Tray ---- Cross-platform, single header, super tiny C99 implementation of a system tray icon with a popup menu. Works well on: * Linux/Gtk (libappindicator) * Windows XP or newer (shellapi.h) * MacOS (Cocoa/AppKit) There is also a stub implementation that returns errors on attempt to create a tray menu. # Setup Before you can compile `tray`, you'll need to add an environment definition before the line where you include `tray.h`. **For Windows:** ```c #include #include #define TRAY_WINAPI 1 #include "tray.h" ... ``` **For Linux:** ```c #include #include #define TRAY_APPINDICATOR 1 #include "tray.h" ... ``` **For Mac:** ```c #include #include #define TRAY_APPKIT 1 #include "tray.h" ... ``` # Demo The included example `.c` files can be compiled based on your environment. For example, to compile and run the program on Windows: ```shell $> gcc example_windows.c [Enter] ``` This will compile and build `a.out`. To run it: ``` $> a [Enter] ``` # Example ```c struct tray tray = { .icon = "icon.png", .menu = (struct tray_menu[]){{"Toggle me", 0, 0, toggle_cb, NULL}, {"-", 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {"Quit", 0, 0, quit_cb, NULL}, {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}}, }; void toggle_cb(struct tray_menu *item) { item->checked = !item->checked; tray_update(&tray); } void quit_cb(struct tray_menu *item) { tray_exit(); } ... tray_init(&tray); while (tray_loop(1) == 0); tray_exit(); ``` # API Tray structure defines an icon and a menu. Menu is a NULL-terminated array of items. Menu item defines menu text, menu checked and disabled (grayed) flags and a callback with some optional context pointer. ```c struct tray { char *icon; struct tray_menu *menu; }; struct tray_menu { char *text; int disabled; int checked; void (*cb)(struct tray_menu *); void *context; struct tray_menu *submenu; }; ``` * `int tray_init(struct tray *)` - creates tray icon. Returns -1 if tray icon/menu can't be created. * `void tray_update(struct tray *)` - updates tray icon and menu. * `int tray_loop(int blocking)` - runs one iteration of the UI loop. Returns -1 if `tray_exit()` has been called. * `void tray_exit()` - terminates UI loop. All functions are meant to be called from the UI thread only. Menu arrays must be terminated with a NULL item, e.g. the last item in the array must have text field set to NULL. ## Roadmap * [x] Cross-platform tray icon * [x] Cross-platform tray popup menu * [x] Separators in the menu * [x] Disabled/enabled menu items * [x] Checked/unchecked menu items * [x] Nested menus * [ ] Icons for menu items * [x] Rewrite ObjC code in C using ObjC Runtime (now ObjC code breaks many linters and static analyzers) * [ ] Call GTK code using dlopen/dlsym (to make binaries run safely if Gtk libraries are not available) ## License This software is distributed under [MIT license](, so feel free to integrate it in your commercial products.