/* * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/constants.h" #include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/rostermoduleimpl.h" #include "webrtc/base/common.h" #include "webrtc/base/stringencode.h" namespace buzz { // enum prase and persist helpers ---------------------------------------------- static bool StringToPresenceShow(const std::string& input, XmppPresenceShow* show) { // If this becomes a perf issue we can use a hash or a map here if (STR_SHOW_AWAY == input) *show = XMPP_PRESENCE_AWAY; else if (STR_SHOW_DND == input) *show = XMPP_PRESENCE_DND; else if (STR_SHOW_XA == input) *show = XMPP_PRESENCE_XA; else if (STR_SHOW_CHAT == input) *show = XMPP_PRESENCE_CHAT; else if (STR_EMPTY == input) *show = XMPP_PRESENCE_DEFAULT; else return false; return true; } static bool PresenceShowToString(XmppPresenceShow show, const char** output) { switch(show) { case XMPP_PRESENCE_AWAY: *output = STR_SHOW_AWAY; return true; case XMPP_PRESENCE_CHAT: *output = STR_SHOW_CHAT; return true; case XMPP_PRESENCE_XA: *output = STR_SHOW_XA; return true; case XMPP_PRESENCE_DND: *output = STR_SHOW_DND; return true; case XMPP_PRESENCE_DEFAULT: *output = STR_EMPTY; return true; } *output = STR_EMPTY; return false; } static bool StringToSubscriptionState(const std::string& subscription, const std::string& ask, XmppSubscriptionState* state) { if (ask == "subscribe") { if (subscription == "none") { *state = XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE_ASKED; return true; } if (subscription == "from") { *state = XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM_ASKED; return true; } } else if (ask == STR_EMPTY) { if (subscription == "none") { *state = XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE; return true; } if (subscription == "from") { *state = XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM; return true; } if (subscription == "to") { *state = XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_TO; return true; } if (subscription == "both") { *state = XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH; return true; } } return false; } static bool StringToSubscriptionRequestType(const std::string& string, XmppSubscriptionRequestType* type) { if (string == "subscribe") *type = XMPP_REQUEST_SUBSCRIBE; else if (string == "unsubscribe") *type = XMPP_REQUEST_UNSUBSCRIBE; else if (string == "subscribed") *type = XMPP_REQUEST_SUBSCRIBED; else if (string == "unsubscribed") *type = XMPP_REQUEST_UNSUBSCRIBED; else return false; return true; } // XmppPresenceImpl class ------------------------------------------------------ XmppPresence* XmppPresence::Create() { return new XmppPresenceImpl(); } XmppPresenceImpl::XmppPresenceImpl() { } const Jid XmppPresenceImpl::jid() const { if (!raw_xml_) return Jid(); return Jid(raw_xml_->Attr(QN_FROM)); } XmppPresenceAvailable XmppPresenceImpl::available() const { if (!raw_xml_) return XMPP_PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE; if (raw_xml_->Attr(QN_TYPE) == "unavailable") return XMPP_PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE; else if (raw_xml_->Attr(QN_TYPE) == "error") return XMPP_PRESENCE_ERROR; else return XMPP_PRESENCE_AVAILABLE; } XmppReturnStatus XmppPresenceImpl::set_available(XmppPresenceAvailable available) { if (!raw_xml_) CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); if (available == XMPP_PRESENCE_AVAILABLE) raw_xml_->ClearAttr(QN_TYPE); else if (available == XMPP_PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE) raw_xml_->SetAttr(QN_TYPE, "unavailable"); else if (available == XMPP_PRESENCE_ERROR) raw_xml_->SetAttr(QN_TYPE, "error"); return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } XmppPresenceShow XmppPresenceImpl::presence_show() const { if (!raw_xml_) return XMPP_PRESENCE_DEFAULT; XmppPresenceShow show = XMPP_PRESENCE_DEFAULT; StringToPresenceShow(raw_xml_->TextNamed(QN_SHOW), &show); return show; } XmppReturnStatus XmppPresenceImpl::set_presence_show(XmppPresenceShow show) { if (!raw_xml_) CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); const char* show_string; if(!PresenceShowToString(show, &show_string)) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; raw_xml_->ClearNamedChildren(QN_SHOW); if (show!