
153 lines
4.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <format.h>
#include "WaveFileReader.h"
#include "ioTools.h"
using std::runtime_error;
using fmt::format;
using std::string;
using namespace little_endian;
#define INT24_MIN (-8388608)
#define INT24_MAX 8388607
// Converts an int in the range min..max to a float in the range -1..1
float toNormalizedFloat(int value, int min, int max) {
return (static_cast<float>(value - min) / (max - min) * 2) - 1;
int roundToEven(int i) {
return (i + 1) & (~1);
enum class Codec {
PCM = 0x01,
Float = 0x03
WaveFileReader::WaveFileReader(boost::filesystem::path filePath) {
// Open file
file.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);
file.open(filePath, std::ios::binary);
// Read header
uint32_t rootChunkId = read<uint32_t>(file);
if (rootChunkId != fourcc('R', 'I', 'F', 'F')) {
throw runtime_error("Unknown file format. Only WAVE files are supported.");
read<uint32_t>(file); // Chunk size
uint32_t waveId = read<uint32_t>(file);
if (waveId != fourcc('W', 'A', 'V', 'E')) {
throw runtime_error(format("File format is not WAVE, but {}.", fourccToString(waveId)));
// Read chunks until we reach the data chunk
bool reachedDataChunk = false;
int bytesPerSample = 0;
do {
uint32_t chunkId = read<uint32_t>(file);
int chunkSize = read<uint32_t>(file);
switch (chunkId) {
case fourcc('f', 'm', 't', ' '): {
// Read relevant data
Codec codec = (Codec) read<uint16_t>(file);
channelCount = read<uint16_t>(file);
frameRate = read<uint32_t>(file);
read<uint32_t>(file); // Bytes per second
int frameSize = read<uint16_t>(file);
int bitsPerSample = read<uint16_t>(file);
// We're read 16 bytes so far. Skip the remainder.
file.seekg(roundToEven(chunkSize) - 16, file.cur);
// Determine sample format
switch (codec) {
case Codec::PCM:
// Determine sample size.
// According to the WAVE standard, sample sizes that are not multiples of 8 bits
// (e.g. 12 bits) can be treated like the next-larger byte size.
if (bitsPerSample == 8) {
sampleFormat = SampleFormat::UInt8;
bytesPerSample = 1;
} else if (bitsPerSample <= 16) {
sampleFormat = SampleFormat::Int16;
bytesPerSample = 2;
} else if (bitsPerSample <= 24) {
sampleFormat = SampleFormat::Int24;
bytesPerSample = 3;
} else {
throw runtime_error(
format("Unsupported sample format: {}-bit integer samples.", bitsPerSample));
if (bytesPerSample != frameSize / channelCount) {
throw runtime_error("Unsupported sample organization.");
case Codec::Float:
if (bitsPerSample == 32) {
sampleFormat = SampleFormat::Float32;
bytesPerSample = 4;
} else {
throw runtime_error(format("Unsupported sample format: {}-bit floating-point samples.", bitsPerSample));
throw runtime_error("Unsupported sample format. Only uncompressed formats are supported.");
case fourcc('d', 'a', 't', 'a'): {
reachedDataChunk = true;
remainingSamples = chunkSize / bytesPerSample;
frameCount = remainingSamples / channelCount;
default: {
// Skip unknown chunk
file.seekg(roundToEven(chunkSize), file.cur);
} while (!reachedDataChunk);
int WaveFileReader::getFrameRate() {
return frameRate;
int WaveFileReader::getFrameCount() {
return frameCount;
int WaveFileReader::getChannelCount() {
return channelCount;
bool WaveFileReader::getNextSample(float &sample) {
if (remainingSamples == 0) return false;
switch (sampleFormat) {
case SampleFormat::UInt8: {
uint8_t raw = read<uint8_t>(file);
sample = toNormalizedFloat(raw, 0, UINT8_MAX);
case SampleFormat::Int16: {
int16_t raw = read<int16_t>(file);
sample = toNormalizedFloat(raw, INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX);
case SampleFormat::Int24: {
int raw = read<int, 24>(file);
if (raw & 0x800000) raw |= 0xFF000000; // Fix two's complement
sample = toNormalizedFloat(raw, INT24_MIN, INT24_MAX);
case SampleFormat::Float32: {
sample = read<float>(file);
return true;