Auto-format code files

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Wolf 2024-12-09 08:25:51 +01:00
parent b365c4c1d5
commit 9d3782a08b
142 changed files with 2557 additions and 2220 deletions

.clang-format Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Config file for clang-format, a C/C++/... code formatter.
BasedOnStyle: Chromium
# TODO: Uncomment once clang-format 20 is out
# BreakBinaryOperations: RespectPrecedence
BreakConstructorInitializers: AfterColon
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AlignAfterOpenBracket: BlockIndent
AlignOperands: DontAlign
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: WithoutElse
BinPackArguments: false
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: NonAssignment
BreakStringLiterals: false
ColumnLimit: 100
CompactNamespaces: true
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
IndentWidth: 4
InsertNewlineAtEOF: true
LineEnding: LF
PackConstructorInitializers: Never
SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Always
SortIncludes: CaseInsensitive
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1

.editorconfig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Config file for generic text editors.
root = true
charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
indent_size = 2

.gersemirc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Config file for gersemi, a CMake code formatter.
line_length: 100
warn_about_unknown_commands: false

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
.vs/ .vs/
build/ .vscode/
*.user *.user

.prettierrc.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Config file for Prettier, a JavaScript/TypeScript code formatter.
tabWidth: 2
printWidth: 100
singleQuote: true
arrowParens: avoid
- files: '*.jsx' # Adobe JSX, not React
trailingComma: none

.ruff.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Config file for Ruff, a Python code formatter.
line-length = 100
quote-style = "single"
skip-magic-trailing-comma = true

View File

@ -13,10 +13,7 @@ add_subdirectory("extras/MagixVegas")
add_subdirectory("extras/EsotericSoftwareSpine") add_subdirectory("extras/EsotericSoftwareSpine")
# Install misc. files # Install misc. files
install( install(FILES README.adoc DESTINATION .)
# Configure CPack # Configure CPack
function(get_short_system_name variable) function(get_short_system_name variable)

117 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
"""Collection of tasks. Run using `doit <task>`."""
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from functools import cache
from gitignore_parser import parse_gitignore
from typing import Dict, Optional, List
from enum import Enum
root_dir = Path(__file__).parent
rhubarb_dir = root_dir / 'rhubarb'
def task_format():
"""Format source files"""
files_by_formatters = get_files_by_formatters()
for formatter, files in files_by_formatters.items():
yield {
'name': formatter.value,
'actions': [(format, [files, formatter])],
'file_dep': files,
def task_check_formatted():
"""Fails unless source files are formatted"""
files_by_formatters = get_files_by_formatters()
for formatter, files in files_by_formatters.items():
yield {
'basename': 'check-formatted',
'name': formatter.value,
'actions': [(format, [files, formatter], {'check_only': True})],
class Formatter(Enum):
"""A source code formatter."""
CLANG_FORMAT = 'clang-format'
GERSEMI = 'gersemi'
PRETTIER = 'prettier'
RUFF = 'ruff'
def format(files: List[Path], formatter: Formatter, *, check_only: bool = False):
match formatter:
case Formatter.CLANG_FORMAT:
['clang-format', '--dry-run' if check_only else '-i', '--Werror', *files],
case Formatter.GERSEMI:['gersemi', '--check' if check_only else '-i', *files], check=True)
case Formatter.PRETTIER:
*['deno', 'run', '-A', 'npm:prettier@3.4.2'],
*['--check' if check_only else '--write', '--log-level', 'warn', *files],
case Formatter.RUFF:
['ruff', '--quiet', 'format', *(['--check'] if check_only else []), *files],
case _:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown formatter: {formatter}')
def get_files_by_formatters() -> Dict[Formatter, List[Path]]:
"""Returns a dict with all formattable code files grouped by formatter."""
is_gitignored = parse_gitignore(root_dir / '.gitignore')
def is_hidden(path: Path):
def is_third_party(path: Path):
return path.is_relative_to(rhubarb_dir / 'lib') or == 'gradle'
result = {formatter: [] for formatter in Formatter}
def visit(dir: Path):
for path in dir.iterdir():
if is_gitignored(path) or is_hidden(path) or is_third_party(path):
if path.is_file():
formatter = get_formatter(path)
if formatter is not None:
return result
def get_formatter(path: Path) -> Optional[Formatter]:
"""Returns the formatter to use for the given code file, if any."""
match path.suffix.lower():
case '.c' | '.cpp' | '.h':
return Formatter.CLANG_FORMAT
case '.cmake':
return Formatter.GERSEMI
case _ if == 'cmakelists.txt':
return Formatter.GERSEMI
case '.js' | '.jsx' | '.ts':
return Formatter.PRETTIER
case '.py':
return Formatter.RUFF

View File

@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)
set(afterEffectsFiles set(afterEffectsFiles "Rhubarb Lip Sync.jsx" "README.adoc")
"Rhubarb Lip Sync.jsx"
install( install(FILES ${afterEffectsFiles} DESTINATION "extras/AdobeAfterEffects")
FILES ${afterEffectsFiles}
DESTINATION "extras/AdobeAfterEffects"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
(function polyfill() { // prettier-ignore
(function polyfill() {
// Polyfill for Object.assign // Polyfill for Object.assign
"function"!=typeof Object.assign&&(Object.assign=function(a,b){"use strict";if(null==a)throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");for(var c=Object(a),d=1;d<arguments.length;d++){var e=arguments[d];if(null!=e)for(var f in e),f)&&(c[f]=e[f])}return c}); "function"!=typeof Object.assign&&(Object.assign=function(a,b){"use strict";if(null==a)throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");for(var c=Object(a),d=1;d<arguments.length;d++){var e=arguments[d];if(null!=e)for(var f in e),f)&&(c[f]=e[f])}return c});
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
// Polyfill for JSON // Polyfill for JSON
"object"!=typeof JSON&&(JSON={}),function(){"use strict";function f(a){return a<10?"0"+a:a}function this_value(){return this.valueOf()}function quote(a){return rx_escapable.lastIndex=0,rx_escapable.test(a)?'"'+a.replace(rx_escapable,function(a){var b=meta[a];return"string"==typeof b?b:"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})+'"':'"'+a+'"'}function str(a,b){var c,d,e,f,h,g=gap,i=b[a];switch(i&&"object"==typeof i&&"function"==typeof i.toJSON&&(i=i.toJSON(a)),"function"==typeof rep&&(,a,i)),typeof i){case"string":return quote(i);case"number":return isFinite(i)?String(i):"null";case"boolean":case"null":return String(i);case"object":if(!i)return"null";if(gap+=indent,h=[],"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(i)){for(f=i.length,c=0;c<f;c+=1)h[c]=str(c,i)||"null";return e=0===h.length?"[]":gap?"[\n"+gap+h.join(",\n"+gap)+"\n"+g+"]":"["+h.join(",")+"]",gap=g,e}if(rep&&"object"==typeof rep)for(f=rep.length,c=0;c<f;c+=1)"string"==typeof rep[c]&&(d=rep[c],(e=str(d,i))&&h.push(quote(d)+(gap?": ":":")+e));else for(d in i),d)&&(e=str(d,i))&&h.push(quote(d)+(gap?": ":":")+e);return e=0===h.length?"{}":gap?"{\n"+gap+h.join(",\n"+gap)+"\n"+g+"}":"{"+h.join(",")+"}",gap=g,e}}var rx_one=/^[\],:{}\s]*$/,rx_two=/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,rx_three=/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,rx_four=/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,rx_escapable=/[\\"\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,rx_dangerous=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;"function"!=typeof Date.prototype.toJSON&&(Date.prototype.toJSON=function(){return isFinite(this.valueOf())?this.getUTCFullYear()+"-"+f(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+"-"+f(this.getUTCDate())+"T"+f(this.getUTCHours())+":"+f(this.getUTCMinutes())+":"+f(this.getUTCSeconds())+"Z":null},Boolean.prototype.toJSON=this_value,Number.prototype.toJSON=this_value,String.prototype.toJSON=this_value);var gap,indent,meta,rep;"function"!=typeof JSON.stringify&&(meta={"\b":"\\b","\t":"\\t","\n":"\\n","\f":"\\f","\r":"\\r",'"':'\\"',"\\":"\\\\"},JSON.stringify=function(a,b,c){var d;if(gap="",indent="","number"==typeof c)for(d=0;d<c;d+=1)indent+=" ";else"string"==typeof c&&(indent=c);if(rep=b,b&&"function"!=typeof b&&("object"!=typeof b||"number"!=typeof b.length))throw new Error("JSON.stringify");return str("",{"":a})}),"function"!=typeof JSON.parse&&(JSON.parse=function(text,reviver){function walk(a,b){var c,d,e=a[b];if(e&&"object"==typeof e)for(c in e),c)&&(d=walk(e,c),void 0!==d?e[c]=d:delete e[c]);return,b,e)}var j;if(text=String(text),rx_dangerous.lastIndex=0,rx_dangerous.test(text)&&(text=text.replace(rx_dangerous,function(a){return"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})),rx_one.test(text.replace(rx_two,"@").replace(rx_three,"]").replace(rx_four,"")))return j=eval("("+text+")"),"function"==typeof reviver?walk({"":j},""):j;throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse")})}(); "object"!=typeof JSON&&(JSON={}),function(){"use strict";function f(a){return a<10?"0"+a:a}function this_value(){return this.valueOf()}function quote(a){return rx_escapable.lastIndex=0,rx_escapable.test(a)?'"'+a.replace(rx_escapable,function(a){var b=meta[a];return"string"==typeof b?b:"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})+'"':'"'+a+'"'}function str(a,b){var c,d,e,f,h,g=gap,i=b[a];switch(i&&"object"==typeof i&&"function"==typeof i.toJSON&&(i=i.toJSON(a)),"function"==typeof rep&&(,a,i)),typeof i){case"string":return quote(i);case"number":return isFinite(i)?String(i):"null";case"boolean":case"null":return String(i);case"object":if(!i)return"null";if(gap+=indent,h=[],"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(i)){for(f=i.length,c=0;c<f;c+=1)h[c]=str(c,i)||"null";return e=0===h.length?"[]":gap?"[\n"+gap+h.join(",\n"+gap)+"\n"+g+"]":"["+h.join(",")+"]",gap=g,e}if(rep&&"object"==typeof rep)for(f=rep.length,c=0;c<f;c+=1)"string"==typeof rep[c]&&(d=rep[c],(e=str(d,i))&&h.push(quote(d)+(gap?": ":":")+e));else for(d in i),d)&&(e=str(d,i))&&h.push(quote(d)+(gap?": ":":")+e);return e=0===h.length?"{}":gap?"{\n"+gap+h.join(",\n"+gap)+"\n"+g+"}":"{"+h.join(",")+"}",gap=g,e}}var rx_one=/^[\],:{}\s]*$/,rx_two=/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,rx_three=/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,rx_four=/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,rx_escapable=/[\\"\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,rx_dangerous=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;"function"!=typeof Date.prototype.toJSON&&(Date.prototype.toJSON=function(){return isFinite(this.valueOf())?this.getUTCFullYear()+"-"+f(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+"-"+f(this.getUTCDate())+"T"+f(this.getUTCHours())+":"+f(this.getUTCMinutes())+":"+f(this.getUTCSeconds())+"Z":null},Boolean.prototype.toJSON=this_value,Number.prototype.toJSON=this_value,String.prototype.toJSON=this_value);var gap,indent,meta,rep;"function"!=typeof JSON.stringify&&(meta={"\b":"\\b","\t":"\\t","\n":"\\n","\f":"\\f","\r":"\\r",'"':'\\"',"\\":"\\\\"},JSON.stringify=function(a,b,c){var d;if(gap="",indent="","number"==typeof c)for(d=0;d<c;d+=1)indent+=" ";else"string"==typeof c&&(indent=c);if(rep=b,b&&"function"!=typeof b&&("object"!=typeof b||"number"!=typeof b.length))throw new Error("JSON.stringify");return str("",{"":a})}),"function"!=typeof JSON.parse&&(JSON.parse=function(text,reviver){function walk(a,b){var c,d,e=a[b];if(e&&"object"==typeof e)for(c in e),c)&&(d=walk(e,c),void 0!==d?e[c]=d:delete e[c]);return,b,e)}var j;if(text=String(text),rx_dangerous.lastIndex=0,rx_dangerous.test(text)&&(text=text.replace(rx_dangerous,function(a){return"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})),rx_one.test(text.replace(rx_two,"@").replace(rx_three,"]").replace(rx_four,"")))return j=eval("("+text+")"),"function"==typeof reviver?walk({"":j},""):j;throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse")})}();
})(); })()
function last(array) { function last(array) {
return array[array.length - 1]; return array[array.length - 1];
@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ function last(array) {
function createGuid() { function createGuid() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0; var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
var v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); var v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
return v.toString(16); return v.toString(16);
}); });
} }
@ -119,12 +120,16 @@ function readTextFile(fileOrPath) {
if (file.error) throw new Error('Error reading file "' + filePath + '": ' + file.error); if (file.error) throw new Error('Error reading file "' + filePath + '": ' + file.error);
} }
try { try {'r'); check();'r');
file.encoding = 'UTF-8'; check(); check();
var result =; check(); file.encoding = 'UTF-8';
var result =;
return result; return result;
} finally { } finally {
file.close(); check(); file.close();
} }
} }
@ -135,11 +140,15 @@ function writeTextFile(fileOrPath, text) {
if (file.error) throw new Error('Error writing file "' + filePath + '": ' + file.error); if (file.error) throw new Error('Error writing file "' + filePath + '": ' + file.error);
} }
try { try {'w'); check();'w');
file.encoding = 'UTF-8'; check(); check();
file.write(text); check(); file.encoding = 'UTF-8';
} finally { } finally {
file.close(); check(); file.close();
} }
} }
@ -163,9 +172,7 @@ var osIsWindows = (system.osName || $.os).match(/windows/i);
// Depending on the operating system, the syntax for escaping command-line arguments differs. // Depending on the operating system, the syntax for escaping command-line arguments differs.
function cliEscape(argument) { function cliEscape(argument) {
return osIsWindows return osIsWindows ? '"' + argument + '"' : "'" + argument.replace(/'/g, "'\\''") + "'";
? '"' + argument + '"'
: "'" + argument.replace(/'/g, "'\\''") + "'";
} }
function exec(command) { function exec(command) {
@ -180,7 +187,8 @@ function execInWindow(command) {
// execute a command, then close the Terminal window. // execute a command, then close the Terminal window.
// If you know a better solution, let me know! // If you know a better solution, let me know!
var escapedCommand = command.replace(/"/g, '\\"'); var escapedCommand = command.replace(/"/g, '\\"');
var appleScript = '\ var appleScript =
tell application "Terminal" \ tell application "Terminal" \
-- Quit terminal \ -- Quit terminal \
-- Yes, that\'s undesirable if there was an open window before. \ -- Yes, that\'s undesirable if there was an open window before. \
@ -189,7 +197,9 @@ function execInWindow(command) {
-- Open terminal \ -- Open terminal \
activate \ activate \
-- Run command in new tab \ -- Run command in new tab \
set newTab to do script ("' + escapedCommand + '") \ set newTab to do script ("' +
escapedCommand +
'") \
-- Wait until command is done \ -- Wait until command is done \
tell newTab \ tell newTab \
repeat while busy \ repeat while busy \
@ -223,10 +233,27 @@ function createResourceString(tree) {
var controlFunctions = (function () { var controlFunctions = (function () {
var controlTypes = [ var controlTypes = [
// Strangely, 'dialog' and 'palette' need to start with a lower-case character // Strangely, 'dialog' and 'palette' need to start with a lower-case character
['Dialog', 'dialog'], ['Palette', 'palette'], ['Dialog', 'dialog'],
'Panel', 'Group', 'TabbedPanel', 'Tab', 'Button', 'IconButton', 'Image', 'StaticText', ['Palette', 'palette'],
'EditText', 'Checkbox', 'RadioButton', 'Progressbar', 'Slider', 'Scrollbar', 'ListBox', 'Panel',
'DropDownList', 'TreeView', 'ListItem', 'FlashPlayer' 'Group',
]; ];
var result = {}; var result = {};
controlTypes.forEach(function (type) { controlTypes.forEach(function (type) {
@ -283,8 +310,9 @@ var basicMouthShapeNames = mouthShapeNames.slice(0, basicMouthShapeCount);
var extendedMouthShapeNames = mouthShapeNames.slice(basicMouthShapeCount); var extendedMouthShapeNames = mouthShapeNames.slice(basicMouthShapeCount);
function getMouthCompHelpTip() { function getMouthCompHelpTip() {
var result = 'A composition containing the mouth shapes, one drawing per frame. They must be ' var result =
+ 'arranged as follows:\n'; 'A composition containing the mouth shapes, one drawing per frame. They must be ' +
'arranged as follows:\n';
mouthShapeNames.forEach(function (mouthShapeName, i) { mouthShapeNames.forEach(function (mouthShapeName, i) {
var isOptional = i >= basicMouthShapeCount; var isOptional = i >= basicMouthShapeCount;
result += '\n00:' + pad(i, 2) + '\t' + mouthShapeName + (isOptional ? ' (optional)' : ''); result += '\n00:' + pad(i, 2) + '\t' + mouthShapeName + (isOptional ? ' (optional)' : '');
@ -320,9 +348,10 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
active: true active: true
}), }),
value: DropDownList({ value: DropDownList({
helpTip: 'An audio file containing recorded dialog.\n' helpTip:
+ 'This field shows all audio files that exist in ' 'An audio file containing recorded dialog.\n' +
+ 'your After Effects project.' 'This field shows all audio files that exist in ' +
'your After Effects project.'
}) })
}), }),
recognizer: Group({ recognizer: Group({
@ -337,8 +366,9 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
properties: { multiline: true }, properties: { multiline: true },
characters: 60, characters: 60,
minimumSize: [0, 100], minimumSize: [0, 100],
helpTip: 'For better animation results, you can specify the text of ' helpTip:
+ 'the recording here. This field is optional.' 'For better animation results, you can specify the text of ' +
'the recording here. This field is optional.'
}) })
}), }),
mouthComp: Group({ mouthComp: Group({
@ -354,8 +384,9 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
targetFolder: Group({ targetFolder: Group({
label: StaticText({ text: 'Target folder:' }), label: StaticText({ text: 'Target folder:' }),
value: DropDownList({ value: DropDownList({
helpTip: 'The project folder in which to create the animation ' helpTip:
+ 'composition. The composition will be named like the audio file.' 'The project folder in which to create the animation ' +
'composition. The composition will be named like the audio file.'
}) })
}), }),
frameRate: Group({ frameRate: Group({
@ -366,8 +397,9 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
}), }),
auto: Checkbox({ auto: Checkbox({
text: 'From mouth composition', text: 'From mouth composition',
helpTip: 'If checked, the animation will use the same frame rate as ' helpTip:
+ 'the mouth composition.' 'If checked, the animation will use the same frame rate as ' +
'the mouth composition.'
}) })
}) })
}), }),
@ -447,8 +479,9 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
selectByTextOrFirst(controls.recognizer, settings.recognizer); selectByTextOrFirst(controls.recognizer, settings.recognizer);
selectByTextOrFirst(controls.mouthComp, settings.mouthComp); selectByTextOrFirst(controls.mouthComp, settings.mouthComp);
extendedMouthShapeNames.forEach(function (shapeName) { extendedMouthShapeNames.forEach(function (shapeName) {
controls['mouthShape' + shapeName].value = controls['mouthShape' + shapeName].value = (settings.extendedMouthShapes || {})[
(settings.extendedMouthShapes || {})[shapeName.toLowerCase()]; shapeName.toLowerCase()
}); });
selectByTextOrFirst(controls.targetFolder, settings.targetFolder); selectByTextOrFirst(controls.targetFolder, settings.targetFolder);
controls.frameRate.text = settings.frameRate || ''; controls.frameRate.text = settings.frameRate || '';
@ -458,7 +491,9 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
window.onShow = function () { window.onShow = function () {
// Give uniform width to all labels // Give uniform width to all labels
var groups = toArray(window.settings.children); var groups = toArray(window.settings.children);
var labelWidths = { return group.children[0].size.width; }); var labelWidths = (group) {
return group.children[0].size.width;
var maxLabelWidth = Math.max.apply(Math, labelWidths); var maxLabelWidth = Math.max.apply(Math, labelWidths);
groups.forEach(function (group) { groups.forEach(function (group) {
group.children[0].size.width = maxLabelWidth; group.children[0].size.width = maxLabelWidth;
@ -541,18 +576,24 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
var shapeName = mouthShapeNames[i]; var shapeName = mouthShapeNames[i];
var required = i < basicMouthShapeCount || controls['mouthShape' + shapeName].value; var required = i < basicMouthShapeCount || controls['mouthShape' + shapeName].value;
if (required && !isFrameVisible(comp, i)) { if (required && !isFrameVisible(comp, i)) {
return 'The mouth comp does not seem to contain an image for shape ' return (
+ shapeName + ' at frame ' + i + '.'; 'The mouth comp does not seem to contain an image for shape ' +
shapeName +
' at frame ' +
i +
} }
} }
if (!comp.preserveNestedFrameRate) { if (!comp.preserveNestedFrameRate) {
var fix = Window.confirm( var fix = Window.confirm(
'The setting "Preserve frame rate when nested or in render queue" is not active ' 'The setting "Preserve frame rate when nested or in render queue" is not active ' +
+ 'for the mouth composition. This can result in incorrect animation.\n\n' 'for the mouth composition. This can result in incorrect animation.\n\n' +
+ 'Activate this setting now?', 'Activate this setting now?',
false, false,
'Fix composition setting?'); 'Fix composition setting?'
if (fix) { if (fix) {
app.beginUndoGroup(appName + ': Mouth composition setting'); app.beginUndoGroup(appName + ': Mouth composition setting');
comp.preserveNestedFrameRate = true; comp.preserveNestedFrameRate = true;
@ -567,10 +608,14 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
var match = version.match(/Rhubarb Lip Sync version ((\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)(-[0-9A-Za-z-.]+)?)/); var match = version.match(/Rhubarb Lip Sync version ((\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)(-[0-9A-Za-z-.]+)?)/);
if (!match) { if (!match) {
var instructions = osIsWindows var instructions = osIsWindows
? 'Make sure your PATH environment variable contains the ' + appName + ' ' ? 'Make sure your PATH environment variable contains the ' +
+ 'application directory.' appName +
: 'Make sure you have created this file as a symbolic link to the ' + appName + ' ' ' ' +
+ 'executable (rhubarb).'; 'application directory.'
: 'Make sure you have created this file as a symbolic link to the ' +
appName +
' ' +
'executable (rhubarb).';
return 'Cannot find executable file "' + rhubarbPath + '". \n' + instructions; return 'Cannot find executable file "' + rhubarbPath + '". \n' + instructions;
} }
var versionString = match[1]; var versionString = match[1];
@ -579,15 +624,32 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
var requiredMajor = 1; var requiredMajor = 1;
var minRequiredMinor = 9; var minRequiredMinor = 9;
if (major != requiredMajor || minor < minRequiredMinor) { if (major != requiredMajor || minor < minRequiredMinor) {
return 'This script requires ' + appName + ' ' + requiredMajor + '.' + minRequiredMinor return (
+ '.0 or a later ' + requiredMajor + '.x version. ' 'This script requires ' +
+ 'Your installed version is ' + versionString + ', which is not compatible.'; appName +
' ' +
requiredMajor +
'.' +
minRequiredMinor +
'.0 or a later ' +
requiredMajor +
'.x version. ' +
'Your installed version is ' +
versionString +
', which is not compatible.'
} }
} }
function generateMouthCues(audioFileFootage, recognizer, dialogText, mouthComp, extendedMouthShapeNames, function generateMouthCues(
targetProjectFolder, frameRate) audioFileFootage,
{ recognizer,
) {
var basePath = Folder.temp.fsName + '/' + createGuid(); var basePath = Folder.temp.fsName + '/' + createGuid();
var dialogFile = new File(basePath + '.txt'); var dialogFile = new File(basePath + '.txt');
var logFile = new File(basePath + '.log'); var logFile = new File(basePath + '.log');
@ -597,15 +659,16 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
writeTextFile(dialogFile, dialogText); writeTextFile(dialogFile, dialogText);
// Create command line // Create command line
var commandLine = rhubarbPath var commandLine =
+ ' --dialogFile ' + cliEscape(dialogFile.fsName) rhubarbPath +
+ ' --recognizer ' + recognizer (' --dialogFile ' + cliEscape(dialogFile.fsName)) +
+ ' --exportFormat json' (' --recognizer ' + recognizer) +
+ ' --extendedShapes ' + cliEscape(extendedMouthShapeNames.join('')) ' --exportFormat json' +
+ ' --logFile ' + cliEscape(logFile.fsName) (' --extendedShapes ' + cliEscape(extendedMouthShapeNames.join(''))) +
+ ' --logLevel fatal' (' --logFile ' + cliEscape(logFile.fsName)) +
+ ' --output ' + cliEscape(jsonFile.fsName) ' --logLevel fatal' +
+ ' ' + cliEscape(audioFileFootage.file.fsName); (' --output ' + cliEscape(jsonFile.fsName)) +
(' ' + cliEscape(audioFileFootage.file.fsName));
// Run Rhubarb // Run Rhubarb
execInWindow(commandLine); execInWindow(commandLine);
@ -635,9 +698,13 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
} }
} }
function animateMouthCues(mouthCues, audioFileFootage, mouthComp, targetProjectFolder, function animateMouthCues(
frameRate) mouthCues,
{ audioFileFootage,
) {
// Find an unconflicting comp name // Find an unconflicting comp name
// ... strip extension, if present // ... strip extension, if present
var baseName =^(.*?)(\..*)?$/i)[1]; var baseName =^(.*?)(\..*)?$/i)[1];
@ -645,14 +712,24 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
// ... add numeric suffix, if needed // ... add numeric suffix, if needed
var existingItems = toArrayBase1(targetProjectFolder.items); var existingItems = toArrayBase1(targetProjectFolder.items);
var counter = 1; var counter = 1;
while (existingItems.some(function(item) { return === compName; })) { while (
existingItems.some(function (item) {
return === compName;
) {
counter++; counter++;
compName = baseName + ' ' + counter; compName = baseName + ' ' + counter;
} }
// Create new comp // Create new comp
var comp = targetProjectFolder.items.addComp(compName, mouthComp.width, mouthComp.height, var comp = targetProjectFolder.items.addComp(
mouthComp.pixelAspect, audioFileFootage.duration, frameRate); compName,
// Show new comp // Show new comp
comp.openInViewer(); comp.openInViewer();
@ -684,16 +761,28 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
} }
} }
function animate(audioFileFootage, recognizer, dialogText, mouthComp, extendedMouthShapeNames, function animate(
targetProjectFolder, frameRate) audioFileFootage,
{ recognizer,
) {
try { try {
var mouthCues = generateMouthCues(audioFileFootage, recognizer, dialogText, mouthComp, var mouthCues = generateMouthCues(
extendedMouthShapeNames, targetProjectFolder, frameRate); audioFileFootage,
app.beginUndoGroup(appName + ': Animation'); app.beginUndoGroup(appName + ': Animation');
animateMouthCues(mouthCues, audioFileFootage, mouthComp, targetProjectFolder, animateMouthCues(mouthCues, audioFileFootage, mouthComp, targetProjectFolder, frameRate);
app.endUndoGroup(); app.endUndoGroup();
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
Window.alert(e.message, appName, true); Window.alert(e.message, appName, true);
@ -747,9 +836,12 @@ function createDialogWindow() {
function checkPreconditions() { function checkPreconditions() {
if (!canWriteFiles()) { if (!canWriteFiles()) {
Window.alert('This script requires file system access.\n\n' Window.alert(
+ 'Please enable Preferences > General > Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network.', 'This script requires file system access.\n\n' +
appName, true); 'Please enable Preferences > General > Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network.',
return false; return false;
} }
return true; return true;