=XMPP_PRESENCE_DEFAULT) { raw_xml_->AddElement(new XmlElement(QN_SHOW)); raw_xml_->AddText(show_string, 1); } return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } int XmppPresenceImpl::priority() const { if (!raw_xml_) return 0; int raw_priority = 0; if (!rtc::FromString(raw_xml_->TextNamed(QN_PRIORITY), &raw_priority)) raw_priority = 0; if (raw_priority < -128) raw_priority = -128; if (raw_priority > 127) raw_priority = 127; return raw_priority; } XmppReturnStatus XmppPresenceImpl::set_priority(int priority) { if (!raw_xml_) CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); if (priority < -128 || priority > 127) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; raw_xml_->ClearNamedChildren(QN_PRIORITY); if (0 != priority) { std::string priority_string; if (rtc::ToString(priority, &priority_string)) { raw_xml_->AddElement(new XmlElement(QN_PRIORITY)); raw_xml_->AddText(priority_string, 1); } } return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } const std::string XmppPresenceImpl::status() const { if (!raw_xml_) return STR_EMPTY; XmlElement* status_element; XmlElement* element; // Search for a status element with no xml:lang attribute on it. if we can't // find that then just return the first status element in the stanza. for (status_element = element = raw_xml_->FirstNamed(QN_STATUS); element; element = element->NextNamed(QN_STATUS)) { if (!element->HasAttr(QN_XML_LANG)) { status_element = element; break; } } if (status_element) { return status_element->BodyText(); } return STR_EMPTY; } XmppReturnStatus XmppPresenceImpl::set_status(const std::string& status) { if (!raw_xml_) CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); raw_xml_->ClearNamedChildren(QN_STATUS); if (status != STR_EMPTY) { raw_xml_->AddElement(new XmlElement(QN_STATUS)); raw_xml_->AddText(status, 1); } return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } XmppPresenceConnectionStatus XmppPresenceImpl::connection_status() const { if (!raw_xml_) return XMPP_CONNECTION_STATUS_UNKNOWN; XmlElement* con = raw_xml_->FirstNamed(QN_GOOGLE_PSTN_CONFERENCE_STATUS); if (con) { std::string status = con->Attr(QN_ATTR_STATUS); if (status == STR_PSTN_CONFERENCE_STATUS_CONNECTING) return XMPP_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING; else if (status == STR_PSTN_CONFERENCE_STATUS_CONNECTED) return XMPP_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED; else if (status == STR_PSTN_CONFERENCE_STATUS_JOINING) return XMPP_CONNECTION_STATUS_JOINING; else if (status == STR_PSTN_CONFERENCE_STATUS_HANGUP) return XMPP_CONNECTION_STATUS_HANGUP; } return XMPP_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED; } const std::string XmppPresenceImpl::google_user_id() const { if (!raw_xml_) return std::string(); XmlElement* muc_user_x = raw_xml_->FirstNamed(QN_MUC_USER_X); if (muc_user_x) { XmlElement* muc_user_item = muc_user_x->FirstNamed(QN_MUC_USER_ITEM); if (muc_user_item) { return muc_user_item->Attr(QN_GOOGLE_USER_ID); } } return std::string(); } const std::string XmppPresenceImpl::nickname() const { if (!raw_xml_) return std::string(); XmlElement* nickname = raw_xml_->FirstNamed(QN_NICKNAME); if (nickname) { return nickname->BodyText(); } return std::string(); } const XmlElement* XmppPresenceImpl::raw_xml() const { if (!raw_xml_) const_cast(this)->CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); return raw_xml_.get(); } XmppReturnStatus XmppPresenceImpl::set_raw_xml(const XmlElement * xml) { if (!xml || xml->Name() != QN_PRESENCE) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; raw_xml_.reset(new XmlElement(*xml)); return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } void XmppPresenceImpl::CreateRawXmlSkeleton() { raw_xml_.reset(new XmlElement(QN_PRESENCE)); } // XmppRosterContactImpl ------------------------------------------------------- XmppRosterContact* XmppRosterContact::Create() { return new XmppRosterContactImpl(); } XmppRosterContactImpl::XmppRosterContactImpl() { ResetGroupCache(); } void XmppRosterContactImpl::SetXmlFromWire(const XmlElement* xml) { ResetGroupCache(); if (xml) raw_xml_.reset(new XmlElement(*xml)); else raw_xml_.reset(NULL); } void XmppRosterContactImpl::ResetGroupCache() { group_count_ = -1; group_index_returned_ = -1; group_returned_ = NULL; } const Jid XmppRosterContactImpl::jid() const { return Jid(raw_xml_->Attr(QN_JID)); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterContactImpl::set_jid(const