/* * Copyright 2010 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ // // MacAsyncSocket is a kind of AsyncSocket. It does not support the SOCK_DGRAM // type (yet). It works asynchronously, which means that users of this socket // should connect to the various events declared in asyncsocket.h to receive // notifications about this socket. It uses CFSockets for signals, but prefers // the basic bsd socket operations rather than their CFSocket wrappers when // possible. #include #include #include "webrtc/base/macasyncsocket.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/macsocketserver.h" namespace rtc { static const int kCallbackFlags = kCFSocketReadCallBack | kCFSocketConnectCallBack | kCFSocketWriteCallBack; MacAsyncSocket::MacAsyncSocket(MacBaseSocketServer* ss, int family) : ss_(ss), socket_(NULL), native_socket_(INVALID_SOCKET), source_(NULL), current_callbacks_(0), disabled_(false), error_(0), state_(CS_CLOSED), resolver_(NULL) { Initialize(family); } MacAsyncSocket::~MacAsyncSocket() { Close(); } // Returns the address to which the socket is bound. If the socket is not // bound, then the any-address is returned. SocketAddress MacAsyncSocket::GetLocalAddress() const { SocketAddress address; // The CFSocket doesn't pick up on implicit binds from the connect call. // Calling bind in before connect explicitly causes errors, so just query // the underlying bsd socket. sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); int result = ::getsockname(native_socket_, reinterpret_cast(&addr), &addrlen); if (result >= 0) { SocketAddressFromSockAddrStorage(addr, &address); } return address; } // Returns the address to which the socket is connected. If the socket is not // connected, then the any-address is returned. SocketAddress MacAsyncSocket::GetRemoteAddress() const { SocketAddress address; // Use native_socket for consistency with GetLocalAddress. sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); int result = ::getpeername(native_socket_, reinterpret_cast(&addr), &addrlen); if (result >= 0) { SocketAddressFromSockAddrStorage(addr, &address); } return address; } // Bind the socket to a local address. int MacAsyncSocket::Bind(const SocketAddress& address) { sockaddr_storage saddr = {0}; size_t len = address.ToSockAddrStorage(&saddr); int err = ::bind(native_socket_, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), len); if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) error_ = errno; return err; } void MacAsyncSocket::OnResolveResult(SignalThread* thread) { if (thread != resolver_) { return; } int error = resolver_->GetError(); if (error == 0) { error = DoConnect(resolver_->address()); } else { Close(); } if (error) { error_ = error; SignalCloseEvent(this, error_); } } // Connect to a remote address. int MacAsyncSocket::Connect(const SocketAddress& addr) { // TODO(djw): Consolidate all the connect->resolve->doconnect implementations. if (state_ != CS_CLOSED) { SetError(EALREADY); return SOCKET_ERROR; } if (addr.IsUnresolvedIP()) { LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Resolving addr in MacAsyncSocket::Connect"; resolver_ = new AsyncResolver(); resolver_->SignalWorkDone.connect(this, &MacAsyncSocket::OnResolveResult); resolver_->Start(addr); state_ = CS_CONNECTING; return 0; } return DoConnect(addr); } int MacAsyncSocket::DoConnect(const SocketAddress& addr) { if (!valid()) { Initialize(addr.family()); if (!valid()) return SOCKET_ERROR; } sockaddr_storage saddr; size_t len = addr.ToSockAddrStorage(&saddr); int result = ::connect(native_socket_, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), len); if (result != SOCKET_ERROR) { state_ = CS_CONNECTED; } else { error_ = errno; if (error_ == EINPROGRESS) { state_ = CS_CONNECTING; result = 0; } } return result; } // Send to the remote end we're connected to. int MacAsyncSocket::Send(const void* buffer, size_t length) { if (!valid()) { return SOCKET_ERROR; } int sent = ::send(native_socket_, buffer, length, 