View File

@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)
add_custom_target( add_custom_target(
rhubarbForSpine ALL rhubarbForSpine
"./gradlew" "build" "./gradlew" "build"
COMMENT "Building Rhubarb for Spine through Gradle." COMMENT "Building Rhubarb for Spine through Gradle."
) )
install( install(DIRECTORY "build/libs/" DESTINATION "extras/EsotericSoftwareSpine")
DIRECTORY "build/libs/"
DESTINATION "extras/EsotericSoftwareSpine"
install( install(FILES README.adoc DESTINATION "extras/EsotericSoftwareSpine")
DESTINATION "extras/EsotericSoftwareSpine"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,4 @@ set(vegasFiles
"README.adoc" "README.adoc"
) )
install( install(FILES ${vegasFiles} DESTINATION "extras/MagixVegas")
FILES ${vegasFiles}
DESTINATION "extras/MagixVegas"

requirements.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

View File

@ -59,30 +59,31 @@ include_directories(SYSTEM ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
link_libraries(${Boost_LIBRARIES}) # Just about every project needs Boost link_libraries(${Boost_LIBRARIES}) # Just about every project needs Boost
# ... C++ Format # ... C++ Format
FILE(GLOB cppFormatFiles "lib/cppformat/*.cc") file(GLOB cppFormatFiles "lib/cppformat/*.cc")
add_library(cppFormat ${cppFormatFiles}) add_library(cppFormat ${cppFormatFiles})
target_include_directories(cppFormat SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/cppformat") target_include_directories(cppFormat SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/cppformat")
target_compile_options(cppFormat PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags}) target_compile_options(cppFormat PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags})
set_target_properties(cppFormat PROPERTIES FOLDER lib) set_target_properties(cppFormat PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
# ... sphinxbase # ... sphinxbase
FILE(GLOB_RECURSE sphinxbaseFiles "lib/sphinxbase-rev13216/src/libsphinxbase/*.c") file(GLOB_RECURSE sphinxbaseFiles "lib/sphinxbase-rev13216/src/libsphinxbase/*.c")
add_library(sphinxbase ${sphinxbaseFiles}) add_library(sphinxbase ${sphinxbaseFiles})
target_include_directories(sphinxbase SYSTEM PUBLIC target_include_directories(
"lib/sphinxbase-rev13216/include" sphinxbase
"lib/sphinxbase-rev13216/src" SYSTEM
"lib/sphinx_config" PUBLIC "lib/sphinxbase-rev13216/include" "lib/sphinxbase-rev13216/src" "lib/sphinx_config"
) )
target_compile_options(sphinxbase PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags}) target_compile_options(sphinxbase PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags})
target_compile_definitions(sphinxbase PUBLIC __SPHINXBASE_EXPORT_H__=1 SPHINXBASE_EXPORT=) # Compile as static lib target_compile_definitions(sphinxbase PUBLIC __SPHINXBASE_EXPORT_H__=1 SPHINXBASE_EXPORT=) # Compile as static lib
set_target_properties(sphinxbase PROPERTIES FOLDER lib) set_target_properties(sphinxbase PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
# ... PocketSphinx # ... PocketSphinx
FILE(GLOB pocketSphinxFiles "lib/pocketsphinx-rev13216/src/libpocketsphinx/*.c") file(GLOB pocketSphinxFiles "lib/pocketsphinx-rev13216/src/libpocketsphinx/*.c")
add_library(pocketSphinx ${pocketSphinxFiles}) add_library(pocketSphinx ${pocketSphinxFiles})
target_include_directories(pocketSphinx SYSTEM PUBLIC target_include_directories(
"lib/pocketsphinx-rev13216/include" pocketSphinx
"lib/pocketsphinx-rev13216/src/libpocketsphinx" SYSTEM
PUBLIC "lib/pocketsphinx-rev13216/include" "lib/pocketsphinx-rev13216/src/libpocketsphinx"
) )
target_link_libraries(pocketSphinx sphinxbase) target_link_libraries(pocketSphinx sphinxbase)
target_compile_options(pocketSphinx PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags}) target_compile_options(pocketSphinx PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags})
@ -203,34 +204,26 @@ set(fliteFiles
lib/flite-1.4/src/utils/cst_val_user.c lib/flite-1.4/src/utils/cst_val_user.c
) )
add_library(flite ${fliteFiles}) add_library(flite ${fliteFiles})
target_include_directories(flite SYSTEM PUBLIC target_include_directories(flite SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/flite-1.4/include" "lib/flite-1.4")
target_compile_options(flite PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags}) target_compile_options(flite PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags})
set_target_properties(flite PROPERTIES FOLDER lib) set_target_properties(flite PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
# ... UTF8-CPP # ... UTF8-CPP
add_library(utfcpp add_library(utfcpp lib/header-only.c lib/utfcpp-2.3.5/source/utf8.h)
target_include_directories(utfcpp SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/utfcpp-2.3.5/source") target_include_directories(utfcpp SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/utfcpp-2.3.5/source")
target_compile_options(utfcpp PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags}) target_compile_options(utfcpp PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags})
set_target_properties(utfcpp PROPERTIES FOLDER lib) set_target_properties(utfcpp PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
# ... utf8proc # ... utf8proc
add_library(utf8proc add_library(utf8proc lib/utf8proc-2.2.0/utf8proc.c lib/utf8proc-2.2.0/utf8proc.h)
target_include_directories(utf8proc SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/utf8proc-2.2.0") target_include_directories(utf8proc SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/utf8proc-2.2.0")
target_compile_options(utf8proc PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags}) target_compile_options(utf8proc PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags})
target_compile_definitions(utf8proc PUBLIC UTF8PROC_STATIC=1) # Compile as static lib target_compile_definitions(utf8proc PUBLIC UTF8PROC_STATIC=1) # Compile as static lib
set_target_properties(utf8proc PROPERTIES FOLDER lib) set_target_properties(utf8proc PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
# ... Ogg # ... Ogg
add_library(ogg add_library(
lib/ogg-1.3.3/include/ogg/ogg.h lib/ogg-1.3.3/include/ogg/ogg.h
lib/ogg-1.3.3/src/bitwise.c lib/ogg-1.3.3/src/bitwise.c
lib/ogg-1.3.3/src/framing.c lib/ogg-1.3.3/src/framing.c
@ -240,7 +233,8 @@ target_compile_options(ogg PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags})
set_target_properties(ogg PROPERTIES FOLDER lib) set_target_properties(ogg PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
# ... Vorbis # ... Vorbis
add_library(vorbis add_library(
lib/vorbis-1.3.6/include/vorbis/vorbisfile.h lib/vorbis-1.3.6/include/vorbis/vorbisfile.h
lib/vorbis-1.3.6/lib/bitrate.c lib/vorbis-1.3.6/lib/bitrate.c
lib/vorbis-1.3.6/lib/block.c lib/vorbis-1.3.6/lib/block.c
@ -263,9 +257,7 @@ add_library(vorbis
lib/vorbis-1.3.6/lib/window.c lib/vorbis-1.3.6/lib/window.c
) )
target_include_directories(vorbis SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/vorbis-1.3.6/include") target_include_directories(vorbis SYSTEM PUBLIC "lib/vorbis-1.3.6/include")
target_link_libraries(vorbis target_link_libraries(vorbis ogg)
target_compile_options(vorbis PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags}) target_compile_options(vorbis PRIVATE ${disableWarningsFlags})
set_target_properties(vorbis PROPERTIES FOLDER lib) set_target_properties(vorbis PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
@ -274,7 +266,8 @@ set_target_properties(vorbis PROPERTIES FOLDER lib)
include_directories("src") include_directories("src")
# ... rhubarb-animation # ... rhubarb-animation
add_library(rhubarb-animation add_library(
src/animation/animationRules.cpp src/animation/animationRules.cpp
src/animation/animationRules.h src/animation/animationRules.h
src/animation/mouthAnimation.cpp src/animation/mouthAnimation.cpp
@ -296,14 +289,11 @@ add_library(rhubarb-animation
src/animation/tweening.h src/animation/tweening.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb-animation PRIVATE "src/animation") target_include_directories(rhubarb-animation PRIVATE "src/animation")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-animation target_link_libraries(rhubarb-animation rhubarb-core rhubarb-logging rhubarb-time)
# ... rhubarb-audio # ... rhubarb-audio
add_library(rhubarb-audio add_library(
src/audio/AudioClip.cpp src/audio/AudioClip.cpp
src/audio/AudioClip.h src/audio/AudioClip.h
src/audio/audioFileReading.cpp src/audio/audioFileReading.cpp
@ -327,7 +317,8 @@ add_library(rhubarb-audio
src/audio/waveFileWriting.h src/audio/waveFileWriting.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb-audio PRIVATE "src/audio") target_include_directories(rhubarb-audio PRIVATE "src/audio")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-audio target_link_libraries(
webRtc webRtc
vorbis vorbis
rhubarb-logging rhubarb-logging
@ -337,7 +328,8 @@ target_link_libraries(rhubarb-audio
# ... rhubarb-core # ... rhubarb-core
configure_file(src/core/ appInfo.cpp ESCAPE_QUOTES) configure_file(src/core/ appInfo.cpp ESCAPE_QUOTES)
add_library(rhubarb-core add_library(
src/core/appInfo.h src/core/appInfo.h
src/core/Phone.cpp src/core/Phone.cpp
@ -346,12 +338,11 @@ add_library(rhubarb-core
src/core/Shape.h src/core/Shape.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb-core PRIVATE "src/core") target_include_directories(rhubarb-core PRIVATE "src/core")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-core target_link_libraries(rhubarb-core rhubarb-tools)
# ... rhubarb-exporters # ... rhubarb-exporters
add_library(rhubarb-exporters add_library(
src/exporters/DatExporter.cpp src/exporters/DatExporter.cpp
src/exporters/DatExporter.h src/exporters/DatExporter.h
src/exporters/Exporter.h src/exporters/Exporter.h
@ -365,19 +356,13 @@ add_library(rhubarb-exporters
src/exporters/XmlExporter.h src/exporters/XmlExporter.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb-exporters PRIVATE "src/exporters") target_include_directories(rhubarb-exporters PRIVATE "src/exporters")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-exporters target_link_libraries(rhubarb-exporters rhubarb-animation rhubarb-core rhubarb-time)
# ... rhubarb-lib # ... rhubarb-lib
add_library(rhubarb-lib add_library(rhubarb-lib src/lib/rhubarbLib.cpp src/lib/rhubarbLib.h)
target_include_directories(rhubarb-lib PRIVATE "src/lib") target_include_directories(rhubarb-lib PRIVATE "src/lib")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-lib target_link_libraries(
rhubarb-animation rhubarb-animation
rhubarb-audio rhubarb-audio
rhubarb-core rhubarb-core
@ -387,7 +372,8 @@ target_link_libraries(rhubarb-lib
) )
# ... rhubarb-logging # ... rhubarb-logging
add_library(rhubarb-logging add_library(
src/logging/Entry.cpp src/logging/Entry.cpp
src/logging/Entry.h src/logging/Entry.h
src/logging/Formatter.h src/logging/Formatter.h
@ -402,12 +388,11 @@ add_library(rhubarb-logging
src/logging/sinks.h src/logging/sinks.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb-logging PRIVATE "src/logging") target_include_directories(rhubarb-logging PRIVATE "src/logging")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-logging target_link_libraries(rhubarb-logging rhubarb-tools)
# ... rhubarb-recognition # ... rhubarb-recognition
add_library(rhubarb-recognition add_library(
src/recognition/g2p.cpp src/recognition/g2p.cpp
src/recognition/g2p.h src/recognition/g2p.h
src/recognition/languageModels.cpp src/recognition/languageModels.cpp
@ -423,7 +408,8 @@ add_library(rhubarb-recognition
src/recognition/tokenization.h src/recognition/tokenization.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb-recognition PRIVATE "src/recognition") target_include_directories(rhubarb-recognition PRIVATE "src/recognition")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-recognition target_link_libraries(
flite flite
pocketSphinx pocketSphinx
rhubarb-audio rhubarb-audio
@ -432,7 +418,8 @@ target_link_libraries(rhubarb-recognition
) )
# ... rhubarb-time # ... rhubarb-time
add_library(rhubarb-time add_library(
src/time/BoundedTimeline.h src/time/BoundedTimeline.h
src/time/centiseconds.cpp src/time/centiseconds.cpp
src/time/centiseconds.h src/time/centiseconds.h
@ -444,13 +431,11 @@ add_library(rhubarb-time
src/time/TimeRange.h src/time/TimeRange.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb-time PRIVATE "src/time") target_include_directories(rhubarb-time PRIVATE "src/time")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-time target_link_libraries(rhubarb-time cppFormat rhubarb-logging)
# ... rhubarb-tools # ... rhubarb-tools
add_library(rhubarb-tools add_library(
src/tools/array.h src/tools/array.h
src/tools/EnumConverter.h src/tools/EnumConverter.h
src/tools/exceptions.cpp src/tools/exceptions.cpp
@ -481,15 +466,11 @@ add_library(rhubarb-tools
src/tools/tupleHash.h src/tools/tupleHash.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb-tools PRIVATE "src/tools") target_include_directories(rhubarb-tools PRIVATE "src/tools")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb-tools target_link_libraries(rhubarb-tools cppFormat whereami utfcpp utf8proc)
# Define Rhubarb executable # Define Rhubarb executable
add_executable(rhubarb add_executable(
src/rhubarb/main.cpp src/rhubarb/main.cpp
src/rhubarb/ExportFormat.cpp src/rhubarb/ExportFormat.cpp
src/rhubarb/ExportFormat.h src/rhubarb/ExportFormat.h
@ -501,10 +482,7 @@ add_executable(rhubarb
src/rhubarb/sinks.h src/rhubarb/sinks.h
) )
target_include_directories(rhubarb PUBLIC "src/rhubarb") target_include_directories(rhubarb PUBLIC "src/rhubarb")
target_link_libraries(rhubarb target_link_libraries(rhubarb rhubarb-exporters rhubarb-lib)
target_compile_options(rhubarb PUBLIC ${enableWarningsFlags}) target_compile_options(rhubarb PUBLIC ${enableWarningsFlags})
# Define test project # Define test project
@ -521,7 +499,8 @@ set(TEST_FILES
tests/WaveFileReaderTests.cpp tests/WaveFileReaderTests.cpp
) )
add_executable(runTests ${TEST_FILES}) add_executable(runTests ${TEST_FILES})
target_link_libraries(runTests target_link_libraries(
gtest gtest
gmock gmock
gmock_main gmock_main
@ -541,16 +520,17 @@ function(copy_and_install sourceGlob relativeTargetDirectory)
get_filename_component(fileName "${sourcePath}" NAME) get_filename_component(fileName "${sourcePath}" NAME)
# Copy file during build # Copy file during build
add_custom_command(TARGET rhubarb POST_BUILD add_custom_command(
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${sourcePath}" "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:rhubarb>/${relativeTargetDirectory}/${fileName}" TARGET rhubarb
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${sourcePath}"
COMMENT "Creating '${relativeTargetDirectory}/${fileName}'" COMMENT "Creating '${relativeTargetDirectory}/${fileName}'"
) )
# Install file # Install file
install( install(FILES "${sourcePath}" DESTINATION "${relativeTargetDirectory}")
FILES "${sourcePath}"
DESTINATION "${relativeTargetDirectory}"
endif() endif()
endforeach() endforeach()
endfunction() endfunction()
@ -566,8 +546,12 @@ function(copy sourceGlob relativeTargetDirectory)
get_filename_component(fileName "${sourcePath}" NAME) get_filename_component(fileName "${sourcePath}" NAME)
# Copy file during build # Copy file during build
add_custom_command(TARGET rhubarb POST_BUILD add_custom_command(
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${sourcePath}" "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:rhubarb>/${relativeTargetDirectory}/${fileName}" TARGET rhubarb
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${sourcePath}"
COMMENT "Creating '${relativeTargetDirectory}/${fileName}'" COMMENT "Creating '${relativeTargetDirectory}/${fileName}'"
) )
endif() endif()
@ -579,8 +563,4 @@ copy_and_install("lib/cmusphinx-en-us-5.2/*" "res/sphinx/acoustic-model")
copy_and_install("tests/resources/*" "tests/resources") copy_and_install("tests/resources/*" "tests/resources")
install( install(TARGETS rhubarb RUNTIME DESTINATION .)
TARGETS rhubarb

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "ShapeRule.h" #include "ShapeRule.h"
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp> #include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include <utility> #include <utility>
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h" #include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
using boost::optional; using boost::optional;
@ -19,15 +21,10 @@ ContinuousTimeline<optional<T>, AutoJoin> boundedTimelinetoContinuousOptional(
}; };
} }
ShapeRule::ShapeRule( ShapeRule::ShapeRule(ShapeSet shapeSet, optional<Phone> phone, TimeRange phoneTiming) :
ShapeSet shapeSet,
optional<Phone> phone,
TimeRange phoneTiming
) :
shapeSet(std::move(shapeSet)), shapeSet(std::move(shapeSet)),
phone(std::move(phone)), phone(std::move(phone)),
phoneTiming(phoneTiming) phoneTiming(phoneTiming) {}
ShapeRule ShapeRule::getInvalid() { ShapeRule ShapeRule::getInvalid() {
return {{}, boost::none, {0_cs, 0_cs}}; return {{}, boost::none, {0_cs, 0_cs}};
@ -42,8 +39,7 @@ bool ShapeRule::operator!=(const ShapeRule& rhs) const {
} }
bool ShapeRule::operator<(const ShapeRule& rhs) const { bool ShapeRule::operator<(const ShapeRule& rhs) const {
return shapeSet < rhs.shapeSet return shapeSet < rhs.shapeSet || phone <
|| phone <
|| phoneTiming.getStart() < rhs.phoneTiming.getStart() || phoneTiming.getStart() < rhs.phoneTiming.getStart()
|| phoneTiming.getEnd() < rhs.phoneTiming.getEnd(); || phoneTiming.getEnd() < rhs.phoneTiming.getEnd();
} }
@ -54,8 +50,7 @@ ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> getShapeRules(const BoundedTimeline<Phone>& phones
// Create timeline of shape rules // Create timeline of shape rules
ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> shapeRules( ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> shapeRules(
phones.getRange(), phones.getRange(), {{Shape::X}, boost::none, {0_cs, 0_cs}}
{ { Shape::X }, boost::none, { 0_cs, 0_cs } }
); );
centiseconds previousDuration = 0_cs; centiseconds previousDuration = 0_cs;
for (const auto& timedPhone : continuousPhones) { for (const auto& timedPhone : continuousPhones) {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "core/Phone.h"
#include "animationRules.h" #include "animationRules.h"
#include "core/Phone.h"
#include "time/BoundedTimeline.h" #include "time/BoundedTimeline.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h" #include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "time/TimeRange.h" #include "time/TimeRange.h"

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
#include "animationRules.h" #include "animationRules.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/clamp.hpp>
#include "shapeShorthands.h"
#include "tools/array.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
using std::chrono::duration_cast; #include <boost/algorithm/clamp.hpp>
using boost::algorithm::clamp;
#include "shapeShorthands.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "tools/array.h"
using boost::optional; using boost::optional;
using boost::algorithm::clamp;
using std::array; using std::array;
using std::pair;
using std::map; using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::chrono::duration_cast;
constexpr size_t shapeValueCount = static_cast<size_t>(Shape::EndSentinel); constexpr size_t shapeValueCount = static_cast<size_t>(Shape::EndSentinel);
@ -32,7 +34,8 @@ Shape getClosestShape(Shape reference, ShapeSet shapes) {
// A matrix that for each shape contains all shapes in ascending order of effort required to // A matrix that for each shape contains all shapes in ascending order of effort required to
// move to them // move to them
constexpr static array<array<Shape, shapeValueCount>, shapeValueCount> effortMatrix = make_array( constexpr static array<array<Shape, shapeValueCount>, shapeValueCount> effortMatrix =
/* A */ make_array(A, X, G, B, C, H, E, D, F), /* A */ make_array(A, X, G, B, C, H, E, D, F),
/* B */ make_array(B, G, A, X, C, H, E, D, F), /* B */ make_array(B, G, A, X, C, H, E, D, F),
/* C */ make_array(C, H, B, G, D, A, X, E, F), /* C */ make_array(C, H, B, G, D, A, X, E, F),
@ -63,9 +66,11 @@ optional<pair<Shape, TweenTiming>> getTween(Shape first, Shape second) {
{{D, B}, {C, TweenTiming::Centered}}, {{D, B}, {C, TweenTiming::Centered}},
{{D, G}, {C, TweenTiming::Early}}, {{D, G}, {C, TweenTiming::Early}},
{{D, X}, {C, TweenTiming::Late}}, {{D, X}, {C, TweenTiming::Late}},
{ { C, F }, { E, TweenTiming::Centered } }, { { F, C }, { E, TweenTiming::Centered } }, {{C, F}, {E, TweenTiming::Centered}},
{{F, C}, {E, TweenTiming::Centered}},
{{D, F}, {E, TweenTiming::Centered}}, {{D, F}, {E, TweenTiming::Centered}},
{ { H, F }, { E, TweenTiming::Late } }, { { F, H }, { E, TweenTiming::Early } } {{H, F}, {E, TweenTiming::Late}},
{{F, H}, {E, TweenTiming::Early}}
}; };
const auto it = lookup.find({first, second}); const auto it = lookup.find({first, second});
return it != lookup.end() ? it->second : optional<pair<Shape, TweenTiming>>(); return it != lookup.end() ? it->second : optional<pair<Shape, TweenTiming>>();
@ -80,10 +85,7 @@ Timeline<ShapeSet> getShapeSets(Phone phone, centiseconds duration, centiseconds
// Returns a timeline with two shape sets, timed as a diphthong // Returns a timeline with two shape sets, timed as a diphthong
const auto diphthong = [duration](ShapeSet first, ShapeSet second) { const auto diphthong = [duration](ShapeSet first, ShapeSet second) {
const centiseconds firstDuration = duration_cast<centiseconds>(duration * 0.6); const centiseconds firstDuration = duration_cast<centiseconds>(duration * 0.6);
return Timeline<ShapeSet> { return Timeline<ShapeSet>{{0_cs, firstDuration, first}, {firstDuration, duration, second}};
{ 0_cs, firstDuration, first },
{ firstDuration, duration, second }
}; };
// Returns a timeline with two shape sets, timed as a plosive // Returns a timeline with two shape sets, timed as a plosive
@ -92,10 +94,7 @@ Timeline<ShapeSet> getShapeSets(Phone phone, centiseconds duration, centiseconds
const centiseconds maxOcclusionDuration = 12_cs; const centiseconds maxOcclusionDuration = 12_cs;
const centiseconds occlusionDuration = const centiseconds occlusionDuration =
clamp(previousDuration / 2, minOcclusionDuration, maxOcclusionDuration); clamp(previousDuration / 2, minOcclusionDuration, maxOcclusionDuration);
return Timeline<ShapeSet> { return Timeline<ShapeSet>{{-occlusionDuration, 0_cs, first}, {0_cs, duration, second}};
{ -occlusionDuration, 0_cs, first },
{ 0_cs, duration, second }
}; };
// Returns the result of `getShapeSets` when called with identical arguments // Returns the result of `getShapeSets` when called with identical arguments

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <set> #include <set>
#include "core/Phone.h"
#include "core/Shape.h" #include "core/Shape.h"
#include "time/Timeline.h" #include "time/Timeline.h"
#include "core/Phone.h"
// Returns the basic shape (A-F) that most closely resembles the specified shape. // Returns the basic shape (A-F) that most closely resembles the specified shape.
Shape getBasicShape(Shape shape); Shape getBasicShape(Shape shape);

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
#include "mouthAnimation.h" #include "mouthAnimation.h"
#include "time/timedLogging.h"
#include "ShapeRule.h"
#include "roughAnimation.h"
#include "pauseAnimation.h" #include "pauseAnimation.h"
#include "tweening.h" #include "roughAnimation.h"
#include "timingOptimization.h" #include "ShapeRule.h"
#include "targetShapeSet.h"
#include "staticSegments.h" #include "staticSegments.h"
#include "targetShapeSet.h"
#include "time/timedLogging.h"
#include "timingOptimization.h"
#include "tweening.h"
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animate( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animate(
const BoundedTimeline<Phone>& phones, const BoundedTimeline<Phone>& phones, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
) { ) {
// Create timeline of shape rules // Create timeline of shape rules
ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> shapeRules = getShapeRules(phones); ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> shapeRules = getShapeRules(phones);

View File

@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
#include "core/Phone.h" #include "core/Phone.h"
#include "core/Shape.h" #include "core/Shape.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "targetShapeSet.h" #include "targetShapeSet.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animate( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animate(
const BoundedTimeline<Phone>& phones, const BoundedTimeline<Phone>& phones, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
); );

