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2016-06-21 20:13:05 +00:00
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/base/stream.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sslidentity.h"
namespace rtc {
// Constants for SSL profile.
const int TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL = 0;
// Constants for SRTP profiles.
#ifndef SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80
const int SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80 = 0x0001;
#ifndef SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32
const int SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32 = 0x0002;
// Cipher suite to use for SRTP. Typically a 80-bit HMAC will be used, except
// in applications (voice) where the additional bandwidth may be significant.
// A 80-bit HMAC is always used for SRTCP.
// 128-bit AES with 80-bit SHA-1 HMAC.
extern const char CS_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80[];
// 128-bit AES with 32-bit SHA-1 HMAC.
extern const char CS_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32[];
// Given the DTLS-SRTP protection profile ID, as defined in
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4568#section-6.2 , return the SRTP profile
// name, as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5764#section-4.1.2.
std::string SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(int crypto_suite);
// The reverse of above conversion.
int SrtpCryptoSuiteFromName(const std::string& crypto_suite);
// SSLStreamAdapter : A StreamInterfaceAdapter that does SSL/TLS.
// After SSL has been started, the stream will only open on successful
// SSL verification of certificates, and the communication is
// encrypted of course.
// This class was written with SSLAdapter as a starting point. It
// offers a similar interface, with two differences: there is no
// support for a restartable SSL connection, and this class has a
// peer-to-peer mode.
// The SSL library requires initialization and cleanup. Static method
// for doing this are in SSLAdapter. They should possibly be moved out
// to a neutral class.
enum SSLProtocolVersion {
// Errors for Read -- in the high range so no conflict with OpenSSL.
enum { SSE_MSG_TRUNC = 0xff0001 };
class SSLStreamAdapter : public StreamAdapterInterface {
// Instantiate an SSLStreamAdapter wrapping the given stream,
// (using the selected implementation for the platform).
// Caller is responsible for freeing the returned object.
static SSLStreamAdapter* Create(StreamInterface* stream);
explicit SSLStreamAdapter(StreamInterface* stream)
: StreamAdapterInterface(stream), ignore_bad_cert_(false),
client_auth_enabled_(true) { }
void set_ignore_bad_cert(bool ignore) { ignore_bad_cert_ = ignore; }
bool ignore_bad_cert() const { return ignore_bad_cert_; }
void set_client_auth_enabled(bool enabled) { client_auth_enabled_ = enabled; }
bool client_auth_enabled() const { return client_auth_enabled_; }
// Specify our SSL identity: key and certificate. Mostly this is
// only used in the peer-to-peer mode (unless we actually want to
// provide a client certificate to a server).
// SSLStream takes ownership of the SSLIdentity object and will
// free it when appropriate. Should be called no more than once on a
// given SSLStream instance.
virtual void SetIdentity(SSLIdentity* identity) = 0;
// Call this to indicate that we are to play the server's role in
// the peer-to-peer mode.
// The default argument is for backward compatibility
// TODO(ekr@rtfm.com): rename this SetRole to reflect its new function
virtual void SetServerRole(SSLRole role = SSL_SERVER) = 0;
// Do DTLS or TLS
virtual void SetMode(SSLMode mode) = 0;
// Set maximum supported protocol version. The highest version supported by
// both ends will be used for the connection, i.e. if one party supports
// DTLS 1.0 and the other DTLS 1.2, DTLS 1.0 will be used.
// If requested version is not supported by underlying crypto library, the
// next lower will be used.
virtual void SetMaxProtocolVersion(SSLProtocolVersion version) = 0;
// The mode of operation is selected by calling either
// StartSSLWithServer or StartSSLWithPeer.
// Use of the stream prior to calling either of these functions will
// pass data in clear text.
// Calling one of these functions causes SSL negotiation to begin as
// soon as possible: right away if the underlying wrapped stream is
// already opened, or else as soon as it opens.
// These functions return a negative error code on failure.
// Returning 0 means success so far, but negotiation is probably not
// complete and will continue asynchronously. In that case, the
// exposed stream will open after successful negotiation and
// verification, or an SE_CLOSE event will be raised if negotiation
// fails.
// StartSSLWithServer starts SSL negotiation with a server in
// traditional mode. server_name specifies the expected server name
// which the server's certificate needs to specify.
virtual int StartSSLWithServer(const char* server_name) = 0;
// StartSSLWithPeer starts negotiation in the special peer-to-peer
// mode.
// Generally, SetIdentity() and possibly SetServerRole() should have
// been called before this.
// SetPeerCertificate() or SetPeerCertificateDigest() must also be called.
// It may be called after StartSSLWithPeer() but must be called before the
// underlying stream opens.
virtual int StartSSLWithPeer() = 0;
// Specify the digest of the certificate that our peer is expected to use in
// peer-to-peer mode. Only this certificate will be accepted during
// SSL verification. The certificate is assumed to have been
// obtained through some other secure channel (such as the XMPP
// channel). Unlike SetPeerCertificate(), this must specify the
// terminal certificate, not just a CA.
// SSLStream makes a copy of the digest value.
virtual bool SetPeerCertificateDigest(const std::string& digest_alg,
const unsigned char* digest_val,
size_t digest_len) = 0;
// Retrieves the peer's X.509 certificate, if a connection has been
// established. It returns the transmitted over SSL, including the entire
// chain.
virtual std::unique_ptr<SSLCertificate> GetPeerCertificate() const = 0;
// Retrieves the IANA registration id of the cipher suite used for the
// connection (e.g. 0x2F for "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA").
virtual bool GetSslCipherSuite(int* cipher_suite);
virtual int GetSslVersion() const = 0;
// Key Exporter interface from RFC 5705
// Arguments are:
// label -- the exporter label.
// part of the RFC defining each exporter
// usage (IN)
// context/context_len -- a context to bind to for this connection;
// optional, can be NULL, 0 (IN)
// use_context -- whether to use the context value
// (needed to distinguish no context from
// zero-length ones).
// result -- where to put the computed value
// result_len -- the length of the computed value
virtual bool ExportKeyingMaterial(const std::string& label,
const uint8_t* context,
size_t context_len,
bool use_context,
uint8_t* result,
size_t result_len);
// DTLS-SRTP interface
virtual bool SetDtlsSrtpCryptoSuites(const std::vector<int>& crypto_suites);
virtual bool GetDtlsSrtpCryptoSuite(int* crypto_suite);
// Capabilities testing
static bool HaveDtls();
static bool HaveDtlsSrtp();
static bool HaveExporter();
static bool IsBoringSsl();
// Returns true iff the supplied cipher is deemed to be strong.
// TODO(torbjorng): Consider removing the KeyType argument.
static bool IsAcceptableCipher(int cipher, KeyType key_type);
static bool IsAcceptableCipher(const std::string& cipher, KeyType key_type);
// TODO(guoweis): Move this away from a static class method. Currently this is
// introduced such that any caller could depend on sslstreamadapter.h without
// depending on specific SSL implementation.
static std::string SslCipherSuiteToName(int cipher_suite);
// If true, the server certificate need not match the configured
// server_name, and in fact missing certificate authority and other
// verification errors are ignored.
bool ignore_bad_cert_;
// If true (default), the client is required to provide a certificate during
// handshake. If no certificate is given, handshake fails. This applies to
// server mode only.
bool client_auth_enabled_;
} // namespace rtc