/* * Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. * */ #include "webrtc/call/bitrate_allocator.h" #include #include #include "webrtc/base/checks.h" #include "webrtc/modules/bitrate_controller/include/bitrate_controller.h" namespace webrtc { // Allow packets to be transmitted in up to 2 times max video bitrate if the // bandwidth estimate allows it. const int kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier = 2; const int kDefaultBitrateBps = 300000; // Require a bitrate increase of max(10%, 20kbps) to resume paused streams. const double kToggleFactor = 0.1; const uint32_t kMinToggleBitrateBps = 20000; BitrateAllocator::BitrateAllocator(LimitObserver* limit_observer) : limit_observer_(limit_observer), bitrate_observer_configs_(), last_bitrate_bps_(kDefaultBitrateBps), last_non_zero_bitrate_bps_(kDefaultBitrateBps), last_fraction_loss_(0), last_rtt_(0) {} void BitrateAllocator::OnNetworkChanged(uint32_t target_bitrate_bps, uint8_t fraction_loss, int64_t rtt) { rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_sect_); last_bitrate_bps_ = target_bitrate_bps; last_non_zero_bitrate_bps_ = target_bitrate_bps > 0 ? target_bitrate_bps : last_non_zero_bitrate_bps_; last_fraction_loss_ = fraction_loss; last_rtt_ = rtt; ObserverAllocation allocation = AllocateBitrates(target_bitrate_bps); for (const auto& kv : allocation) { kv.first->OnBitrateUpdated(kv.second, last_fraction_loss_, last_rtt_); } last_allocation_ = allocation; } void BitrateAllocator::AddObserver(BitrateAllocatorObserver* observer, uint32_t min_bitrate_bps, uint32_t max_bitrate_bps, uint32_t pad_up_bitrate_bps, bool enforce_min_bitrate) { rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_sect_); auto it = FindObserverConfig(observer); // Update settings if the observer already exists, create a new one otherwise. if (it != bitrate_observer_configs_.end()) { it->min_bitrate_bps = min_bitrate_bps; it->max_bitrate_bps = max_bitrate_bps; it->pad_up_bitrate_bps = pad_up_bitrate_bps; it->enforce_min_bitrate = enforce_min_bitrate; } else { bitrate_observer_configs_.push_back( ObserverConfig(observer, min_bitrate_bps, max_bitrate_bps, pad_up_bitrate_bps, enforce_min_bitrate)); } ObserverAllocation allocation; if (last_bitrate_bps_ > 0) { // Calculate a new allocation and update all observers. allocation = AllocateBitrates(last_bitrate_bps_); for (const auto& kv : allocation) kv.first->OnBitrateUpdated(kv.second, last_fraction_loss_, last_rtt_); } else { // Currently, an encoder is not allowed to produce frames. // But we still have to return the initial config bitrate + let the // observer know that it can not produce frames. allocation = AllocateBitrates(last_non_zero_bitrate_bps_); observer->OnBitrateUpdated(0, last_fraction_loss_, last_rtt_); } UpdateAllocationLimits(); last_allocation_ = allocation; } void BitrateAllocator::UpdateAllocationLimits() { uint32_t total_requested_padding_bitrate = 0; uint32_t total_requested_min_bitrate = 0; { rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_sect_); for (const auto& config : bitrate_observer_configs_) { if (config.enforce_min_bitrate) { total_requested_min_bitrate += config.min_bitrate_bps; } total_requested_padding_bitrate += config.pad_up_bitrate_bps; } } limit_observer_->OnAllocationLimitsChanged(total_requested_min_bitrate, total_requested_padding_bitrate); } void BitrateAllocator::RemoveObserver(BitrateAllocatorObserver* observer) { { rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_sect_); auto it = FindObserverConfig(observer); if (it != bitrate_observer_configs_.end()) { bitrate_observer_configs_.erase(it); } } UpdateAllocationLimits(); } int BitrateAllocator::GetStartBitrate(BitrateAllocatorObserver* observer) { rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_sect_); const auto& it = last_allocation_.find(observer); if (it != last_allocation_.end()) return it->second; // This is a new observer that has not yet been started. Assume that if it is // added, all observers would split the available bitrate evenly. return last_non_zero_bitrate_bps_ / static_cast((bitrate_observer_configs_.size() + 1)); } BitrateAllocator::ObserverConfigList::iterator BitrateAllocator::FindObserverConfig( const BitrateAllocatorObserver* observer) { for (auto it = bitrate_observer_configs_.begin(); it != bitrate_observer_configs_.end(); ++it) { if (it->observer == observer) return it; } return bitrate_observer_configs_.end(); } BitrateAllocator::ObserverAllocation BitrateAllocator::AllocateBitrates( uint32_t bitrate) { if (bitrate_observer_configs_.empty()) return ObserverAllocation(); if (bitrate == 0) return ZeroRateAllocation(); uint32_t sum_min_bitrates = 0; uint32_t sum_max_bitrates = 0; for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) { sum_min_bitrates += observer_config.min_bitrate_bps; sum_max_bitrates += observer_config.max_bitrate_bps; } // Not enough for all observers to get an allocation, allocate according to: // enforced min bitrate -> allocated bitrate previous round -> restart paused // streams. if (!EnoughBitrateForAllObservers(bitrate, sum_min_bitrates)) return LowRateAllocation(bitrate); // All observers will get their min bitrate plus an even share of the rest. if (bitrate <= sum_max_bitrates) return NormalRateAllocation(bitrate, sum_min_bitrates); // All observers will get up to kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier x max. return MaxRateAllocation(bitrate, sum_max_bitrates); } BitrateAllocator::ObserverAllocation BitrateAllocator::ZeroRateAllocation() { ObserverAllocation allocation; for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) allocation[observer_config.observer] = 0; return allocation; } BitrateAllocator::ObserverAllocation BitrateAllocator::LowRateAllocation( uint32_t bitrate) { ObserverAllocation allocation; // Start by allocating bitrate to observers enforcing a min bitrate, hence // remaining_bitrate might turn negative. int64_t remaining_bitrate = bitrate; for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) { int32_t allocated_bitrate = 0; if (observer_config.enforce_min_bitrate) allocated_bitrate = observer_config.min_bitrate_bps; allocation[observer_config.observer] = allocated_bitrate; remaining_bitrate -= allocated_bitrate; } // Allocate bitrate to all previously active streams. if (remaining_bitrate > 0) { for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) { if (observer_config.enforce_min_bitrate || LastAllocatedBitrate(observer_config) == 0) continue; if (remaining_bitrate >= observer_config.min_bitrate_bps) { allocation[observer_config.observer] = observer_config.min_bitrate_bps; remaining_bitrate -= observer_config.min_bitrate_bps; } } } // Allocate bitrate to previously paused streams. if (remaining_bitrate > 0) { for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) { if (LastAllocatedBitrate(observer_config) != 0) continue; // Add a hysteresis to avoid toggling. uint32_t required_bitrate = MinBitrateWithHysteresis(observer_config); if (remaining_bitrate >= required_bitrate) { allocation[observer_config.observer] = required_bitrate; remaining_bitrate -= required_bitrate; } } } // Split a possible remainder evenly on all streams with an allocation. if (remaining_bitrate > 0) DistributeBitrateEvenly(remaining_bitrate, false, 1, &allocation); RTC_DCHECK_EQ(allocation.size(), bitrate_observer_configs_.size()); return allocation; } BitrateAllocator::ObserverAllocation BitrateAllocator::NormalRateAllocation( uint32_t bitrate, uint32_t sum_min_bitrates) { ObserverAllocation allocation; for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) allocation[observer_config.observer] = observer_config.min_bitrate_bps; bitrate -= sum_min_bitrates; if (bitrate > 0) DistributeBitrateEvenly(bitrate, true, 1, &allocation); return allocation; } BitrateAllocator::ObserverAllocation BitrateAllocator::MaxRateAllocation( uint32_t bitrate, uint32_t sum_max_bitrates) { ObserverAllocation allocation; for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) { allocation[observer_config.observer] = observer_config.max_bitrate_bps; bitrate -= observer_config.max_bitrate_bps; } DistributeBitrateEvenly(bitrate, true, kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier, &allocation); return allocation; } uint32_t BitrateAllocator::LastAllocatedBitrate( const ObserverConfig& observer_config) { const auto& it = last_allocation_.find(observer_config.observer); if (it != last_allocation_.end()) return it->second; // Return the configured minimum bitrate for newly added observers, to avoid // requiring an extra high bitrate for the observer to get an allocated // bitrate. return observer_config.min_bitrate_bps; } uint32_t BitrateAllocator::MinBitrateWithHysteresis( const ObserverConfig& observer_config) { uint32_t min_bitrate = observer_config.min_bitrate_bps; if (LastAllocatedBitrate(observer_config) == 0) { min_bitrate += std::max(static_cast(kToggleFactor * min_bitrate), kMinToggleBitrateBps); } return min_bitrate; } void BitrateAllocator::DistributeBitrateEvenly(uint32_t bitrate, bool include_zero_allocations, int max_multiplier, ObserverAllocation* allocation) { RTC_DCHECK_EQ(allocation->size(), bitrate_observer_configs_.size()); ObserverSortingMap list_max_bitrates; for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) { if (include_zero_allocations || allocation->at(observer_config.observer) != 0) { list_max_bitrates.insert(std::pair( observer_config.max_bitrate_bps, &observer_config)); } } auto it = list_max_bitrates.begin(); while (it != list_max_bitrates.end()) { RTC_DCHECK_GT(bitrate, 0u); uint32_t extra_allocation = bitrate / static_cast(list_max_bitrates.size()); uint32_t total_allocation = extra_allocation + allocation->at(it->second->observer); bitrate -= extra_allocation; if (total_allocation > max_multiplier * it->first) { // There is more than we can fit for this observer, carry over to the // remaining observers. bitrate += total_allocation - max_multiplier * it->first; total_allocation = max_multiplier * it->first; } // Finally, update the allocation for this observer. allocation->at(it->second->observer) = total_allocation; it = list_max_bitrates.erase(it); } } bool BitrateAllocator::EnoughBitrateForAllObservers(uint32_t bitrate, uint32_t sum_min_bitrates) { if (bitrate < sum_min_bitrates) return false; uint32_t extra_bitrate_per_observer = (bitrate - sum_min_bitrates) / static_cast(bitrate_observer_configs_.size()); for (const auto& observer_config : bitrate_observer_configs_) { if (observer_config.min_bitrate_bps + extra_bitrate_per_observer < MinBitrateWithHysteresis(observer_config)) return false; } return true; } } // namespace webrtc