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "pauseAnimation.h" #include "pauseAnimation.h"
#include "animationRules.h" #include "animationRules.h"
Shape getPauseShape(Shape previous, Shape next, centiseconds duration) { Shape getPauseShape(Shape previous, Shape next, centiseconds duration) {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "roughAnimation.h" #include "roughAnimation.h"
#include <boost/optional.hpp> #include <boost/optional.hpp>
// Create timeline of shapes using a bidirectional algorithm. // Create timeline of shapes using a bidirectional algorithm.
@ -22,9 +23,8 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateRough(const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule
const ShapeRule shapeRule = it->getValue(); const ShapeRule shapeRule = it->getValue();
const Shape shape = getClosestShape(referenceShape, shapeRule.shapeSet); const Shape shape = getClosestShape(referenceShape, shapeRule.shapeSet);
animation.set(it->getTimeRange(), shape); animation.set(it->getTimeRange(), shape);
const bool anticipateShape = const bool anticipateShape =
&& isVowel(* && isVowel(* && shapeRule.shapeSet.size() == 1;
&& shapeRule.shapeSet.size() == 1;
if (anticipateShape) { if (anticipateShape) {
// Animate backwards a little // Animate backwards a little
const Shape anticipatedShape = shape; const Shape anticipatedShape = shape;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "staticSegments.h" #include "staticSegments.h"
#include <vector>
#include <numeric> #include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include "tools/nextCombination.h" #include "tools/nextCombination.h"
using std::vector; using std::vector;
@ -78,8 +80,7 @@ using RuleChanges = vector<centiseconds>;
// Replaces the indicated shape rules with slightly different ones, breaking up long static segments // Replaces the indicated shape rules with slightly different ones, breaking up long static segments
ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> applyChanges( ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> applyChanges(
const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const RuleChanges& changes
const RuleChanges& changes
) { ) {
ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> result(shapeRules); ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> result(shapeRules);
for (centiseconds changedRuleStart : changes) { for (centiseconds changedRuleStart : changes) {
@ -99,8 +100,7 @@ public:
) : ) :
changedRules(applyChanges(originalRules, changes)), changedRules(applyChanges(originalRules, changes)),
animation(animate(changedRules)), animation(animate(changedRules)),
staticSegments(getStaticSegments(changedRules, animation)) staticSegments(getStaticSegments(changedRules, animation)) {}
bool isBetterThan(const RuleChangeScenario& rhs) const { bool isBetterThan(const RuleChangeScenario& rhs) const {
// We want zero static segments // We want zero static segments
@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ private:
[](const double sum, const Timed<Shape>& timedShape) { [](const double sum, const Timed<Shape>& timedShape) {
const double duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>( const double duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(
timedShape.getDuration() timedShape.getDuration()
).count(); )
return sum + duration * duration; return sum + duration * duration;
} }
); );
@ -152,8 +153,7 @@ RuleChanges getPossibleRuleChanges(const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRul
} }
ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> fixStaticSegmentRules( ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> fixStaticSegmentRules(
const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const AnimationFunction& animate
const AnimationFunction& animate
) { ) {
// The complexity of this function is exponential with the number of replacements. // The complexity of this function is exponential with the number of replacements.
// So let's cap that value. // So let's cap that value.
@ -164,11 +164,10 @@ ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> fixStaticSegmentRules(
// Find best solution. Start with a single replacement, then increase as necessary. // Find best solution. Start with a single replacement, then increase as necessary.
RuleChangeScenario bestScenario(shapeRules, {}, animate); RuleChangeScenario bestScenario(shapeRules, {}, animate);
for ( for (int replacementCount = 1; bestScenario.getStaticSegmentCount() > 0
int replacementCount = 1; && replacementCount
bestScenario.getStaticSegmentCount() > 0 && replacementCount <= std::min(static_cast<int>(possibleRuleChanges.size()), maxReplacementCount); <= std::min(static_cast<int>(possibleRuleChanges.size()), maxReplacementCount);
++replacementCount ++replacementCount) {
) {
// Only the first <replacementCount> elements of `currentRuleChanges` count // Only the first <replacementCount> elements of `currentRuleChanges` count
auto currentRuleChanges(possibleRuleChanges); auto currentRuleChanges(possibleRuleChanges);
do { do {
@ -180,7 +179,11 @@ ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> fixStaticSegmentRules(
if (currentScenario.isBetterThan(bestScenario)) { if (currentScenario.isBetterThan(bestScenario)) {
bestScenario = currentScenario; bestScenario = currentScenario;
} }
} while (next_combination(currentRuleChanges.begin(), currentRuleChanges.begin() + replacementCount, currentRuleChanges.end())); } while (next_combination(
currentRuleChanges.begin() + replacementCount,
} }
return bestScenario.getChangedRules(); return bestScenario.getChangedRules();
@ -194,8 +197,7 @@ bool isFlexible(const ShapeRule& rule) {
// Extends the specified time range until it starts and ends with a non-flexible shape rule, if // Extends the specified time range until it starts and ends with a non-flexible shape rule, if
// possible // possible
TimeRange extendToFixedRules( TimeRange extendToFixedRules(
const TimeRange& timeRange, const TimeRange& timeRange, const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules
const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules
) { ) {
auto first = shapeRules.find(timeRange.getStart()); auto first = shapeRules.find(timeRange.getStart());
while (first != shapeRules.begin() && isFlexible(first->getValue())) { while (first != shapeRules.begin() && isFlexible(first->getValue())) {
@ -209,8 +211,7 @@ TimeRange extendToFixedRules(
} }
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> avoidStaticSegments( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> avoidStaticSegments(
const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const AnimationFunction& animate
const AnimationFunction& animate
) { ) {
const auto animation = animate(shapeRules); const auto animation = animate(shapeRules);
const vector<TimeRange> staticSegments = getStaticSegments(shapeRules, animation); const vector<TimeRange> staticSegments = getStaticSegments(shapeRules, animation);
@ -227,8 +228,7 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> avoidStaticSegments(
// Fix shape rules within the static segment // Fix shape rules within the static segment
const auto fixedSegmentShapeRules = fixStaticSegmentRules( const auto fixedSegmentShapeRules = fixStaticSegmentRules(
{ extendedStaticSegment, ShapeRule::getInvalid(), fixedShapeRules }, {extendedStaticSegment, ShapeRule::getInvalid(), fixedShapeRules}, animate
); );
for (const auto& timedShapeRule : fixedSegmentShapeRules) { for (const auto& timedShapeRule : fixedSegmentShapeRules) {
fixedShapeRules.set(timedShapeRule); fixedShapeRules.set(timedShapeRule);

View File

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "core/Shape.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "ShapeRule.h"
#include <functional> #include <functional>
using AnimationFunction = std::function<JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>(const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>&)>; #include "core/Shape.h"
#include "ShapeRule.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
using AnimationFunction =
std::function<JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>(const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>&)>;
// Calls the specified animation function with the specified shape rules. // Calls the specified animation function with the specified shape rules.
// If the resulting animation contains long static segments, the shape rules are tweaked and // If the resulting animation contains long static segments, the shape rules are tweaked and
// animated again. // animated again.
// Static segments happen rather often. // Static segments happen rather often.
// See // See
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> avoidStaticSegments( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> avoidStaticSegments(
const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const AnimationFunction& animate
const AnimationFunction& animate
); );

View File

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Shape convertToTargetShapeSet(Shape shape, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet) {
const Shape basicShape = getBasicShape(shape); const Shape basicShape = getBasicShape(shape);
if (targetShapeSet.find(basicShape) == targetShapeSet.end()) { if (targetShapeSet.find(basicShape) == targetShapeSet.end()) {
throw std::invalid_argument( throw std::invalid_argument(
fmt::format("Target shape set must contain basic shape {}.", basicShape)); fmt::format("Target shape set must contain basic shape {}.", basicShape)
} }
return basicShape; return basicShape;
} }
@ -21,8 +22,7 @@ ShapeSet convertToTargetShapeSet(const ShapeSet& shapes, const ShapeSet& targetS
} }
ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> convertToTargetShapeSet( ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> convertToTargetShapeSet(
const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
) { ) {
ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> result(shapeRules); ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> result(shapeRules);
for (const auto& timedShapeRule : shapeRules) { for (const auto& timedShapeRule : shapeRules) {
@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> convertToTargetShapeSet(
} }
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> convertToTargetShapeSet( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> convertToTargetShapeSet(
const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation, const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
) { ) {
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> result(animation); JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> result(animation);
for (const auto& timedShape : animation) { for (const auto& timedShape : animation) {

View File

@ -12,13 +12,11 @@ ShapeSet convertToTargetShapeSet(const ShapeSet& shapes, const ShapeSet& targetS
// Replaces each shape in each rule with the closest shape that occurs in the target shape set. // Replaces each shape in each rule with the closest shape that occurs in the target shape set.
ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> convertToTargetShapeSet( ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule> convertToTargetShapeSet(
const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const ContinuousTimeline<ShapeRule>& shapeRules, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
); );
// Replaces each shape in the specified animation with the closest shape that occurs in the target // Replaces each shape in the specified animation with the closest shape that occurs in the target
// shape set. // shape set.
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> convertToTargetShapeSet( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> convertToTargetShapeSet(
const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation, const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
); );

View File

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
#include "timingOptimization.h" #include "timingOptimization.h"
#include "time/timedLogging.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <map> #include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include "ShapeRule.h"
using std::string; #include "ShapeRule.h"
#include "time/timedLogging.h"
using std::map; using std::map;
using std::string;
string getShapesString(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& shapes) { string getShapesString(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& shapes) {
string result; string result;
@ -32,7 +34,8 @@ Shape getRepresentativeShape(const JoiningTimeline<Shape>& timeline) {
// Select shape with highest total duration within the candidate range // Select shape with highest total duration within the candidate range
const Shape bestShape = std::max_element( const Shape bestShape = std::max_element(
candidateShapeWeights.begin(), candidateShapeWeights.end(), candidateShapeWeights.begin(),
[](auto a, auto b) { return a.second < b.second; } [](auto a, auto b) { return a.second < b.second; }
)->first; )->first;
@ -55,8 +58,11 @@ struct ShapeReduction {
// Returns a time range of candidate shapes for the next shape to draw. // Returns a time range of candidate shapes for the next shape to draw.
// Guaranteed to be non-empty. // Guaranteed to be non-empty.
TimeRange getNextMinimalCandidateRange(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& sourceShapes, TimeRange getNextMinimalCandidateRange(
const TimeRange targetRange, const centiseconds writePosition) { const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& sourceShapes,
const TimeRange targetRange,
const centiseconds writePosition
) {
if (sourceShapes.empty()) { if (sourceShapes.empty()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot determine candidate range for empty source timeline."); throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot determine candidate range for empty source timeline.");
} }
@ -69,9 +75,8 @@ TimeRange getNextMinimalCandidateRange(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& s
const centiseconds remainingTargetDuration = writePosition - targetRange.getStart(); const centiseconds remainingTargetDuration = writePosition - targetRange.getStart();
const bool canFitOneOrLess = remainingTargetDuration <= minShapeDuration; const bool canFitOneOrLess = remainingTargetDuration <= minShapeDuration;
const bool canFitTwo = remainingTargetDuration >= 2 * minShapeDuration; const bool canFitTwo = remainingTargetDuration >= 2 * minShapeDuration;
const centiseconds duration = canFitOneOrLess || canFitTwo const centiseconds duration =
? minShapeDuration canFitOneOrLess || canFitTwo ? minShapeDuration : remainingTargetDuration / 2;
: remainingTargetDuration / 2;
TimeRange candidateRange(writePosition - duration, writePosition); TimeRange candidateRange(writePosition - duration, writePosition);
if (writePosition == targetRange.getEnd()) { if (writePosition == targetRange.getEnd()) {
@ -102,22 +107,24 @@ ShapeReduction getNextShapeReduction(
// Determine the next time range of candidate shapes. Consider two scenarios: // Determine the next time range of candidate shapes. Consider two scenarios:
// ... the shortest-possible candidate range // ... the shortest-possible candidate range
const ShapeReduction minReduction(sourceShapes, const ShapeReduction minReduction(
getNextMinimalCandidateRange(sourceShapes, targetRange, writePosition)); sourceShapes, getNextMinimalCandidateRange(sourceShapes, targetRange, writePosition)
// ... a candidate range extended to the left to fully encompass its left-most shape // ... a candidate range extended to the left to fully encompass its left-most shape
const ShapeReduction extendedReduction(sourceShapes, const ShapeReduction extendedReduction(
{ sourceShapes,
minReduction.sourceShapes.begin()->getStart(), {minReduction.sourceShapes.begin()->getStart(),
minReduction.sourceShapes.getRange().getEnd() minReduction.sourceShapes.getRange().getEnd()}
); );
// Determine the shape that might be picked *next* if we choose the shortest-possible candidate // Determine the shape that might be picked *next* if we choose the shortest-possible candidate
// range now // range now
const ShapeReduction nextReduction( const ShapeReduction nextReduction(
sourceShapes, sourceShapes,
getNextMinimalCandidateRange(sourceShapes, targetRange, minReduction.sourceShapes.getRange().getStart()) getNextMinimalCandidateRange(
sourceShapes, targetRange, minReduction.sourceShapes.getRange().getStart()
); );
const bool minEqualsExtended = minReduction.shape == extendedReduction.shape; const bool minEqualsExtended = minReduction.shape == extendedReduction.shape;
@ -129,8 +136,9 @@ ShapeReduction getNextShapeReduction(
// Modifies the timing of the given animation to fit into the specified target time range without // Modifies the timing of the given animation to fit into the specified target time range without
// jitter. // jitter.
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> retime(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& sourceShapes, JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> retime(
const TimeRange targetRange) { const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& sourceShapes, const TimeRange targetRange
) {
logTimedEvent("segment", targetRange, getShapesString(sourceShapes)); logTimedEvent("segment", targetRange, getShapesString(sourceShapes));
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> result(targetRange, Shape::X); JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> result(targetRange, Shape::X);
@ -139,7 +147,6 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> retime(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>&
// Animate backwards // Animate backwards
centiseconds writePosition = targetRange.getEnd(); centiseconds writePosition = targetRange.getEnd();
while (writePosition > targetRange.getStart()) { while (writePosition > targetRange.getStart()) {
// Decide which shape to show next, possibly discarding short shapes // Decide which shape to show next, possibly discarding short shapes
const ShapeReduction shapeReduction = const ShapeReduction shapeReduction =
getNextShapeReduction(sourceShapes, targetRange, writePosition); getNextShapeReduction(sourceShapes, targetRange, writePosition);
@ -162,30 +169,21 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> retime(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>&
} }
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> retime( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> retime(
const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation, const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation, TimeRange sourceRange, TimeRange targetRange
TimeRange sourceRange,
TimeRange targetRange
) { ) {
const auto sourceShapes = JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>(sourceRange, Shape::X, animation); const auto sourceShapes = JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>(sourceRange, Shape::X, animation);
return retime(sourceShapes, targetRange); return retime(sourceShapes, targetRange);
} }
enum class MouthState { enum class MouthState { Idle, Closed, Open };
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> optimizeTiming(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation) { JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> optimizeTiming(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation) {
// Identify segments with idle, closed, and open mouth shapes // Identify segments with idle, closed, and open mouth shapes
JoiningContinuousTimeline<MouthState> segments(animation.getRange(), MouthState::Idle); JoiningContinuousTimeline<MouthState> segments(animation.getRange(), MouthState::Idle);
for (const auto& timedShape : animation) { for (const auto& timedShape : animation) {
const Shape shape = timedShape.getValue(); const Shape shape = timedShape.getValue();
const MouthState mouthState = const MouthState mouthState = shape == Shape::X ? MouthState::Idle
shape == Shape::X : shape == Shape::A ? MouthState::Closed
? MouthState::Idle
: shape == Shape::A
? MouthState::Closed
: MouthState::Open; : MouthState::Open;
segments.set(timedShape.getTimeRange(), mouthState); segments.set(timedShape.getTimeRange(), mouthState);
} }
@ -219,11 +217,8 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> optimizeTiming(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<
// evenly. // evenly.
const auto begin = segmentIt; const auto begin = segmentIt;
auto end = std::next(begin); auto end = std::next(begin);
while ( while (end != segments.rend() && end->getValue() != MouthState::Idle
end != segments.rend() && end->getDuration() < minSegmentDuration) {
&& end->getValue() != MouthState::Idle
&& end->getDuration() < minSegmentDuration
) {
++end; ++end;
} }
@ -232,20 +227,19 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> optimizeTiming(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<
const centiseconds desiredDuration = minSegmentDuration * shortSegmentCount; const centiseconds desiredDuration = minSegmentDuration * shortSegmentCount;
const centiseconds currentDuration = begin->getEnd() - std::prev(end)->getStart(); const centiseconds currentDuration = begin->getEnd() - std::prev(end)->getStart();
const centiseconds desiredExtensionDuration = desiredDuration - currentDuration; const centiseconds desiredExtensionDuration = desiredDuration - currentDuration;
const centiseconds availableExtensionDuration = end != segments.rend() const centiseconds availableExtensionDuration =
? end->getDuration() - 1_cs end != segments.rend() ? end->getDuration() - 1_cs : 0_cs;
: 0_cs; const centiseconds extensionDuration = std::min(
const centiseconds extensionDuration = std::min({ {desiredExtensionDuration, availableExtensionDuration, maxExtensionDuration}
desiredExtensionDuration, availableExtensionDuration, maxExtensionDuration );
// Distribute available time range evenly among all short segments // Distribute available time range evenly among all short segments
const centiseconds shortSegmentsTargetStart = const centiseconds shortSegmentsTargetStart =
std::prev(end)->getStart() - extensionDuration; std::prev(end)->getStart() - extensionDuration;
for (auto shortSegmentIt = begin; shortSegmentIt != end; ++shortSegmentIt) { for (auto shortSegmentIt = begin; shortSegmentIt != end; ++shortSegmentIt) {
size_t remainingShortSegmentCount = std::distance(shortSegmentIt, end); size_t remainingShortSegmentCount = std::distance(shortSegmentIt, end);
const centiseconds segmentDuration = (resultStart - shortSegmentsTargetStart) / const centiseconds segmentDuration =
remainingShortSegmentCount; (resultStart - shortSegmentsTargetStart) / remainingShortSegmentCount;
const TimeRange segmentTargetRange(resultStart - segmentDuration, resultStart); const TimeRange segmentTargetRange(resultStart - segmentDuration, resultStart);
const auto retimedSegment = const auto retimedSegment =
retime(animation, shortSegmentIt->getTimeRange(), segmentTargetRange); retime(animation, shortSegmentIt->getTimeRange(), segmentTargetRange);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "tweening.h" #include "tweening.h"
#include "animationRules.h" #include "animationRules.h"
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> insertTweens(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation) { JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> insertTweens(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation) {
@ -7,7 +8,10 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> insertTweens(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Sh
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> result(animation); JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> result(animation);
for_each_adjacent(animation.begin(), animation.end(), [&](const auto& first, const auto& second) { for_each_adjacent(
[&](const auto& first, const auto& second) {
auto pair = getTween(first.getValue(), second.getValue()); auto pair = getTween(first.getValue(), second.getValue());
if (!pair) return; if (!pair) return;
@ -19,28 +23,26 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> insertTweens(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Sh
centiseconds tweenStart, tweenDuration; centiseconds tweenStart, tweenDuration;
switch (tweenTiming) { switch (tweenTiming) {
case TweenTiming::Early: case TweenTiming::Early: {
tweenDuration = std::min(firstTimeRange.getDuration() / 3, maxTweenDuration); tweenDuration = std::min(firstTimeRange.getDuration() / 3, maxTweenDuration);
tweenStart = firstTimeRange.getEnd() - tweenDuration; tweenStart = firstTimeRange.getEnd() - tweenDuration;
break; break;
} }
case TweenTiming::Centered: case TweenTiming::Centered: {
{ tweenDuration = std::min(
tweenDuration = std::min({ {firstTimeRange.getDuration() / 4,
firstTimeRange.getDuration() / 4, secondTimeRange.getDuration() / 4, maxTweenDuration secondTimeRange.getDuration() / 4,
}); maxTweenDuration}
tweenStart = firstTimeRange.getEnd() - tweenDuration / 2; tweenStart = firstTimeRange.getEnd() - tweenDuration / 2;
break; break;
} }
case TweenTiming::Late: case TweenTiming::Late: {
tweenDuration = std::min(secondTimeRange.getDuration() / 3, maxTweenDuration); tweenDuration = std::min(secondTimeRange.getDuration() / 3, maxTweenDuration);
tweenStart = secondTimeRange.getStart(); tweenStart = secondTimeRange.getStart();
break; break;
} }
default: default: {
throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected tween timing."); throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected tween timing.");
} }
} }
@ -48,7 +50,8 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> insertTweens(const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Sh
if (tweenDuration < minTweenDuration) return; if (tweenDuration < minTweenDuration) return;
result.set(tweenStart, tweenStart + tweenDuration, tweenShape); result.set(tweenStart, tweenStart + tweenDuration, tweenShape);
}); }
return result; return result;
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "AudioClip.h" #include "AudioClip.h"
#include <format.h> #include <format.h>
using std::invalid_argument; using std::invalid_argument;
@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ class SafeSampleReader {
public: public:
SafeSampleReader(SampleReader unsafeRead, AudioClip::size_type size); SafeSampleReader(SampleReader unsafeRead, AudioClip::size_type size);
AudioClip::value_type operator()(AudioClip::size_type index); AudioClip::value_type operator()(AudioClip::size_type index);
private: private:
SampleReader unsafeRead; SampleReader unsafeRead;
AudioClip::size_type size; AudioClip::size_type size;
@ -20,19 +22,16 @@ private:
SafeSampleReader::SafeSampleReader(SampleReader unsafeRead, AudioClip::size_type size) : SafeSampleReader::SafeSampleReader(SampleReader unsafeRead, AudioClip::size_type size) :
unsafeRead(unsafeRead), unsafeRead(unsafeRead),
size(size) size(size) {}
inline AudioClip::value_type SafeSampleReader::operator()(AudioClip::size_type index) { inline AudioClip::value_type SafeSampleReader::operator()(AudioClip::size_type index) {
if (index < 0) { if (index < 0) {
throw invalid_argument(fmt::format("Cannot read from sample index {}. Index < 0.", index)); throw invalid_argument(fmt::format("Cannot read from sample index {}. Index < 0.", index));
} }
if (index >= size) { if (index >= size) {
throw invalid_argument(fmt::format( throw invalid_argument(
"Cannot read from sample index {}. Clip size is {}.", fmt::format("Cannot read from sample index {}. Clip size is {}.", index, size)
index, );
} }
if (index == lastIndex) { if (index == lastIndex) {
return lastSample; return lastSample;
@ -60,10 +59,8 @@ std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> operator|(std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clip, const Audi
} }
SampleIterator::SampleIterator() : SampleIterator::SampleIterator() :
sampleIndex(0) sampleIndex(0) {}
SampleIterator::SampleIterator(const AudioClip& audioClip, size_type sampleIndex) : SampleIterator::SampleIterator(const AudioClip& audioClip, size_type sampleIndex) :
sampleReader([&audioClip] { return audioClip.createSampleReader(); }), sampleReader([&audioClip] { return audioClip.createSampleReader(); }),
sampleIndex(sampleIndex) sampleIndex(sampleIndex) {}

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "time/TimeRange.h"
#include <functional> #include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "time/TimeRange.h"
#include "tools/Lazy.h" #include "tools/Lazy.h"
class AudioClip; class AudioClip;
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ public:
using SampleReader = std::function<value_type(size_type)>; using SampleReader = std::function<value_type(size_type)>;
virtual ~AudioClip() {} virtual ~AudioClip() {}
virtual std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clone() const = 0; virtual std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clone() const = 0;
virtual int getSampleRate() const = 0; virtual int getSampleRate() const = 0;
virtual size_type size() const = 0; virtual size_type size() const = 0;
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ public:
SampleReader createSampleReader() const; SampleReader createSampleReader() const;
iterator begin() const; iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const; iterator end() const;
private: private:
virtual SampleReader createUnsafeSampleReader() const = 0; virtual SampleReader createUnsafeSampleReader() const = 0;
}; };
@ -137,6 +140,8 @@ inline SampleIterator operator-(const SampleIterator& it, SampleIterator::differ
return result; return result;
} }
inline SampleIterator::difference_type operator-(const SampleIterator& lhs, const SampleIterator& rhs) { inline SampleIterator::difference_type operator-(
const SampleIterator& lhs, const SampleIterator& rhs
) {
return lhs.getSampleIndex() - rhs.getSampleIndex(); return lhs.getSampleIndex() - rhs.getSampleIndex();
} }

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
#include "AudioSegment.h" #include "AudioSegment.h"
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique; using std::make_unique;
using std::unique_ptr;
AudioSegment::AudioSegment(std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> inputClip, const TimeRange& range) : AudioSegment::AudioSegment(std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> inputClip, const TimeRange& range) :
inputClip(std::move(inputClip)), inputClip(std::move(inputClip)),
sampleOffset(static_cast<int64_t>(range.getStart().count()) * this->inputClip->getSampleRate() / 100), sampleOffset(
sampleCount(static_cast<int64_t>(range.getDuration().count()) * this->inputClip->getSampleRate() / 100) static_cast<int64_t>(range.getStart().count()) * this->inputClip->getSampleRate() / 100
{ ),
static_cast<int64_t>(range.getDuration().count()) * this->inputClip->getSampleRate() / 100
) {
if (sampleOffset < 0 || sampleOffset + sampleCount > this->inputClip->size()) { if (sampleOffset < 0 || sampleOffset + sampleCount > this->inputClip->size()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Segment extends beyond input clip."); throw std::invalid_argument("Segment extends beyond input clip.");
} }

View File

@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
#include "DcOffset.h" #include "DcOffset.h"
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique; using std::make_unique;
using std::unique_ptr;
DcOffset::DcOffset(unique_ptr<AudioClip> inputClip, float offset) : DcOffset::DcOffset(unique_ptr<AudioClip> inputClip, float offset) :
inputClip(std::move(inputClip)), inputClip(std::move(inputClip)),
offset(offset), offset(offset),
factor(1 / (1 + std::abs(offset))) factor(1 / (1 + std::abs(offset))) {}
unique_ptr<AudioClip> DcOffset::clone() const { unique_ptr<AudioClip> DcOffset::clone() const {
return make_unique<DcOffset>(*this); return make_unique<DcOffset>(*this);
} }
SampleReader DcOffset::createUnsafeSampleReader() const { SampleReader DcOffset::createUnsafeSampleReader() const {
return [ return
read = inputClip->createSampleReader(), [read = inputClip->createSampleReader(), factor = factor, offset = offset](size_type index
factor = factor, ) {
offset = offset
](size_type index) {
const float sample = read(index); const float sample = read(index);
return sample * factor + offset; return sample * factor + offset;
}; };

