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2016-06-21 20:13:05 +00:00
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/module.h"
namespace buzz {
class XmppRosterModule;
// The main way you initialize and use the module would be like this:
// XmppRosterModule *roster_module = XmppRosterModule::Create();
// roster_module->RegisterEngine(engine);
// roster_module->BroadcastPresence();
// roster_module->RequestRosterUpdate();
//! This enum captures the valid values for the show attribute in a presence
//! stanza
enum XmppPresenceShow
//! These are the valid subscription states in a roster contact. This
//! represents the combination of the subscription and ask attributes
enum XmppSubscriptionState
//! These represent the valid types of presence stanzas for managing
//! subscriptions
enum XmppSubscriptionRequestType
enum XmppPresenceAvailable {
enum XmppPresenceConnectionStatus {
// Status set by the server while the user is being rung.
// Status set by the client when the user has accepted the ring but before
// the client has joined the call.
// Status set by the client as part of joining the call.
//! Presence Information
//! This class stores both presence information for outgoing presence and is
//! returned by methods in XmppRosterModule to represent recieved incoming
//! presence information. When this class is writeable (non-const) then each
//! update to any property will set the inner xml. Setting the raw_xml will
//! rederive all of the other properties.
class XmppPresence {
virtual ~XmppPresence() {}
//! Create a new Presence
//! This is typically only used when sending a directed presence
static XmppPresence* Create();
//! The Jid of for the presence information.
//! Typically this will be a full Jid with resource specified.
virtual const Jid jid() const = 0;
//! Is the contact available?
virtual XmppPresenceAvailable available() const = 0;
//! Sets if the user is available or not
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_available(XmppPresenceAvailable available) = 0;
//! The show value of the presence info
virtual XmppPresenceShow presence_show() const = 0;
//! Set the presence show value
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_presence_show(XmppPresenceShow show) = 0;
//! The Priority of the presence info
virtual int priority() const = 0;
//! Set the priority of the presence
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_priority(int priority) = 0;
//! The plain text status of the presence info.
//! If there are multiple status because of language, this will either be a
//! status that is not tagged for language or the first available
virtual const std::string status() const = 0;
//! Sets the status for the presence info.
//! If there is more than one status present already then this will remove
//! them all and replace it with one status element we no specified language
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_status(const std::string& status) = 0;
//! The connection status
virtual XmppPresenceConnectionStatus connection_status() const = 0;
//! The focus obfuscated GAIA id
virtual const std::string google_user_id() const = 0;
//! The nickname in the presence
virtual const std::string nickname() const = 0;
//! The raw xml of the presence update
virtual const XmlElement* raw_xml() const = 0;
//! Sets the raw presence stanza for the presence update
//! This will cause all other data items in this structure to be rederived
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_raw_xml(const XmlElement * xml) = 0;
//! A contact as given by the server
class XmppRosterContact {
virtual ~XmppRosterContact() {}
//! Create a new roster contact
//! This is typically only used when doing a roster update/add
static XmppRosterContact* Create();
//! The jid for the contact.
//! Typically this will be a bare Jid.
virtual const Jid jid() const = 0;
//! Sets the jid for the roster contact update
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_jid(const Jid& jid) = 0;
//! The name (nickname) stored for this contact
virtual const std::string name() const = 0;
//! Sets the name
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_name(const std::string& name) = 0;
//! The Presence subscription state stored on the server for this contact
//! This is never settable and will be ignored when generating a roster
//! add/update request
virtual XmppSubscriptionState subscription_state() const = 0;
//! The number of Groups applied to this contact
virtual size_t GetGroupCount() const = 0;
//! Gets a Group applied to the contact based on index.
//! range
virtual const std::string GetGroup(size_t index) const = 0;
//! Adds a group to this contact.
//! This will return a bad argument error if the group is already there.
virtual XmppReturnStatus AddGroup(const std::string& group) = 0;
//! Removes a group from the contact.
//! This will return an error if the group cannot be found in the group list.
virtual XmppReturnStatus RemoveGroup(const std::string& group) = 0;
//! The raw xml for this roster contact
virtual const XmlElement* raw_xml() const = 0;
//! Sets the raw presence stanza for the contact update/add
//! This will cause all other data items in this structure to be rederived
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_raw_xml(const XmlElement * xml) = 0;
//! The XmppRosterHandler is an interface for callbacks from the module
class XmppRosterHandler {
virtual ~XmppRosterHandler() {}
//! A request for a subscription has come in.