0); if (sent == SOCKET_ERROR) { error_ = errno; if (IsBlocking()) { // Reenable the writable callback (once), since we are flow controlled. CFSocketEnableCallBacks(socket_, kCallbackFlags); current_callbacks_ = kCallbackFlags; } } return sent; } // Send to the given address. We may or may not be connected to anyone. int MacAsyncSocket::SendTo(const void* buffer, size_t length, const SocketAddress& address) { if (!valid()) { return SOCKET_ERROR; } sockaddr_storage saddr; size_t len = address.ToSockAddrStorage(&saddr); int sent = ::sendto(native_socket_, buffer, length, 0, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), len); if (sent == SOCKET_ERROR) { error_ = errno; } return sent; } // Read data received from the remote end we're connected to. int MacAsyncSocket::Recv(void* buffer, size_t length, int64_t* timestamp) { if (timestamp) { *timestamp = -1; } int received = ::recv(native_socket_, reinterpret_cast(buffer), length, 0); if (received == SOCKET_ERROR) error_ = errno; // Recv should only be called when there is data to read ASSERT((received != 0) || (length == 0)); return received; } // Read data received from any remote party int MacAsyncSocket::RecvFrom(void* buffer, size_t length, SocketAddress* out_addr, int64_t* timestamp) { if (timestamp) { *timestamp = -1; } sockaddr_storage saddr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(saddr); int received = ::recvfrom(native_socket_, reinterpret_cast(buffer), length, 0, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), &addr_len); if (received >= 0 && out_addr != NULL) { SocketAddressFromSockAddrStorage(saddr, out_addr); } else if (received == SOCKET_ERROR) { error_ = errno; } return received; } int MacAsyncSocket::Listen(int backlog) { if (!valid()) { return SOCKET_ERROR; } int res = ::listen(native_socket_, backlog); if (res != SOCKET_ERROR) state_ = CS_CONNECTING; else error_ = errno; return res; } MacAsyncSocket* MacAsyncSocket::Accept(SocketAddress* out_addr) { sockaddr_storage saddr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(saddr); int socket_fd = ::accept(native_socket_, reinterpret_cast(&saddr), &addr_len); if (socket_fd == INVALID_SOCKET) { error_ = errno; return NULL; } MacAsyncSocket* s = new MacAsyncSocket(ss_, saddr.ss_family, socket_fd); if (s && s->valid()) { s->state_ = CS_CONNECTED; if (out_addr) SocketAddressFromSockAddrStorage(saddr, out_addr); } else { delete s; s = NULL; } return s; } int MacAsyncSocket::Close() { if (source_ != NULL) { CFRunLoopSourceInvalidate(source_); CFRelease(source_); if (ss_) ss_->UnregisterSocket(this); source_ = NULL; } if (socket_ != NULL) { CFSocketInvalidate(socket_); CFRelease(socket_); socket_ = NULL; } if (resolver_) { resolver_->Destroy(false); resolver_ = NULL; } native_socket_ = INVALID_SOCKET; // invalidates the socket error_ = 0; state_ = CS_CLOSED; return 0; } int MacAsyncSocket::EstimateMTU(uint16_t* mtu) { ASSERT(false && "NYI"); return -1; } int MacAsyncSocket::GetError() const { return error_; } void MacAsyncSocket::SetError(int error) { error_ = error; } Socket::ConnState MacAsyncSocket::GetState() const { return state_; } int MacAsyncSocket::GetOption(Option opt, int* value) { ASSERT(false && "NYI"); return -1; } int MacAsyncSocket::SetOption(Option opt, int value) { ASSERT(false && "NYI"); return -1; } void MacAsyncSocket::EnableCallbacks() { if (valid()) { disabled_ = false; CFSocketEnableCallBacks(socket_, current_callbacks_); } } void MacAsyncSocket::DisableCallbacks() { if (valid()) { disabled_ = true; CFSocketDisableCallBacks(socket_, kCallbackFlags); } } MacAsyncSocket::MacAsyncSocket(MacBaseSocketServer* ss, int family, int native_socket) : ss_(ss), socket_(NULL), native_socket_(native_socket), source_(NULL), current_callbacks_(0), disabled_(false), error_(0), state_(CS_CLOSED), resolver_(NULL) { Initialize(family); } // Create a new socket, wrapping the native socket if provided or creating one // otherwise. In case of any failure, consume