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ public:
std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clone() const override; std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clone() const override;
int getSampleRate() const override; int getSampleRate() const override;
size_type size() const override; size_type size() const override;
private: private:
SampleReader createUnsafeSampleReader() const override; SampleReader createUnsafeSampleReader() const override;

View File

@ -1,43 +1,36 @@
#include "OggVorbisFileReader.h" #include "OggVorbisFileReader.h"
#include <format.h>
#include "tools/fileTools.h"
#include "tools/tools.h"
#include "vorbis/codec.h" #include "vorbis/codec.h"
#include "vorbis/vorbisfile.h" #include "vorbis/vorbisfile.h"
#include "tools/tools.h"
#include <format.h>
#include "tools/fileTools.h"
using std::filesystem::path;
using std::vector;
using std::make_shared;
using std::ifstream; using std::ifstream;
using std::ios_base; using std::ios_base;
using std::make_shared;
using std::vector;
using std::filesystem::path;
std::string vorbisErrorToString(int64_t errorCode) { std::string vorbisErrorToString(int64_t errorCode) {
switch (errorCode) { switch (errorCode) {
case OV_EREAD: case OV_EREAD: return "Read error while fetching compressed data for decode.";
return "Read error while fetching compressed data for decode."; case OV_EFAULT: return "Internal logic fault; indicates a bug or heap/stack corruption.";
case OV_EFAULT: case OV_EIMPL: return "Feature not implemented";
return "Internal logic fault; indicates a bug or heap/stack corruption.";
case OV_EIMPL:
return "Feature not implemented";
return "Either an invalid argument, or incompletely initialized argument passed to a call."; return "Either an invalid argument, or incompletely initialized argument passed to a call.";
case OV_ENOTVORBIS: case OV_ENOTVORBIS: return "The given file/data was not recognized as Ogg Vorbis data.";
return "The given file/data was not recognized as Ogg Vorbis data.";
return "The file/data is apparently an Ogg Vorbis stream, but contains a corrupted or undecipherable header."; return "The file/data is apparently an Ogg Vorbis stream, but contains a corrupted or undecipherable header.";
return "The bitstream format revision of the given Vorbis stream is not supported."; return "The bitstream format revision of the given Vorbis stream is not supported.";
case OV_ENOTAUDIO: case OV_ENOTAUDIO: return "Packet is not an audio packet.";
return "Packet is not an audio packet."; case OV_EBADPACKET: return "Error in packet.";
return "Error in packet.";
return "The given link exists in the Vorbis data stream, but is not decipherable due to garbage or corruption."; return "The given link exists in the Vorbis data stream, but is not decipherable due to garbage or corruption.";
case OV_ENOSEEK: case OV_ENOSEEK: return "The given stream is not seekable.";
return "The given stream is not seekable."; default: return "An unexpected Vorbis error occurred.";
return "An unexpected Vorbis error occurred.";
} }
} }
@ -104,8 +97,7 @@ private:
OggVorbisFile::OggVorbisFile(const path& filePath) : OggVorbisFile::OggVorbisFile(const path& filePath) :
oggVorbisHandle(), oggVorbisHandle(),
stream(openFile(filePath)) stream(openFile(filePath)) {
// Throw only on badbit, not on failbit. // Throw only on badbit, not on failbit.
// Ogg Vorbis expects read operations past the end of the file to // Ogg Vorbis expects read operations past the end of the file to
// succeed, not to throw. // succeed, not to throw.
@ -119,8 +111,7 @@ OggVorbisFile::OggVorbisFile(const path& filePath) :
} }
OggVorbisFileReader::OggVorbisFileReader(const path& filePath) : OggVorbisFileReader::OggVorbisFileReader(const path& filePath) :
filePath(filePath) filePath(filePath) {
OggVorbisFile file(filePath); OggVorbisFile file(filePath);
vorbis_info* vorbisInfo = ov_info(file.get(), -1); vorbis_info* vorbisInfo = ov_info(file.get(), -1);
@ -135,13 +126,11 @@ std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> OggVorbisFileReader::clone() const {
} }
SampleReader OggVorbisFileReader::createUnsafeSampleReader() const { SampleReader OggVorbisFileReader::createUnsafeSampleReader() const {
return [ return [channelCount = channelCount,
channelCount = channelCount,
file = make_shared<OggVorbisFile>(filePath), file = make_shared<OggVorbisFile>(filePath),
buffer = static_cast<value_type**>(nullptr), buffer = static_cast<value_type**>(nullptr),
bufferStart = size_type(0), bufferStart = size_type(0),
bufferSize = size_type(0) bufferSize = size_type(0)](size_type index) mutable {
](size_type index) mutable {
if (index < bufferStart || index >= bufferStart + bufferSize) { if (index < bufferStart || index >= bufferStart + bufferSize) {
// Seek // Seek
throwOnError(ov_pcm_seek(file->get(), index)); throwOnError(ov_pcm_seek(file->get(), index));

View File

@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "AudioClip.h"
#include <filesystem> #include <filesystem>
#include "AudioClip.h"
class OggVorbisFileReader : public AudioClip { class OggVorbisFileReader : public AudioClip {
public: public:
OggVorbisFileReader(const std::filesystem::path& filePath); OggVorbisFileReader(const std::filesystem::path& filePath);
std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clone() const override; std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clone() const override;
int getSampleRate() const override { return sampleRate; }
size_type size() const override { return sampleCount; } int getSampleRate() const override {
return sampleRate;
size_type size() const override {
return sampleCount;
private: private:
SampleReader createUnsafeSampleReader() const override; SampleReader createUnsafeSampleReader() const override;

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
#include <cmath>
#include "SampleRateConverter.h" #include "SampleRateConverter.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <format.h> #include <format.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
using std::invalid_argument; using std::invalid_argument;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique; using std::make_unique;
using std::unique_ptr;
SampleRateConverter::SampleRateConverter(unique_ptr<AudioClip> inputClip, int outputSampleRate) : SampleRateConverter::SampleRateConverter(unique_ptr<AudioClip> inputClip, int outputSampleRate) :
inputClip(std::move(inputClip)), inputClip(std::move(inputClip)),
downscalingFactor(static_cast<double>(this->inputClip->getSampleRate()) / outputSampleRate), downscalingFactor(static_cast<double>(this->inputClip->getSampleRate()) / outputSampleRate),
outputSampleRate(outputSampleRate), outputSampleRate(outputSampleRate),
outputSampleCount(std::lround(this->inputClip->size() / downscalingFactor)) outputSampleCount(std::lround(this->inputClip->size() / downscalingFactor)) {
if (outputSampleRate <= 0) { if (outputSampleRate <= 0) {
throw invalid_argument("Sample rate must be positive."); throw invalid_argument("Sample rate must be positive.");
} }
if (this->inputClip->getSampleRate() < outputSampleRate) { if (this->inputClip->getSampleRate() < outputSampleRate) {
throw invalid_argument(fmt::format( throw invalid_argument(fmt::format(
"Upsampling not supported. Input sample rate must not be below {}Hz.", "Upsampling not supported. Input sample rate must not be below {}Hz.", outputSampleRate
)); ));
} }
} }
@ -51,11 +51,9 @@ float mean(double inputStart, double inputEnd, const SampleReader& read) {
} }
SampleReader SampleRateConverter::createUnsafeSampleReader() const { SampleReader SampleRateConverter::createUnsafeSampleReader() const {
return [ return [read = inputClip->createSampleReader(),
read = inputClip->createSampleReader(),
downscalingFactor = downscalingFactor, downscalingFactor = downscalingFactor,
size = inputClip->size() size = inputClip->size()](size_type index) {
](size_type index) {
const double inputStart = index * downscalingFactor; const double inputStart = index * downscalingFactor;
const double inputEnd = const double inputEnd =
std::min((index + 1) * downscalingFactor, static_cast<double>(size)); std::min((index + 1) * downscalingFactor, static_cast<double>(size));

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include "AudioClip.h" #include "AudioClip.h"
class SampleRateConverter : public AudioClip { class SampleRateConverter : public AudioClip {
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ public:
std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clone() const override; std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> clone() const override;
int getSampleRate() const override; int getSampleRate() const override;
size_type size() const override; size_type size() const override;
private: private:
SampleReader createUnsafeSampleReader() const override; SampleReader createUnsafeSampleReader() const override;

View File

@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
#include <format.h>
#include "WaveFileReader.h" #include "WaveFileReader.h"
#include "ioTools.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "tools/platformTools.h"
#include "tools/fileTools.h"
using std::runtime_error; #include <format.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "ioTools.h"
#include "tools/fileTools.h"
#include "tools/platformTools.h"
using fmt::format; using fmt::format;
using std::runtime_error;
using std::string; using std::string;
using namespace little_endian; using namespace little_endian;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;
using std::make_shared; using std::make_shared;
using std::filesystem::path; using std::make_unique;
using std::streamoff; using std::streamoff;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::filesystem::path;
#define INT24_MIN (-8388608) #define INT24_MIN (-8388608)
#define INT24_MAX 8388607 #define INT24_MAX 8388607
@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ namespace Codec {
constexpr int Pcm = 0x01; constexpr int Pcm = 0x01;
constexpr int Float = 0x03; constexpr int Float = 0x03;
constexpr int Extensible = 0xFFFE; constexpr int Extensible = 0xFFFE;
}; }; // namespace Codec
string codecToString(int codec); string codecToString(int codec);
@ -74,8 +77,7 @@ WaveFormatInfo getWaveFormatInfo(const path& filePath) {
const streamoff chunkSize = read<int32_t>(file); const streamoff chunkSize = read<int32_t>(file);
const streamoff chunkEnd = roundUpToEven(file.tellg() + chunkSize); const streamoff chunkEnd = roundUpToEven(file.tellg() + chunkSize);
switch (chunkId) { switch (chunkId) {
case fourcc('f', 'm', 't', ' '): case fourcc('f', 'm', 't', ' '): {
// Read relevant data // Read relevant data
uint16_t codec = read<uint16_t>(file); uint16_t codec = read<uint16_t>(file);
formatInfo.channelCount = read<uint16_t>(file); formatInfo.channelCount = read<uint16_t>(file);
@ -118,7 +120,8 @@ WaveFormatInfo getWaveFormatInfo(const path& filePath) {
bytesPerSample = 4; bytesPerSample = 4;
} else { } else {
throw runtime_error( throw runtime_error(
format("Unsupported sample format: {}-bit PCM.", bitsPerSample)); format("Unsupported sample format: {}-bit PCM.", bitsPerSample)
} }
if (bytesPerSample != bytesPerFrame / formatInfo.channelCount) { if (bytesPerSample != bytesPerFrame / formatInfo.channelCount) {
throw runtime_error("Unsupported sample organization."); throw runtime_error("Unsupported sample organization.");
@ -132,30 +135,30 @@ WaveFormatInfo getWaveFormatInfo(const path& filePath) {
formatInfo.sampleFormat = SampleFormat::Float64; formatInfo.sampleFormat = SampleFormat::Float64;
bytesPerSample = 8; bytesPerSample = 8;
} else { } else {
throw runtime_error( throw runtime_error(format(
format("Unsupported sample format: {}-bit IEEE Float.", bitsPerSample) "Unsupported sample format: {}-bit IEEE Float.", bitsPerSample
); ));
} }
break; break;
default: default:
throw runtime_error(format( throw runtime_error(format(
"Unsupported audio codec: '{}'. Only uncompressed codecs ('{}' and '{}') are supported.", "Unsupported audio codec: '{}'. Only uncompressed codecs ('{}' and '{}') are supported.",
codecToString(codec), codecToString(Codec::Pcm), codecToString(Codec::Float) codecToString(codec),
)); ));
} }
formatInfo.bytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * formatInfo.channelCount; formatInfo.bytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * formatInfo.channelCount;
processedFormatChunk = true; processedFormatChunk = true;
break; break;
} }
case fourcc('d', 'a', 't', 'a'): case fourcc('d', 'a', 't', 'a'): {
formatInfo.dataOffset = file.tellg(); formatInfo.dataOffset = file.tellg();
formatInfo.frameCount = chunkSize / formatInfo.bytesPerFrame; formatInfo.frameCount = chunkSize / formatInfo.bytesPerFrame;
processedDataChunk = true; processedDataChunk = true;
break; break;
} }
default: default: {
// Ignore unknown chunk // Ignore unknown chunk
break; break;
} }
@ -180,45 +183,37 @@ unique_ptr<AudioClip> WaveFileReader::clone() const {
} }
inline AudioClip::value_type readSample( inline AudioClip::value_type readSample(
std::ifstream& file, std::ifstream& file, SampleFormat sampleFormat, int channelCount
SampleFormat sampleFormat,
int channelCount
) { ) {
float sum = 0; float sum = 0;
for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < channelCount; channelIndex++) { for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < channelCount; channelIndex++) {
switch (sampleFormat) { switch (sampleFormat) {
case SampleFormat::UInt8: case SampleFormat::UInt8: {
const uint8_t raw = read<uint8_t>(file); const uint8_t raw = read<uint8_t>(file);
sum += toNormalizedFloat(raw, 0, UINT8_MAX); sum += toNormalizedFloat(raw, 0, UINT8_MAX);
break; break;
} }
case SampleFormat::Int16: case SampleFormat::Int16: {
const int16_t raw = read<int16_t>(file); const int16_t raw = read<int16_t>(file);
sum += toNormalizedFloat(raw, INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX); sum += toNormalizedFloat(raw, INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX);
break; break;
} }
case SampleFormat::Int24: case SampleFormat::Int24: {
int raw = read<int, 24>(file); int raw = read<int, 24>(file);
if (raw & 0x800000) raw |= 0xFF000000; // Fix two's complement if (raw & 0x800000) raw |= 0xFF000000; // Fix two's complement
sum += toNormalizedFloat(raw, INT24_MIN, INT24_MAX); sum += toNormalizedFloat(raw, INT24_MIN, INT24_MAX);
break; break;
} }
case SampleFormat::Int32: case SampleFormat::Int32: {
const int32_t raw = read<int32_t>(file); const int32_t raw = read<int32_t>(file);
sum += toNormalizedFloat(raw, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX); sum += toNormalizedFloat(raw, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX);
break; break;
} }
case SampleFormat::Float32: case SampleFormat::Float32: {
sum += read<float>(file); sum += read<float>(file);
break; break;
} }
case SampleFormat::Float64: case SampleFormat::Float64: {
sum += static_cast<float>(read<double>(file)); sum += static_cast<float>(read<double>(file));
break; break;
} }
@ -229,14 +224,11 @@ inline AudioClip::value_type readSample(
} }
SampleReader WaveFileReader::createUnsafeSampleReader() const { SampleReader WaveFileReader::createUnsafeSampleReader() const {
return return [formatInfo = formatInfo,
formatInfo = formatInfo,
file = std::make_shared<std::ifstream>(openFile(filePath)), file = std::make_shared<std::ifstream>(openFile(filePath)),
filePos = std::streampos(0) filePos = std::streampos(0)](size_type index) mutable {
](size_type index) mutable { const std::streampos newFilePos =
const std::streampos newFilePos = formatInfo.dataOffset formatInfo.dataOffset + static_cast<streamoff>(index * formatInfo.bytesPerFrame);
+ static_cast<streamoff>(index * formatInfo.bytesPerFrame);
if (newFilePos != filePos) { if (newFilePos != filePos) {
file->seekg(newFilePos); file->seekg(newFilePos);
} }
@ -491,7 +483,6 @@ string codecToString(int codec) {
case 0xf1ac: return "Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAC"; case 0xf1ac: return "Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAC";
case 0xfffe: return "Extensible"; case 0xfffe: return "Extensible";
case 0xffff: return "Development"; case 0xffff: return "Development";
default: default: return format("{0:#x}", codec);
return format("{0:#x}", codec);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <filesystem> #include <filesystem>
#include "AudioClip.h" #include "AudioClip.h"
enum class SampleFormat { enum class SampleFormat { UInt8, Int16, Int24, Int32, Float32, Float64 };
struct WaveFormatInfo { struct WaveFormatInfo {
int bytesPerFrame; int bytesPerFrame;

View File

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
#include "audioFileReading.h" #include "audioFileReading.h"
#include <format.h>
#include "WaveFileReader.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "OggVorbisFileReader.h"
using std::filesystem::path; #include <format.h>
using std::string;
using std::runtime_error; #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "OggVorbisFileReader.h"
#include "WaveFileReader.h"
using fmt::format; using fmt::format;
using std::runtime_error;
using std::string;
using std::filesystem::path;
std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> createAudioFileClip(path filePath) { std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> createAudioFileClip(path filePath) {
try { try {
const string extension = const string extension = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(filePath.extension().u8string());
if (extension == ".wav") { if (extension == ".wav") {
return std::make_unique<WaveFileReader>(filePath); return std::make_unique<WaveFileReader>(filePath);
} }
@ -24,6 +26,8 @@ std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> createAudioFileClip(path filePath) {
extension extension
)); ));
} catch (...) { } catch (...) {
std::throw_with_nested(runtime_error(format("Could not open sound file {}.", filePath.u8string()))); std::throw_with_nested(
runtime_error(format("Could not open sound file {}.", filePath.u8string()))
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "AudioClip.h"
#include <filesystem> #include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include "AudioClip.h"
std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> createAudioFileClip(std::filesystem::path filePath); std::unique_ptr<AudioClip> createAudioFileClip(std::filesystem::path filePath);

View File

@ -30,12 +30,7 @@ namespace little_endian {
} }
} }
constexpr uint32_t fourcc( constexpr uint32_t fourcc(unsigned char c0, unsigned char c1, unsigned char c2, unsigned char c3) {
unsigned char c0,
unsigned char c1,
unsigned char c2,
unsigned char c3
) {
return c0 | (c1 << 8) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 24); return c0 | (c1 << 8) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 24);
} }
@ -43,4 +38,4 @@ namespace little_endian {
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fourcc), 4); return std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fourcc), 4);
} }
} } // namespace little_endian

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "processing.h" #include "processing.h"
#include <algorithm> #include <algorithm>
using std::function; using std::function;
@ -35,7 +36,9 @@ void process16bitAudioClip(
processBuffer(buffer); processBuffer(buffer);
sampleCount += buffer.size(); sampleCount += buffer.size();
progressSink.reportProgress(static_cast<double>(sampleCount) / static_cast<double>(audioClip.size())); progressSink.reportProgress(
static_cast<double>(sampleCount) / static_cast<double>(audioClip.size())
} while (!buffer.empty()); } while (!buffer.empty());
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <functional> #include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "AudioClip.h" #include "AudioClip.h"
#include "tools/progress.h" #include "tools/progress.h"

View File

@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
#include "voiceActivityDetection.h" #include "voiceActivityDetection.h"
#include "DcOffset.h"
#include "SampleRateConverter.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#include "tools/pairs.h"
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include <webrtc/common_audio/vad/include/webrtc_vad.h>
#include "processing.h"
#include <gsl_util.h> #include <gsl_util.h>
#include "tools/parallel.h" #include <webrtc/common_audio/vad/include/webrtc_vad.h>
#include <webrtc/common_audio/vad/vad_core.h> #include <webrtc/common_audio/vad/vad_core.h>
using std::vector; #include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include "DcOffset.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#include "processing.h"
#include "SampleRateConverter.h"
#include "tools/pairs.h"
#include "tools/parallel.h"
using boost::adaptors::transformed; using boost::adaptors::transformed;
using fmt::format; using fmt::format;
using std::runtime_error; using std::runtime_error;
using std::unique_ptr; using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
JoiningBoundedTimeline<void> detectVoiceActivity( JoiningBoundedTimeline<void> detectVoiceActivity(
const AudioClip& inputAudioClip, const AudioClip& inputAudioClip, ProgressSink& progressSink
ProgressSink& progressSink
) { ) {
// Prepare audio for VAD // Prepare audio for VAD
constexpr int webRtcSamplingRate = 8000; constexpr int webRtcSamplingRate = 8000;
const unique_ptr<AudioClip> audioClip = inputAudioClip.clone() const unique_ptr<AudioClip> audioClip =
| resample(webRtcSamplingRate) inputAudioClip.clone() | resample(webRtcSamplingRate) | removeDcOffset();
| removeDcOffset();
VadInst* vadHandle = WebRtcVad_Create(); VadInst* vadHandle = WebRtcVad_Create();
if (!vadHandle) throw runtime_error("Error creating WebRTC VAD handle."); if (!vadHandle) throw runtime_error("Error creating WebRTC VAD handle.");
@ -46,12 +47,8 @@ JoiningBoundedTimeline<void> detectVoiceActivity(
// WebRTC is picky regarding buffer size // WebRTC is picky regarding buffer size
if (buffer.size() < frameSize) return; if (buffer.size() < frameSize) return;
const int result = WebRtcVad_Process( const int result =
vadHandle, WebRtcVad_Process(vadHandle, webRtcSamplingRate,, buffer.size());
if (result == -1) throw runtime_error("Error processing audio buffer using WebRTC VAD."); if (result == -1) throw runtime_error("Error processing audio buffer using WebRTC VAD.");
// Ignore the result of WebRtcVad_Process, instead directly interpret the internal VAD flag. // Ignore the result of WebRtcVad_Process, instead directly interpret the internal VAD flag.
@ -86,9 +83,12 @@ JoiningBoundedTimeline<void> detectVoiceActivity(
logging::debugFormat( logging::debugFormat(
"Found {} sections of voice activity: {}", "Found {} sections of voice activity: {}",
activity.size(), activity.size(),
join(activity | transformed([](const Timed<void>& t) { join(
activity | transformed([](const Timed<void>& t) {
return format("{0}-{1}", t.getStart(), t.getEnd()); return format("{0}-{1}", t.getStart(), t.getEnd());
}), ", ") }),
", "
); );
return activity; return activity;

View File

@ -4,6 +4,5 @@
#include "tools/progress.h" #include "tools/progress.h"
JoiningBoundedTimeline<void> detectVoiceActivity( JoiningBoundedTimeline<void> detectVoiceActivity(
const AudioClip& audioClip, const AudioClip& audioClip, ProgressSink& progressSink
ProgressSink& progressSink
); );

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include <fstream>
#include "waveFileWriting.h" #include "waveFileWriting.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "ioTools.h" #include "ioTools.h"
using namespace little_endian; using namespace little_endian;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "Phone.h" #include "Phone.h"
using std::string;
using boost::optional; using boost::optional;
using std::string;
PhoneConverter& PhoneConverter::get() { PhoneConverter& PhoneConverter::get() {
static PhoneConverter converter; static PhoneConverter converter;
@ -13,54 +13,24 @@ string PhoneConverter::getTypeName() {
} }
EnumConverter<Phone>::member_data PhoneConverter::getMemberData() { EnumConverter<Phone>::member_data PhoneConverter::getMemberData() {
return member_data { return member_data{{Phone::AO, "AO"}, {Phone::AA, "AA"}, {Phone::IY, "IY"},
{ Phone::AO, "AO" }, {Phone::UW, "UW"}, {Phone::EH, "EH"}, {Phone::IH, "IH"},
{ Phone::AA, "AA" }, {Phone::UH, "UH"}, {Phone::AH, "AH"}, {Phone::Schwa, "Schwa"},
{ Phone::IY, "IY" }, {Phone::AE, "AE"}, {Phone::EY, "EY"}, {Phone::AY, "AY"},
{ Phone::UW, "UW" }, {Phone::OW, "OW"}, {Phone::AW, "AW"}, {Phone::OY, "OY"},
{ Phone::EH, "EH" },
{ Phone::IH, "IH" },
{ Phone::UH, "UH" },
{ Phone::AH, "AH" },
{ Phone::Schwa, "Schwa" },
{ Phone::AE, "AE" },
{ Phone::EY, "EY" },
{ Phone::AY, "AY" },
{ Phone::OW, "OW" },
{ Phone::AW, "AW" },
{ Phone::OY, "OY" },
{Phone::ER, "ER"}, {Phone::ER, "ER"},
{ Phone::P, "P" }, {Phone::P, "P"}, {Phone::B, "B"}, {Phone::T, "T"},
{ Phone::B, "B" }, {Phone::D, "D"}, {Phone::K, "K"}, {Phone::G, "G"},
{ Phone::T, "T" }, {Phone::CH, "CH"}, {Phone::JH, "JH"}, {Phone::F, "F"},
{ Phone::D, "D" }, {Phone::V, "V"}, {Phone::TH, "TH"}, {Phone::DH, "DH"},
{ Phone::K, "K" }, {Phone::S, "S"}, {Phone::Z, "Z"}, {Phone::SH, "SH"},
{ Phone::G, "G" }, {Phone::ZH, "ZH"}, {Phone::HH, "HH"}, {Phone::M, "M"},
{ Phone::CH, "CH" }, {Phone::N, "N"}, {Phone::NG, "NG"}, {Phone::L, "L"},
{ Phone::JH, "JH" }, {Phone::R, "R"}, {Phone::Y, "Y"}, {Phone::W, "W"},
{ Phone::F, "F" },
{ Phone::V, "V" },
{ Phone::TH, "TH" },
{ Phone::DH, "DH" },
{ Phone::S, "S" },
{ Phone::Z, "Z" },
{ Phone::SH, "SH" },
{ Phone::ZH, "ZH" },
{ Phone::HH, "HH" },
{ Phone::M, "M" },
{ Phone::N, "N" },
{ Phone::NG, "NG" },
{ Phone::L, "L" },
{ Phone::R, "R" },
{ Phone::Y, "Y" },
{ Phone::W, "W" },
{ Phone::Breath, "Breath" }, {Phone::Breath, "Breath"}, {Phone::Cough, "Cough"}, {Phone::Smack, "Smack"},
{ Phone::Cough, "Cough" }, {Phone::Noise, "Noise"}};
{ Phone::Smack, "Smack" },
{ Phone::Noise, "Noise" }
} }
optional<Phone> PhoneConverter::tryParse(const string& s) { optional<Phone> PhoneConverter::tryParse(const string& s) {

View File

@ -81,9 +81,11 @@ enum class Phone {
class PhoneConverter : public EnumConverter<Phone> { class PhoneConverter : public EnumConverter<Phone> {
public: public:
static PhoneConverter& get(); static PhoneConverter& get();
protected: protected:
std::string getTypeName() override; std::string getTypeName() override;
member_data getMemberData() override; member_data getMemberData() override;
public: public:
boost::optional<Phone> tryParse(const std::string& s) override; boost::optional<Phone> tryParse(const std::string& s) override;
}; };