Jid& jid) { if (!raw_xml_) CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); if (!jid.IsValid()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; raw_xml_->SetAttr(QN_JID, jid.Str()); return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } const std::string XmppRosterContactImpl::name() const { return raw_xml_->Attr(QN_NAME); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterContactImpl::set_name(const std::string& name) { if (!raw_xml_) CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); if (name == STR_EMPTY) raw_xml_->ClearAttr(QN_NAME); else raw_xml_->SetAttr(QN_NAME, name); return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } XmppSubscriptionState XmppRosterContactImpl::subscription_state() const { if (!raw_xml_) return XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE; XmppSubscriptionState state = XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE; if (StringToSubscriptionState(raw_xml_->Attr(QN_SUBSCRIPTION), raw_xml_->Attr(QN_ASK), &state)) return state; return XMPP_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE; } size_t XmppRosterContactImpl::GetGroupCount() const { if (!raw_xml_) return 0; if (-1 == group_count_) { XmlElement *group_element = raw_xml_->FirstNamed(QN_ROSTER_GROUP); int group_count = 0; while(group_element) { group_count++; group_element = group_element->NextNamed(QN_ROSTER_GROUP); } ASSERT(group_count > 0); // protect the cast XmppRosterContactImpl * me = const_cast(this); me->group_count_ = group_count; } return group_count_; } const std::string XmppRosterContactImpl::GetGroup(size_t index) const { if (index >= GetGroupCount()) return STR_EMPTY; // We cache the last group index and element that we returned. This way // going through the groups in order is order n and not n^2. This could be // enhanced if necessary by starting at the cached value if the index asked // is after the cached one. if (group_index_returned_ >= 0 && index == static_cast(group_index_returned_) + 1) { XmppRosterContactImpl * me = const_cast(this); me->group_returned_ = group_returned_->NextNamed(QN_ROSTER_GROUP); ASSERT(group_returned_ != NULL); me->group_index_returned_++; } else if (group_index_returned_ < 0 || static_cast(group_index_returned_) != index) { XmlElement * group_element = raw_xml_->FirstNamed(QN_ROSTER_GROUP); size_t group_index = 0; while(group_index < index) { ASSERT(group_element != NULL); group_index++; group_element = group_element->NextNamed(QN_ROSTER_GROUP); } XmppRosterContactImpl * me = const_cast(this); me->group_index_returned_ = static_cast(group_index); me->group_returned_ = group_element; } return group_returned_->BodyText(); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterContactImpl::AddGroup(const std::string& group) { if (group == STR_EMPTY) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; if (!raw_xml_) CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); if (FindGroup(group, NULL, NULL)) return XMPP_RETURN_OK; raw_xml_->AddElement(new XmlElement(QN_ROSTER_GROUP)); raw_xml_->AddText(group, 1); ++group_count_; return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterContactImpl::RemoveGroup(const std::string& group) { if (group == STR_EMPTY) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; if (!raw_xml_) return XMPP_RETURN_OK; XmlChild * child_before; if (FindGroup(group, NULL, &child_before)) { raw_xml_->RemoveChildAfter(child_before); ResetGroupCache(); } return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } bool XmppRosterContactImpl::FindGroup(const std::string& group, XmlElement** element, XmlChild** child_before) { XmlChild * prev_child = NULL; XmlChild * next_child; XmlChild * child; for (child = raw_xml_->FirstChild(); child; child = next_child) { next_child = child->NextChild(); if (!child->IsText() && child->AsElement()->Name() == QN_ROSTER_GROUP && child->AsElement()->BodyText() == group) { if (element) *element = child->AsElement(); if (child_before) *child_before = prev_child; return true; } prev_child = child; } return false; } const XmlElement* XmppRosterContactImpl::raw_xml() const { if (!raw_xml_) const_cast(this)->CreateRawXmlSkeleton(); return raw_xml_.get(); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterContactImpl::set_raw_xml(const XmlElement* xml) { if (!xml || xml->Name() != QN_ROSTER_ITEM || xml->HasAttr(QN_SUBSCRIPTION) || xml->HasAttr(QN_ASK)) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; ResetGroupCache(); raw_xml_.reset(new XmlElement(*xml)); return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } void XmppRosterContactImpl::CreateRawXmlSkeleton() { raw_xml_.reset(new XmlElement(QN_ROSTER_ITEM)); } // XmppRosterModuleImpl -------------------------------------------------------- XmppRosterModule * XmppRosterModule::Create() { return new XmppRosterModuleImpl(); } XmppRosterModuleImpl::XmppRosterModuleImpl() : roster_handler_(NULL), incoming_presence_map_(new JidPresenceVectorMap()), incoming_presence_vector_(new PresenceVector()), contacts_(new ContactVector()) { } XmppRosterModuleImpl::~XmppRosterModuleImpl() { DeleteIncomingPresence(); DeleteContacts(); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::set_roster_handler(XmppRosterHandler * handler) { roster_handler_ = handler; return XMPP_RETURN_OK; } XmppRosterHandler* XmppRosterModuleImpl::roster_handler() { return roster_handler_; } XmppPresence* XmppRosterModuleImpl::outgoing_presence() { return &outgoing_presence_; } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::BroadcastPresence() { // Scrub the outgoing presence const XmlElement* element = outgoing_presence_.raw_xml(); ASSERT(!element->HasAttr(QN_TO) && !element->HasAttr(QN_FROM) && (element->Attr(QN_TYPE) == STR_EMPTY || element->Attr(QN_TYPE) == "unavailable")); if (!engine()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADSTATE; return engine()->SendStanza(element); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::SendDirectedPresence(const XmppPresence* presence, const Jid& to_jid) { if (!presence) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; if (!engine()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADSTATE; XmlElement element(*(presence->raw_xml())); if (element.Name() != QN_PRESENCE || element.HasAttr(QN_TO) || element.HasAttr(QN_FROM)) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; if (element.HasAttr(QN_TYPE)) { if (element.Attr(QN_TYPE) != STR_EMPTY && element.Attr(QN_TYPE) != "unavailable") { return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; } } element.SetAttr(QN_TO, to_jid.Str()); return engine()->SendStanza(&element); } size_t XmppRosterModuleImpl::GetIncomingPresenceCount() { return incoming_presence_vector_->size(); } const XmppPresence* XmppRosterModuleImpl::GetIncomingPresence(size_t index) { if (index >= incoming_presence_vector_->size()) return NULL; return (*incoming_presence_vector_)[index]; } size_t XmppRosterModuleImpl::GetIncomingPresenceForJidCount(const Jid& jid) { // find the vector in the map JidPresenceVectorMap::iterator pos; pos = incoming_presence_map_->find(jid); if (pos == incoming_presence_map_->end()) return 0; ASSERT(pos->second != NULL); return pos->second->size(); } const XmppPresence* XmppRosterModuleImpl::GetIncomingPresenceForJid(const Jid& jid, size_t index) { JidPresenceVectorMap::iterator pos; pos = incoming_presence_map_->find(jid); if (pos == incoming_presence_map_->end()) return NULL; ASSERT(pos->second != NULL); if (index >= pos->second->size()) return NULL; return (*pos->second)[index]; } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::RequestRosterUpdate() { if (!engine()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADSTATE; XmlElement roster_get(QN_IQ); roster_get.AddAttr(QN_TYPE, "get"); roster_get.AddAttr(QN_ID, engine()->NextId()); roster_get.AddElement(new XmlElement(QN_ROSTER_QUERY, true)); return engine()->SendIq(&roster_get, this, NULL); } size_t XmppRosterModuleImpl::GetRosterContactCount() { return contacts_->size(); } const XmppRosterContact* XmppRosterModuleImpl::GetRosterContact(size_t index) { if (index >= contacts_->size()) return NULL; return (*contacts_)[index]; } class RosterPredicate { public: explicit RosterPredicate(const Jid& jid) : jid_(jid) { } bool operator() (XmppRosterContactImpl *& contact) { return contact->jid() == jid_; } private: Jid jid_; }; const XmppRosterContact* XmppRosterModuleImpl::FindRosterContact(const Jid& jid) { ContactVector::iterator pos; pos = std::find_if(contacts_->begin(), contacts_->end(), RosterPredicate(jid)); if (pos == contacts_->end()) return NULL; return *pos; } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::RequestRosterChange( const