the native socket. We assume the // wrapped socket is in the closed state. If this is not the case you must // update the state_ field for this socket yourself. void MacAsyncSocket::Initialize(int family) { CFSocketContext ctx = { 0 }; ctx.info = this; // First create the CFSocket CFSocketRef cf_socket = NULL; bool res = false; if (native_socket_ == INVALID_SOCKET) { cf_socket = CFSocketCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, kCallbackFlags, MacAsyncSocketCallBack, &ctx); } else { cf_socket = CFSocketCreateWithNative(kCFAllocatorDefault, native_socket_, kCallbackFlags, MacAsyncSocketCallBack, &ctx); } if (cf_socket) { res = true; socket_ = cf_socket; native_socket_ = CFSocketGetNative(cf_socket); current_callbacks_ = kCallbackFlags; } if (res) { // Make the underlying socket asynchronous res = (-1 != ::fcntl(native_socket_, F_SETFL, ::fcntl(native_socket_, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK)); } if (res) { // Add this socket to the run loop, at priority 1 so that it will be // queued behind any pending signals. source_ = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, socket_, 1); res = (source_ != NULL); if (!res) errno = EINVAL; } if (res) { if (ss_) ss_->RegisterSocket(this); CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); } if (!res) { int error = errno; Close(); // Clears error_. error_ = error; } } // Call CFRelease on the result when done using it CFDataRef MacAsyncSocket::CopyCFAddress(const SocketAddress& address) { sockaddr_storage saddr; size_t len = address.ToSockAddrStorage(&saddr); const UInt8* bytes = reinterpret_cast(&saddr); CFDataRef cf_address = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bytes, len); ASSERT(cf_address != NULL); return cf_address; } void MacAsyncSocket::MacAsyncSocketCallBack(CFSocketRef s, CFSocketCallBackType callbackType, CFDataRef address, const void* data, void* info) { MacAsyncSocket* this_socket = reinterpret_cast(info); ASSERT(this_socket != NULL && this_socket->socket_ == s); // Don't signal any socket messages if the socketserver is not listening on // them. When we are reenabled they will be requeued and will fire again. if (this_socket->disabled_) return; switch (callbackType) { case kCFSocketReadCallBack: // This callback is invoked in one of 3 situations: // 1. A new connection is waiting to be accepted. // 2. The remote end closed the connection (a recv will return 0). // 3. Data is available to read. // 4. The connection closed unhappily (recv will return -1). if (this_socket->state_ == CS_CONNECTING) { // Case 1. this_socket->SignalReadEvent(this_socket); } else { char ch, amt; amt = ::recv(this_socket->native_socket_, &ch, 1, MSG_PEEK); if (amt == 0) { // Case 2. this_socket->state_ = CS_CLOSED; // Disable additional callbacks or we will signal close twice. CFSocketDisableCallBacks(this_socket->socket_, kCFSocketReadCallBack); this_socket->current_callbacks_ &= ~kCFSocketReadCallBack; this_socket->SignalCloseEvent(this_socket, 0); } else if (amt > 0) { // Case 3. this_socket->SignalReadEvent(this_socket); } else { // Case 4. int error = errno; if (error == EAGAIN) { // Observed in practice. Let's hope it's a spurious or out of date // signal, since we just eat it. } else { this_socket->error_ = error; this_socket->SignalCloseEvent(this_socket, error); } } } break; case kCFSocketConnectCallBack: if (data != NULL) { // An error occured in the background while connecting this_socket->error_ = errno; this_socket->state_ = CS_CLOSED; this_socket->SignalCloseEvent(this_socket, this_socket->error_); } else { this_socket->state_ = CS_CONNECTED; this_socket->SignalConnectEvent(this_socket); } break; case kCFSocketWriteCallBack: // Update our callback tracking. Write doesn't reenable, so it's off now. this_socket->current_callbacks_ &= ~kCFSocketWriteCallBack; this_socket->SignalWriteEvent(this_socket); break; default: ASSERT(false && "Invalid callback type for socket"); } } } // namespace rtc