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "Shape.h" #include "Shape.h"
using std::string;
using std::set; using std::set;
using std::string;
ShapeConverter& ShapeConverter::get() { ShapeConverter& ShapeConverter::get() {
static ShapeConverter converter; static ShapeConverter converter;
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ set<Shape> ShapeConverter::getBasicShapes() {
set<Shape> ShapeConverter::getExtendedShapes() { set<Shape> ShapeConverter::getExtendedShapes() {
static const set<Shape> result = [] { static const set<Shape> result = [] {
set<Shape> result; set<Shape> result;
for (int i = static_cast<int>(Shape::LastBasicShape) + 1; i < static_cast<int>(Shape::EndSentinel); ++i) { for (int i = static_cast<int>(Shape::LastBasicShape) + 1;
i < static_cast<int>(Shape::EndSentinel);
++i) {
result.insert(static_cast<Shape>(i)); result.insert(static_cast<Shape>(i));
} }
return result; return result;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "tools/EnumConverter.h"
#include <set> #include <set>
#include "tools/EnumConverter.h"
// The classic Hanna-Barbera mouth shapes A-F plus the common supplements G-H // The classic Hanna-Barbera mouth shapes A-F plus the common supplements G-H
// For reference, see // For reference, see
// For visual examples, see Their shapes "BMP".."L" map to A..H. // For visual examples, see Their shapes "BMP".."L" map to A..H.
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ public:
static ShapeConverter& get(); static ShapeConverter& get();
static std::set<Shape> getBasicShapes(); static std::set<Shape> getBasicShapes();
static std::set<Shape> getExtendedShapes(); static std::set<Shape> getExtendedShapes();
protected: protected:
std::string getTypeName() override; std::string getTypeName() override;
member_data getMemberData() override; member_data getMemberData() override;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
#include "DatExporter.h" #include "DatExporter.h"
#include "animation/targetShapeSet.h"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "animation/targetShapeSet.h"
using std::string;
using std::chrono::duration; using std::chrono::duration;
using std::chrono::duration_cast; using std::chrono::duration_cast;
using std::string;
DatExporter::DatExporter(const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet, double frameRate, bool convertToPrestonBlair) : DatExporter::DatExporter(
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet, double frameRate, bool convertToPrestonBlair
) :
frameRate(frameRate), frameRate(frameRate),
convertToPrestonBlair(convertToPrestonBlair), convertToPrestonBlair(convertToPrestonBlair),
prestonBlairShapeNames{ prestonBlairShapeNames{
@ -19,8 +23,7 @@ DatExporter::DatExporter(const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet, double frameRate, bool
{Shape::G, "FV"}, {Shape::G, "FV"},
{Shape::H, "L"}, {Shape::H, "L"},
{Shape::X, "rest"}, {Shape::X, "rest"},
} } {
// Animation works with a fixed frame rate of 100. // Animation works with a fixed frame rate of 100.
// Downsampling to much less than 25 fps may result in dropped frames. // Downsampling to much less than 25 fps may result in dropped frames.
// Upsampling to more than 100 fps doesn't make sense. // Upsampling to more than 100 fps doesn't make sense.
@ -28,13 +31,17 @@ DatExporter::DatExporter(const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet, double frameRate, bool
const double maxFrameRate = 100.0; const double maxFrameRate = 100.0;
if (frameRate < minFrameRate || frameRate > maxFrameRate) { if (frameRate < minFrameRate || frameRate > maxFrameRate) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Frame rate must be between {} and {} fps.", minFrameRate, maxFrameRate)); throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Frame rate must be between {} and {} fps.", minFrameRate, maxFrameRate)
} }
if (convertToPrestonBlair) { if (convertToPrestonBlair) {
for (Shape shape : targetShapeSet) { for (Shape shape : targetShapeSet) {
if (prestonBlairShapeNames.find(shape) == prestonBlairShapeNames.end()) { if (prestonBlairShapeNames.find(shape) == prestonBlairShapeNames.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Mouth shape {} cannot be converted to Preston Blair shape names.")); throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Mouth shape {} cannot be converted to Preston Blair shape names.")
} }
} }
} }
@ -62,8 +69,7 @@ void DatExporter::exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outp
} }
string DatExporter::toString(Shape shape) const { string DatExporter::toString(Shape shape) const {
return convertToPrestonBlair return convertToPrestonBlair ?
: boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(shape); : boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(shape);
} }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "Exporter.h"
#include "core/Shape.h"
#include <map> #include <map>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include "core/Shape.h"
#include "Exporter.h"
// Exporter for Moho's switch data file format // Exporter for Moho's switch data file format
class DatExporter : public Exporter { class DatExporter : public Exporter {
public: public:

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <filesystem>
#include "core/Shape.h" #include "core/Shape.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h" #include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include <filesystem>
class ExporterInput { class ExporterInput {
public: public:
ExporterInput( ExporterInput(
const std::filesystem::path& inputFilePath, const std::filesystem::path& inputFilePath,
const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation, const JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape>& animation,
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet) : const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
) :
inputFilePath(inputFilePath), inputFilePath(inputFilePath),
animation(animation), animation(animation),
targetShapeSet(targetShapeSet) {} targetShapeSet(targetShapeSet) {}
@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ public:
class Exporter { class Exporter {
public: public:
virtual ~Exporter() {} virtual ~Exporter() {}
virtual void exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outputStream) = 0; virtual void exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outputStream) = 0;
}; };

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "JsonExporter.h" #include "JsonExporter.h"
#include "exporterTools.h" #include "exporterTools.h"
#include "tools/stringTools.h" #include "tools/stringTools.h"
@ -10,8 +11,10 @@ void JsonExporter::exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& out
// the formatting. // the formatting.
outputStream << "{\n"; outputStream << "{\n";
outputStream << " \"metadata\": {\n"; outputStream << " \"metadata\": {\n";
outputStream << " \"soundFile\": \"" << escapeJsonString(absolute(input.inputFilePath).u8string()) << "\",\n"; outputStream << " \"soundFile\": \""
outputStream << " \"duration\": " << formatDuration(input.animation.getRange().getDuration()) << "\n"; << escapeJsonString(absolute(input.inputFilePath).u8string()) << "\",\n";
outputStream << " \"duration\": " << formatDuration(input.animation.getRange().getDuration())
<< "\n";
outputStream << " },\n"; outputStream << " },\n";
outputStream << " \"mouthCues\": [\n"; outputStream << " \"mouthCues\": [\n";
bool isFirst = true; bool isFirst = true;
@ -19,8 +22,8 @@ void JsonExporter::exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& out
if (!isFirst) outputStream << ",\n"; if (!isFirst) outputStream << ",\n";
isFirst = false; isFirst = false;
outputStream << " { \"start\": " << formatDuration(timedShape.getStart()) outputStream << " { \"start\": " << formatDuration(timedShape.getStart())
<< ", \"end\": " << formatDuration(timedShape.getEnd()) << ", \"end\": " << formatDuration(timedShape.getEnd()) << ", \"value\": \""
<< ", \"value\": \"" << timedShape.getValue() << "\" }"; << timedShape.getValue() << "\" }";
} }
outputStream << "\n"; outputStream << "\n";
outputStream << " ]\n"; outputStream << " ]\n";

View File

@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
#include "TsvExporter.h" #include "TsvExporter.h"
#include "animation/targetShapeSet.h" #include "animation/targetShapeSet.h"
void TsvExporter::exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outputStream) { void TsvExporter::exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outputStream) {
// Output shapes with start times // Output shapes with start times
for (auto& timedShape : input.animation) { for (auto& timedShape : input.animation) {
outputStream outputStream << formatDuration(timedShape.getStart()) << "\t" << timedShape.getValue()
<< formatDuration(timedShape.getStart())
<< "\t"
<< timedShape.getValue()
<< "\n"; << "\n";
} }
// Output closed mouth with end time // Output closed mouth with end time
outputStream outputStream << formatDuration(input.animation.getRange().getEnd()) << "\t"
<< formatDuration(input.animation.getRange().getEnd()) << convertToTargetShapeSet(Shape::X, input.targetShapeSet) << "\n";
<< "\t"
<< convertToTargetShapeSet(Shape::X, input.targetShapeSet)
<< "\n";
} }

View File

@ -6,4 +6,3 @@ class TsvExporter : public Exporter {
public: public:
void exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outputStream) override; void exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outputStream) override;
}; };

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
#include "XmlExporter.h" #include "XmlExporter.h"
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/version.hpp> #include <boost/version.hpp>
#include "exporterTools.h" #include "exporterTools.h"
using std::string;
using boost::property_tree::ptree; using boost::property_tree::ptree;
using std::string;
void XmlExporter::exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outputStream) { void XmlExporter::exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outputStream) {
ptree tree; ptree tree;
@ -13,16 +15,13 @@ void XmlExporter::exportAnimation(const ExporterInput& input, std::ostream& outp
// Add metadata // Add metadata
tree.put("rhubarbResult.metadata.soundFile", absolute(input.inputFilePath).u8string()); tree.put("rhubarbResult.metadata.soundFile", absolute(input.inputFilePath).u8string());
tree.put( tree.put(
"rhubarbResult.metadata.duration", "rhubarbResult.metadata.duration", formatDuration(input.animation.getRange().getDuration())
); );
// Add mouth cues // Add mouth cues
for (auto& timedShape : dummyShapeIfEmpty(input.animation, input.targetShapeSet)) { for (auto& timedShape : dummyShapeIfEmpty(input.animation, input.targetShapeSet)) {
ptree& mouthCueElement = tree.add( ptree& mouthCueElement =
"rhubarbResult.mouthCues.mouthCue", tree.add("rhubarbResult.mouthCues.mouthCue", timedShape.getValue());
mouthCueElement.put("<xmlattr>.start", formatDuration(timedShape.getStart())); mouthCueElement.put("<xmlattr>.start", formatDuration(timedShape.getStart()));
mouthCueElement.put("<xmlattr>.end", formatDuration(timedShape.getEnd())); mouthCueElement.put("<xmlattr>.end", formatDuration(timedShape.getEnd()));
} }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#include "exporterTools.h" #include "exporterTools.h"
#include "animation/targetShapeSet.h" #include "animation/targetShapeSet.h"
// Makes sure there is at least one mouth shape // Makes sure there is at least one mouth shape
std::vector<Timed<Shape>> dummyShapeIfEmpty( std::vector<Timed<Shape>> dummyShapeIfEmpty(
const JoiningTimeline<Shape>& animation, const JoiningTimeline<Shape>& animation, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
) { ) {
std::vector<Timed<Shape>> result; std::vector<Timed<Shape>> result;
std::copy(animation.begin(), animation.end(), std::back_inserter(result)); std::copy(animation.begin(), animation.end(), std::back_inserter(result));

View File

@ -5,6 +5,5 @@
// Makes sure there is at least one mouth shape // Makes sure there is at least one mouth shape
std::vector<Timed<Shape>> dummyShapeIfEmpty( std::vector<Timed<Shape>> dummyShapeIfEmpty(
const JoiningTimeline<Shape>& animation, const JoiningTimeline<Shape>& animation, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet
); );

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#include "rhubarbLib.h" #include "rhubarbLib.h"
#include "core/Phone.h"
#include "tools/textFiles.h"
#include "animation/mouthAnimation.h" #include "animation/mouthAnimation.h"
#include "audio/audioFileReading.h" #include "audio/audioFileReading.h"
#include "core/Phone.h"
#include "tools/textFiles.h"
using boost::optional; using boost::optional;
using std::string; using std::string;
@ -14,8 +15,8 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateAudioClip(
const Recognizer& recognizer, const Recognizer& recognizer,
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet,
int maxThreadCount, int maxThreadCount,
ProgressSink& progressSink) ProgressSink& progressSink
{ ) {
const BoundedTimeline<Phone> phones = const BoundedTimeline<Phone> phones =
recognizer.recognizePhones(audioClip, dialog, maxThreadCount, progressSink); recognizer.recognizePhones(audioClip, dialog, maxThreadCount, progressSink);
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> result = animate(phones, targetShapeSet); JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> result = animate(phones, targetShapeSet);
@ -28,8 +29,10 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateWaveFile(
const Recognizer& recognizer, const Recognizer& recognizer,
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet,
int maxThreadCount, int maxThreadCount,
ProgressSink& progressSink) ProgressSink& progressSink
{ ) {
const auto audioClip = createAudioFileClip(filePath); const auto audioClip = createAudioFileClip(filePath);
return animateAudioClip(*audioClip, dialog, recognizer, targetShapeSet, maxThreadCount, progressSink); return animateAudioClip(
*audioClip, dialog, recognizer, targetShapeSet, maxThreadCount, progressSink
} }

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "core/Shape.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "audio/AudioClip.h"
#include "tools/progress.h"
#include <filesystem> #include <filesystem>
#include "animation/targetShapeSet.h" #include "animation/targetShapeSet.h"
#include "audio/AudioClip.h"
#include "core/Shape.h"
#include "recognition/Recognizer.h" #include "recognition/Recognizer.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "tools/progress.h"
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateAudioClip( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateAudioClip(
const AudioClip& audioClip, const AudioClip& audioClip,
@ -14,7 +15,8 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateAudioClip(
const Recognizer& recognizer, const Recognizer& recognizer,
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet,
int maxThreadCount, int maxThreadCount,
ProgressSink& progressSink); ProgressSink& progressSink
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateWaveFile( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateWaveFile(
std::filesystem::path filePath, std::filesystem::path filePath,
@ -22,4 +24,5 @@ JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animateWaveFile(
const Recognizer& recognizer, const Recognizer& recognizer,
const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet, const ShapeSet& targetShapeSet,
int maxThreadCount, int maxThreadCount,
ProgressSink& progressSink); ProgressSink& progressSink

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#include "Entry.h" #include "Entry.h"
#include <thread>
#include <mutex> #include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_map>
using std::lock_guard; using std::lock_guard;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::string; using std::string;
using std::unordered_map;
namespace logging { namespace logging {
@ -30,10 +30,9 @@ namespace logging {
Entry::Entry(Level level, const string& message) : Entry::Entry(Level level, const string& message) :
timestamp(), timestamp(),
level(level), level(level),
message(message) message(message) {
time(&timestamp); time(&timestamp);
this->threadCounter = getThreadCounter(); this->threadCounter = getThreadCounter();
} }
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ namespace logging {
std::string message; std::string message;
}; };
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <string> #include <string>
#include "Entry.h" #include "Entry.h"
namespace logging { namespace logging {
@ -11,4 +12,4 @@ namespace logging {
virtual std::string format(const Entry& entry) = 0; virtual std::string format(const Entry& entry) = 0;
}; };
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ namespace logging {
return LevelConverter::get().read(stream, value); return LevelConverter::get().read(stream, value);
} }
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -4,19 +4,12 @@
namespace logging { namespace logging {
enum class Level { enum class Level { Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal, EndSentinel };
class LevelConverter : public EnumConverter<Level> { class LevelConverter : public EnumConverter<Level> {
public: public:
static LevelConverter& get(); static LevelConverter& get();
protected: protected:
std::string getTypeName() override; std::string getTypeName() override;
member_data getMemberData() override; member_data getMemberData() override;
@ -26,4 +19,4 @@ namespace logging {
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& stream, Level& value); std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& stream, Level& value);
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ namespace logging {
virtual void receive(const Entry& entry) = 0; virtual void receive(const Entry& entry) = 0;
}; };
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include "formatters.h" #include "formatters.h"
#include <format.h> #include <format.h>
#include "Entry.h" #include "Entry.h"
#include "tools/tools.h" #include "tools/tools.h"
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@ namespace logging {
); );
} }
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ namespace logging {
class SimpleFileFormatter : public Formatter { class SimpleFileFormatter : public Formatter {
public: public:
std::string format(const Entry& entry) override; std::string format(const Entry& entry) override;
private: private:
SimpleConsoleFormatter consoleFormatter; SimpleConsoleFormatter consoleFormatter;
}; };
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
#include "logging.h" #include "logging.h"
#include "tools/tools.h"
#include <mutex> #include <mutex>
#include "Entry.h" #include "Entry.h"
#include "tools/tools.h"
using namespace logging; using namespace logging;
using std::lock_guard;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string; using std::string;
using std::vector; using std::vector;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::lock_guard;
std::mutex& getLogMutex() { std::mutex& getLogMutex() {
static std::mutex mutex; static std::mutex mutex;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "tools/EnumConverter.h"
#include "Sink.h"
#include "Level.h" #include "Level.h"
#include "Sink.h"
#include "tools/EnumConverter.h"
namespace logging { namespace logging {
@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ namespace logging {
LOG_WITH_LEVEL(warn, Warn) LOG_WITH_LEVEL(warn, Warn)
LOG_WITH_LEVEL(error, Error) LOG_WITH_LEVEL(error, Error)
LOG_WITH_LEVEL(fatal, Fatal) LOG_WITH_LEVEL(fatal, Fatal)
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
#include "sinks.h" #include "sinks.h"
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include "Entry.h" #include "Entry.h"
using std::string;
using std::shared_ptr; using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
namespace logging { namespace logging {
LevelFilter::LevelFilter(shared_ptr<Sink> innerSink, Level minLevel) : LevelFilter::LevelFilter(shared_ptr<Sink> innerSink, Level minLevel) :
innerSink(innerSink), innerSink(innerSink),
minLevel(minLevel) minLevel(minLevel) {}
void LevelFilter::receive(const Entry& entry) { void LevelFilter::receive(const Entry& entry) {
if (entry.level >= minLevel) { if (entry.level >= minLevel) {
@ -20,8 +21,7 @@ namespace logging {
StreamSink::StreamSink(shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream, shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter) : StreamSink::StreamSink(shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream, shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter) :
stream(stream), stream(stream),
formatter(formatter) formatter(formatter) {}
void StreamSink::receive(const Entry& entry) { void StreamSink::receive(const Entry& entry) {
const string line = formatter->format(entry); const string line = formatter->format(entry);
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ namespace logging {
} }
StdErrSink::StdErrSink(shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter) : StdErrSink::StdErrSink(shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter) :
StreamSink(std::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cerr, [](void*) {}), formatter) StreamSink(std::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cerr, [](void*) {}), formatter) {}
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "Sink.h"
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include "Formatter.h" #include "Formatter.h"
#include "Sink.h"
namespace logging { namespace logging {
enum class Level; enum class Level;
@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ namespace logging {
public: public:
LevelFilter(std::shared_ptr<Sink> innerSink, Level minLevel); LevelFilter(std::shared_ptr<Sink> innerSink, Level minLevel);
void receive(const Entry& entry) override; void receive(const Entry& entry) override;
private: private:
std::shared_ptr<Sink> innerSink; std::shared_ptr<Sink> innerSink;
Level minLevel; Level minLevel;
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ namespace logging {
public: public:
StreamSink(std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream, std::shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter); StreamSink(std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream, std::shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter);
void receive(const Entry& entry) override; void receive(const Entry& entry) override;
private: private:
std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream; std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream;
std::shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter; std::shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter;
@ -30,4 +33,4 @@ namespace logging {
explicit StdErrSink(std::shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter); explicit StdErrSink(std::shared_ptr<Formatter> formatter);
}; };
} } // namespace logging

View File

@ -1,52 +1,66 @@
#include "PhoneticRecognizer.h" #include "PhoneticRecognizer.h"
#include "time/Timeline.h"
#include "audio/AudioSegment.h"
#include "audio/SampleRateConverter.h"
#include "audio/processing.h"
#include "time/timedLogging.h"
using std::runtime_error; #include "audio/AudioSegment.h"
using std::unique_ptr; #include "audio/processing.h"
using std::string; #include "audio/SampleRateConverter.h"
#include "time/timedLogging.h"
#include "time/Timeline.h"
using boost::optional; using boost::optional;
using std::runtime_error;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
static lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> createDecoder(optional<std::string> dialog) { static lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> createDecoder(optional<std::string> dialog) {
UNUSED(dialog); UNUSED(dialog);
lambda_unique_ptr<cmd_ln_t> config( lambda_unique_ptr<cmd_ln_t> config(
cmd_ln_init( cmd_ln_init(
nullptr, ps_args(), true, nullptr,
// Set acoustic model // Set acoustic model
"-hmm", (getSphinxModelDirectory() / "acoustic-model").u8string().c_str(), "-hmm",
(getSphinxModelDirectory() / "acoustic-model").u8string().c_str(),
// Set phonetic language model // Set phonetic language model
"-allphone", (getSphinxModelDirectory() / "en-us-phone.lm.bin").u8string().c_str(), "-allphone",
"-allphone_ci", "yes", (getSphinxModelDirectory() / "en-us-phone.lm.bin").u8string().c_str(),
// Set language model probability weight. // Set language model probability weight.
// Low values (<= 0.4) can lead to fluttering animation. // Low values (<= 0.4) can lead to fluttering animation.
// High values (>= 1.0) can lead to imprecise or freezing animation. // High values (>= 1.0) can lead to imprecise or freezing animation.
"-lw", "0.8", "-lw",
// Add noise against zero silence // Add noise against zero silence
// (see // (see
"-dither", "yes", "-dither",
// Disable VAD -- we're doing that ourselves // Disable VAD -- we're doing that ourselves
"-remove_silence", "no", "-remove_silence",
// Perform per-utterance cepstral mean normalization // Perform per-utterance cepstral mean normalization
"-cmn", "batch", "-cmn",
// The following settings are recommended at // The following settings are recommended at
// //
// Set beam width applied to every frame in Viterbi search // Set beam width applied to every frame in Viterbi search
"-beam", "1e-20", "-beam",
// Set beam width applied to phone transitions // Set beam width applied to phone transitions
"-pbeam", "1e-20", "-pbeam",
nullptr), "1e-20",
[](cmd_ln_t* config) { cmd_ln_free_r(config); }); nullptr
[](cmd_ln_t* config) { cmd_ln_free_r(config); }
if (!config) throw runtime_error("Error creating configuration."); if (!config) throw runtime_error("Error creating configuration.");
lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> decoder( lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> decoder(ps_init(config.get()), [](ps_decoder_t* recognizer) {
ps_init(config.get()), ps_free(recognizer);
[](ps_decoder_t* recognizer) { ps_free(recognizer); }); });
if (!decoder) throw runtime_error("Error creating speech decoder."); if (!decoder) throw runtime_error("Error creating speech decoder.");
return decoder; return decoder;
@ -64,9 +78,8 @@ static Timeline<Phone> utteranceToPhones(
paddedTimeRange.grow(padding); paddedTimeRange.grow(padding);
paddedTimeRange.trim(audioClip.getTruncatedRange()); paddedTimeRange.trim(audioClip.getTruncatedRange());
const unique_ptr<AudioClip> clipSegment = audioClip.clone() const unique_ptr<AudioClip> clipSegment =
| segment(paddedTimeRange) audioClip.clone() | segment(paddedTimeRange) | resample(sphinxSampleRate);
| resample(sphinxSampleRate);
const auto audioBuffer = copyTo16bitBuffer(*clipSegment); const auto audioBuffer = copyTo16bitBuffer(*clipSegment);
// Detect phones (returned as words) // Detect phones (returned as words)
@ -109,5 +122,7 @@ BoundedTimeline<Phone> PhoneticRecognizer::recognizePhones(
int maxThreadCount, int maxThreadCount,
ProgressSink& progressSink ProgressSink& progressSink
) const { ) const {
return ::recognizePhones(inputAudioClip, dialog, &createDecoder, &utteranceToPhones, maxThreadCount, progressSink); return ::recognizePhones(
inputAudioClip, dialog, &createDecoder, &utteranceToPhones, maxThreadCount, progressSink
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "Recognizer.h"
#include "pocketSphinxTools.h" #include "pocketSphinxTools.h"
#include "Recognizer.h"
class PhoneticRecognizer : public Recognizer { class PhoneticRecognizer : public Recognizer {
public: public:

