# godot4-opus A GDExtension that adds to Godot4 support for encoding voice data using the Opus Codec. This can be useful for those who want to implement VOIP systems for Godot4 games. ## Overview This extension adds a new node to Godot: `Opus` with three methods: `encode`, `decode` and `decode_and_play`. These can be used to compress audio obtained `AudioEffectCapture` and then to decode it so it's usable in Godot again. Usage is best illustrated in this demo: https://github.com/microtaur/godot4-p2p-voip Most interesting part from the demo code illustrating how this works: ```GDScript var _encoder := Opus.new() ... func _audio_process(): while true: if has_data() and active: var data = get_data() call_deferred("rpc", "play_data", data) else: OS.delay_msec(10) ... func get_data() -> PackedFloat32Array: var data = effect.get_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE) return _encoder.encode(data) ... @rpc("any_peer", "call_remote", "reliable") func play_data(data: PackedFloat32Array) -> void: var id = client.multiplayer.get_remote_sender_id() _update_player_pool() _get_opus_instance(id).decode_and_play(_get_generator(id), data) ``` ## Building In order to build this project, you need scons. Currently only Windows x64 (MSVC) is supported. 1. Clone repo with submodules (godot-cpp) ``` git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/microtaur/godot4-opus.git && cd godot4-opus ``` 2. Build debug ``` scons ``` 3. Build release ``` scons target=template_release ``` More information on building GDExtensions: [https://docs.godotengine.org/pl/4.x/tutorials/scripting/gdextension/gdextension_cpp_example.html](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/scripting/gdextension/gdextension_cpp_example.html) ## Known limitations - This is more POC than a production-ready solution although it's not too far from achieving this status. I'm using this code successfully in a scenario similar to the one presented in this demo: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-demo-projects/tree/master/networking/webrtc_signaling - Buffer size must be == 480 - Quality settings are currently hardcoded. Bitrate is 24000; bandwith is OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND. - At the moment this works only on Windows x64. I haven't tried other platforms. Pre-built version of libopus resides in `3rdparty` directory. ## License This is MIT licensed. Project uses Opus Codec which is BSD-licensed.