#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "audio/WaveFileReader.h" #include "phoneExtraction.h" #include "mouthAnimation.h" #include "appInfo.h" #include "NiceCmdLineOutput.h" #include "ProgressBar.h" #include "logging.h" #include #include #include using std::exception; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::unique_ptr; using std::map; using std::chrono::duration; using std::chrono::duration_cast; using boost::filesystem::path; using boost::property_tree::ptree; namespace tclap = TCLAP; string getMessage(const exception& e) { string result(e.what()); try { std::rethrow_if_nested(e); } catch(const exception& innerException) { result += "\n" + getMessage(innerException); } catch(...) {} return result; } unique_ptr createAudioStream(path filePath) { try { return std::make_unique(filePath); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(std::runtime_error("Could not open sound file.") ); } } ptree createXmlTree(const path& filePath, const Timeline& phones, const Timeline& shapes) { ptree tree; // Add sound file path tree.add("rhubarbResult.info.soundFile", filePath.string()); // Add phones for (auto& timedPhone : phones) { ptree& phoneElement = tree.add("rhubarbResult.phones.phone", timedPhone.getValue()); phoneElement.add(".start", formatDuration(timedPhone.getStart())); phoneElement.add(".duration", formatDuration(timedPhone.getLength())); } // Add mouth cues for (auto& timedShape : shapes) { ptree& mouthCueElement = tree.add("rhubarbResult.mouthCues.mouthCue", timedShape.getValue()); mouthCueElement.add(".start", formatDuration(timedShape.getStart())); mouthCueElement.add(".duration", formatDuration(timedShape.getLength())); } return tree; } // Tell TCLAP how to handle our types namespace TCLAP { template<> struct ArgTraits { typedef ValueLike ValueCategory; }; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { auto pausableStderrSink = addPausableStderrSink(LogLevel::Warning); pausableStderrSink->pause(); // Define command-line parameters const char argumentValueSeparator = ' '; tclap::CmdLine cmd(appName, argumentValueSeparator, appVersion); cmd.setExceptionHandling(false); cmd.setOutput(new NiceCmdLineOutput()); auto logLevels = vector(getEnumValues()); tclap::ValuesConstraint logLevelConstraint(logLevels); tclap::ValueArg logLevel("", "logLevel", "The minimum log level to log", false, LogLevel::Debug, &logLevelConstraint, cmd); tclap::ValueArg logFileName("", "logFile", "The log file path.", false, string(), "string", cmd); tclap::ValueArg dialog("d", "dialog", "The text of the dialog.", false, string(), "string", cmd); tclap::UnlabeledValueArg inputFileName("inputFile", "The input file. Must be a sound file in WAVE format.", true, "", "string", cmd); try { auto resumeLogging = gsl::finally([&]() { std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl; pausableStderrSink->resume(); std::cerr << std::endl; }); // Parse command line cmd.parse(argc, argv); // Set up log file if (logFileName.isSet()) { addFileSink(path(logFileName.getValue()), logLevel.getValue()); } // Detect phones const int columnWidth = 30; std::cerr << std::left; std::cerr << std::setw(columnWidth) << "Analyzing input file"; Timeline phones{}; { ProgressBar progressBar; phones = detectPhones( createAudioStream(inputFileName.getValue()), dialog.isSet() ? dialog.getValue() : boost::optional(), progressBar); } std::cerr << "Done" << std::endl; // Generate mouth shapes std::cerr << std::setw(columnWidth) << "Generating mouth shapes"; Timeline shapes = animate(phones); std::cerr << "Done" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; // Print XML ptree xmlTree = createXmlTree(inputFileName.getValue(), phones, shapes); boost::property_tree::write_xml(std::cout, xmlTree, boost::property_tree::xml_writer_settings(' ', 2)); return 0; } catch (tclap::ArgException& e) { // Error parsing command-line args. cmd.getOutput()->failure(cmd, e); std::cerr << std::endl; return 1; } catch (tclap::ExitException&) { // A built-in TCLAP command (like --help) has finished. Exit application. std::cerr << std::endl; return 0; } catch (const exception& e) { // Generic error std::cerr << "An error occurred. " << getMessage(e) << std::endl; return 1; } }