AppRTC AppRTC Settings Disconnect Call Please enter a room name. Room names are shared with everyone, so think of something unique and send it to a friend. Favorites No favorites Add favorite Invalid URL The URL or room name you entered resulted in an invalid URL: %1$s Connection error Connecting to: %1$s FATAL ERROR: Missing URL to connect to. OK Add Cancel Switch front/back camera Slide to change capture format Muted Toggle debug view Toggle microphone on/off Settings Loopback connection Connect to the room Add favorite room_preference room_list_preference video_settings_key WebRTC video settings. videocall_preference Video call. Enable video in a call. true resolution_preference Video resolution. Enter AppRTC local video resolution. Default fps_preference Camera fps. Enter local camera fps. Default capturequalityslider_preference Capture quality slider. Enable slider for changing capture quality. false startvideobitrate_preference Start video bitrate setting. Start video bitrate setting. Default startvideobitratevalue_preference Video encoder start bitrate. Enter video encoder start bitrate in kbps. 1000 videocodec_preference Default video codec. Select default video codec. VP8 hwcodec_preference Video codec hardware acceleration. Use hardware accelerated video codec (if available). true capturetotexture_preference Video capture to surface texture. Capture video to textures (if available). false Enabled Disabled audio_settings_key WebRTC audio settings. startaudiobitrate_preference Audio bitrate setting. Audio bitrate setting. Default startaudiobitratevalue_preference Audio codec bitrate. Enter audio codec bitrate in kbps. 32 audiocodec_preference Default audio codec. Select default audio codec. OPUS audioprocessing_preference Disable audio processing. Disable audio processing pipeline. false aecdump_preference Create aecdump. Enable diagnostic audio recordings. false opensles_preference Use OpenSL ES for audio playback. Use OpenSL ES for audio playback. false disable_built_in_aec_preference Disable built-in AEC. Disable built-in AEC. false Built-in AEC is not available misc_settings_key Miscellaneous settings. room_server_url_preference Room server URL. Enter a room server URL. displayhud_preference Display call statistics. Display call statistics. false tracing_preference Debug performance tracing. Debug performance tracing. false