View File

@ -1,30 +1,33 @@
#include "PocketSphinxRecognizer.h" #include "PocketSphinxRecognizer.h"
#include <regex>
#include <gsl_util.h> #include <gsl_util.h>
#include <regex>
#include "audio/AudioSegment.h" #include "audio/AudioSegment.h"
#include "audio/SampleRateConverter.h"
#include "languageModels.h"
#include "tokenization.h"
#include "g2p.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "audio/processing.h" #include "audio/processing.h"
#include "audio/SampleRateConverter.h"
#include "g2p.h"
#include "languageModels.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "time/timedLogging.h" #include "time/timedLogging.h"
#include "tokenization.h"
extern "C" { extern "C" {
#include <state_align_search.h> #include <state_align_search.h>
} }
using std::runtime_error;
using std::invalid_argument;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
using std::filesystem::path;
using std::regex;
using std::regex_replace;
using boost::optional; using boost::optional;
using std::array; using std::array;
using std::invalid_argument;
using std::map;
using std::regex;
using std::regex_replace;
using std::runtime_error;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using std::filesystem::path;
bool dictionaryContains(dict_t& dictionary, const string& word) { bool dictionaryContains(dict_t& dictionary, const string& word) {
return dict_wordid(&dictionary, word.c_str()) != BAD_S3WID; return dict_wordid(&dictionary, word.c_str()) != BAD_S3WID;
@ -50,7 +53,9 @@ void addMissingDictionaryWords(const vector<string>& words, ps_decoder_t& decode
} }
for (auto it = missingPronunciations.begin(); it != missingPronunciations.end(); ++it) { for (auto it = missingPronunciations.begin(); it != missingPronunciations.end(); ++it) {
const bool isLast = it == --missingPronunciations.end(); const bool isLast = it == --missingPronunciations.end();
logging::infoFormat("Unknown word '{}'. Guessing pronunciation '{}'.", it->first, it->second); logging::infoFormat(
"Unknown word '{}'. Guessing pronunciation '{}'.", it->first, it->second
ps_add_word(&decoder, it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str(), isLast); ps_add_word(&decoder, it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str(), isLast);
} }
} }
@ -59,23 +64,24 @@ lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createDefaultLanguageModel(ps_decoder_t& decode
path modelPath = getSphinxModelDirectory() / "en-us.lm.bin"; path modelPath = getSphinxModelDirectory() / "en-us.lm.bin";
lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> result( lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> result(
ngram_model_read(decoder.config, modelPath.u8string().c_str(), NGRAM_AUTO, decoder.lmath), ngram_model_read(decoder.config, modelPath.u8string().c_str(), NGRAM_AUTO, decoder.lmath),
[](ngram_model_t* lm) { ngram_model_free(lm); }); [](ngram_model_t* lm) { ngram_model_free(lm); }
if (!result) { if (!result) {
throw runtime_error(fmt::format("Error reading language model from {}.", modelPath.u8string())); throw runtime_error(
fmt::format("Error reading language model from {}.", modelPath.u8string())
} }
return result; return result;
} }
lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createDialogLanguageModel( lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createDialogLanguageModel(
ps_decoder_t& decoder, ps_decoder_t& decoder, const string& dialog
const string& dialog
) { ) {
// Split dialog into normalized words // Split dialog into normalized words
vector<string> words = tokenizeText( vector<string> words = tokenizeText(dialog, [&](const string& word) {
dialog, return dictionaryContains(*decoder.dict, word);
[&](const string& word) { return dictionaryContains(*decoder.dict, word); } });
// Add dialog-specific words to the dictionary // Add dialog-specific words to the dictionary
addMissingDictionaryWords(words, decoder); addMissingDictionaryWords(words, decoder);
@ -87,15 +93,13 @@ lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createDialogLanguageModel(
} }
lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createBiasedLanguageModel( lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createBiasedLanguageModel(
ps_decoder_t& decoder, ps_decoder_t& decoder, const string& dialog
const string& dialog
) { ) {
auto defaultLanguageModel = createDefaultLanguageModel(decoder); auto defaultLanguageModel = createDefaultLanguageModel(decoder);
auto dialogLanguageModel = createDialogLanguageModel(decoder, dialog); auto dialogLanguageModel = createDialogLanguageModel(decoder, dialog);
constexpr int modelCount = 2; constexpr int modelCount = 2;
array<ngram_model_t*, modelCount> languageModels{ array<ngram_model_t*, modelCount> languageModels{
defaultLanguageModel.get(), defaultLanguageModel.get(), dialogLanguageModel.get()
}; };
array<const char*, modelCount> modelNames{"defaultLM", "dialogLM"}; array<const char*, modelCount> modelNames{"defaultLM", "dialogLM"};
array<float, modelCount> modelWeights{0.1f, 0.9f}; array<float, modelCount> modelWeights{0.1f, 0.9f};
@ -107,7 +111,8 @@ lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createBiasedLanguageModel(,,
modelCount modelCount
), ),
[](ngram_model_t* lm) { ngram_model_free(lm); }); [](ngram_model_t* lm) { ngram_model_free(lm); }
if (!result) { if (!result) {
throw runtime_error("Error creating biased language model."); throw runtime_error("Error creating biased language model.");
} }
@ -118,31 +123,40 @@ lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createBiasedLanguageModel(
static lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> createDecoder(optional<std::string> dialog) { static lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> createDecoder(optional<std::string> dialog) {
lambda_unique_ptr<cmd_ln_t> config( lambda_unique_ptr<cmd_ln_t> config(
cmd_ln_init( cmd_ln_init(
nullptr, ps_args(), true, nullptr,
// Set acoustic model // Set acoustic model
"-hmm", (getSphinxModelDirectory() / "acoustic-model").u8string().c_str(), "-hmm",
(getSphinxModelDirectory() / "acoustic-model").u8string().c_str(),
// Set pronunciation dictionary // Set pronunciation dictionary
"-dict", (getSphinxModelDirectory() / "cmudict-en-us.dict").u8string().c_str(), "-dict",
(getSphinxModelDirectory() / "cmudict-en-us.dict").u8string().c_str(),
// Add noise against zero silence // Add noise against zero silence
// (see // (see
"-dither", "yes", "-dither",
// Disable VAD -- we're doing that ourselves // Disable VAD -- we're doing that ourselves
"-remove_silence", "no", "-remove_silence",
// Perform per-utterance cepstral mean normalization // Perform per-utterance cepstral mean normalization
"-cmn", "batch", "-cmn",
nullptr), "batch",
[](cmd_ln_t* config) { cmd_ln_free_r(config); }); nullptr
[](cmd_ln_t* config) { cmd_ln_free_r(config); }
if (!config) throw runtime_error("Error creating configuration."); if (!config) throw runtime_error("Error creating configuration.");
lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> decoder( lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> decoder(ps_init(config.get()), [](ps_decoder_t* recognizer) {
ps_init(config.get()), ps_free(recognizer);
[](ps_decoder_t* recognizer) { ps_free(recognizer); }); });
if (!decoder) throw runtime_error("Error creating speech decoder."); if (!decoder) throw runtime_error("Error creating speech decoder.");
// Set language model // Set language model
lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> languageModel(dialog lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> languageModel(
? createBiasedLanguageModel(*decoder, *dialog) dialog ? createBiasedLanguageModel(*decoder, *dialog) : createDefaultLanguageModel(*decoder)
: createDefaultLanguageModel(*decoder)); );
ps_set_lm(decoder.get(), "lm", languageModel.get()); ps_set_lm(decoder.get(), "lm", languageModel.get());
ps_set_search(decoder.get(), "lm"); ps_set_search(decoder.get(), "lm");
@ -150,16 +164,15 @@ static lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t> createDecoder(optional<std::string> dialo
} }
optional<Timeline<Phone>> getPhoneAlignment( optional<Timeline<Phone>> getPhoneAlignment(
const vector<s3wid_t>& wordIds, const vector<s3wid_t>& wordIds, const vector<int16_t>& audioBuffer, ps_decoder_t& decoder
const vector<int16_t>& audioBuffer, ) {
ps_decoder_t& decoder)
if (wordIds.empty()) return boost::none; if (wordIds.empty()) return boost::none;
// Create alignment list // Create alignment list
lambda_unique_ptr<ps_alignment_t> alignment( lambda_unique_ptr<ps_alignment_t> alignment(
ps_alignment_init(decoder.d2p), ps_alignment_init(decoder.d2p),
[](ps_alignment_t* alignment) { ps_alignment_free(alignment); }); [](ps_alignment_t* alignment) { ps_alignment_free(alignment); }
if (!alignment) throw runtime_error("Error creating alignment."); if (!alignment) throw runtime_error("Error creating alignment.");
for (s3wid_t wordId : wordIds) { for (s3wid_t wordId : wordIds) {
// Add word. Initial value for duration is ignored. // Add word. Initial value for duration is ignored.
@ -172,7 +185,8 @@ optional<Timeline<Phone>> getPhoneAlignment(
acmod_t* acousticModel = decoder.acmod; acmod_t* acousticModel = decoder.acmod;
lambda_unique_ptr<ps_search_t> search( lambda_unique_ptr<ps_search_t> search(
state_align_search_init("state_align", decoder.config, acousticModel, alignment.get()), state_align_search_init("state_align", decoder.config, acousticModel, alignment.get()),
[](ps_search_t* search) { ps_search_free(search); }); [](ps_search_t* search) { ps_search_free(search); }
if (!search) throw runtime_error("Error creating search."); if (!search) throw runtime_error("Error creating search.");
// Start recognition // Start recognition
@ -190,7 +204,8 @@ optional<Timeline<Phone>> getPhoneAlignment(
const int16* nextSample =; const int16* nextSample =;
size_t remainingSamples = audioBuffer.size(); size_t remainingSamples = audioBuffer.size();
const bool fullUtterance = true; const bool fullUtterance = true;
while (acmod_process_raw(acousticModel, &nextSample, &remainingSamples, fullUtterance) > 0) { while (acmod_process_raw(acousticModel, &nextSample, &remainingSamples, fullUtterance) > 0
) {
while (acousticModel->n_feat_frame > 0) { while (acousticModel->n_feat_frame > 0) {
ps_search_step(search.get(), acousticModel->output_frame); ps_search_step(search.get(), acousticModel->output_frame);
acmod_advance(acousticModel); acmod_advance(acousticModel);
@ -205,11 +220,8 @@ optional<Timeline<Phone>> getPhoneAlignment(
// Extract phones with timestamps // Extract phones with timestamps
char** phoneNames = decoder.dict->mdef->ciname; char** phoneNames = decoder.dict->mdef->ciname;
Timeline<Phone> result; Timeline<Phone> result;
for ( for (ps_alignment_iter_t* it = ps_alignment_phones(alignment.get()); it;
ps_alignment_iter_t* it = ps_alignment_phones(alignment.get()); it = ps_alignment_iter_next(it)) {
it = ps_alignment_iter_next(it)
) {
// Get phone // Get phone
ps_alignment_entry_t* phoneEntry = ps_alignment_iter_get(it); ps_alignment_entry_t* phoneEntry = ps_alignment_iter_get(it);
const s3cipid_t phoneId = phoneEntry->; const s3cipid_t phoneId = phoneEntry->;
@ -231,8 +243,8 @@ optional<Timeline<Phone>> getPhoneAlignment(
return result; return result;
} }
// Some words have multiple pronunciations, one of which results in better animation than the others. // Some words have multiple pronunciations, one of which results in better animation than the
// This function returns the optimal pronunciation for a select set of these words. // others. This function returns the optimal pronunciation for a select set of these words.
string fixPronunciation(const string& word) { string fixPronunciation(const string& word) {
const static map<string, string> replacements{ const static map<string, string> replacements{
{"into(2)", "into"}, {"into(2)", "into"},
@ -265,9 +277,8 @@ static Timeline<Phone> utteranceToPhones(
paddedTimeRange.grow(padding); paddedTimeRange.grow(padding);
paddedTimeRange.trim(audioClip.getTruncatedRange()); paddedTimeRange.trim(audioClip.getTruncatedRange());
const unique_ptr<AudioClip> clipSegment = audioClip.clone() const unique_ptr<AudioClip> clipSegment =
| segment(paddedTimeRange) audioClip.clone() | segment(paddedTimeRange) | resample(sphinxSampleRate);
| resample(sphinxSampleRate);
const auto audioBuffer = copyTo16bitBuffer(*clipSegment); const auto audioBuffer = copyTo16bitBuffer(*clipSegment);
// Get words // Get words
@ -307,7 +318,8 @@ static Timeline<Phone> utteranceToPhones(
#if BOOST_VERSION < 105600 // Support legacy syntax #if BOOST_VERSION < 105600 // Support legacy syntax
#define value_or get_value_or #define value_or get_value_or
#endif #endif
Timeline<Phone> utterancePhones = getPhoneAlignment(wordIds, audioBuffer, decoder) Timeline<Phone> utterancePhones =
getPhoneAlignment(wordIds, audioBuffer, decoder)
.value_or(ContinuousTimeline<Phone>(clipSegment->getTruncatedRange(), Phone::Noise)); .value_or(ContinuousTimeline<Phone>(clipSegment->getTruncatedRange(), Phone::Noise));
alignmentProgressSink.reportProgress(1.0); alignmentProgressSink.reportProgress(1.0);
utterancePhones.shift(paddedTimeRange.getStart()); utterancePhones.shift(paddedTimeRange.getStart());
@ -338,5 +350,6 @@ BoundedTimeline<Phone> PocketSphinxRecognizer::recognizePhones(
ProgressSink& progressSink ProgressSink& progressSink
) const { ) const {
return ::recognizePhones( return ::recognizePhones(
inputAudioClip, dialog, &createDecoder, &utteranceToPhones, maxThreadCount, progressSink); inputAudioClip, dialog, &createDecoder, &utteranceToPhones, maxThreadCount, progressSink
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "Recognizer.h"
#include "pocketSphinxTools.h" #include "pocketSphinxTools.h"
#include "Recognizer.h"
class PocketSphinxRecognizer : public Recognizer { class PocketSphinxRecognizer : public Recognizer {
public: public:

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include "audio/AudioClip.h" #include "audio/AudioClip.h"
#include "core/Phone.h" #include "core/Phone.h"
#include "tools/progress.h"
#include "time/BoundedTimeline.h" #include "time/BoundedTimeline.h"
#include "tools/progress.h"
class Recognizer { class Recognizer {
public: public:

View File

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
#include <g2p.h> #include <g2p.h>
#include <regex>
#include "tools/stringTools.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
using std::vector; #include <regex>
using std::wstring;
using std::regex; #include "logging/logging.h"
using std::wregex; #include "tools/stringTools.h"
using std::invalid_argument; using std::invalid_argument;
using std::pair; using std::pair;
using std::regex;
using std::vector;
using std::wregex;
using std::wstring;
const vector<pair<wregex, wstring>>& getReplacementRules() { const vector<pair<wregex, wstring>>& getReplacementRules() {
static vector<pair<wregex, wstring>> rules{ static vector<pair<wregex, wstring>> rules{
@ -64,8 +66,7 @@ Phone charToPhone(wchar_t c) {
case L'r': return Phone::R; case L'r': return Phone::R;
case L'l': return Phone::L; case L'l': return Phone::L;
case L'h': return Phone::HH; case L'h': return Phone::HH;
default: default: return Phone::Noise;
return Phone::Noise;
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "core/Phone.h" #include "core/Phone.h"
std::vector<Phone> wordToPhones(const std::string& word); std::vector<Phone> wordToPhones(const std::string& word);

View File

@ -4,42 +4,34 @@
// Rules // Rules
// //
// get rid of some digraphs // get rid of some digraphs
{ wregex(L"ch"), L"ç" }, {wregex(L"ch"), L"ç"}, {wregex(L"sh"), L"$$"}, {wregex(L"ph"), L"f"}, {wregex(L"th"), L"+"},
{ wregex(L"sh"), L"$$" },
{ wregex(L"ph"), L"f" },
{ wregex(L"th"), L"+" },
{wregex(L"qu"), L"kw"}, {wregex(L"qu"), L"kw"},
// and other spelling-level changes // and other spelling-level changes
{ wregex(L"w(r)"), L"$1" }, {wregex(L"w(r)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"w(ho)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"(w)h"), L"$1"},
{ wregex(L"w(ho)"), L"$1" }, {wregex(L"(^r)h"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"(x)h"), L"$1"},
{ wregex(L"(w)h"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"(^r)h"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"(x)h"), L"$1" },
{wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])h($)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])h($)"), L"$1$2"},
{ wregex(L"(^e)x([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1gz$2" }, {wregex(L"(^e)x([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1gz$2"}, {wregex(L"x"), L"ks"}, {wregex(L"'"), L""},
{ wregex(L"x"), L"ks" },
{ wregex(L"'"), L"" },
// gh is particularly variable // gh is particularly variable
{wregex(L"gh([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"g$1"}, {wregex(L"gh([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"g$1"},
{ wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a(gh)"), L"$1ä$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])e(gh)"), L"$1ë$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])i(gh)"), L"$1ï$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])o(gh)"), L"$1ö$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])u(gh)"), L"$1ü$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])â(gh)"), L"$1ä$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])ê(gh)"), L"$1ë$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])î(gh)"), L"$1ï$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])ô(gh)"), L"$1ö$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])û(gh)"), L"$1ü$2" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a(gh)"), L"$1ä$2"},
{ wregex(L"ough(t)"), L"ò$1" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])e(gh)"), L"$1ë$2"},
{ wregex(L"augh(t)"), L"ò$1" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])i(gh)"), L"$1ï$2"},
{ wregex(L"ough"), L"ö" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])o(gh)"), L"$1ö$2"},
{ wregex(L"gh"), L"" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])u(gh)"), L"$1ü$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])â(gh)"), L"$1ä$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])ê(gh)"), L"$1ë$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])î(gh)"), L"$1ï$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])ô(gh)"), L"$1ö$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])û(gh)"), L"$1ü$2"}, {wregex(L"ough(t)"), L"ò$1"},
{wregex(L"augh(t)"), L"ò$1"}, {wregex(L"ough"), L"ö"}, {wregex(L"gh"), L""},
// unpronounceable combinations // unpronounceable combinations
{ wregex(L"(^)g(n)"), L"$1$2" }, {wregex(L"(^)g(n)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"(^)k(n)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"(^)m(n)"), L"$1$2"},
{ wregex(L"(^)k(n)"), L"$1$2" }, {wregex(L"(^)p(t)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"(^)p(s)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"(^)t(m)"), L"$1$2"},
{ wregex(L"(^)m(n)"), L"$1$2" },
{ wregex(L"(^)p(t)"), L"$1$2" },
{ wregex(L"(^)p(s)"), L"$1$2" },
{ wregex(L"(^)t(m)"), L"$1$2" },
// medial y = i // medial y = i
{wregex(L"(^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])y($)"), L"$1ï$2"}, {wregex(L"(^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])y($)"), L"$1ï$2"},
{wregex(L"(^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})y($)"), L"$1ï$2"}, {wregex(L"(^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})y($)"), L"$1ï$2"},
{ wregex(L"(^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{3})y($)"), L"$1ï$2" }, {wregex(L"(^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{3})y($)"), L"$1ï$2"}, {wregex(L"ey"), L"ë"},
{ wregex(L"ey"), L"ë" }, {wregex(L"ay"), L"ä"}, {wregex(L"oy"), L"öy"},
{ wregex(L"ay"), L"ä" },
{ wregex(L"oy"), L"öy" },
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])y([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"$1i$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])y([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"$1i$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])y($)"), L"$1i$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])y($)"), L"$1i$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])y(e$)"), L"$1i$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])y(e$)"), L"$1i$2"},
@ -51,61 +43,83 @@
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])ci([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1$$$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])ci([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1$$$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])ti([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1$$$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])ti([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1$$$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])tu([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1çu$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])tu([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1çu$2"},
{ wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])tu([rl][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1çu$2" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])tu([rl][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"),
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])si(o)"), L"$1$$$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])si(o)"), L"$1$$$2"},
{wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])si(o)"), L"$1j$2"}, {wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])si(o)"), L"$1j$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])s(ur)"), L"$1$$$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])s(ur)"), L"$1$$$2"},
{wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])s(ur)"), L"$1j$2"}, {wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])s(ur)"), L"$1j$2"},
{ wregex(L"(k)s(u[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1$$$2" }, {wregex(L"(k)s(u[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1$$$2"}, {wregex(L"(k)s(u[rl])"), L"$1$$$2"},
{ wregex(L"(k)s(u[rl])"), L"$1$$$2" },
// intervocalic s // intervocalic s
{wregex(L"([eiou])s([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1z$2"}, {wregex(L"([eiou])s([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1z$2"},
// al to ol (do this before respelling) // al to ol (do this before respelling)
{ wregex(L"a(ls)"), L"ò$1" }, {wregex(L"a(ls)"), L"ò$1"}, {wregex(L"a(lr)"), L"ò$1"}, {wregex(L"a(l{2}$)"), L"ò$1"},
{ wregex(L"a(lr)"), L"ò$1" },
{ wregex(L"a(l{2}$)"), L"ò$1" },
{wregex(L"a(lm(?:[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])?$)"), L"ò$1"}, {wregex(L"a(lm(?:[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])?$)"), L"ò$1"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a(l[td+])"), L"$1ò$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a(l[td+])"), L"$1ò$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)a(l[td+])"), L"$1ò$2"}, {wregex(L"(^)a(l[td+])"), L"$1ò$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])al(k)"), L"$1ò$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])al(k)"), L"$1ò$2"},
// soft c and g // soft c and g
{ wregex(L"c([eiêîy])"), L"s$1" }, {wregex(L"c([eiêîy])"), L"s$1"}, {wregex(L"c"), L"k"},
{ wregex(L"c"), L"k" },
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])ge(a)"), L"$1j$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])ge(a)"), L"$1j$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])ge(o)"), L"$1j$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])ge(o)"), L"$1j$2"},
{wregex(L"g([eiêîy])"), L"j$1"}, {wregex(L"g([eiêîy])"), L"j$1"},
// init/final guF was there just to harden the g // init/final guF was there just to harden the g
{ wregex(L"(^)gu([eiêîy])"), L"$1g$2" }, {wregex(L"(^)gu([eiêîy])"), L"$1g$2"}, {wregex(L"gu(e$)"), L"g$1"},
{ wregex(L"gu(e$)"), L"g$1" },
// untangle reverse-written final liquids // untangle reverse-written final liquids
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])re($)"), L"$1@r$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])re($)"), L"$1@r$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])le($)"), L"$1@l$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])le($)"), L"$1@l$2"},
// vowels are long medially // vowels are long medially
{ wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ä$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ë$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ï$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ö$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ü$2" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"),
{ wregex(L"(^)a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ä$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ë$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ï$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ö$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ü$2" }, L"$1ä$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ä$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ë$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ï$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ö$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"$1ü$2"},
// and short before 2 consonants or a final one // and short before 2 consonants or a final one
{ wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1â$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1ê$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1î$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1ô$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1û$2" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1â$2"},
{ wregex(L"(^)a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1â$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1ê$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1î$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1ô$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1û$2" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1ê$2"},
{ wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1â$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1ê$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1î$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1ô$2" }, { wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1û$2" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1î$2"},
{ wregex(L"(^)a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1â$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1ê$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1î$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1ô$2" }, { wregex(L"(^)u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1û$2" }, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1ô$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1û$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1â$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1ê$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1î$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1ô$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]{2})"), L"$1û$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1â$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1ê$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1î$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1ô$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1û$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)a([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1â$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)e([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1ê$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)i([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1î$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)o([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1ô$2"},
{wregex(L"(^)u([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ]$)"), L"$1û$2"},
// special but general rules // special but general rules
{ wregex(L"î(nd$)"), L"ï$1" }, {wregex(L"î(nd$)"), L"ï$1"}, {wregex(L"ô(s{2}$)"), L"ò$1"}, {wregex(L"ô(g$)"), L"ò$1"},
{ wregex(L"ô(s{2}$)"), L"ò$1" }, {wregex(L"ô(f[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"ò$1"}, {wregex(L"ô(l[td+])"), L"ö$1"},
{ wregex(L"ô(g$)"), L"ò$1" }, {wregex(L"(w)â(\\$)"), L"$1ò$2"}, {wregex(L"(w)â((?:t)?ç)"), L"$1ò$2"},
{ wregex(L"ô(f[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"ò$1" },
{ wregex(L"ô(l[td+])"), L"ö$1" },
{ wregex(L"(w)â(\\$)"), L"$1ò$2" },
{ wregex(L"(w)â((?:t)?ç)"), L"$1ò$2" },
{wregex(L"(w)â([tdns+])"), L"$1ô$2"}, {wregex(L"(w)â([tdns+])"), L"$1ô$2"},
// soft gn // soft gn
{ wregex(L"îg([mnñ]$)"), L"ï$1" }, {wregex(L"îg([mnñ]$)"), L"ï$1"}, {wregex(L"îg([mnñ][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"ï$1"},
{ wregex(L"îg([mnñ][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"ï$1" },
{wregex(L"(ei)g(n)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"(ei)g(n)"), L"$1$2"},
// handle ous before removing -e // handle ous before removing -e
{ wregex(L"ou(s$)"), L"@$1" }, {wregex(L"ou(s$)"), L"@$1"}, {wregex(L"ou(s[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"@$1"},
{ wregex(L"ou(s[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"@$1" },
// remove silent -e // remove silent -e
{ wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)e($)"), L"$1$2" }, {wregex(
// common suffixes that hide a silent e // common suffixes that hide a silent e
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]{3})ë(mênt$)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]{3})ë(mênt$)"), L"$1$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]{3})ë(nês{2}$)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]{3})ë(nês{2}$)"), L"$1$2"},
@ -115,101 +129,128 @@
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]{3})ï(nês{2}$)"), L"$1ë$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]{3})ï(nês{2}$)"), L"$1ë$2"},
// shorten (1-char) weak penults after a long // shorten (1-char) weak penults after a long
// note: this error breaks almost as many words as it fixes... // note: this error breaks almost as many words as it fixes...
{ wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ä([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1â$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ë([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1ê$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ï([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1î$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ö([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1ô$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ü([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1û$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ä([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1â$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ë([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1ê$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ï([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1î$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ö([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1ô$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ü([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1û$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ä([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1â$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ë([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1ê$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ï([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1î$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ö([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1ô$2" }, { wregex(L"([äëïöüäëïöüäëïöüùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?(?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ü([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ][aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]$)"), L"$1û$2" }, {wregex(
// double vowels // double vowels
{ wregex(L"eau"), L"ö" }, {wregex(L"eau"), L"ö"}, {wregex(L"ai"), L"ä"}, {wregex(L"au"), L"ò"}, {wregex(L"âw"), L"ò"},
{ wregex(L"ai"), L"ä" }, {wregex(L"e{2}"), L"ë"}, {wregex(L"ea"), L"ë"}, {wregex(L"(s)ei"), L"$1ë"},
{ wregex(L"au"), L"ò" }, {wregex(L"ei"), L"ä"}, {wregex(L"eo"), L"ë@"}, {wregex(L"êw"), L"ü"}, {wregex(L"eu"), L"ü"},
{ wregex(L"âw"), L"ò" }, {wregex(L"ie"), L"ë"}, {wregex(L"(i)[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]"), L"$1@"},
{ wregex(L"e{2}"), L"ë" },
{ wregex(L"ea"), L"ë" },
{ wregex(L"(s)ei"), L"$1ë" },
{ wregex(L"ei"), L"ä" },
{ wregex(L"eo"), L"ë@" },
{ wregex(L"êw"), L"ü" },
{ wregex(L"eu"), L"ü" },
{ wregex(L"ie"), L"ë" },
{ wregex(L"(i)[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]"), L"$1@" },
{wregex(L"(^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)i"), L"$1ï"}, {wregex(L"(^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)i"), L"$1ï"},
{ wregex(L"i(@)"), L"ë$1" }, {wregex(L"i(@)"), L"ë$1"}, {wregex(L"oa"), L"ö"}, {wregex(L"oe($)"), L"ö$1"},
{ wregex(L"oa"), L"ö" }, {wregex(L"o{2}(k)"), L"ù$1"}, {wregex(L"o{2}"), L"u"}, {wregex(L"oul(d$)"), L"ù$1"},
{ wregex(L"oe($)"), L"ö$1" }, {wregex(L"ou"), L"ôw"}, {wregex(L"oi"), L"öy"}, {wregex(L"ua"), L"ü@"}, {wregex(L"ue"), L"u"},
{ wregex(L"o{2}(k)"), L"ù$1" }, {wregex(L"ui"), L"u"}, {wregex(L"ôw($)"), L"ö$1"},
{ wregex(L"o{2}"), L"u" },
{ wregex(L"oul(d$)"), L"ù$1" },
{ wregex(L"ou"), L"ôw" },
{ wregex(L"oi"), L"öy" },
{ wregex(L"ua"), L"ü@" },
{ wregex(L"ue"), L"u" },
{ wregex(L"ui"), L"u" },
{ wregex(L"ôw($)"), L"ö$1" },
// those pesky final syllabics // those pesky final syllabics
{ wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])?)[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@](l$)"), L"$1@$2" }, {wregex(
{ wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ê(n$)"), L"$1@$2" }, L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])?)[aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@](l$)"
{ wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)î(n$)"), L"$1@$2" }, ),
{ wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)â(n$)"), L"$1@$2" }, L"$1@$2"},
{ wregex(L"([aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ](?:[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])?)ô(n$)"), L"$1@$2" }, {wregex(
// suffix simplifications // suffix simplifications
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]{3})[aâä](b@l$)"), L"$1@$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]{3})[aâä](b@l$)"), L"$1@$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]l)ë(@n$)"), L"$1y$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]l)ë(@n$)"), L"$1y$2"},
{wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]n)ë(@n$)"), L"$1y$2"}, {wregex(L"([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@]n)ë(@n$)"), L"$1y$2"},
// unpronounceable finals // unpronounceable finals
{ wregex(L"(m)b($)"), L"$1$2" }, {wregex(L"(m)b($)"), L"$1$2"}, {wregex(L"(m)n($)"), L"$1$2"},
{ wregex(L"(m)n($)"), L"$1$2" },
// color the final vowels // color the final vowels
{ wregex(L"a($)"), L"@$1" }, {wregex(L"a($)"), L"@$1"}, {wregex(L"e($)"), L"ë$1"}, {wregex(L"i($)"), L"ë$1"},
{ wregex(L"e($)"), L"ë$1" },
{ wregex(L"i($)"), L"ë$1" },
{wregex(L"o($)"), L"ö$1"}, {wregex(L"o($)"), L"ö$1"},
// vowels before r V=aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@ // vowels before r V=aeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@
{wregex(L"ôw(r[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"ö$1"}, {wregex(L"ôw(r[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñaeiouäëïöüâêîôûùò@])"), L"ö$1"},
{ wregex(L"ô(r)"), L"ö$1" }, {wregex(L"ô(r)"), L"ö$1"}, {wregex(L"ò(r)"), L"ö$1"},
{ wregex(L"ò(r)"), L"ö$1" }, {wregex(L"(w)â(r[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"$1ö$2"}, {wregex(L"(w)â(r$)"), L"$1ö$2"},
{ wregex(L"(w)â(r[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"$1ö$2" }, {wregex(L"ê(r{2})"), L"ä$1"}, {wregex(L"ë(r[iîï][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"ä$1"},
{ wregex(L"(w)â(r$)"), L"$1ö$2" }, {wregex(L"â(r{2})"), L"ä$1"}, {wregex(L"â(r[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"ô$1"},
{ wregex(L"ê(r{2})"), L"ä$1" }, {wregex(L"â(r$)"), L"ô$1"}, {wregex(L"â(r)"), L"ä$1"}, {wregex(L"ê(r)"), L"@$1"},
{ wregex(L"ë(r[iîï][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"ä$1" }, {wregex(L"î(r)"), L"@$1"}, {wregex(L"û(r)"), L"@$1"}, {wregex(L"ù(r)"), L"@$1"},
{ wregex(L"â(r{2})"), L"ä$1" },
{ wregex(L"â(r[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzç+$ñ])"), L"ô$1" },
{ wregex(L"â(r$)"), L"ô$1" },
{ wregex(L"â(r)"), L"ä$1" },
{ wregex(L"ê(r)"), L"@$1" },
{ wregex(L"î(r)"), L"@$1" },
{ wregex(L"û(r)"), L"@$1" },
{ wregex(L"ù(r)"), L"@$1" },
// handle ng // handle ng
{ wregex(L"ng([fs$+])"), L"ñ$1" }, {wregex(L"ng([fs$+])"), L"ñ$1"}, {wregex(L"ng([bdg])"), L"ñ$1"}, {wregex(L"ng([ptk])"), L"ñ$1"},
{ wregex(L"ng([bdg])"), L"ñ$1" }, {wregex(L"ng($)"), L"ñ$1"}, {wregex(L"n(g)"), L"ñ$1"}, {wregex(L"n(k)"), L"ñ$1"},
{ wregex(L"ng([ptk])"), L"ñ$1" }, {wregex(L"ô(ñ)"), L"ò$1"}, {wregex(L"â(ñ)"), L"ä$1"},
{ wregex(L"ng($)"), L"ñ$1" },
{ wregex(L"n(g)"), L"ñ$1" },
{ wregex(L"n(k)"), L"ñ$1" },
{ wregex(L"ô(ñ)"), L"ò$1" },
{ wregex(L"â(ñ)"), L"ä$1" },
// really a morphophonological rule, but it's cute // really a morphophonological rule, but it's cute
{ wregex(L"([bdg])s($)"), L"$1z$2" }, {wregex(L"([bdg])s($)"), L"$1z$2"}, {wregex(L"s(m$)"), L"z$1"},
{ wregex(L"s(m$)"), L"z$1" },
// double consonants // double consonants
{ wregex(L"s(s)"), L"$1" }, {wregex(L"s(s)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"s(\\$)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"t(t)"), L"$1"},
{ wregex(L"s(\\$)"), L"$1" }, {wregex(L"t(ç)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"p(p)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"k(k)"), L"$1"},
{ wregex(L"t(t)"), L"$1" }, {wregex(L"b(b)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"d(d)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"d(j)"), L"$1"},
{ wregex(L"t(ç)"), L"$1" }, {wregex(L"g(g)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"n(n)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"m(m)"), L"$1"},
{ wregex(L"p(p)"), L"$1" }, {wregex(L"r(r)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"l(l)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"f(f)"), L"$1"},
{ wregex(L"k(k)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"b(b)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"d(d)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"d(j)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"g(g)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"n(n)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"m(m)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"r(r)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"l(l)"), L"$1" },
{ wregex(L"f(f)"), L"$1" },
{wregex(L"z(z)"), L"$1"}, {wregex(L"z(z)"), L"$1"},
// There are a number of cases not covered by these rules. // There are a number of cases not covered by these rules.
// Let's add some reasonable fallback rules. // Let's add some reasonable fallback rules.
{ wregex(L"a"), L"â" }, {wregex(L"a"), L"â"}, {wregex(L"e"), L"@"}, {wregex(L"i"), L"ë"}, {wregex(L"o"), L"ö"},
{ wregex(L"e"), L"@" },
{ wregex(L"i"), L"ë" },
{ wregex(L"o"), L"ö" },
{wregex(L"q"), L"k"}, {wregex(L"q"), L"k"},

