A base class for LimboAI typed parameters. A base class for LimboAI typed parameters, with the ability to reference a [Blackboard] variable or hold a raw value of a specific [enum Variant.Type]. [b]Note[/b]: Don't instantiate. Use specific subtypes instead. Returns the expected data type of the parameter. Returns the value of the parameter. Stores the parameter value when [member value_source] is set to [constant SAVED_VALUE]. The data type of the value is determined by [method get_type]. Specifies the source of the value for BBParam. See [enum ValueSource]. Stores the name of a [Blackboard] variable when [member value_source] is set to [constant BLACKBOARD_VAR]. The value is stored directly within the BBParam resource. The value is referenced by a variable name and retrieved from the [Blackboard]. The variable name is stored within the BBParam resource.