XmppRosterContact* contact) { if (!contact) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; Jid jid = contact->jid(); if (!jid.IsValid()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; if (!engine()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADSTATE; const XmlElement* contact_xml = contact->raw_xml(); if (contact_xml->Name() != QN_ROSTER_ITEM || contact_xml->HasAttr(QN_SUBSCRIPTION) || contact_xml->HasAttr(QN_ASK)) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; XmlElement roster_add(QN_IQ); roster_add.AddAttr(QN_TYPE, "set"); roster_add.AddAttr(QN_ID, engine()->NextId()); roster_add.AddElement(new XmlElement(QN_ROSTER_QUERY, true)); roster_add.AddElement(new XmlElement(*contact_xml), 1); return engine()->SendIq(&roster_add, this, NULL); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::RequestRosterRemove(const Jid& jid) { if (!jid.IsValid()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; if (!engine()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADSTATE; XmlElement roster_add(QN_IQ); roster_add.AddAttr(QN_TYPE, "set"); roster_add.AddAttr(QN_ID, engine()->NextId()); roster_add.AddElement(new XmlElement(QN_ROSTER_QUERY, true)); roster_add.AddAttr(QN_JID, jid.Str(), 1); roster_add.AddAttr(QN_SUBSCRIPTION, "remove", 1); return engine()->SendIq(&roster_add, this, NULL); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::RequestSubscription(const Jid& jid) { return SendSubscriptionRequest(jid, "subscribe"); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::CancelSubscription(const Jid& jid) { return SendSubscriptionRequest(jid, "unsubscribe"); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::ApproveSubscriber(const Jid& jid) { return SendSubscriptionRequest(jid, "subscribed"); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::CancelSubscriber(const Jid& jid) { return SendSubscriptionRequest(jid, "unsubscribed"); } void XmppRosterModuleImpl::IqResponse(XmppIqCookie, const XmlElement * stanza) { // The only real Iq response that we expect to recieve are initial roster // population if (stanza->Attr(QN_TYPE) == "error") { if (roster_handler_) roster_handler_->RosterError(this, stanza); return; } ASSERT(stanza->Attr(QN_TYPE) == "result"); InternalRosterItems(stanza); } bool XmppRosterModuleImpl::HandleStanza(const XmlElement * stanza) { ASSERT(engine() != NULL); // There are two types of stanzas that we care about: presence and roster push // Iqs if (stanza->Name() == QN_PRESENCE) { const std::string& jid_string = stanza->Attr(QN_FROM); Jid jid(jid_string); if (!jid.IsValid()) return false; // if the Jid isn't valid, don't process const std::string& type = stanza->Attr(QN_TYPE); XmppSubscriptionRequestType request_type; if (StringToSubscriptionRequestType(type, &request_type)) InternalSubscriptionRequest(jid, stanza, request_type); else if (type == "unavailable" || type == STR_EMPTY) InternalIncomingPresence(jid, stanza); else if (type == "error") InternalIncomingPresenceError(jid, stanza); else return false; return true; } else if (stanza->Name() == QN_IQ) { const XmlElement * roster_query = stanza->FirstNamed(QN_ROSTER_QUERY); if (!roster_query || stanza->Attr(QN_TYPE) != "set") return false; InternalRosterItems(stanza); // respond to the IQ XmlElement result(QN_IQ); result.AddAttr(QN_TYPE, "result"); result.AddAttr(QN_TO, stanza->Attr(QN_FROM)); result.AddAttr(QN_ID, stanza->Attr(QN_ID)); engine()->SendStanza(&result); return true; } return false; } void XmppRosterModuleImpl::DeleteIncomingPresence() { // Clear out the vector of all presence notifications { PresenceVector::iterator pos; for (pos = incoming_presence_vector_->begin(); pos < incoming_presence_vector_->end(); ++pos) { XmppPresenceImpl * presence = *pos; *pos = NULL; delete presence; } incoming_presence_vector_->clear(); } // Clear out all of the small presence vectors per Jid { JidPresenceVectorMap::iterator pos; for (pos = incoming_presence_map_->begin(); pos != incoming_presence_map_->end(); ++pos) { PresenceVector* presence_vector = pos->second; pos->second = NULL; delete presence_vector; } incoming_presence_map_->clear(); } } void XmppRosterModuleImpl::DeleteContacts() { ContactVector::iterator pos; for (pos = contacts_->begin(); pos < contacts_->end(); ++pos) { XmppRosterContact* contact = *pos; *pos = NULL; delete contact; } contacts_->clear(); } XmppReturnStatus XmppRosterModuleImpl::SendSubscriptionRequest(const Jid& jid, const std::string& type) { if (!jid.IsValid()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADARGUMENT; if (!engine()) return XMPP_RETURN_BADSTATE; XmlElement presence_request(QN_PRESENCE); presence_request.AddAttr(QN_TO, jid.Str()); presence_request.AddAttr(QN_TYPE, type); return engine()->SendStanza(&presence_request); } void XmppRosterModuleImpl::InternalSubscriptionRequest(const Jid& jid, const XmlElement* stanza, XmppSubscriptionRequestType request_type) { if (roster_handler_) roster_handler_->SubscriptionRequest(this, jid, request_type, stanza); } class PresencePredicate { public: explicit PresencePredicate(const Jid& jid) : jid_(jid) { } bool operator() (XmppPresenceImpl *& contact) { return contact->jid() == jid_; } private: Jid jid_; }; void XmppRosterModuleImpl::InternalIncomingPresence(const Jid& jid, const XmlElement* stanza) { bool added = false; Jid bare_jid = jid.BareJid(); // First add the presence to the map JidPresenceVectorMap::iterator pos; pos = incoming_presence_map_->find(jid.BareJid()); if (pos == incoming_presence_map_->end()) { // Insert a new entry into the map. Get the position of this new entry pos = (incoming_presence_map_->insert( std::make_pair(bare_jid, new PresenceVector()))).first; } PresenceVector * presence_vector = pos->second; ASSERT(presence_vector != NULL); // Try to find this jid in the bare jid bucket PresenceVector::iterator presence_pos; XmppPresenceImpl* presence; presence_pos = std::find_if(presence_vector->begin(), presence_vector->end(), PresencePredicate(jid)); // Update/add it to the bucket if (presence_pos == presence_vector->end()) { presence = new XmppPresenceImpl(); if (XMPP_RETURN_OK == presence->set_raw_xml(stanza)) { added = true; presence_vector->push_back(presence); } else { delete presence; presence = NULL; } } else { presence = *presence_pos; presence->set_raw_xml(stanza); } // now add to the comprehensive vector if (added) incoming_presence_vector_->push_back(presence); // Call back to the user with the changed presence information if (roster_handler_) roster_handler_->IncomingPresenceChanged(this, presence); } void XmppRosterModuleImpl::InternalIncomingPresenceError(const Jid& jid, const XmlElement* stanza) { if (roster_handler_) roster_handler_->SubscriptionError(this, jid, stanza); } void XmppRosterModuleImpl::InternalRosterItems(const XmlElement* stanza) { const XmlElement* result_data = stanza->FirstNamed(QN_ROSTER_QUERY); if (!result_data) return; // unknown stuff in result! bool all_new = contacts_->empty(); for (const XmlElement* roster_item = result_data->FirstNamed(QN_ROSTER_ITEM); roster_item; roster_item = roster_item->NextNamed(QN_ROSTER_ITEM)) { const std::string& jid_string = roster_item->Attr(QN_JID); Jid jid(jid_string); if (!jid.IsValid()) continue; // This algorithm is N^2 on the number of incoming contacts after the // initial load. There is no way to do this faster without allowing // duplicates, introducing more data structures or write a custom data // structure. We'll see if this becomes a perf problem and fix it if it // does. ContactVector::iterator pos = contacts_->end(); if (!all_new) { pos = std::find_if(contacts_->begin(), contacts_->end(), RosterPredicate(jid)); } if (pos != contacts_->end()) { // Update/remove a current contact if (roster_item->Attr(QN_SUBSCRIPTION) == "remove") { XmppRosterContact* contact = *pos; contacts_->erase(pos); if (roster_handler_) roster_handler_->ContactRemoved(this, contact, std::distance(contacts_->begin(), pos)); delete contact; } else { XmppRosterContact* old_contact = *pos; *pos = new XmppRosterContactImpl(); (*pos)->SetXmlFromWire(roster_item); if (roster_handler_) roster_handler_->ContactChanged(this, old_contact, std::distance(contacts_->begin(), pos)); delete old_contact; } } else { // Add a new contact XmppRosterContactImpl* contact = new XmppRosterContactImpl(); contact->SetXmlFromWire(roster_item); contacts_->push_back(contact); if (roster_handler_ && !all_new) roster_handler_->ContactsAdded(this, contacts_->size() - 1, 1); } } // Send a consolidated update if all contacts are new if (roster_handler_ && all_new) roster_handler_->ContactsAdded(this, 0, contacts_->size()); } }