//! Typically, the UI will ask the user if it is okay to let the requester
//! get presence notifications for the user. The response is send back
//! by calling ApproveSubscriber or CancelSubscriber.
virtual void SubscriptionRequest(XmppRosterModule* roster,
const Jid& requesting_jid,
XmppSubscriptionRequestType type,
const XmlElement* raw_xml) = 0;
//! Some type of presence error has occured
virtual void SubscriptionError(XmppRosterModule* roster,
const Jid& from,
const XmlElement* raw_xml) = 0;
virtual void RosterError(XmppRosterModule* roster,
const XmlElement* raw_xml) = 0;
//! New presence information has come in
//! The user is notified with the presence object directly. This info is also
//! added to the store accessable from the engine.
virtual void IncomingPresenceChanged(XmppRosterModule* roster,
const XmppPresence* presence) = 0;
//! A contact has changed
//! This indicates that the data for a contact may have changed. No
//! contacts have been added or removed.
virtual void ContactChanged(XmppRosterModule* roster,
const XmppRosterContact* old_contact,
size_t index) = 0;
//! A set of contacts have been added
//! These contacts may have been added in response to the original roster
//! request or due to a "roster push" from the server.
virtual void ContactsAdded(XmppRosterModule* roster,
size_t index, size_t number) = 0;
//! A contact has been removed
//! This contact has been removed form the list.
virtual void ContactRemoved(XmppRosterModule* roster,
const XmppRosterContact* removed_contact,
size_t index) = 0;
//! An XmppModule for handle roster and presence functionality
class XmppRosterModule : public XmppModule {
//! Creates a new XmppRosterModule
static XmppRosterModule * Create();
virtual ~XmppRosterModule() {}
//! Sets the roster handler (callbacks) for the module
virtual XmppReturnStatus set_roster_handler(XmppRosterHandler * handler) = 0;
//! Gets the roster handler for the module
virtual XmppRosterHandler* roster_handler() = 0;
// USER PRESENCE STATE -------------------------------------------------------
//! Gets the aggregate outgoing presence
//! This object is non-const and be edited directly. No update is sent
//! to the server until a Broadcast is sent
virtual XmppPresence* outgoing_presence() = 0;
//! Broadcasts that the user is available.
//! Nothing with respect to presence is sent until this is called.
virtual XmppReturnStatus BroadcastPresence() = 0;
//! Sends a directed presence to a Jid
//! Note that the client doesn't store where directed presence notifications
//! have been sent. The server can keep the appropriate state
virtual XmppReturnStatus SendDirectedPresence(const XmppPresence* presence,
const Jid& to_jid) = 0;
// INCOMING PRESENCE STATUS --------------------------------------------------
//! Returns the number of incoming presence data recorded
virtual size_t GetIncomingPresenceCount() = 0;
//! Returns an incoming presence datum based on index
virtual const XmppPresence* GetIncomingPresence(size_t index) = 0;
//! Gets the number of presence data for a bare Jid
//! There may be a datum per resource
virtual size_t GetIncomingPresenceForJidCount(const Jid& jid) = 0;
//! Returns a single presence data for a Jid based on index
virtual const XmppPresence* GetIncomingPresenceForJid(const Jid& jid,
size_t index) = 0;
// ROSTER MANAGEMENT ---------------------------------------------------------
//! Requests an update of the roster from the server
//! This must be called to initialize the client side cache of the roster
//! After this is sent the server should keep this module apprised of any
//! changes.
virtual XmppReturnStatus RequestRosterUpdate() = 0;
//! Returns the number of contacts in the roster
virtual size_t GetRosterContactCount() = 0;
//! Returns a contact by index
virtual const XmppRosterContact* GetRosterContact(size_t index) = 0;
//! Finds a contact by Jid
virtual const XmppRosterContact* FindRosterContact(const Jid& jid) = 0;
//! Send a request to the server to add a contact
//! Note that the contact won't show up in the roster until the server can
//! respond. This happens async when the socket is being serviced
virtual XmppReturnStatus RequestRosterChange(
const XmppRosterContact* contact) = 0;
//! Request that the server remove a contact
//! The jabber protocol specifies that the server should also cancel any
//! subscriptions when this is done. Like adding, this contact won't be
//! removed until the server responds.
virtual XmppReturnStatus RequestRosterRemove(const Jid& jid) = 0;
// SUBSCRIPTION MANAGEMENT ---------------------------------------------------
//! Request a subscription to presence notifications form a Jid
virtual XmppReturnStatus RequestSubscription(const Jid& jid) = 0;
//! Cancel a subscription to presence notifications from a Jid
virtual XmppReturnStatus CancelSubscription(const Jid& jid) = 0;
//! Approve a request to deliver presence notifications to a jid
virtual XmppReturnStatus ApproveSubscriber(const Jid& jid) = 0;
//! Deny or cancel presence notification deliver to a jid
virtual XmppReturnStatus CancelSubscriber(const Jid& jid) = 0;