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2016-06-21 20:13:05 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2010 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/media/base/rtpdump.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string>
#include "webrtc/base/byteorder.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/base/timeutils.h"
#include "webrtc/media/base/rtputils.h"
namespace {
static const int kRtpSsrcOffset = 8;
const int kWarnSlowWritesDelayMs = 50;
} // namespace
namespace cricket {
const char RtpDumpFileHeader::kFirstLine[] = "#!rtpplay1.0\n";
RtpDumpFileHeader::RtpDumpFileHeader(int64_t start_ms, uint32_t s, uint16_t p)
: start_sec(static_cast<uint32_t>(start_ms / 1000)),
start_usec(static_cast<uint32_t>(start_ms % 1000 * 1000)),
padding(0) {}
void RtpDumpFileHeader::WriteToByteBuffer(rtc::ByteBufferWriter* buf) {
static const int kDefaultTimeIncrease = 30;
bool RtpDumpPacket::IsValidRtpPacket() const {
return original_data_len >= data.size() &&
data.size() >= kMinRtpPacketLen;
bool RtpDumpPacket::IsValidRtcpPacket() const {
return original_data_len == 0 &&
data.size() >= kMinRtcpPacketLen;
bool RtpDumpPacket::GetRtpPayloadType(int* pt) const {
return IsValidRtpPacket() &&
cricket::GetRtpPayloadType(&data[0], data.size(), pt);
bool RtpDumpPacket::GetRtpSeqNum(int* seq_num) const {
return IsValidRtpPacket() &&
cricket::GetRtpSeqNum(&data[0], data.size(), seq_num);
bool RtpDumpPacket::GetRtpTimestamp(uint32_t* ts) const {
return IsValidRtpPacket() &&
cricket::GetRtpTimestamp(&data[0], data.size(), ts);
bool RtpDumpPacket::GetRtpSsrc(uint32_t* ssrc) const {
return IsValidRtpPacket() &&
cricket::GetRtpSsrc(&data[0], data.size(), ssrc);
bool RtpDumpPacket::GetRtpHeaderLen(size_t* len) const {
return IsValidRtpPacket() &&
cricket::GetRtpHeaderLen(&data[0], data.size(), len);
bool RtpDumpPacket::GetRtcpType(int* type) const {
return IsValidRtcpPacket() &&
cricket::GetRtcpType(&data[0], data.size(), type);
// Implementation of RtpDumpReader.
void RtpDumpReader::SetSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
ssrc_override_ = ssrc;
rtc::StreamResult RtpDumpReader::ReadPacket(RtpDumpPacket* packet) {
if (!packet) return rtc::SR_ERROR;
rtc::StreamResult res = rtc::SR_SUCCESS;
// Read the file header if it has not been read yet.
if (!file_header_read_) {
res = ReadFileHeader();
if (res != rtc::SR_SUCCESS) {
return res;
file_header_read_ = true;
// Read the RTP dump packet header.
char header[RtpDumpPacket::kHeaderLength];
res = stream_->ReadAll(header, sizeof(header), NULL, NULL);
if (res != rtc::SR_SUCCESS) {
return res;
rtc::ByteBufferReader buf(header, sizeof(header));
uint16_t dump_packet_len;
uint16_t data_len;
// Read the full length of the rtpdump packet, including the rtpdump header.
packet->data.resize(dump_packet_len - sizeof(header));
// Read the size of the original packet, which may be larger than the size in
// the rtpdump file, in the event that only part of the packet (perhaps just
// the header) was recorded. Note that this field is set to zero for RTCP
// packets, which have their own internal length field.
packet->original_data_len = data_len;
// Read the elapsed time for this packet (different than RTP timestamp).