View File

@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
#include "languageModels.h" #include "languageModels.h"
#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <regex>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include "tools/platformTools.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "core/appInfo.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <gsl_util.h> #include <gsl_util.h>
using std::string; #include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
using std::vector; #include <cmath>
using std::regex; #include <fstream>
using std::map; #include <map>
using std::tuple; #include <regex>
using std::get; #include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "core/appInfo.h"
#include "tools/platformTools.h"
using std::endl; using std::endl;
using std::get;
using std::map;
using std::regex;
using std::string;
using std::tuple;
using std::vector;
using std::filesystem::path; using std::filesystem::path;
using Unigram = string; using Unigram = string;
@ -50,9 +53,7 @@ map<Trigram, int> getTrigramCounts(const vector<string>& words) {
} }
map<Unigram, double> getUnigramProbabilities( map<Unigram, double> getUnigramProbabilities(
const vector<string>& words, const vector<string>& words, const map<Unigram, int>& unigramCounts, const double deflator
const map<Unigram, int>& unigramCounts,
const double deflator
) { ) {
map<Unigram, double> unigramProbabilities; map<Unigram, double> unigramProbabilities;
for (const auto& pair : unigramCounts) { for (const auto& pair : unigramCounts) {
@ -97,8 +98,8 @@ map<Unigram, double> getUnigramBackoffWeights(
const map<Unigram, int>& unigramCounts, const map<Unigram, int>& unigramCounts,
const map<Unigram, double>& unigramProbabilities, const map<Unigram, double>& unigramProbabilities,
const map<Bigram, int>& bigramCounts, const map<Bigram, int>& bigramCounts,
const double discountMass) const double discountMass
{ ) {
map<Unigram, double> unigramBackoffWeights; map<Unigram, double> unigramBackoffWeights;
for (const Unigram& unigram : unigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) { for (const Unigram& unigram : unigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) {
double denominator = 1; double denominator = 1;
@ -116,8 +117,8 @@ map<Bigram, double> getBigramBackoffWeights(
const map<Bigram, int>& bigramCounts, const map<Bigram, int>& bigramCounts,
const map<Bigram, double>& bigramProbabilities, const map<Bigram, double>& bigramProbabilities,
const map<Trigram, int>& trigramCounts, const map<Trigram, int>& trigramCounts,
const double discountMass) const double discountMass
{ ) {
map<Bigram, double> bigramBackoffWeights; map<Bigram, double> bigramBackoffWeights;
for (const Bigram& bigram : bigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) { for (const Bigram& bigram : bigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) {
double denominator = 1; double denominator = 1;
@ -163,24 +164,22 @@ void createLanguageModelFile(const vector<string>& words, const path& filePath)
file.precision(4); file.precision(4);
file << "\\1-grams:" << endl; file << "\\1-grams:" << endl;
for (const Unigram& unigram : unigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) { for (const Unigram& unigram : unigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) {
file << log10( file << log10( << " " << unigram << " "
<< " " << unigram << log10( << endl;
<< " " << log10( << endl;
} }
file << endl; file << endl;
file << "\\2-grams:" << endl; file << "\\2-grams:" << endl;
for (const Bigram& bigram : bigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) { for (const Bigram& bigram : bigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) {
file << log10( file << log10( << " " << get<0>(bigram) << " "
<< " " << get<0>(bigram) << " " << get<1>(bigram) << get<1>(bigram) << " " << log10( << endl;
<< " " << log10( << endl;
} }
file << endl; file << endl;
file << "\\3-grams:" << endl; file << "\\3-grams:" << endl;
for (const Trigram& trigram : trigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) { for (const Trigram& trigram : trigramCounts | boost::adaptors::map_keys) {
file << log10( file << log10( << " " << get<0>(trigram) << " "
<< " " << get<0>(trigram) << " " << get<1>(trigram) << " " << get<2>(trigram) << endl; << get<1>(trigram) << " " << get<2>(trigram) << endl;
} }
file << endl; file << endl;
@ -188,14 +187,16 @@ void createLanguageModelFile(const vector<string>& words, const path& filePath)
} }
lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createLanguageModel( lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createLanguageModel(
const vector<string>& words, const vector<string>& words, ps_decoder_t& decoder
ps_decoder_t& decoder
) { ) {
path tempFilePath = getTempFilePath(); path tempFilePath = getTempFilePath();
createLanguageModelFile(words, tempFilePath); createLanguageModelFile(words, tempFilePath);
auto deleteTempFile = gsl::finally([&]() { std::filesystem::remove(tempFilePath); }); auto deleteTempFile = gsl::finally([&]() { std::filesystem::remove(tempFilePath); });
return lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t>( return lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t>(
ngram_model_read(decoder.config, tempFilePath.u8string().c_str(), NGRAM_ARPA, decoder.lmath), ngram_model_read(
[](ngram_model_t* lm) { ngram_model_free(lm); }); decoder.config, tempFilePath.u8string().c_str(), NGRAM_ARPA, decoder.lmath
[](ngram_model_t* lm) { ngram_model_free(lm); }
} }

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "tools/tools.h" #include "tools/tools.h"
extern "C" { extern "C" {
#include <pocketsphinx.h>
#include <ngram_search.h> #include <ngram_search.h>
#include <pocketsphinx.h>
} }
lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createLanguageModel( lambda_unique_ptr<ngram_model_t> createLanguageModel(
const std::vector<std::string>& words, const std::vector<std::string>& words, ps_decoder_t& decoder
ps_decoder_t& decoder
); );

View File

@ -1,43 +1,39 @@
#include "pocketSphinxTools.h" #include "pocketSphinxTools.h"
#include "tools/platformTools.h"
#include <regex> #include <regex>
#include "audio/DcOffset.h" #include "audio/DcOffset.h"
#include "audio/voiceActivityDetection.h" #include "audio/voiceActivityDetection.h"
#include "tools/parallel.h"
#include "tools/ObjectPool.h"
#include "time/timedLogging.h" #include "time/timedLogging.h"
#include "tools/ObjectPool.h"
#include "tools/parallel.h"
#include "tools/platformTools.h"
extern "C" { extern "C" {
#include <sphinxbase/err.h>
#include <pocketsphinx_internal.h>
#include <ngram_search.h> #include <ngram_search.h>
#include <pocketsphinx_internal.h>
#include <sphinxbase/err.h>
} }
using std::runtime_error;
using std::invalid_argument;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::filesystem::path;
using std::regex;
using boost::optional; using boost::optional;
using std::invalid_argument;
using std::regex;
using std::runtime_error;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using std::chrono::duration_cast; using std::chrono::duration_cast;
using std::filesystem::path;
logging::Level convertSphinxErrorLevel(err_lvl_t errorLevel) { logging::Level convertSphinxErrorLevel(err_lvl_t errorLevel) {
switch (errorLevel) { switch (errorLevel) {
case ERR_INFO: case ERR_INFO:
case ERR_INFOCONT: case ERR_INFOCONT: return logging::Level::Trace;
return logging::Level::Trace; case ERR_WARN: return logging::Level::Warn;
case ERR_WARN: case ERR_ERROR: return logging::Level::Error;
return logging::Level::Warn; case ERR_FATAL: return logging::Level::Fatal;
case ERR_ERROR: default: throw invalid_argument("Unknown log level.");
return logging::Level::Error;
return logging::Level::Fatal;
throw invalid_argument("Unknown log level.");
} }
} }
@ -110,19 +106,18 @@ BoundedTimeline<Phone> recognizePhones(
redirectPocketSphinxOutput(); redirectPocketSphinxOutput();
// Prepare pool of decoders // Prepare pool of decoders
ObjectPool<ps_decoder_t, lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t>> decoderPool( ObjectPool<ps_decoder_t, lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t>> decoderPool([&] {
[&] { return createDecoder(dialog); }); return createDecoder(dialog);
BoundedTimeline<Phone> phones(audioClip->getTruncatedRange()); BoundedTimeline<Phone> phones(audioClip->getTruncatedRange());
std::mutex resultMutex; std::mutex resultMutex;
const auto processUtterance = [&](Timed<void> timedUtterance, ProgressSink& utteranceProgressSink) { const auto processUtterance = [&](Timed<void> timedUtterance,
ProgressSink& utteranceProgressSink) {
// Detect phones for utterance // Detect phones for utterance
const auto decoder = decoderPool.acquire(); const auto decoder = decoderPool.acquire();
Timeline<Phone> utterancePhones = utteranceToPhones( Timeline<Phone> utterancePhones = utteranceToPhones(
*audioClip, *audioClip, timedUtterance.getTimeRange(), *decoder, utteranceProgressSink
); );
// Copy phones to result timeline // Copy phones to result timeline
@ -139,15 +134,18 @@ BoundedTimeline<Phone> recognizePhones(
// Perform speech recognition // Perform speech recognition
try { try {
// Determine how many parallel threads to use // Determine how many parallel threads to use
int threadCount = std::min({ int threadCount = std::min(
maxThreadCount, {maxThreadCount,
// Don't use more threads than there are utterances to be processed // Don't use more threads than there are utterances to be processed
static_cast<int>(utterances.size()), static_cast<int>(utterances.size()),
// Don't waste time creating additional threads (and decoders!) if the recording is short // Don't waste time creating additional threads (and decoders!) if the recording is
// short
static_cast<int>( static_cast<int>(
duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(audioClip->getTruncatedRange().getDuration()).count() / 5 duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(audioClip->getTruncatedRange().getDuration())
) .count()
}); / 5
if (threadCount < 1) { if (threadCount < 1) {
threadCount = 1; threadCount = 1;
} }
@ -162,7 +160,9 @@ BoundedTimeline<Phone> recognizePhones(
); );
logging::debug("Speech recognition -- end"); logging::debug("Speech recognition -- end");
} catch (...) { } catch (...) {
std::throw_with_nested(runtime_error("Error performing speech recognition via PocketSphinx tools.")); std::throw_with_nested(
runtime_error("Error performing speech recognition via PocketSphinx tools.")
} }
return phones; return phones;
@ -206,8 +206,9 @@ BoundedTimeline<string> recognizeWords(const vector<int16_t>& audioBuffer, ps_de
// Process entire audio clip // Process entire audio clip
const bool noRecognition = false; const bool noRecognition = false;
const bool fullUtterance = true; const bool fullUtterance = true;
const int searchedFrameCount = const int searchedFrameCount = ps_process_raw(
ps_process_raw(&decoder,, audioBuffer.size(), noRecognition, fullUtterance); &decoder,, audioBuffer.size(), noRecognition, fullUtterance
if (searchedFrameCount < 0) { if (searchedFrameCount < 0) {
throw runtime_error("Error analyzing raw audio data for word recognition."); throw runtime_error("Error analyzing raw audio data for word recognition.");
} }
@ -227,7 +228,8 @@ BoundedTimeline<string> recognizeWords(const vector<int16_t>& audioBuffer, ps_de
// Not every utterance does contain speech, however. In this case, we exit early to prevent // Not every utterance does contain speech, however. In this case, we exit early to prevent
// the log output. // the log output.
// We *don't* to that in phonetic mode because here, the same code would omit valid phones. // We *don't* to that in phonetic mode because here, the same code would omit valid phones.
const bool noWordsRecognized = reinterpret_cast<ngram_search_t*>(>bpidx == 0; const bool noWordsRecognized =
reinterpret_cast<ngram_search_t*>(>bpidx == 0;
if (noWordsRecognized) { if (noWordsRecognized) {
return result; return result;
} }

View File

@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "time/BoundedTimeline.h"
#include "core/Phone.h"
#include "audio/AudioClip.h"
#include "tools/progress.h"
#include <filesystem> #include <filesystem>
#include "audio/AudioClip.h"
#include "core/Phone.h"
#include "time/BoundedTimeline.h"
#include "tools/progress.h"
extern "C" { extern "C" {
#include <pocketsphinx.h> #include <pocketsphinx.h>
} }
typedef std::function<lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t>( typedef std::function<lambda_unique_ptr<ps_decoder_t>(boost::optional<std::string> dialog)>
boost::optional<std::string> dialog decoderFactory;
)> decoderFactory;
typedef std::function<Timeline<Phone>( typedef std::function<Timeline<Phone>(
const AudioClip& audioClip, const AudioClip& audioClip,
TimeRange utteranceTimeRange, TimeRange utteranceTimeRange,
ps_decoder_t& decoder, ps_decoder_t& decoder,
ProgressSink& utteranceProgressSink ProgressSink& utteranceProgressSink
)> utteranceToPhonesFunction; )>
BoundedTimeline<Phone> recognizePhones( BoundedTimeline<Phone> recognizePhones(
const AudioClip& inputAudioClip, const AudioClip& inputAudioClip,
@ -37,6 +38,5 @@ const std::filesystem::path& getSphinxModelDirectory();
JoiningTimeline<void> getNoiseSounds(TimeRange utteranceTimeRange, const Timeline<Phone>& phones); JoiningTimeline<void> getNoiseSounds(TimeRange utteranceTimeRange, const Timeline<Phone>& phones);
BoundedTimeline<std::string> recognizeWords( BoundedTimeline<std::string> recognizeWords(
const std::vector<int16_t>& audioBuffer, const std::vector<int16_t>& audioBuffer, ps_decoder_t& decoder
ps_decoder_t& decoder
); );

View File

@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
#include "tokenization.h" #include "tokenization.h"
#include "tools/tools.h"
#include "tools/stringTools.h"
#include <regex>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp> #include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <regex>
#include "tools/stringTools.h"
#include "tools/tools.h"
extern "C" { extern "C" {
#include <cst_utt_utils.h> #include <cst_utt_utils.h>
#include <lang/usenglish/usenglish.h>
#include <lang/cmulex/cmu_lex.h> #include <lang/cmulex/cmu_lex.h>
#include <lang/usenglish/usenglish.h>
} }
using boost::optional;
using std::function;
using std::pair;
using std::regex;
using std::runtime_error; using std::runtime_error;
using std::string; using std::string;
using std::vector; using std::vector;
using std::regex;
using std::pair;
using boost::optional;
using std::function;
lambda_unique_ptr<cst_voice> createDummyVoice() { lambda_unique_ptr<cst_voice> createDummyVoice() {
lambda_unique_ptr<cst_voice> voice(new_voice(), [](cst_voice* voice) { delete_voice(voice); }); lambda_unique_ptr<cst_voice> voice(new_voice(), [](cst_voice* voice) { delete_voice(voice); });
@ -38,10 +40,9 @@ vector<string> tokenizeViaFlite(const string& text) {
const string asciiText = utf8ToAscii(text); const string asciiText = utf8ToAscii(text);
// Create utterance object with text // Create utterance object with text
lambda_unique_ptr<cst_utterance> utterance( lambda_unique_ptr<cst_utterance> utterance(new_utterance(), [](cst_utterance* utterance) {
new_utterance(), delete_utterance(utterance);
[](cst_utterance* utterance) { delete_utterance(utterance); } });
utt_set_input_text(utterance.get(), asciiText.c_str()); utt_set_input_text(utterance.get(), asciiText.c_str());
lambda_unique_ptr<cst_voice> voice = createDummyVoice(); lambda_unique_ptr<cst_voice> voice = createDummyVoice();
utt_init(utterance.get(), voice.get()); utt_init(utterance.get(), voice.get());
@ -52,11 +53,8 @@ vector<string> tokenizeViaFlite(const string& text) {
} }
vector<string> result; vector<string> result;
for ( for (cst_item* item = relation_head(utt_relation(utterance.get(), "Word")); item;
cst_item* item = relation_head(utt_relation(utterance.get(), "Word")); item = item_next(item)) {
item = item_next(item)
) {
const char* word = item_feat_string(item, "name"); const char* word = item_feat_string(item, "name");
result.emplace_back(word); result.emplace_back(word);
} }
@ -64,11 +62,11 @@ vector<string> tokenizeViaFlite(const string& text) {
} }
optional<string> findSimilarDictionaryWord( optional<string> findSimilarDictionaryWord(
const string& word, const string& word, const function<bool(const string&)>& dictionaryContains
const function<bool(const string&)>& dictionaryContains
) { ) {
for (bool addPeriod : {false, true}) { for (bool addPeriod : {false, true}) {
for (int apostropheIndex = -1; apostropheIndex <= static_cast<int>(word.size()); ++apostropheIndex) { for (int apostropheIndex = -1; apostropheIndex <= static_cast<int>(word.size());
++apostropheIndex) {
string modified = word; string modified = word;
if (apostropheIndex != -1) { if (apostropheIndex != -1) {
modified.insert(apostropheIndex, "'"); modified.insert(apostropheIndex, "'");
@ -87,8 +85,7 @@ optional<string> findSimilarDictionaryWord(
} }
vector<string> tokenizeText( vector<string> tokenizeText(
const string& text, const string& text, const function<bool(const string&)>& dictionaryContains
const function<bool(const string&)>& dictionaryContains
) { ) {
vector<string> words = tokenizeViaFlite(text); vector<string> words = tokenizeViaFlite(text);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <functional> #include <functional>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::string> tokenizeText( std::vector<std::string> tokenizeText(
const std::string& text, const std::string& text, const std::function<bool(const std::string&)>& dictionaryContains
const std::function<bool(const std::string&)>& dictionaryContains
); );

View File

@ -2,16 +2,12 @@
#include "tools/EnumConverter.h" #include "tools/EnumConverter.h"
enum class ExportFormat { enum class ExportFormat { Dat, Tsv, Xml, Json };
class ExportFormatConverter : public EnumConverter<ExportFormat> { class ExportFormatConverter : public EnumConverter<ExportFormat> {
public: public:
static ExportFormatConverter& get(); static ExportFormatConverter& get();
protected: protected:
std::string getTypeName() override; std::string getTypeName() override;
member_data getMemberData() override; member_data getMemberData() override;

View File

@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ string RecognizerTypeConverter::getTypeName() {
EnumConverter<RecognizerType>::member_data RecognizerTypeConverter::getMemberData() { EnumConverter<RecognizerType>::member_data RecognizerTypeConverter::getMemberData() {
return member_data{ return member_data{
{ RecognizerType::PocketSphinx, "pocketSphinx" }, {RecognizerType::PocketSphinx, "pocketSphinx"}, {RecognizerType::Phonetic, "phonetic"}
{ RecognizerType::Phonetic, "phonetic" }
}; };
} }

View File

@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
#include "tools/EnumConverter.h" #include "tools/EnumConverter.h"
enum class RecognizerType { enum class RecognizerType { PocketSphinx, Phonetic };
class RecognizerTypeConverter : public EnumConverter<RecognizerType> { class RecognizerTypeConverter : public EnumConverter<RecognizerType> {
public: public:
static RecognizerTypeConverter& get(); static RecognizerTypeConverter& get();
protected: protected:
std::string getTypeName() override; std::string getTypeName() override;
member_data getMemberData() override; member_data getMemberData() override;

