BT decorator that executes child only if [member cooldown] time passed since previous execution.
BT decorator that executes child only if [member cooldown] time passed since previous child task execution.
Returns [code]RUNNING[/code], when the child returns [code]RUNNING[/code].
Returns [code]SUCCESS[/code], when the child returns [code]SUCCESS[/code], and triggers the cooldown.
Returns [code]FAILURE[/code], if the child returns [code]FAILURE[/code] or [member cooldown] time didn't pass since previous execution.
Boolean variable to save cooldown state in the [Blackboard]. If empty, the variable will be automatically created and assigned.
If variable value is [code]true[/code], the cooldown is triggered.
Useful to check on cooldown state at a different place in the tree or to share a cooldown state between different parts of the behavior tree.
Time to wait before child's another execution is allowed.
Process cooldown time when [SceneTree] is paused.
Start on a cooldown, as if the child was executed before the first BT tick.
Trigger cooldown, if the child returns [code]FAILURE[/code].