// Read the actual RTP or RTCP packet.
res = stream_->ReadAll(&packet->data[0], packet->data.size(), NULL, NULL);
// If the packet is RTP and we have specified a ssrc, replace the RTP ssrc
// with the specified ssrc.
if (res == rtc::SR_SUCCESS &&
packet->IsValidRtpPacket() &&
ssrc_override_ != 0) {
rtc::SetBE32(&packet->data[kRtpSsrcOffset], ssrc_override_);
return res;
rtc::StreamResult RtpDumpReader::ReadFileHeader() {
// Read the first line.
std::string first_line;
rtc::StreamResult res = stream_->ReadLine(&first_line);
if (res != rtc::SR_SUCCESS) {
return res;
if (!CheckFirstLine(first_line)) {
return rtc::SR_ERROR;
// Read the 16 byte file header.
char header[RtpDumpFileHeader::kHeaderLength];
res = stream_->ReadAll(header, sizeof(header), NULL, NULL);
if (res == rtc::SR_SUCCESS) {
rtc::ByteBufferReader buf(header, sizeof(header));
uint32_t start_sec;
uint32_t start_usec;
start_time_ms_ = static_cast<int64_t>(start_sec * 1000 + start_usec / 1000);
// Increase the length by 1 since first_line does not contain the ending \n.
first_line_and_file_header_len_ = first_line.size() + 1 + sizeof(header);
return res;
bool RtpDumpReader::CheckFirstLine(const std::string& first_line) {
// The first line is like "#!rtpplay1.0 address/port"
bool matched = (0 == first_line.find("#!rtpplay1.0 "));
// The address could be IP or hostname. We do not check it here. Instead, we
// check the port at the end.
size_t pos = first_line.find('/');
matched &= (pos != std::string::npos && pos < first_line.size() - 1);
for (++pos; pos < first_line.size() && matched; ++pos) {
matched &= (0 != isdigit(first_line[pos]));
return matched;
// Implementation of RtpDumpLoopReader.
RtpDumpLoopReader::RtpDumpLoopReader(rtc::StreamInterface* stream)
: RtpDumpReader(stream),
prev_rtp_timestamp_(0) {
rtc::StreamResult RtpDumpLoopReader::ReadPacket(RtpDumpPacket* packet) {
if (!packet) return rtc::SR_ERROR;
rtc::StreamResult res = RtpDumpReader::ReadPacket(packet);
if (rtc::SR_SUCCESS == res) {
if (0 == loop_count_) {
// During the first loop, we update the statistics of the input stream.
} else if (rtc::SR_EOS == res) {
if (0 == loop_count_) {
// At the end of the first loop, calculate elapsed_time_increases_,
// rtp_seq_num_increase_, and rtp_timestamp_increase_, which will be
// used during the second and later loops.
// Rewind the input stream to the first dump packet and read again.
if (RewindToFirstDumpPacket()) {
res = RtpDumpReader::ReadPacket(packet);
if (rtc::SR_SUCCESS == res && loop_count_ > 0) {
// During the second and later loops, we update the elapsed time of the dump
// packet. If the dumped packet is a RTP packet, we also update its RTP
// sequence number and timestamp.
return res;
void RtpDumpLoopReader::UpdateStreamStatistics(const RtpDumpPacket& packet) {
// Get the RTP sequence number and timestamp of the dump packet.
int rtp_seq_num = 0;
uint32_t rtp_timestamp = 0;
// Set the timestamps and sequence number for the first dump packet.
if (0 == packet_count_++) {
first_elapsed_time_ = packet.elapsed_time;
first_rtp_seq_num_ = rtp_seq_num;
first_rtp_timestamp_ = rtp_timestamp;
// The first packet belongs to a new payload frame.
} else if (rtp_timestamp != prev_rtp_timestamp_) {
// The current and previous packets belong to different payload frames.
prev_elapsed_time_ = packet.elapsed_time;
prev_rtp_timestamp_ = rtp_timestamp;
prev_rtp_seq_num_ = rtp_seq_num;
void RtpDumpLoopReader::CalculateIncreases() {
// At this time, prev_elapsed_time_, prev_rtp_seq_num_, and
// prev_rtp_timestamp_ are values of the last dump packet in the input stream.
rtp_seq_num_increase_ = prev_rtp_seq_num_ - first_rtp_seq_num_ + 1;
// If we have only one packet or frame, we use the default timestamp
// increase. Otherwise, we use the difference between the first and the last
// packets or frames.
