if !defined(NDEBUG) int64_t duration = TimeSince(connect_time_); LOG(LS_INFO) << "WSAAsync:connect (" << duration << " ms)"; #endif state_ = CS_CONNECTED; SignalConnectEvent(this); } break; case FD_ACCEPT: case FD_READ: if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReportWSAError("WSAAsync:read notify", error, addr_); } else { SignalReadEvent(this); } break; case FD_WRITE: if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReportWSAError("WSAAsync:write notify", error, addr_); } else { SignalWriteEvent(this); } break; case FD_CLOSE: if (HandleClosed(error)) { ReportWSAError("WSAAsync:close notify", error, addr_); state_ = CS_CLOSED; SignalCloseEvent(this, error); } break; } } void Win32Socket::OnDnsNotify(HANDLE task, int error) { if (!dns_ || dns_->handle != task) return; uint32_t ip = 0; if (error == 0) { hostent* pHost = reinterpret_cast(dns_->buffer); uint32_t net_ip = *reinterpret_cast(pHost->h_addr_list[0]); ip = NetworkToHost32(net_ip); } LOG_F(LS_INFO) << "(" << IPAddress(ip).ToSensitiveString() << ", " << error << ")"; if (error == 0) { SocketAddress address(ip, dns_->port); error = DoConnect(address); } else { Close(); } if (error) { error_ = error; SignalCloseEvent(this, error_); } else { delete dns_; dns_ = NULL; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Win32SocketServer // Provides cricket base services on top of a win32 gui thread /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static UINT s_wm_wakeup_id = 0; const TCHAR Win32SocketServer::kWindowName[] = L"libjingle Message Window"; Win32SocketServer::Win32SocketServer(MessageQueue* message_queue) : message_queue_(message_queue), wnd_(this), posted_(false), hdlg_(NULL) { if (s_wm_wakeup_id == 0) s_wm_wakeup_id = RegisterWindowMessage(L"WM_WAKEUP"); if (!wnd_.Create(NULL, kWindowName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { LOG_GLE(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to create message window."; } } Win32SocketServer::~Win32SocketServer() { if (wnd_.handle() != NULL) { KillTimer(wnd_.handle(), 1); wnd_.Destroy(); } } Socket* Win32SocketServer::CreateSocket(int type) { return CreateSocket(AF_INET, type); } Socket* Win32SocketServer::CreateSocket(int family, int type) { return CreateAsyncSocket(family, type); } AsyncSocket* Win32SocketServer::CreateAsyncSocket(int type) { return CreateAsyncSocket(AF_INET, type); } AsyncSocket* Win32SocketServer::CreateAsyncSocket(int family, int type) { Win32Socket* socket = new Win32Socket; if (socket->CreateT(family, type)) { return socket; } delete socket; return NULL; } void Win32SocketServer::SetMessageQueue(MessageQueue* queue) { message_queue_ = queue; } bool Win32SocketServer::Wait(int cms, bool process_io) { BOOL b; if (process_io) { // Spin the Win32 message pump at least once, and as long as requested. // This is the Thread::ProcessMessages case. uint32_t start = Time(); do { MSG msg; SetTimer(wnd_.handle(), 0, cms, NULL); // Get the next available message. If we have a modeless dialog, give // give the message to IsDialogMessage, which will return true if it // was a message for the dialog that it handled internally. // Otherwise, dispatch as usual via Translate/DispatchMessage. b = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0); if (b == -1) { LOG_GLE(LS_ERROR) << "GetMessage failed."; return false; } else if(b) { if (!hdlg_ || !IsDialogMessage(hdlg_, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } KillTimer(wnd_.handle(), 0); } while (b && TimeSince(start) < cms); } else if (cms != 0) { // Sit and wait forever for a WakeUp. This is the Thread::Send case. ASSERT(cms == -1); MSG msg; b = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, s_wm_wakeup_id, s_wm_wakeup_id); { CritScope scope(&cs_); posted_ = false; } } else { // No-op (cms == 0 && !process_io). This is the Pump case. b = TRUE; } return (b != FALSE); } void Win32SocketServer::WakeUp() { if (wnd_.handle()) { // Set the "message pending" flag, if not already set. { CritScope scope(&cs_); if (posted_) return; posted_ = true; } PostMessage(wnd_.handle(), s_wm_wakeup_id, 0, 0); } } void Win32SocketServer::Pump() { // Clear the "message pending" flag. { CritScope scope(&cs_); posted_ = false; } // Dispatch all the messages that are currently in our queue. If new messages // are posted during the dispatch, they will be handled in the next Pump. // We use max(1, ...) to make sure we try to dispatch at least once, since // this allow us to process "sent" messages, not included in the size() count. Message msg; for (size_t max_messages_to_process = std::max(1, message_queue_->size()); max_messages_to_process > 0 && message_queue_->Get(&msg, 0, false); --max_messages_to_process) { message_queue_->Dispatch(&msg); } // Anything remaining? int delay = message_queue_->GetDelay(); if (delay == -1) { KillTimer(wnd_.handle(), 1); } else { SetTimer(wnd_.handle(), 1, delay, NULL); } } bool Win32SocketServer::MessageWindow::OnMessage(UINT wm, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp, LRESULT& lr) { bool handled = false; if (wm == s_wm_wakeup_id || (wm == WM_TIMER && wp == 1)) { ss_->Pump(); lr = 0; handled = true; } return handled; } } // namespace rtc