View File

@ -1,47 +1,48 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <format.h> #include <format.h>
#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
#include "core/appInfo.h"
#include "tools/NiceCmdLineOutput.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#include "logging/sinks.h"
#include "logging/formatters.h"
#include <gsl_util.h> #include <gsl_util.h>
#include "exporters/Exporter.h" #include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "tools/stringTools.h"
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp> #include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/in_place_factory.hpp>
#include <fstream> #include <fstream>
#include "tools/parallel.h" #include <iostream>
#include "tools/exceptions.h"
#include "tools/textFiles.h" #include "animation/targetShapeSet.h"
#include "lib/rhubarbLib.h" #include "core/appInfo.h"
#include "ExportFormat.h"
#include "exporters/DatExporter.h" #include "exporters/DatExporter.h"
#include "exporters/Exporter.h"
#include "exporters/JsonExporter.h"
#include "exporters/TsvExporter.h" #include "exporters/TsvExporter.h"
#include "exporters/XmlExporter.h" #include "exporters/XmlExporter.h"
#include "exporters/JsonExporter.h" #include "ExportFormat.h"
#include "animation/targetShapeSet.h" #include "lib/rhubarbLib.h"
#include <boost/utility/in_place_factory.hpp> #include "logging/formatters.h"
#include "tools/platformTools.h" #include "logging/logging.h"
#include "sinks.h" #include "logging/sinks.h"
#include "semanticEntries.h"
#include "RecognizerType.h"
#include "recognition/PocketSphinxRecognizer.h"
#include "recognition/PhoneticRecognizer.h" #include "recognition/PhoneticRecognizer.h"
#include "recognition/PocketSphinxRecognizer.h"
#include "RecognizerType.h"
#include "semanticEntries.h"
#include "sinks.h"
#include "time/ContinuousTimeline.h"
#include "tools/exceptions.h"
#include "tools/NiceCmdLineOutput.h"
#include "tools/parallel.h"
#include "tools/platformTools.h"
#include "tools/stringTools.h"
#include "tools/textFiles.h"
using boost::optional;
using boost::adaptors::transformed;
using std::exception; using std::exception;
using std::string; using std::make_shared;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique; using std::make_unique;
using std::shared_ptr; using std::shared_ptr;
using std::make_shared; using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using std::filesystem::path; using std::filesystem::path;
using std::filesystem::u8path; using std::filesystem::u8path;
using boost::adaptors::transformed;
using boost::optional;
namespace tclap = TCLAP; namespace tclap = TCLAP;
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ namespace TCLAP {
struct ArgTraits<RecognizerType> { struct ArgTraits<RecognizerType> {
typedef ValueLike ValueCategory; typedef ValueLike ValueCategory;
}; };
} } // namespace TCLAP
shared_ptr<logging::Sink> createFileSink(const path& path, logging::Level minLevel) { shared_ptr<logging::Sink> createFileSink(const path& path, logging::Level minLevel) {
auto file = make_shared<std::ofstream>(); auto file = make_shared<std::ofstream>();
@ -74,12 +75,9 @@ shared_ptr<logging::Sink> createFileSink(const path& path, logging::Level minLev
unique_ptr<Recognizer> createRecognizer(RecognizerType recognizerType) { unique_ptr<Recognizer> createRecognizer(RecognizerType recognizerType) {
switch (recognizerType) { switch (recognizerType) {
case RecognizerType::PocketSphinx: case RecognizerType::PocketSphinx: return make_unique<PocketSphinxRecognizer>();
return make_unique<PocketSphinxRecognizer>(); case RecognizerType::Phonetic: return make_unique<PhoneticRecognizer>();
case RecognizerType::Phonetic: default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown recognizer.");
return make_unique<PhoneticRecognizer>();
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown recognizer.");
} }
} }
@ -92,14 +90,10 @@ unique_ptr<Exporter> createExporter(
switch (exportFormat) { switch (exportFormat) {
case ExportFormat::Dat: case ExportFormat::Dat:
return make_unique<DatExporter>(targetShapeSet, datFrameRate, datUsePrestonBlair); return make_unique<DatExporter>(targetShapeSet, datFrameRate, datUsePrestonBlair);
case ExportFormat::Tsv: case ExportFormat::Tsv: return make_unique<TsvExporter>();
return make_unique<TsvExporter>(); case ExportFormat::Xml: return make_unique<XmlExporter>();
case ExportFormat::Xml: case ExportFormat::Json: return make_unique<JsonExporter>();
return make_unique<XmlExporter>(); default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown export format.");
case ExportFormat::Json:
return make_unique<JsonExporter>();
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown export format.");
} }
} }
@ -134,78 +128,118 @@ int main(int platformArgc, char* platformArgv[]) {
cmd.setOutput(new NiceCmdLineOutput()); cmd.setOutput(new NiceCmdLineOutput());
tclap::ValueArg<string> outputFileName( tclap::ValueArg<string> outputFileName(
"o", "output", "The output file path.", "o", "output", "The output file path.", false, string(), "string", cmd
false, string(), "string", cmd
); );
auto logLevels = vector<logging::Level>(logging::LevelConverter::get().getValues()); auto logLevels = vector<logging::Level>(logging::LevelConverter::get().getValues());
tclap::ValuesConstraint<logging::Level> logLevelConstraint(logLevels); tclap::ValuesConstraint<logging::Level> logLevelConstraint(logLevels);
tclap::ValueArg<logging::Level> logLevel( tclap::ValueArg<logging::Level> logLevel(
"", "logLevel", "The minimum log level that will be written to the log file", "",
false, logging::Level::Debug, &logLevelConstraint, cmd "logLevel",
"The minimum log level that will be written to the log file",
); );
tclap::ValueArg<string> logFileName( tclap::ValueArg<string> logFileName(
"", "logFile", "The log file path.", "", "logFile", "The log file path.", false, string(), "string", cmd
false, string(), "string", cmd
); );
tclap::ValueArg<logging::Level> consoleLevel( tclap::ValueArg<logging::Level> consoleLevel(
"", "consoleLevel", "The minimum log level that will be printed on the console (stderr)", "",
false, defaultMinStderrLevel, &logLevelConstraint, cmd "consoleLevel",
"The minimum log level that will be printed on the console (stderr)",
); );
tclap::SwitchArg machineReadableMode( tclap::SwitchArg machineReadableMode(
"", "machineReadable", "Formats all output to stderr in a structured JSON format.", "",
cmd, false "machineReadable",
"Formats all output to stderr in a structured JSON format.",
); );
tclap::SwitchArg quietMode( tclap::SwitchArg quietMode(
"q", "quiet", "Suppresses all output to stderr except for warnings and error messages.", "q",
cmd, false "quiet",
"Suppresses all output to stderr except for warnings and error messages.",
); );
tclap::ValueArg<int> maxThreadCount( tclap::ValueArg<int> maxThreadCount(
"", "threads", "The maximum number of worker threads to use.", "",
false, getProcessorCoreCount(), "number", cmd "threads",
"The maximum number of worker threads to use.",
); );
tclap::ValueArg<string> extendedShapes( tclap::ValueArg<string> extendedShapes(
"", "extendedShapes", "All extended, optional shapes to use.", "", "extendedShapes", "All extended, optional shapes to use.", false, "GHX", "string", cmd
false, "GHX", "string", cmd
); );
tclap::ValueArg<string> dialogFile( tclap::ValueArg<string> dialogFile(
"d", "dialogFile", "A file containing the text of the dialog.", "d",
false, string(), "string", cmd "dialogFile",
"A file containing the text of the dialog.",
); );
tclap::SwitchArg datUsePrestonBlair( tclap::SwitchArg datUsePrestonBlair(
"", "datUsePrestonBlair", "Only for dat exporter: uses the Preston Blair mouth shape names.", "",
cmd, false "datUsePrestonBlair",
"Only for dat exporter: uses the Preston Blair mouth shape names.",
); );
tclap::ValueArg<double> datFrameRate( tclap::ValueArg<double> datFrameRate(
"", "datFrameRate", "Only for dat exporter: the desired frame rate.", "",
false, 24.0, "number", cmd "datFrameRate",
"Only for dat exporter: the desired frame rate.",
); );
auto exportFormats = vector<ExportFormat>(ExportFormatConverter::get().getValues()); auto exportFormats = vector<ExportFormat>(ExportFormatConverter::get().getValues());
tclap::ValuesConstraint<ExportFormat> exportFormatConstraint(exportFormats); tclap::ValuesConstraint<ExportFormat> exportFormatConstraint(exportFormats);
tclap::ValueArg<ExportFormat> exportFormat( tclap::ValueArg<ExportFormat> exportFormat(
"f", "exportFormat", "The export format.", "f",
false, ExportFormat::Tsv, &exportFormatConstraint, cmd "exportFormat",
"The export format.",
); );
auto recognizerTypes = vector<RecognizerType>(RecognizerTypeConverter::get().getValues()); auto recognizerTypes = vector<RecognizerType>(RecognizerTypeConverter::get().getValues());
tclap::ValuesConstraint<RecognizerType> recognizerConstraint(recognizerTypes); tclap::ValuesConstraint<RecognizerType> recognizerConstraint(recognizerTypes);
tclap::ValueArg<RecognizerType> recognizerType( tclap::ValueArg<RecognizerType> recognizerType(
"r", "recognizer", "The dialog recognizer.", "r",
false, RecognizerType::PocketSphinx, &recognizerConstraint, cmd "recognizer",
"The dialog recognizer.",
); );
tclap::UnlabeledValueArg<string> inputFileName( tclap::UnlabeledValueArg<string> inputFileName(
"inputFile", "The input file. Must be a sound file in WAVE format.", "inputFile", "The input file. Must be a sound file in WAVE format.", true, "", "string", cmd
true, "", "string", cmd
); );
try { try {
@ -247,8 +281,10 @@ int main(int platformArgc, char* platformArgv[]) {
); );
logging::log(StartEntry(inputFilePath)); logging::log(StartEntry(inputFilePath));
logging::debugFormat("Command line: {}", logging::debugFormat(
join(args | transformed([](string arg) { return fmt::format("\"{}\"", arg); }), " ")); "Command line: {}",
join(args | transformed([](string arg) { return fmt::format("\"{}\"", arg); }), " ")
try { try {
// On progress change: Create log message // On progress change: Create log message
@ -260,13 +296,13 @@ int main(int platformArgc, char* platformArgv[]) {
logging::info("Starting animation."); logging::info("Starting animation.");
JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animation = animateWaveFile( JoiningContinuousTimeline<Shape> animation = animateWaveFile(
inputFilePath, inputFilePath,
dialogFile.isSet() dialogFile.isSet() ? readUtf8File(u8path(dialogFile.getValue()))
? readUtf8File(u8path(dialogFile.getValue()))
: boost::optional<string>(), : boost::optional<string>(),
*createRecognizer(recognizerType.getValue()), *createRecognizer(recognizerType.getValue()),
targetShapeSet, targetShapeSet,
maxThreadCount.getValue(), maxThreadCount.getValue(),
progressSink); progressSink
logging::info("Done animating."); logging::info("Done animating.");
// Export animation // Export animation
@ -282,9 +318,9 @@ int main(int platformArgc, char* platformArgv[]) {
logging::log(SuccessEntry()); logging::log(SuccessEntry());
} catch (...) { } catch (...) {
std::throw_with_nested( std::throw_with_nested(std::runtime_error(
std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Error processing file {}.", inputFilePath.u8string())) fmt::format("Error processing file {}.", inputFilePath.u8string())
); ));
} }
return 0; return 0;

View File

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ using logging::Level;
using std::string; using std::string;
SemanticEntry::SemanticEntry(Level level, const string& message) : SemanticEntry::SemanticEntry(Level level, const string& message) :
Entry(level, message) Entry(level, message) {}
StartEntry::StartEntry(const std::filesystem::path& inputFilePath) : StartEntry::StartEntry(const std::filesystem::path& inputFilePath) :
SemanticEntry(Level::Info, fmt::format("Application startup. Input file: {}.", inputFilePath.u8string())), SemanticEntry(
inputFilePath(inputFilePath) Level::Info, fmt::format("Application startup. Input file: {}.", inputFilePath.u8string())
{} ),
inputFilePath(inputFilePath) {}
std::filesystem::path StartEntry::getInputFilePath() const { std::filesystem::path StartEntry::getInputFilePath() const {
return inputFilePath; return inputFilePath;
@ -18,21 +18,18 @@ std::filesystem::path StartEntry::getInputFilePath() const {
ProgressEntry::ProgressEntry(double progress) : ProgressEntry::ProgressEntry(double progress) :
SemanticEntry(Level::Trace, fmt::format("Progress: {}%", static_cast<int>(progress * 100))), SemanticEntry(Level::Trace, fmt::format("Progress: {}%", static_cast<int>(progress * 100))),
progress(progress) progress(progress) {}
double ProgressEntry::getProgress() const { double ProgressEntry::getProgress() const {
return progress; return progress;
} }
SuccessEntry::SuccessEntry() : SuccessEntry::SuccessEntry() :
SemanticEntry(Level::Info, "Application terminating normally.") SemanticEntry(Level::Info, "Application terminating normally.") {}
FailureEntry::FailureEntry(const string& reason) : FailureEntry::FailureEntry(const string& reason) :
SemanticEntry(Level::Fatal, fmt::format("Application terminating with error: {}", reason)), SemanticEntry(Level::Fatal, fmt::format("Application terminating with error: {}", reason)),
reason(reason) reason(reason) {}
string FailureEntry::getReason() const { string FailureEntry::getReason() const {
return reason; return reason;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "logging/Entry.h"
#include <filesystem> #include <filesystem>
#include "logging/Entry.h"
// Marker class for semantic entries // Marker class for semantic entries
class SemanticEntry : public logging::Entry { class SemanticEntry : public logging::Entry {
public: public:
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ class StartEntry : public SemanticEntry {
public: public:
StartEntry(const std::filesystem::path& inputFilePath); StartEntry(const std::filesystem::path& inputFilePath);
std::filesystem::path getInputFilePath() const; std::filesystem::path getInputFilePath() const;
private: private:
std::filesystem::path inputFilePath; std::filesystem::path inputFilePath;
}; };
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ class ProgressEntry : public SemanticEntry {
public: public:
ProgressEntry(double progress); ProgressEntry(double progress);
double getProgress() const; double getProgress() const;
private: private:
double progress; double progress;
}; };
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ class FailureEntry : public SemanticEntry {
public: public:
FailureEntry(const std::string& reason); FailureEntry(const std::string& reason);
std::string getReason() const; std::string getReason() const;
private: private:
std::string reason; std::string reason;
}; };

View File

@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
#include "sinks.h" #include "sinks.h"
#include "logging/sinks.h"
#include "logging/formatters.h"
#include "semanticEntries.h"
#include "tools/stringTools.h"
#include "core/appInfo.h"
#include <boost/utility/in_place_factory.hpp> #include <boost/utility/in_place_factory.hpp>
using std::string; #include "core/appInfo.h"
using std::make_shared; #include "logging/formatters.h"
using logging::Level; #include "logging/sinks.h"
using logging::StdErrSink; #include "semanticEntries.h"
using logging::SimpleConsoleFormatter; #include "tools/stringTools.h"
using boost::optional; using boost::optional;
using logging::Level;
using logging::SimpleConsoleFormatter;
using logging::StdErrSink;
using std::make_shared;
using std::string;
NiceStderrSink::NiceStderrSink(Level minLevel) : NiceStderrSink::NiceStderrSink(Level minLevel) :
minLevel(minLevel), minLevel(minLevel),
progress(0.0), progress(0.0),
innerSink(make_shared<StdErrSink>(make_shared<SimpleConsoleFormatter>())) innerSink(make_shared<StdErrSink>(make_shared<SimpleConsoleFormatter>())) {}
void NiceStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) { void NiceStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) {
// For selected semantic entries, print a user-friendly message instead of // For selected semantic entries, print a user-friendly message instead of
// the technical log message. // the technical log message.
if (const auto* startEntry = dynamic_cast<const StartEntry*>(&entry)) { if (const auto* startEntry = dynamic_cast<const StartEntry*>(&entry)) {
std::cerr std::cerr << fmt::format(
<< fmt::format("Generating lip sync data for {}.", startEntry->getInputFilePath().u8string()) "Generating lip sync data for {}.", startEntry->getInputFilePath().u8string()
<< std::endl; ) << std::endl;
startProgressIndication(); startProgressIndication();
} else if (const auto* progressEntry = dynamic_cast<const ProgressEntry*>(&entry)) { } else if (const auto* progressEntry = dynamic_cast<const ProgressEntry*>(&entry)) {
assert(progressBar); assert(progressBar);
@ -62,8 +63,7 @@ void NiceStderrSink::resumeProgressIndication() {
QuietStderrSink::QuietStderrSink(Level minLevel) : QuietStderrSink::QuietStderrSink(Level minLevel) :
minLevel(minLevel), minLevel(minLevel),
innerSink(make_shared<StdErrSink>(make_shared<SimpleConsoleFormatter>())) innerSink(make_shared<StdErrSink>(make_shared<SimpleConsoleFormatter>())) {}
void QuietStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) { void QuietStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) {
// Set inputFilePath as soon as we get it // Set inputFilePath as soon as we get it
@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ void QuietStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) {
if (quietSoFar) { if (quietSoFar) {
// This is the first message we print. Give a bit of context. // This is the first message we print. Give a bit of context.
const string intro = inputFilePath const string intro = inputFilePath
? fmt::format("{} {} processing file {}:", appName, appVersion, inputFilePath->u8string()) ? fmt::format(
"{} {} processing file {}:", appName, appVersion, inputFilePath->u8string()
: fmt::format("{} {}:", appName, appVersion); : fmt::format("{} {}:", appName, appVersion);
std::cerr << intro << std::endl; std::cerr << intro << std::endl;
quietSoFar = false; quietSoFar = false;
@ -85,8 +87,7 @@ void QuietStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) {
} }
MachineReadableStderrSink::MachineReadableStderrSink(Level minLevel) : MachineReadableStderrSink::MachineReadableStderrSink(Level minLevel) :
minLevel(minLevel) minLevel(minLevel) {}
string formatLogProperty(const logging::Entry& entry) { string formatLogProperty(const logging::Entry& entry) {
return fmt::format( return fmt::format(
@ -102,9 +103,7 @@ void MachineReadableStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) {
if (const auto* startEntry = dynamic_cast<const StartEntry*>(&entry)) { if (const auto* startEntry = dynamic_cast<const StartEntry*>(&entry)) {
const string file = escapeJsonString(startEntry->getInputFilePath().u8string()); const string file = escapeJsonString(startEntry->getInputFilePath().u8string());
line = fmt::format( line = fmt::format(
R"({{ "type": "start", "file": "{}", {} }})", R"({{ "type": "start", "file": "{}", {} }})", file, formatLogProperty(entry)
); );
} else if (const auto* progressEntry = dynamic_cast<const ProgressEntry*>(&entry)) { } else if (const auto* progressEntry = dynamic_cast<const ProgressEntry*>(&entry)) {
const int progressPercent = static_cast<int>(progressEntry->getProgress() * 100); const int progressPercent = static_cast<int>(progressEntry->getProgress() * 100);
@ -121,9 +120,7 @@ void MachineReadableStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) {
} else if (const auto* failureEntry = dynamic_cast<const FailureEntry*>(&entry)) { } else if (const auto* failureEntry = dynamic_cast<const FailureEntry*>(&entry)) {
const string reason = escapeJsonString(failureEntry->getReason()); const string reason = escapeJsonString(failureEntry->getReason());
line = fmt::format( line = fmt::format(
R"({{ "type": "failure", "reason": "{}", {} }})", R"({{ "type": "failure", "reason": "{}", {} }})", reason, formatLogProperty(entry)
); );
} else { } else {
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported type of semantic entry."); throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported type of semantic entry.");
@ -136,7 +133,8 @@ void MachineReadableStderrSink::receive(const logging::Entry& entry) {
if (line) { if (line) {
std::cerr << *line << std::endl; std::cerr << *line << std::endl;
// Make sure the stream is flushed so that applications listening to it get the line immediately // Make sure the stream is flushed so that applications listening to it get the line
// immediately
fflush(stderr); fflush(stderr);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <filesystem>
#include "logging/Entry.h" #include "logging/Entry.h"
#include "logging/Sink.h" #include "logging/Sink.h"
#include "tools/ProgressBar.h" #include "tools/ProgressBar.h"
#include <filesystem>
// Prints nicely formatted progress to stderr. // Prints nicely formatted progress to stderr.
// Non-semantic entries are only printed if their log level at least matches the specified minimum level. // Non-semantic entries are only printed if their log level at least matches the specified minimum
// level.
class NiceStderrSink : public logging::Sink { class NiceStderrSink : public logging::Sink {
public: public:
NiceStderrSink(logging::Level minLevel); NiceStderrSink(logging::Level minLevel);
void receive(const logging::Entry& entry) override; void receive(const logging::Entry& entry) override;
private: private:
void startProgressIndication(); void startProgressIndication();
void interruptProgressIndication(); void interruptProgressIndication();
@ -28,6 +31,7 @@ class QuietStderrSink : public logging::Sink {
public: public:
QuietStderrSink(logging::Level minLevel); QuietStderrSink(logging::Level minLevel);
void receive(const logging::Entry& entry) override; void receive(const logging::Entry& entry) override;
private: private:
logging::Level minLevel; logging::Level minLevel;
bool quietSoFar = true; bool quietSoFar = true;
@ -36,11 +40,13 @@ private:
}; };
// Prints machine-readable progress to stderr. // Prints machine-readable progress to stderr.
// Non-semantic entries are only printed if their log level at least matches the specified minimum level. // Non-semantic entries are only printed if their log level at least matches the specified minimum
// level.
class MachineReadableStderrSink : public logging::Sink { class MachineReadableStderrSink : public logging::Sink {
public: public:
MachineReadableStderrSink(logging::Level minLevel); MachineReadableStderrSink(logging::Level minLevel);
void receive(const logging::Entry& entry) override; void receive(const logging::Entry& entry) override;
private: private:
logging::Level minLevel; logging::Level minLevel;
int lastProgressPercent = -1; int lastProgressPercent = -1;

View File

@ -12,17 +12,14 @@ public:
using Timeline<T, AutoJoin>::end; using Timeline<T, AutoJoin>::end;
BoundedTimeline() : BoundedTimeline() :
range(TimeRange::zero()) range(TimeRange::zero()) {}
explicit BoundedTimeline(TimeRange range) : explicit BoundedTimeline(TimeRange range) :
range(range) range(range) {}
template <typename InputIterator> template <typename InputIterator>
BoundedTimeline(TimeRange range, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) : BoundedTimeline(TimeRange range, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) :
range(range) range(range) {
for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it) { for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it) {
// Virtual function call in constructor. Derived constructors shouldn't call this one! // Virtual function call in constructor. Derived constructors shouldn't call this one!
BoundedTimeline::set(*it); BoundedTimeline::set(*it);
@ -31,12 +28,10 @@ public:
template <typename collection_type> template <typename collection_type>
BoundedTimeline(TimeRange range, collection_type collection) : BoundedTimeline(TimeRange range, collection_type collection) :
BoundedTimeline(range, collection.begin(), collection.end()) BoundedTimeline(range, collection.begin(), collection.end()) {}
BoundedTimeline(TimeRange range, std::initializer_list<Timed<T>> initializerList) : BoundedTimeline(TimeRange range, std::initializer_list<Timed<T>> initializerList) :
BoundedTimeline(range, initializerList.begin(), initializerList.end()) BoundedTimeline(range, initializerList.begin(), initializerList.end()) {}
TimeRange getRange() const override { TimeRange getRange() const override {
return range; return range;
@ -53,8 +48,7 @@ public:
// Clip the value's range to bounds // Clip the value's range to bounds
TimeRange& valueRange = timedValue.getTimeRange(); TimeRange& valueRange = timedValue.getTimeRange();
valueRange.resize( valueRange.resize(
max(range.getStart(), valueRange.getStart()), max(range.getStart(), valueRange.getStart()), min(range.getEnd(), valueRange.getEnd())
min(range.getEnd(), valueRange.getEnd())
); );
return Timeline<T, AutoJoin>::set(timedValue); return Timeline<T, AutoJoin>::set(timedValue);

View File

@ -4,20 +4,17 @@
template <typename T, bool AutoJoin = false> template <typename T, bool AutoJoin = false>
class ContinuousTimeline : public BoundedTimeline<T, AutoJoin> { class ContinuousTimeline : public BoundedTimeline<T, AutoJoin> {
public: public:
ContinuousTimeline(TimeRange range, T defaultValue) : ContinuousTimeline(TimeRange range, T defaultValue) :
BoundedTimeline<T, AutoJoin>(range), BoundedTimeline<T, AutoJoin>(range),
defaultValue(defaultValue) defaultValue(defaultValue) {
// Virtual function call in constructor. Derived constructors shouldn't call this one! // Virtual function call in constructor. Derived constructors shouldn't call this one!
ContinuousTimeline::clear(range); ContinuousTimeline::clear(range);
} }
template <typename InputIterator> template <typename InputIterator>
ContinuousTimeline(TimeRange range, T defaultValue, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) : ContinuousTimeline(TimeRange range, T defaultValue, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) :
ContinuousTimeline(range, defaultValue) ContinuousTimeline(range, defaultValue) {
// Virtual function calls in constructor. Derived constructors shouldn't call this one! // Virtual function calls in constructor. Derived constructors shouldn't call this one!
for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it) { for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it) {
ContinuousTimeline::set(*it); ContinuousTimeline::set(*it);
@ -26,16 +23,12 @@ public:
template <typename collection_type> template <typename collection_type>
ContinuousTimeline(TimeRange range, T defaultValue, collection_type collection) : ContinuousTimeline(TimeRange range, T defaultValue, collection_type collection) :
ContinuousTimeline(range, defaultValue, collection.begin(), collection.end()) ContinuousTimeline(range, defaultValue, collection.begin(), collection.end()) {}
ContinuousTimeline( ContinuousTimeline(
TimeRange range, TimeRange range, T defaultValue, std::initializer_list<Timed<T>> initializerList
T defaultValue,
std::initializer_list<Timed<T>> initializerList
) : ) :
ContinuousTimeline(range, defaultValue, initializerList.begin(), initializerList.end()) ContinuousTimeline(range, defaultValue, initializerList.begin(), initializerList.end()) {}
using BoundedTimeline<T, AutoJoin>::clear; using BoundedTimeline<T, AutoJoin>::clear;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#include "TimeRange.h" #include "TimeRange.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ostream>
#include <format.h> #include <format.h>
#include <ostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using time_type = TimeRange::time_type; using time_type = TimeRange::time_type;
TimeRange TimeRange::zero() { TimeRange TimeRange::zero() {
@ -12,18 +14,14 @@ TimeRange TimeRange::zero() {
TimeRange::TimeRange() : TimeRange::TimeRange() :
start(0_cs), start(0_cs),
end(0_cs) end(0_cs) {}
TimeRange::TimeRange(time_type start, time_type end) : TimeRange::TimeRange(time_type start, time_type end) :
start(start), start(start),
end(end) end(end) {
if (start > end) { if (start > end) {
throw std::invalid_argument(fmt::format( throw std::invalid_argument(fmt::format(
"Time range start must not be less than end. Start: {0}, end: {1}", "Time range start must not be less than end. Start: {0}, end: {1}", start, end
)); ));
} }
} }

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ public:
bool operator==(const TimeRange& rhs) const; bool operator==(const TimeRange& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const TimeRange& rhs) const; bool operator!=(const TimeRange& rhs) const;
private: private:
time_type start, end; time_type start, end;
}; };

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