elapsed_time_increases_ = packet_count_ <= 1 ? kDefaultTimeIncrease :
(prev_elapsed_time_ - first_elapsed_time_) * packet_count_ /
(packet_count_ - 1);
rtp_timestamp_increase_ = frame_count_ <= 1 ? kDefaultTimeIncrease :
(prev_rtp_timestamp_ - first_rtp_timestamp_) * frame_count_ /
(frame_count_ - 1);
void RtpDumpLoopReader::UpdateDumpPacket(RtpDumpPacket* packet) {
// Increase the elapsed time of the dump packet.
packet->elapsed_time += loop_count_ * elapsed_time_increases_;
if (packet->IsValidRtpPacket()) {
// Get the old RTP sequence number and timestamp.
int sequence = 0;
uint32_t timestamp = 0;
// Increase the RTP sequence number and timestamp.
sequence += loop_count_ * rtp_seq_num_increase_;
timestamp += loop_count_ * rtp_timestamp_increase_;
// Write the updated sequence number and timestamp back to the RTP packet.
rtc::ByteBufferWriter buffer;
memcpy(&packet->data[2], buffer.Data(), buffer.Length());
// Implementation of RtpDumpWriter.
RtpDumpWriter::RtpDumpWriter(rtc::StreamInterface* stream)
: stream_(stream),
warn_slow_writes_delay_(kWarnSlowWritesDelayMs) {}
void RtpDumpWriter::set_packet_filter(int filter) {
packet_filter_ = filter;
LOG(LS_INFO) << "RtpDumpWriter set_packet_filter to " << packet_filter_;
uint32_t RtpDumpWriter::GetElapsedTime() const {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(rtc::TimeSince(start_time_ms_));
rtc::StreamResult RtpDumpWriter::WriteFileHeader() {
rtc::StreamResult res = WriteToStream(
if (res != rtc::SR_SUCCESS) {
return res;
rtc::ByteBufferWriter buf;
RtpDumpFileHeader file_header(rtc::TimeMillis(), 0, 0);
return WriteToStream(buf.Data(), buf.Length());
rtc::StreamResult RtpDumpWriter::WritePacket(const void* data,
size_t data_len,
uint32_t elapsed,
bool rtcp) {
if (!stream_ || !data || 0 == data_len) return rtc::SR_ERROR;
rtc::StreamResult res = rtc::SR_SUCCESS;
// Write the file header if it has not been written yet.
if (!file_header_written_) {
res = WriteFileHeader();
if (res != rtc::SR_SUCCESS) {
return res;
file_header_written_ = true;
// Figure out what to write.
size_t write_len = FilterPacket(data, data_len, rtcp);
if (write_len == 0) {
return rtc::SR_SUCCESS;
// Write the dump packet header.
rtc::ByteBufferWriter buf;
static_cast<uint16_t>(RtpDumpPacket::kHeaderLength + write_len));
buf.WriteUInt16(static_cast<uint16_t>(rtcp ? 0 : data_len));
res = WriteToStream(buf.Data(), buf.Length());
if (res != rtc::SR_SUCCESS) {
return res;
// Write the header or full packet as indicated by write_len.
return WriteToStream(data, write_len);
size_t RtpDumpWriter::FilterPacket(const void* data, size_t data_len,
bool rtcp) {
size_t filtered_len = 0;
if (!rtcp) {
if ((packet_filter_ & PF_RTPPACKET) == PF_RTPPACKET) {
// RTP header + payload
filtered_len = data_len;
} else if ((packet_filter_ & PF_RTPHEADER) == PF_RTPHEADER) {
// RTP header only
size_t header_len;
if (GetRtpHeaderLen(data, data_len, &header_len)) {
filtered_len = header_len;
} else {
if ((packet_filter_ & PF_RTCPPACKET) == PF_RTCPPACKET) {
// RTCP header + payload
filtered_len = data_len;
return filtered_len;
rtc::StreamResult RtpDumpWriter::WriteToStream(
const void* data, size_t data_len) {
int64_t before = rtc::TimeMillis();
rtc::StreamResult result =
stream_->WriteAll(data, data_len, NULL, NULL);
int64_t delay = rtc::TimeSince(before);
if (delay >= warn_slow_writes_delay_) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Slow RtpDump: took " << delay << "ms to write "
<< data_len << " bytes.";
return result;
} // namespace cricket